
Looney Tunes – Back in Action (Widescreen Edition)

Live Action Adventure Comedy. Set in a live-action world in which Warner Bros.’ beloved assortment of irreverent animated entertainers interact with human characters for maximum comic effect, the story unfolds on the Studio backlot and careens all over the map in time-honored Looney Tunes style. Our celluloid heroes embark on a hilarious adventure that takes them from Hollywood to Las Vegas, Paris

Brendan Fraser, Jenna Elfman, Steve Martin. Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck have to team up to stop the ominous Acme Corporation from obtaining the rare and beautiful Blue Monkey Gem. A nonstop adventure combining live action and animation, with plenty of surprise cameos! 2003/color/92 min/PG.

List Price: $ 5.97

Price: $ 2.96

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