Episode 67: Understanding Agency Financials From a CPAs Perspective, with Jason Blumer.
Jason Blumer is the Chief Innovative Officer of his firm, Blumer & Associates, CPAs. The firm was one of the first to move from a traditional office to a virtual environment, where they serve digital, marketing, and design agencies. He focuses heavily on business coaching and consulting, while his team meets the technical and compliance needs of the customer.
Jason also founded the Thriveal CPA Network in 2010 as a way to help CPA firm owners connect. Since that time, Thriveal has helped many firms grow by providing an online community, coaching services, webinars, and live events.
Jason is the host of two podcasts, the Thrivecast for the CPA community and The Businessology Show for the creative community. He speaks and writes frequently for CPAs and design agencies, his firm’s chosen niche. He has been honored as one of the 40 under 40 in the profession (CPA Practice Advisor) as well as one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting (Accounting Today). Jason loves to watch documentaries on just about anything and is working on his personal bests in Crossfit several times a week. He lives in Greenville, SC with his wife and their three daughters.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
How Jason and his team got into the agency niche
Mistakes agencies and agency owners make regularly
Why going virtual doesn’t automatically save your agency money
How to legally save your agency money in taxes in ways that make sense for your agency
Employment benefit plans which benefit agency owners
P&L and AGI numbers to know
Why you shouldn’t be struggling to make payroll if you have a strong value proposition
Why being a successful creative director doesn’t mean you should open your own agency
Why you need to be willing to sacrifice services, clients, and your team
How to know whether the metrics that you’re tracking are worth tracking
Things most if not all agencies should track
Why you should outsource your accounting
Jason’s recommended resources
The Golden Nugget:
“If you’re struggling to make payroll, your value proposition is broken.” – @JasonMBlumer
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Ways to Contact Jason Blumer:
Podcast: www.businessology.biz
Website: www.jasonblumer.com
Website: www.blumercpas.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jasonblumer
Twitter: @jasonmblumer
The post Jason Blumer appeared first on Agency Management Institute.