

Social media has turned into a war zone of the best images available on the internet that can be the center of interest for people across the world. Several existing social media platforms have integrated the image sharing techniques, but people are still more in-tune with applications that are dedicated to photo sharing across the mobile platforms. Talking about mobile platforms, it has been broadly divided into two major categories including the iOS by Apple and Android by Google. Both the platforms have had their part of success in terms of applications that believes less in textual communication and more in visual communication (images). Mobile applications, such as, Snapchat and Instagram have been floating in the market for quite some time now, but if you have been using them for a few months you are most probably bored out of the idea of using them every day with interest.

If you have an iOS device and you are a fan of taking and sharing photos online than you must be very excited to know about an application known as Puff. The thing about Puff is that it will never get you bored, by making you follow a daily normal routine of putting pictures online and then surfing through the boring pictures of people on the internet. Although, it is a photo sharing application, but things in here are a little different and fun. Once, you upload a picture to Puff, your picture will be sent to 5 people using the same application online, after every like it gets the picture would be shared with a further 5 members using the application and this way your picture will go viral in a matter of seconds provided it is of interest to people, if not, the picture will slowly and gradually blur out of the system.

There a number of advantages to this approach, first of all you will always be in search for the best picture available, if you are a photographer you can grow your motivation towards photography by making sure that your picture stays on the application and right in front of the world as soon as they open up their applications. Second, the application will automatically filter out the pictures that are not interesting or even if someone if spamming, this way you would get to see better content on the application, unlike the ones you get to see on daily basis on the boring and traditional applications. Thirdly, it is fun! – you get to share your picture and you immediately get the response of people on the picture, you can also keep track of what people around the world like in terms of photos and images.

If you haven’t downloaded the application yet, download it immediately, without any further delay and discover an interested world full of interesting people and amazing photos.

The post Puff – The Best Images From Around The World appeared first on Zufash.

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