The Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering
(WSE) and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) invite
applications for the position of Bloomberg Distinguished Professor (BDP). The BDP
is expected to lead research in one or more of the research areas of robotics, neuromorphic
systems, and autonomy. Preference will be given to applicants at the tenured full
professor level, but exceptionally qualified candidates at other ranks will be
considered. The Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships (BDPs),
endowed by JHU alumni, philanthropist, and former New York City Mayor Michael
R. Bloomberg, will form a cadre of fifty world-class faculty members whose
excellence in research, teaching, and service will be centered on
interdisciplinary scholarship.
At WSE the BDP will hold a tenured Bloomberg Distinguished
Professorship in one of WSE’s nine academic departments, and have office and
laboratory facilities in WSE’s Laboratory for Computational Sensing and
Robotics (LCSR), an interdisciplinary academic center for engineering,
research, and development. LCSR is
comprised of faculty and students from several WSE Departments (including
Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
and Biomedical Engineering), the JHU School of Medicine (SOM), and the JHU
Applied Physics Laboratory. Located in Hackerman Hall at the Johns Hopkins
University’s Homewood campus in Baltimore, Maryland, this unique research
center is one of the largest and most technologically advanced robotics
research centers in the world.
At APL the BDP will serve as Center Chief for the new APL
Intelligent Systems Center (ISC). The
ISC is a new initiative that brings together all of our research on robotics,
autonomous systems, neuroscience, and information sciences. The very purpose of
this Center is cross-disciplinary collaboration. For the Center Chief we are
seeking a visionary, inspirational leader with deep expertise in at least one
of the core disciplines listed above and the ability to build
cross-disciplinary teams. The Center is focused on exploiting the vast power of
intelligent systems to solve critical challenges facing our nation. Such
challenges include creating autonomous robotic teams capable of assisting
humans in disaster relief missions, creating portable and non-invasive
brain-computer interface technologies that allow humans to control computers
with their thoughts, and creating systems that provide total situational
awareness and event prediction in complex environments. Within APL, the Center
is intended to serve as a Laboratory-wide resource that fosters collaboration
and provides thought leadership in the realm of intelligent systems. External
to APL, a primary duty of the Center Chief is to establish enduring
partnerships with WSE and the larger Johns Hopkins enterprise.
Opportunities for interactions across the University include
transdisciplinary Centers and Institutes: the Laboratory for Computational
Sensing and Robotics, and the Institute for NanoBio Technology; the
Environment, Energy, Sustainability and Health Institute; the Systems
Institute. Departments: Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Biology, Neuroscience; and Divisions across Johns Hopkins: Applied Physics
Laboratory, School of Medicine, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, and
Bloomberg School of Public Health.
The successful candidate must have a doctorate and is
expected to have a strong, independent, internationally recognized research reputation,
and the ability to contribute fully to both undergraduate and graduate
All applications should be submitted electronically to https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/JHU
The application should include a brief cover letter describing the principal
expertise and accomplishments of the applicant, a curriculum vita, a 2-3 page statement
of research including research directions and future plans, a 2-3 teaching
statement, and several representative journal publications. Candidates should
not provide any suggested references. The
application package should be received by May 31, 2015 to ensure full
consideration, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Questions can be addressed to Louis Whitcomb (llw@jhu.edu).