
The Computer Science Department at Harvey Mudd College (HMC) has two
tenure-track openings for assistant professors commencing July 1,
2017. Candidates in all areas of computer science will be considered.

HMC is a highly selective undergraduate liberal arts college (850
students) emphasizing science, mathematics, and engineering. HMC is
part of the Claremont Colleges, a consortium that includes five
colleges and two graduate schools.

The Computer Science Department currently has fourteen tenure-track
faculty members and serves three major programs (the computer science
major, the joint major in computer science and mathematics, and the
joint major in mathematical and computational biology) totaling more
than eighty students in each graduating class. The department and the
college place a high value on engaging students from traditionally
underrepresented groups, and candidates from these groups are
especially encouraged to apply.

Among the department’s strengths are its success in recruiting women
(who comprise nearly 40% of our faculty and more than 40% of our
majors) to computer science, an innovative and rigorous curriculum
that prepares students for both employment and graduate school, and an
active research program that involves a substantial number of
undergraduates. Most classes are relatively small. The teaching load
is two courses per semester, plus supervision of one or two
industry-supported senior capstone Computer Science Clinic projects
per year. Please visit www.cs.hmc.edu for more information about the
department and the Clinic program.

Applicants should use the AcademicJobsOnline system to submit (1) a
cover letter describing their interests in teaching undergraduates at
Harvey Mudd College and in promoting inclusion and diversity in
computer science, (2) a curriculum vita, (3) a statement regarding
teaching philosophy and experience, including evidence of commitment
to promoting inclusion and diversity as well as teaching evaluations
or other evidence of teaching effectiveness, and (4) a statement of
research interests and how undergraduates could participate in this
work. Concurrently, please request three references to submit letters
(the letter writers indicated in the application will automatically
receive a request to upload their letters). It is desirable that at
least one letter address the candidate’s potential as a teacher. All
application materials, including letters of reference, should be
received by December 1, 2016 to receive maximum consideration.

Questions about the position can be addressed to Professors Melissa
O’Neill and Ran Libeskind-Hadas at cssearch@cs.hmc.edu.

Harvey Mudd College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed
to the recruitment of candidates traditionally underrepresented on
college faculties.

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