
Listening to the Heart

Listening to the heart – both literally and figuratively – is an important part of caring for another human being. Integrative medicine joins these two aspects of health into one holistic approach. Let AIHM help you explore new avenues for patient and self-care through its programs – and let the heart be your guide.

Create Connections at Annual Conference

AIHM Annual Conference – People, Planet, Purpose is where our community of more than 1,100 clinicians, researchers and academics comes together to learn from each other and develop true interprofessional collaboration among the many disciplines within integrative health and medicine. AIHM encourages session proposals and poster submissions. Are you ready to lead the movement toward whole-person health? Join us in San Diego in October. |  CONNECT MORE >

Following Her Heart in Health Care

Dr. Corinne Moll said a “craving for a new approach to health and wellness” for her patients led her to participate in the AIHM Fellowship. Now that she’s fully engaged in the curriculum, she has found that her heart is telling her that viewing health care from a wellness and prevention perspective is the future of medicine. She shared her experience in a Q&A with AIHM.

Dr. Corinne Moll

Q. Why did you decide to participate in the AIHM Fellowship?

A. My motivation to participate in the AIHM Fellowship stemmed from a craving for a new approach to health and wellness for my patients. I wanted to inspire patients to “live well” every day – my universal assignment. As health care providers, we see the challenges of chronic disease on a daily basis. Upon realizing how much of this could be prevented or reversed if patients were empowered with the right tools and knowledge, I needed to dive deeper and learn these skills from experts who were already delivering this type of care. Once I was exposed to viewing health care from a wellness and prevention perspective instead of the disease-focused approach, I could not go backwards. My heart says this is the way health care is meant to evolve.

Q. How has the Fellowship enhanced your enthusiasm for your practice?

A. Investing time in this Fellowship and submersing myself in the curriculum has renewed my enthusiasm for medicine. I have truly appreciated the breadth of health-care faculty who have shared their insights, pearls for practice, and innovative approaches to patient care. The other incredible resource in the Fellowship are the Fellows themselves. It is an outstanding group of care providers with a broad range of experience and depth of knowledge that is shared freely and offered in the spirit of integrated education.

As I engage this educational experience, I feel that I enter my patient interactions with a more open heart, taking into consideration their whole being, body, mind, and spirit. While I wish I could become an expert in all of the areas we explore, I realize that the gift is an awareness and understanding that these additional modalities for healing are part of the broader “community toolbox” available for my patients to pursue. Seeking the root cause of disease and understanding it in the context of each individual’s unique life story is contagious. Through the Fellowship, I have enhanced my ability to cultivate self-efficacy in my patients and encourage them to tap into their individual strengths to create their own path to healing.

Q. What are you looking forward to as next steps once you complete the Fellowship?

A. As an Obstetrician/Gynecologist, women’s health and wellness have always been my passion. I am looking forward to creating innovative ways to inspire women to embrace the health supporting measures that surround them every day – the right nutrition, stress management solutions that can be incorporated into everyday living, development of health-focused daily routines, fostering connectivity with others, and igniting a view of healthful living that extends beyond the traditional boundaries of disease management. They need to know that wellness and vitality are achievable – they are in control. I also want to seek out ways to share my knowledge with the community and collaborate with other providers who can be part of an integrative team. As a bonus, the knowledge I am gaining becomes the way I want to live and to lead by example … for my family, friends and my patients.

If you have questions about the Fellowship, please contact us at fellowship@aihm.org or (858) 240-9033, ext. 1000.

E-Learning Offers Convenience

AIHM offers the most robust & affordable E-Learning in integrative health and medicine, designed to deepen your understanding of the science, art and healing power of integrative practice. We offer professional CME/CEU credits, including AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM. |  LEARN MORE >

2016 Conference Recordings

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM). The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston designates this enduring material for a maximum of 69.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Past Newsletters

In this Newsletter

Listening to the Heart

Create Connections at Annual Conference

Following Her Heart in Health Care

E-Learning Offers Convenience

Annual Conference

October 22-25, 2017

San Diego, CA


Submit a session proposal or poster abstract.


Only 48 booths remain to reach over 1,100 attendees.


Registration will be available in April. See the rates now.


Help us develop the Annual Conference.

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The Academy News is a monthly publication providing information about upcoming events, AIHM Membership, education opportunities and other news relevant to Integrative Health & Medicine.

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The Academy News | February 2017 (Heart)

The Academy News | January 2017 (Renewal)

The Academy News | December 2016 (Community)

The Academy News | November 2016 (Connect)

The Academy News | October 2016 (Gathering)

The Academy News | September 2016 (Vibrant)

The Academy News | August 2016 (Collaboration)

The Academy News | July 2016 (Home)

The Academy News | June 2016 (Intertwined)

The Academy News | May 2016 (Green)

The Academy News | April 2016 (Transformation)

The Academy News | March 2016 (Global)

Header photo by motiqua. “Open heart. Catch sunshine”. Creative Commons license by Flickr.

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