
February is sort of the redheaded stepchild of the calendar family. With fewer days than any other month, it feels like poor February doesn’t fit in with the rest of the months.

Whatever. The other months are just jealous of February.

Despite this downright ostracism, our coveted second month of the calendar year manages to rock our socks off like a pop star on her comeback tour. February replays her timeless hits, like “Presidents’ Day” and “Leap Year,” to get the crowd going.

But there’s one jam that everyone knows. It’s the track that made February the icon she is today: “Valentine’s Day.”

Valentine’s Day is a time when romantic couples try to show their affection for one another, while the rest of us emotionally remind ourselves of our loneliness by binge-watching Netflix and drowning ourselves in half-priced chocolates.

In either case, take my hand through the tunnel of love as we embark on this monthly roundup, which is conveniently filled with some of my favorite sayings from candy hearts.

1. You’re Super

During the Super Bowl this year, Snickers decided to add a new and clever twist to the mix by broadcasting a live commercial staring Adam Driver.

That’s a fairly risky proposition considering that, according to Forbes, the average 30-second Super Bowl commercial costs roughly $5 million to air.

Will live commercials become a trend in advertising?

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2. Dare Ya

“DARE YA” might be what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is saying to news organizations around the world that are trying to fight against digital trends. Unfortunately for them, his company is squeezing the life out of them like an anaconda.

According to an article by The Atlantic, only 15% of online advertising revenue belongs to news organizations. The remaining 85% belongs to Facebook and Google.

Ultimately, this makes us question where we will get the quality news we need to make sense of the world.

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3. Be True

Alternative facts are like alternative pinecones — you can never rely on their nature, and they might end up being a live grenade. But hey, a little shrapnel never hurt anyone! (Alternative fact.)

Since the conclusion of the 2016 presidential election, we’ve seen an undertaking of fact-checkers utilized by news sources, websites, and even the offices of politicians themselves.

There’s a silver lining, however, as this trend serves as a reminder for digital marketers to always be careful and truthful in the content we create. When promoting to consumers, fact-checking ourselves is the responsible thing to do.

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4. Crazy 4 U

If there’s one thing to be crazy about, it’s Loom.

This video communication platform allows unlimited storage and recording for video and can help you teach your team anything in under 10 minutes! For an Internet service, Loom may just be one of the most innovative ways to train and interactive with your team.

Learn more in this article »

5. Don’t Be That Way

By now, we’ve all been told to anticipate the arrival of the self-driving car. For digital marketers in the automotive industry, the buzz gets us excited for the future.

According to The Atlantic, however, a crucial lawsuit between Google’s Waymo and Uber has muddied the waters. The lawsuit is over Uber’s alleged theft of Waymo’s secrets. Ultimately, it makes us wonder what the future of self-driving cars will look like.

Learn more in this article »

6. Darling

February is Black History Month. As a yearly tribute, the nation honors African-American men and women who have made a significant impact on American culture.

This year, perhaps no one understood that message better than a five-year-old girl, Lola Smith-Jones. Lola’s mother, Cristi, took to Twitter to post side-by-side comparison photos of famous African-American females and her daughter dressed up as those women.

The effect was not only a creative way to celebrate both Black History Month and female empowerment, but also a demonstration of the emotional impact that social media campaigns can have on us.

Image credit: CNN.com

Learn more in this article »

7. Text Me

If you think about it, emojis are kind of baffling. How are these little cartoon faces becoming a legitimate component of our communication?

Imagine if Thomas Jefferson included emojis when drafting the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. <img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/2.2.1/72x72/1f60e.png" alt="

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