Is it one zoo in the world that have animal species from all the seven continents ? I dont think so, because very few zoos have animals from the seventh continent Antarctica. The only animal species in zoos that I can think of that come from Antarctica is the emperor penguin. And only Sea World in San Diego and a place in Japan have emperor penguins. Off course there are some penguin species like the king penguin that live on subantarctic islands, but not on the continent it self. So is it a zoo in the world that have animals from all seven continents ? The closest one would be the Berlin Zoo if you count their subantarctic king penguins. Also both Berlin and London Zoo have kept Emperor penguins in the past.
Plenty off zoos have animals from six continents in the world. Some I can think off is Berlin Zoo/and Tierpark, San Diego Zoo, and Bronx Zoo, which other zoos have animals from six continents ? Is it a zoo in the world (or have it ever been) with animals from all the worlds continents, and animals from all the worlds oaceans ? Keep the facts coming !