
Okay, so I have have made a list of what mammal species and how many individuals, I would like to have in my dream zoo. This is a long list, with over 500 species, most of the species exists in captivity today, some dont, but anyway this is just fantasy. I am working on a bird list too, but I will may take a couple of weeks before it is finished. Other people can post their dream zoo animal list on this thread as well.

Zoo animal list


Short-beaked echidna: 2

Western long-beaked echidna: 2

Platypus: 4

Virginia opossum: 4

Gray short tailed opossum: 2

Numbat: 2

Greater bilby: 4

Eastern barred bandicoot: 2

Koala: 4

Common vombat: 2

Southern hairy-nosed wombat: 2

Northern quol: 2

Tasmanian devil: 2

Sugar glider: 4

Northern common cuscus: 2

Honey possum: 4

Kowari: 2

Red kangaroo: 6

Eastern grey kangaroo: 6

Red-necked wallaby: 6

Brush-tailed rock-wallaby: 4

Parma wallaby: 4

Brush-tailed bettong: 4

Long-nosed potoroo: 2

Doria's tree-kangaroo: 2

Goodfellow's tree-kangaroo: 4

Lumholtz's tree-kangaroo: 2

European hedgehog: 4

Long-eared hedgehog: 2

North African hedgehog: 4

Hispaniolan solenodon: 2

Common shrew: 2

Eurasian water shrew: 2

Eurasian pygmy shrew: 2

Lowland streaked tenrec: 6

Russian desman: 4

European mole: 2

Star-nosed mole: 2

Egyptian fruit bat: 10

Franquet's Epauletted Fruit Bat: 6

Rodrigues flying fox: 6

Indian flying fox: 6

Lyle's flying fox: 6

Livingstone's fruit bat: 6

Common vampire bat: 6

Seba's short-tailed bat: 4

Lesser horseshoe bat: 4

Daubenton's bat: 6

Serotine bat: 4

Brown long-eared bat: 4

Madras treeshrew: 2

Sunda flying lemur: 2

Calabar angwantibo: 2

Red slender loris: 2

Sunda slow loris: 2

Potto: 2

Brown greater galago: 2

Senegal bushbaby: 2

Mohol bushbaby: 2

Common brown lemur: 6

Black lemur: 6

Eastern lesser bamboo lemur: 6

Black-and-white ruffed lemur: 4

Red ruffed lemur: 4

Ring-tailed lemur: 20

Crowned lemur: 6

Greater bamboo lemur: 4

Mongoose lemur: 6

Verreaux's sifaka: 6

Coquerel's sifaka: 4

Gray mouse lemur: 2

Indri: 2

Aye-aye: 2

Philippine tarsier: 2

Gray woolly monkey: 6

Geoffroy's spider monkey: 6

Southern muriqui: 4

Red-faced spider monkey: 6

Black-headed spider monkey: 6

Brown spider monkey: 4

Venezuelan red howler: 6

Guatemalan black howler: 6

Monk saki: 4

White-faced saki: 2

Bald uakari: 6

Red-bellied titi: 2

Azara's night monkey: 2

Coppery titi: 2

Tufted capuchin: 20

Wedge-capped capuchin: 10

Golden-bellied capuchin: 10

Bolivian squirrel monkey: 20

Common squirrel monkey: 30

Emperor tamarin: 4

Cotton-top tamarin: 4

Silvery marmoset: 4

Goeldi's marmoset: 4

Common marmoset: 4

Geoffroy's tamarin: 2

Pied tamarin: 2

Golden lion tamarin: 4

Golden-headed lion tamarin: 4

Mandrill: 6

Drill: 6

Patas monkey: 6

De Brazza's monkey: 6

Collared mangabey: 10

Crab-eating macaque: 10

Rhesus macaque: 10

Celebes crested macaque: 6

Guinea baboon: 10

Hamadryas baboon: 16

Olive baboon: 20

Chacma baboon: 12

Barbary macaque: 10

Japanese macaque: 10

Southern pig-tailed macaque: 6

Lion-tailed macaque: 6

Stump-tailed macaque: 6

Green monkey: 6

Vervet monkey: 6

Diana monkey: 6

Wolf's mona monkey: 6

L'Hoest's monkey: 6

Collared mangabey: 6

Sooty mangabey: 6

Gelada: 10

Proboscis monkey: 4

Mantled guereza: 6

Golden snub-nosed monkey: 6

Northern plains gray langur: 6

François' langur: 4

Lar gibbon: 4

Siamang: 2

Black crested gibbon: 4

Silvery gibbon: 2

Bonobo: 6

Common chimpanzee: 20

Western lowland gorilla: 6

Mountain gorilla: 4

Borneo orangutan: 4

Sumatran orangutan: 4

Hoffmann's two-toed sloth: 2

Linnaeus's two-toed sloth: 2

Giant anteater: 4

Southern tamandua: 2

Nine-banded armadillo: 2

Six banded armadillo: 2

Giant armadillo: 2

Chinese pangolin: 2

Ground pangolin: 2

American pika: 2

Mountain hare: 4

Arctic hare: 4

European hare: 4

European rabbit: 6

Domesticated rabbit: 6

Volcano rabbit: 6

Black-tailed jackrabbit: 2

European ground squirrel: 6

Cape ground squirrel: 6

Siberian flying squirrel: 4

Spotted giant flying squirrel: 2

Eastern chipmunk: 4

Northern palm squirrel: 4

Red squirrel: 4

Eastern gray squirrel: 4

American red squirrel: 4

Prevost's squirrel: 4

Indian giant squirrel: 2

Grizzled giant squirrel: 2

Alpine marmot: 6

Bobak marmot: 6

Black-tailed prairie dog: 20

South African Springhare: 4

Eurasian beaver: 4

North American beaver: 4

Golden hamster: 2

Roborovski hamster: 2

European hamster: 2

Malagasy giant rat: 4

Mongolian gerbil: 4

European water vole: 4

Muskrat: 4

Yellow-necked mouse: 2

Common deer mouse: 2

Eurasian harvest mouse: 4

Barbary striped grass mouse: 4

Norway lemming: 4

Steppe lemming: 4

Black rat: 6

Brown rat: 10

Fancy rat: 4

House mouse: 6

Fancy mouse: 6

Cactus mouse: 4

Hazel dormouse: 2

Edible dormouse: 4

Four-toed jerboa: 2

Guinea pig: 6

Brazilian guinea pig: 6

Common degu: 4

Common gundi: 2

Cairo spiny mouse: 4

Arabian spiny mouse: 4

Crete spiny mouse: 4

Fat sand rat: 4

Acacia rat: 4

Northern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat: 2

Malagasy giant rat: 2

Rakali: 4

Gambian pouched rat: 4

North American porcupine: 2

Brazilian porcupine: 2

Cape porcupine: 4

Indian Crested Porcupine: 4

Capybara: 6

Patagonian mara: 6

Coypu: 4

Azara's agouti: 2

Lowland paca: 2

Pacarana: 2

Plains viscacha rat: 6

Short-tailed chinchilla: 4

Desmarest's hutia: 2

Naked mole rat: 10

Amazon river dolphin: 4

South Asian river dolphin: 2

Tuxuci: 4

Beluga: 4

Harbour porpoise: 6

Risso's dolphin: 6

Common bottlenose dolphin: 8

Atlantic spotted dolphin: 6

Common dolphin: 6

Commerson's dolphin: 6

False killer whale: 4

Killer whale: 6

Red fox: 2

Rüppell's fox: 2

Blanford's fox: 2

Domesticated dog: 24 (20 domesticated dog, 4 new guinea wild dog)

Kit fox: 2

Fennec fox: 4

Arctic fox: 4

Raccoon dog: 2

Bush dog: 6

Maned wolf: 2

Coyote: 6

Ethiopian wolf: 6

Red wolf: 6

Dingo: 6

Bat-eared fox: 2

Gray fox: 2

Crab-eating fox: 2

Corsac fox: 2

Dhole: 6

African wild dog: 6

Gray wolf: 12 (6 normal coloured, 6 white)

Golden jackal: 2

Black-backed jackal: 2

Side-striped jackal: 2

Polar bear: 6

American black bear: 4

Asian black bear: 2

Sun bear: 2

Sloth bear: 2

Spectacled bear: 2

Giant panda: 4

Brown bear: 6 (4 european, 2 grizzly)

Red panda: 2

Ring-tailed cat: 2

Raccoon: 4

Crab-eating raccoon: 2

Kinkajou: 2

South American coati: 6

White-nosed coati: 6

Northern olingo: 2

European mink: 2

American mink: 2

Domesticated ferret: 4

Black-footed ferret: 2

European polecat: 4

Marbled polecat: 2

Striped polecat: 2

Stoat: 2

Least weasel: 2

European pine marten: 2

Yellow-throated marten: 2

Beech marten: 2

Tayra: 2

Fisher marten: 2

Sable: 2

African striped weasel: 2

Greater grison: 2

Wolverine: 4

Honey badger: 2

European badger: 4

American badger: 2

Japanese badger: 2

Burmese ferret-badger: 2

Striped skunk: 4

Eastern spotted skunk: 2

Asian small-clawed otter: 6

European otter: 4

Giant otter: 2

Sea otter: 4

Common genet: 2

Malay civet: 2

Spotted linsang: 2

Asian palm civet: 2

Owston's palm civet: 2

African civet: 2

Binturong: 2

Yellow mongoose: 6

Banded mongoose: 10

Common dwarf mongoose: 6

Ring-tailed mongoose: 2

Narrow-striped mongoose: 2

Indian grey mongoose: 2

Meerkat: 10

Fossa: 2

Aardwolf: 2

Brown hyena: 2

Striped hyena: 2

Spotted hyena: 6

Domesticated cat: 10

Wildcat: 2

Jungle cat: 2

Colocolo: 2

Kodkod: 2

Andean mountain cat: 2

Oncilla: 2

Rusty-spotted cat: 2

Sand cat: 2

Geoffroy's cat: 2

Pallas's cat: 2

Iberian lynx: 2

Eurasian lynx: 4

Canada lynx: 2

Bobcat: 4

Caracal: 2

Serval: 4

African golden cat: 2

Asian golden cat: 2

Marbled cat: 2

Black-footed cat: 2

Fishing cat: 2

Ocelot: 2

Margay: 2

Flat-headed cat: 2

Tiger: 6 (4 malaysian, 2 white bengal)

Jaguarundi: 2

Cougar: 2

Clouded leopard: 2

Leopard: 4 (2 african, 2 javan)

Snow leopard: 2

Jaguar: 3

Cheetah: 4

Lion: 14 (10 normal, 4 white)

California sea lion: 10

Brown Fur Seal: 6

New Zealand sea lion: 4

Northern fur seal: 4

Steller sea lion: 4

South American sea lion: 4

Galápagos sea lion: 6

South American fur seal: 4

Walrus: 4

Mediterranean monk seal: 4

Hawaiian monk seal: 2

Southern elephant seal: 3

Grey seal: 6

Harbor seal: 6

Baikal seal: 2

African bush elephant: 6

Asian elephant: 6

Aardvark: 4

Southern tree hyrax: 6

Cape hyrax: 6

West Indian manatee: 4

Amazonian manatee: 4

Domesticated horse: 6

Przewalski's horse: 6

Domesticated donkey: 4

African wild ass: 6

Kiang: 6

Grévy's zebra: 6

Plains zebra: 10

Mountain zebra: 6

Sumatran rhinoceros: 2

Javan rhinoceros: 2

Indian rhinoceros: 4

Black rhinoceros: 4

White rhinoceros: 4

South American tapir: 4

Malayan tapir: 4

Baird's tapir: 4

Mountain tapir: 2

Domesticated pig: 10

Giant Forest Hog: 4

Pygmy hog: 6

Wild boar: 6

Red river hog: 6

North Sulawesi babirusa: 4

Warthog: 4

Collared peccary: 6

Chacoan peccary: 6

Visayan warty pig: 6

Hippopotamus: 6

Pygmy hippopotamus: 4

Guanaco: 6

Vicuña: 6

Llama: 4

Alpaca: 4

Bactrian camel: 6

Dromedary: 6

Philippine mouse-deer: 2

Roe deer: 4

Water deer: 4

Siberian musk deer: 4

Reeves's muntjac: 2

Fallow deer: 10

Chital: 10

Sambar deer: 2

Indian hog deer: 4

Red deer: 6

Sika deer: 10

Père David's deer: 6

Thorold's deer: 4

Eld's deer: 6

Mule deer: 6

White-tailed deer: 6

Elk: 6

Visayan spotted deer: 6

Marsh deer: 2

Southern pudú: 2

Reindeer: 4

Moose: 4

Pronghorn: 6

Okapi: 4

Giraffe: 10 (masaii giraffe: 5, rotschilds giraffe: 5)

Sitatunga: 6

Bongo: 4

Nyala: 6

Greater kudu: 6

Lesser kudu: 6

Common eland: 6

Nilgai: 4

Lowland anoa: 2

Water buffalo: 6

African buffalo: 6

Banteng: 4

Kouprey: 4

Domesticated zebu: 4

Yak: 4

Domesticated cattle: 14 (6 normal cow, 4 scotish highland cattle, 4 watussi)

American bison: 6

European bison: 6

Gaur: 4

Red forest duiker: 2

Common duiker: 2

Jentink's duiker: 2

Zebra duiker: 2

Ellipsen waterbuck: 6

Lechwe: 6

Roan antelope: 6

Sable antelope: 6

Scimitar-horned oryx: 6

Gemsbok: 6

Arabian oryx: 6

Addax: 6

Bontebok: 6

Dama gazelle: 6

Common tsessebe: 6

Hartebeest: 6

Blue wildebeest: 10

Black wildebeest: 6

Klipspringer: 2

Steenbok: 2

Kirk's dik-dik: 2

Blackbuck: 6

Impala: 8

Gerenuk: 4

Springbok: 10

Thomson's gazelle: 8

Saiga antelope: 6

Mongolian gazelle: 6

Domesticated goat: 22 (African pygmy goat: 12, Boergoat: 6, Norwegian coast goat: 4)

Domesticated sheep: 10

Japanese serow: 2

Mountain goat: 4

Chamois: 6

Alpine ibex: 6

Iberian ibex: 6

Muskox: 4

Mishmi takin: 2

Wild goat: 6

Markhor: 4

Bharal: 6

Barbary sheep: 6

Argali: 6

Mouflon: 6

Bighorn sheep: 6

504 mammal species, if I counted correctly

2349 mammal individuals, if I counted correctly

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