
UK-based needlework artist Humayrah Bint Altaf stitches fabulously ornate insects and trees that incorporate antique gold twist cord, hundreds of metallic beads, Rococo threads, and other delicate materials. The end results are scarab beetles that could practically crawl off the canvas and honey bees prepared to take flight.

The three-dimensional images require intense dedication to get every bead and stitch just right, and they often have to be begun anew at some point in the process. Her images of insects shine with metallic stitches that reflect the light just like a real beetle might.

“I often wander through the woods near my home, where I gather leaves, twigs, feathers and other things I can find to bring back home and preserve,” says Bedford-based Altaf. “I also like to incorporate nature’s treasures into my embroideries and with each piece I feel that a part of me has been embedded into my work.”

More : Instagram |  Humayrah Bint Altaf

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