Post ahead Why?
I know there are a lot of threads about frosty cache editor.
there are also a lot of questions about frosty cache editor.
there are a lot of questions about how to edit cache sided stuff.
The common questions or answers i get is how do i change a item name.
how do i add a model.
the model isn't showing.
the itemname did not change.
whatever a lot of stuff just simple things but since people are to lazy
to search and to try out stuff by theirself i was thinking lets make one hell of a tutorial
on how to edit stuff with frosty cache editor and how to recolor.
this is also just easy for me once i get the question i can simply send the link.
i am getting tired myself of these simple questions tbh.. Download
So first download frosty:
i am not sure if there was a new one but this one always worked for me so far not on 742 ofcourse and not on a 667/667
Spoiler for Starting with frost: Main options
Once you got frosty start frosty. you will see this:
There will also popup a console ( do not close it and you will be fine)
just minimize it :)
Click on file ( picture will point it for you..).
Then you will see this:
Click on load cache..
Now What the hell we gotta do??
Find the cache where you want to edit your stuff..
once you done that please make sure you are on the right path.:
Now once you clicked open nothing changes but now you can choose one of
the options on the main dialog.
Once you have chosen your option click on submit
i will show all options we go later into the options:
after that a window will pop-up with a list if you choose items this will
pop up:
this will pop-up for if you chosen NPCs:
Then if you choose itemDefDump no popup will show but the dump will be in the
following path of your computer and your console will output what it dumped. it
will take some time before it will be done so do not be shocked if it frozed for like
20 seconds or less:
the Path: C:\Users\username-PC\FrostyCacheEditor\items
the console:
If you choose NPCDEFDump the same thing will happen as item just for npcs.
Now we come to MultiModelPacker. This is really handfull if you got to add
like 100 models it takes some time and it will freeze the tool but. you only have
to wait for it to be done. You will get a popup like this once you clicked submit
Now you could say keep same id Never use that just don't to avoid problems.
what you gotta do is choose a path see image red arrow. Smart thing to do
Make a folder/map whatever you like to call it on your desktop and put only
Models in there that got the extension .dat So make sure there are no other files
inside that folder/map. then choose that map for the multimodelpacker.
Now you also got multiitempacker ( itemdefinitions) and NpcsPacker Do not use those
they probably wont work Atleast they never worked for me so far.
Now to see per option what options you got click on one of the spoilers below.
Spoiler for Items editing -> Add New Option:
Explaining Add New option
So Item editing that is fun.. not always espescially if you have to edit a lot. but yeah anyway..
So we choosed option items and clicked submit on the starting window yay! we see the following list:
now you can go all the way down to your last itemid (if you only see like 8-9k items your cache is corrupt).
Now you see 4 options
Edit | Add New | Duplicate | Delete
i do not recommend to use the option Delete
I also do not recommend to add new unless you have to most caches by now got itemid of like 30k
if you don't have that and want to have that. simply click on add new then this window will popup:
typ in 30000 ( please be sure not to make more then 40k count your zero's )
for the tutorial i made 30001 cause the cache i use for testing already got 30k. since we only got it about add new and nothing else
this window pops up:
Then to make the cache save till 30k itemid's we have to go to file -> save see picture:
close this window:
and reopen it ( so just click submit on this window:
Why did we have to reopen? well since you did reopen
you now can scroll down and see itemid's till 30k yes they are all named null.
they are just place holders for your new items :)
Spoiler for Editing items: -> Duplicate Option:
Duplicate Option Explaining
Smart thing to do is basicly duplicating an item if you want to recolor it or if you are
going to use sort of the same item let say i want to add a dagger i might aswell just duplicate a dagger
so how to use duplicate? well its kinda easy just you need to watch out a bit ? :)
so we see this itemlist:
i want to create a second cannonball why not!? :) to do this simply select the cannonball like this:
then click on duplicate ( there will pop-up an window asking for itemid)
Please use an itemid that already exist but one thats called a null ( also make sure the null is a null you created or above itemid 26000)
Why i say this is to avoid problems ( some nulls in the cache between 1- say for safety 26000 are used for interfaces i believe.
so i make the second cannonball 26001
now a new window will pop-up. now to do this quick simple a duplicate go to file
click on save and you got your second cannonball itemid :) thats so far the duplicating goes.
it will contain everything the cannonball itemid 2 have.
Spoiler for Item editing -> Edit Item name change/General Tab:
Explaining Edit Item name change
In this Edit item option you will get a lot of options to edit
for this i am going to edit elysian spirit shield: so i find the id ( 13742) i select it:
now click on edit you will see this:
we are able to change anything here really.
i just want to change the item name ( we can put in there what ever you like but
what i want to do is change the color name of the item name to do that use this as follow:
<col=ffffff>Elysian spirit shield <col=ffffff> this will make the name white when right clicking the
item in your inventory or on the ground.
if thats all, you know the drill ( go to file on the top and click on save) Smart thing to do is reload it also
thats the top option when you click on file by reloading you can see if the changes took effect.
By now i hope you guys know where to find the save options and any other options by the name file when you clicked edit item, if not please look trough the other spoilers again just always click on save and reload(when loading your cache you do not have to close the editor!!!!! you can have the editor always open!! i seen a lot of people always closing it and reopen man that takes time..
lets go on with the rest of Edit Item Option
Spoiler for Editing item -> Edit Item Option Model Tab:
Explaining Model Tab Edit Item Option
so this is the second tab : i looks like this:
I already kinda explained everything on the picture ( modelid 2 and 3 are used for items with more models you can make here sort of like halloween mask with a party hat if you want to
you can use party hat first and then halloween mask in second field )
Spoiler for Editing item -> Edit Item Option Options Tab:
Explaining Options Tab Edit Item Option
Now we are already by options goes fast right? i know its a lot to take in thats why its a tutorial and i wont remove..
anyway when you click on the options tab it should look like this:
here you see 4 fields:
inventory | ground | Model colors | texture colors |
inventory options speaks for itself you can change a null with an name that name will appear on the item when right clicking the item in your inventory
you can change drop with ( Destroy ) if you do that ( most servers it will automatically change to destroy when you click it )
ground options same as inventory but then for the ground :)
Model colors : this is used to color models later in the tutorial you will find a spoiler called how to find and edit colors.
Texture colors: this is named wrong ( sorry frosty ) atleast it should just be texture image or whatever.
you can test this by a firecape put inside that field like idk 40=1; then it will turn into water texture.
Now you see 2 tabs unknown definitions and unknown definitions 2 well tbh i do not know what these do i never edit these i just suggest do not edit them? if someone knows stuff about these please post them and i will put them in this tutorial.
Spoiler for Edit item Clientscripts:
Explaining Clientscripts Edit Item
Well the last one for editing items:
you will see this:
you see key numbers value numbers ahashgasksd ! yes a lot of sht good if you did duplicate an item you barely have to edit these.
you can edit bonuses with this item requirements special bar showing and more:
here are lists from frosty:
Spoiler for Clientscripts 686 values attack styles:
Value - Attack Style
0 - Unarmed
1 - Staff/Wand
2 - Battleaxe/Hatchet
3 - Spear - no combined attack
4 - Pickaxe
5 - Dagger/Rapier
6 - Scimitar/Longsword/Teasing Stick
7 - 2h/Godsword
8 - Mace/Anchor
9 - Claws
10 - Warhammer/Maul
11 - Abyssal Whip
12 - Fun Weapons
13 - Darts/Knives
14 - Spear/Hasta/Noose Wand
15 - Halberd
16 - Shortbox/Longbow/Comp Bow
17 - Crossbow
18 - Dart/Knife/Thrownaxe/Javelin/Snowball
19 - Chinchompa
20 - Fixed Device
21 - Salamander
22 - Scythe
23 - Spear
24 - Sling,Chuck,Lob
25 - Jab,Swipe,Fend
Spoiler for Clientscript keys:
key,Object - Example
0,Integer - Stab attack bonus
1,Integer - Slash attack bonus
2,Integer - Crush attack bonus
3,Integer - Magic attack bonus
4,Integer - Range attack bonus
5,Integer - Stab defense bonus
6,Integer - Slash defense bonus
7,Integer - Crush defense bonus
8,Integer - Magic defense bonus
9,Integer - Range defense bonus
11,Integer - Prayer bonus
14,Integer - Attack speed
23,Integer - Ranged level requirement ? ( 20<- /40)
277,Integer - Maxed skill requirement
417,Integer - Summoning defense bonus
528,String - Equipment tab Option (ActionButtons2)
529,String - Equipment tab Option (ActionButtons3)
530,String - Equipment tab Option (ActionButtons4)
531,String - Equipment tab Option (ActionButtons5)
641,Integer - Melee Strength bonus
642,Integer - Magic Strength bonus
643,Integer - Ranged Strength bonus
644,Integer - Render Animation Id
685,Integer - Magic damage
686,Integer - Attack Styles Tab
687,Integer - Special bar (1)
749,Integer - Skill Id Requirment
750,Integer - Skill Level Requirment
751,Integer - Skill Id Requirment
752,Integer - Skill Level Requirment
753,Integer - Skill Id Requirment
754,Integer - Skill Level Requirment
755,Integer - Skill Id Requirment
756,Integer - Skill Level Requirment
757,Integer - Skill Id Requirment
758,Integer - Skill Level Requirment
861,Integer - Quest Id Requirement
967,Integer - Absorve melee bonus
968,Integer - Absorve range bonus
969,Integer - Absorve magic bonus
i know i know its a lot but yeah thats why i am showing so you only have to search and edit :D
in the above lists you see the keys those keys need a value ( the value is something you choose so a number between 0-idk whatever you want but. for some stuff you can't just say ah lets do 1000 like level requirment.
so how do you edit these? its simple you go to the key fields input the key you want to edit then next to it into the value field you input the value you want it to have and once you done that save and reload you will see changes
in the left box i show you:
this is what it was first:
and this is after an edit:
you don't have to edit you can also add new keys and new values just put them in the fields then click on save and it will show right there in the left box after a reload.
Spoiler for Recoloring items:
Explaining Recoloring items
Yay finally here on how to recolor an item yes there are already some people showing how to or explaining how to get the colors i tell it anyway cause there is also something with datmaker that makes your color different.
what i mean with datmaker makes your color different is that it kind of fkedsup the color you want to use ( why idk ) but smart thing to do is make the colors by 2-5 numbers more or less i show in a vid what i do.
so we start here:
First we do not know what color the elysian spirit shield got so what do we have to do? well what you can do is download rsdata suite datmaker and mqo:
Rsdata suite: RSDataSuite v1.2.2
Mqo (Model editor this is the old one) metaseq316:
can also download from original website - 3D modeling software "Metasequoia 4"
Datmaker: DatMaker
if you already got those great amazing if not download them. then first what you do is open rsdata suite ( load your cache and then click on model option)
great now to find the model you want to edit kinda easy open up frosty cache editor go to your item select it then click on edit item go to the model tab and see the numbers(modelid) next to Male equip 1: for me it will be
so i go find that model in rsdata suit then i click on save once i selected that id in rsdata suite. then i save it as Elysian.dat ( do not forget the .dat)
then i open up datmaker.exe ( it will be easy if you got the model and datmaker.exe on one place. so if you see elysian.dat on the datmaker.exe like this
then see next image on what to do:
if you clicked export to mqo then you will get a file named elysian.mqo ( or whatever model you used) i got elysian.mqo
so i open that with the model editor mqo. i will get this: Most wont have material panel and object panel active so
to get those active see the image ( they will come in the center of the screen simply drag them to the side)
you see those mat105 etc the 105 is the color id so will be smart to take the colors: like this
smart thing to do is put the numbers on order cause we will edit the colors the right way so the colors stay nice.
how to recolor on mqo in the vid you see me having more options to get more options go to file -> put basic mode off:
oke video's!!!:
recolor color whatever forget my fails just skip some parts if you already know iidc i am not going to edit the video's XD
how to scale and add a model to
Yes i said hell of a tutorial and did not include how to edit npc's there are thread where they show you how to add npc or edit: if you want i can include them here to but for now i refer you to these guys took me like 2 hours do write this O.o
a snipper for boss pets:
Another boss pet (tutorial):
Custom npc equipping item ( do not really need something catchy but you can follow it)