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News, stories and media buzz related to Aidmybones

  • Medicine’s Pain Avenger
    via ptproductsonline

    By Sarah DoBroka, PT, SCS, COMT Pain is the communication method the body uses to indicate that something is wrong within a system. Given the choice, most people would elect to avoid pain’s unpleasant sensations, which can range from mild and occasional...

  • Pain Management and Alternative Medicine
    via natural-holistic-health

    Acute and chronic pain effects over 100 million people in the United States each year. While pain is best known and characterized as subjective, meaning only the person who is experiencing it can explain what it feels like, pain is often called the Universal...

  • "What we see during inflammation associated with athletic injuries (a tendon injury, for example) is the localized upregulation and overexpression of peptide hormones that aid in the healing process." by Anthony Roberts Inflammation has become a hot...

  • By Abby Sims » More Columns The healing process entails a remodeling of injured tissues, and things don’t always go as planned. Though tissues adapt well to normal stresses, chronic overuse results in maladaptation that includes an...

  • SRO orthopaedic surgeons discuss the benefits of PRP treatments and reflect on new studies supporting the use of PRP to promote the healing process Santa Rosa, CA (PRWEB) August 21, 2016 When it comes to the treatment of both acute and chronic soft...

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