Hello users of Rune-Server, I would love to start this off by letting you know I am in search for someone that is very in-depth about RSPS, and Runescape in general. I used to run a server back in the day called Donkey Scape, it did get decently popular. ( Don't ask where the name came come, I was young ). I am now more mature, and have a better understanding of what a server needs to succeed ect.
Here is what I am willing to do:
Sponsor the server, do what ever it takes to get things off of the ground. ( Yes paying for anything that will help )
Give what ever the server needs for advertising
Give what ever the server needs to run smooth
Just in general out of my own pocket, and knowledge I will do what ever it takes to get the server where it needs to be in order to succeed.
I'm in need of someone who is very knowledgeable about RSPS. Most importantly, someone who knows how to get things started right away.
I will attempt to build a team for the server, Game Dev, Web Dev, Mods ect. I will take applications, or suggestions based off of the people who are attempting to help me.
Pretty much in general I would love to start a server, and get everything done right. I want it to succeed. The only thing people have to lose is time I suppose, but if you are aware of what needs done and know how to do it I don't see why it wouldn't work out.
If you could please add my skype for more information: Skype: Jbrooks1192