

Yes, really! I just moved to Tokyo and I only have part-time work at the moment, which means I don’t have enough money but I do have time to draw! Take advantage of these excruciatingly low prices.


For the sake of simplicity, let’s say I have two styles:

Small and cute — Those drawings I do with Raymondo Person, Tobias and Jube, and other, similarly blobby characters that look like they could be on Japanese stationery. These drawings have some form of background or environment, of a Seussian and occasionally surreal, impossiblish nature.

Big and stupid

— Just my normal cartoon dudes, like Archie and Mr Die Hard up there. Might be some simple backgrounds in pics like this, depending on the layout etc.

Sizes and Prices

…with notes on what you can reasonably expect/request. In practice there will always be some variation based on artistic decisions.

Prices are in US dollars. Postage is optional. (I will send you the physical artwork if you want it but either way I’ll email you a high-res, cleaned-up scan of the artwork by email. Original artwork makes an especially lovely gift.)

~ Postcards ~

Black and white: $25 | Colour: $38 | Postage: add $5

Small and cute — Just one or two characters and a splash of background.

Big and stupid

— Probably just enough room for a head- or head-and-shoulders portrait, depending on the character.

~ Small (124 x 174mm) ~

Black and white: $35 | Colour: $55 | Postage: add $10

Small and cute — Probably two, three, maybe four characters, with a nice bit of scenery.

Big and stupid — One featured character; room for a second, or a bit of background, or both, depending on the layout. Or you could just have a nice big headshot of a single character. If you want a full-body shot of a character at this size, they’re gonna be pretty simplified… unless it’s Papa Smurf or something; he would fit easily at FULL REALISTIC DETAIL LEVEL. (The point is I would recommend something more head-and-shouldersy.)

~ Big (182 x 257mm — Japanese B5) ~

Black and white: $100 | Colour: $200 | Postage: add $20

Small and cute — Up to four or five characters if you want ‘em, depending on the scene of course. I would expect to fill in a space this big with a quite lovely and interesting background.

Big and stupid — This would be a good size to choose if you wanted a drawing based on a movie or something like that. Easily room for two, maybe up to four characters, depending. You could have a full-body shot of one character; two if they’re the only two characters and you don’t want any sort of background. (That might look a bit flat, but I’d do my best to make it work.)

How to Order

If this is a reblog, check the original post first to make sure I haven’t updated it with a big notice saying, “COMMISSIONS ARE OVER!”

If there’s something you’re unsure about, message me first. I’ll answer your questions.

Email your request and paypal your $$$ to panic [at] chickennation [dot] com. Remember: US dollars, and don’t forget to include postage if you want the physical artwork. If you want the physical artwork, include your full mailing address, not forgetting your state, postcode, and COUNTRY — AMERICANS, I AM TALKING TO YOU. Don’t make me have to google for all the bits you left out. (Oh and your FULL, REAL NAME please; I just remembered I do actually have to say that.)

Wait patiently. I’ll send you a photo of the artwork when it’s done, and a high-res scan as soon as I’m able to; same with posting the physical artwork. If you need the artwork by a certain date because it’s a gift, message me before ordering so we can make sure it’s do-able.

That’s it. Thanks!

Patrick What Sort of Things Will You Draw

I’m happy to draw my own characters, movie and TV characters or actors, cartoon characters, singers I may or may not have heard of, videogame characters, politicians, directors, artists, you and/or your friend (include photos please) — the usual sort of thing. I can probably draw your original characters but please ask first. Nothing racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise bigoted, obviously. If you’re not sure, ask first.

If you follow my work, or if you follow me on social media, you probably have a decent-ish idea of where my interests lie. Basically, it’s

Rad-as-hell pop culture stuff

Old shit you kids probably think you’re pretty cool if you’re into


None of that awful nonsense garbage

Not Transformers either

BUT WHATEVER MAN, I’ll draw whatever you want. Just be aware it’s gonna be me drawing it. You’re getting a Patrick Alexander artwork, and that is what it is. That’s why you want one.

Just think of a cool thing you like. Now imagine it drawn by me. If that made you go, “Oh, hey YEAH!” then you’re probably onto a winner.

How Detailed Should My Request Be?

Not very.

GOOD: 182x257 size; ‘Big and Stupid’ style; black and white. I love the David Cronenberg movie ‘Scanners’ and I really want a picture of Vale (the main character) looking like a weirdo badass, with Obrist (the heroine) too if possible. Very important is to have Patrick McGoohan’s character included somehow, hovering in the background or whatever. Thanks!

BAD: My favourite is Pissywhee, so could you draw Pissywhee as a human please in a gold bikini but she has three breasts. My arm is around Pissywhee and she’s looking at me lovingly but I’m looking towards the distant Mountains of Gabbagagoon’n (from ep. 245a) and in my other arm is a whip and it should be clear that the whip is for whipping Pissywhee later on in the castle in the distance that should look like a dark version of the Disney castle. Me and Pissywhee are riding an elephant across the famous crossing in Shibuya and all the people are terrified of us, including the terrified face of Megumi Hayashibara (circa 1995) who is on the big TV on the building. She should have a speech bubble saying, “Now that’s-a sexy meat-a-ball!!!” but in Japanese. I’m dressed as Ten (with the long jacket) but I’m also wearing a black English fedora (you know the round ones) as a nod to you-know-who.

I Want Mine Coloured; How Will You Colour It?

Probably with watercolours or alcohol-based (Copic style) markers, but this is entirely my decision.

And Copyright???

I retain copyright of the artwork, but you’ll get a (very) high-resolution digital copy, and the physical artwork if you want it, and you have never-ending permission to use the artwork however you like, so long as it’s for personal use and not for profit.

OK What If I Want a Commission That’s Not Really Covered By Any of the Categories Above, Or For a Commercial Purpose?

Message/email me.

Should I Reblog This Shit?

Yeah, that’d be very nice, thank you.

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