TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear Zoe live on the RADIO with YOUR WEEK AHEAD forecast! 8pm est/5pm pst!
TUNE IN every THIRD FRIDAY to hear Zoe live on the RADIO with YOUR NEXT MONTHS forecast!Noon est/9am pst!
AUGUST OVERVIEW for all signs:
Can you believe we all made it through warrior Mars delving deep into the underworld of Scorpio and actively pushing us all over life and death scenarios, power struggles, control issues, third party situations, sexual drive, divorce, and major financial themes? Well, we did and now August is going to turn the page on that story as Mars enters into Sagittarius on the 2nd and tours here until September 27th. This is now the time to dive into legal matters, travel plans, foreign interests, media projects, marketing ideas, educational pursuits, weddings, religion, or politics. Choose the ones that call to you and expect to be able to motivate on a higher level than at other times over the next 2 years, it’s time to do it! Note that Saturn has been Retrograde over these same themes since March and now will go Direct on the 13th allowing for forward movement involving goals, commitments, endings, structuring, authority figures in the mix like the boss, parent, judge, or mentor, responsibilities, and ambitions. So you may get another boost around this mid-month period. Finally, Mars and Saturn come together on the same degree on the 24th so this date may be important for the direction you are going with these legal, travel, educational, foreign, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests.
Our New Moon this month is also on the 2nd and in Leo. This means we all get a cosmic boost to help us start something new or move things into that next chapter in ongoing scenarios that focus on Leo themes: True love, children, creativity, and fun. So plan on embarking on that next level opportunity here and planting seeds that can then grow sometime in the 2 weeks that follow this New Moon, you’ll have more momentum behind it if you do.
Next month we will experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse and this is a very powerful new beginning energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what is blocking progress or that has run it's course as part of the fresh start. This month the Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 4th. That means that you may experience part or all of that new beginning energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something new is in the offering or can be kicked off involving health, work, animals, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, getting organized, cleaning, or with environmental interests.
There is going to be a surge of energy pouring into Virgo as well this month and it is one of those windows of time that won’t repeat again for another 12 years so you REALLY want to be proactive about these themes: work, hired help, co-workers, organizing, cleaning, simplifying, paperwork, health, animals, and environmental interests. There is true growth opportunity here and this is the month to start the talks, meetings, interviews, short trips, local activities, writing, agreements, sales, or decisions about it. Seek out ways to earn money, involve women, share the love, or focus on the beauty there. This is the last full month of Jupiter bringing his luck and expansive energy to these topics, Mercury is already here as the month begins and will stay until Oct. 7th, and now Venus and the Sun will join in helping you to show up and get more personally or physically active in what is possible. Key dates that stand out are the 5th, 22nd and 27th for added potential, so circle them on your calendar. Mercury will Retrograde over these matters starting on the 30th so things will begin to slow and at this point it will be time to start to go back over everything to fine tune things and get them right by the time Mercury goes Direct on Sept. 22nd. This fine tuning process may involve reconnecting with past people, issues or situations to rework things or release them, and as with all MRx periods you do have to watch out for mix-ups or glitches that can occur, part of the slowing down process so that you don’t overlook something that needs that added attention.
The Full Moon this month arrives on the 18th so you will be building to some kind of high-point in Aquarius by this date. That means something may be wrapping up, ending, celebrated, or achieved involving your aspirations, freedom, original ideas, cause, charities, friends, group, the internet, astrology, or gathering at this time. Emotions run high, it’s about the arc of what’s happened over the last year in these arenas.
Next month we will experience a second Eclipse, this one a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and this is a very powerful culmination energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what has run it's course as part of the wrap-up, ending, achievement, or celebration. This month the second Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 19th. That means that you may experience part or all of that climactic energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something is reaching it's apex involving film, music, art, or other muse-related topics, prayer, meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices, karmic/past life unions, clandestine romance, or romantic getaways, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, or recuperation, secrets, deception or boundary issues, or research, investigations or development behind the scenes.
Finally, Venus moves into Libra on the 29th where she will tour over the weeks ahead and focus her attention on relationships. This is a lovely period for everyone to focus on romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, or even the opponents or competition and where you are with your Venus themes: True love, income, women, or beauty. This is the time of the year to experience these things, to attract what you need here or smooth out rough edges in relationships ongoing, and to enjoy what’s occurring a bit more so plan accordingly.
Your ruler, Mars, is finally exiting the dark zone of Scorpio on August 2nd and moving into Sagittarius where it will now travel until September 27th. This means that you have almost 2 months to dive in and get active about any legal matters you’d like to settle, any educational pursuits you’d like to further, your media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting goals you’d like to achieve, your travel plans or focus on people or situations at a distance, the wedding interest before you, your religious direction, or your political needs. This all started to show you potential as far back as March but it will be the actions you take now that will set things moving, once Mars moves on it will be another 2 years before he is back on board. Saturn has been Retrograde in these same matters since Mars and he goes Direct again on August 13th so at this point the potential to solidify something concrete one way or the other is back on board as well. This makes it the time to reach out to authority types or involve them, to set new goals, look at limits, endings, commitments, responsibilities, and ambitions in the mix. By the 24th Mars and Saturn will meet on the same degree to begin in earnest together towards what you need in these matters, mark the date.
The New Moon on the 2nd is about opening up new possibilities for you or helping you take current interests to the next level when it comes to your creative endeavors and talents, your love life or lover, the children, or your recreational pursuits. Be proactive in the 2 weeks that follow this fresh start since you have more momentum now to set things in motion or seed them with potential.
Next month we will experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse and this is a very powerful new beginning energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what is blocking progress or that has run it's course as part of the fresh start. This month the Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 4th. That means that you may experience part or all of that new beginning energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something new is in the offering or can be kicked off involving health, work, animals, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, getting organized, cleaning, or with environmental interests.
There is a story that is taking place this month in another area of your life as well, your 6th house. This house is all about your job and other work you do, the people you work with or hire to help you in any facet of life, the organizing you do to help you run your life more easily, cleaning and the details you attend to, your health, animals, environmental interests, and any paperwork you are focusing on. Mercury is in this zone from the beginning of the month, helping you to think more about these matters and opening up talks, meetings, interviews, writing, agreements, sales, offers, short trips, and decisions about it. Venus will join in on the 5th onward to bring women on board or to help you attract things more easily or smooth out rough edges, to enhance by way of love, income or beauty, and bring more enjoyment overall in the weeks ahead. The Sun will then join in on the 22nd onward, kicking off a 30 day cycle that will ask you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in what you can do about these work, health, pet, paperwork, co-worker, hired help, organizing, environmental, or clean-up interests. This is putting a spotlight on you helping you to take the lead. This is also the last full month Jupiter will travel through these themes trying to help you find more happiness or prosperity, opening up potential for growth or bringing some protection around it. On the 22nd Mercury will meet with Jupiter on the same degree, an optimal day for offers, agreements, sales, interviews, writing, talks, meetings, and decisions about it. Remember Jupiter rules legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes so there may be something here that can help your 6th house topics. Venus meets with Jupiter on the same degree on the 27th, another stellar day to circle on your calendar, this one for women, love, income, or beauty themes in the mix. Finally, on the 30th Mercury will Retrograde slowing things down, possibly causing a few mix-ups or glitches, and taking you back over things so you can revisit past people or situations, rework, release or reclaim things and get it right by the 22nd of September when Mercury goes Direct.
I’d like to address two other points with all this activity in the 6th house of Virgo this month. First, at one point Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will oppose Chiron in Pisces from this arena so on these days you may have the opportunity to face a wound or vulnerability with another person and to do some healing. To that end it may be important to be conscious of the days this can arise since the Pisces placement can mean we are caught unaware and don’t figure it out until later. Jupiter will oppose Chiron between the 12-16th, exact on the 13th, so look at the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes to play a part. Mercury will oppose Chiron on the 19th so look at news, talks, ideas, meetings, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, local activities, electronics, writing, interviews, or decisions to play a part. Venus will oppose Chiron on the 25th so look at women, love, income, or beauty themes to play a part.
Second, both Mercury and Venus will come to sit with the North Node of Destiny in the 6th house of Virgo for the last time in 18 years this month. That means you can intentionally focus on making some choices that are pointed towards your destiny in work, with health, the paperwork, animals, environment, with co-workers, hired help, the paperwork, or how you organize, clean or simplify. Mercury will sit with the Destiny point on the 8th favoring decisions or ideas, talks or offers, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, all about these topics going forward. Venus will sit with the North Node of Destiny on the 15-16th favoring the women, income, beauty, or love themes in the mix going forward. So mark your calendars and plan on spending lots of time forwarding your interests in these areas with so much energy behind you!
The Full Moon this month falls on the 18th and for your sign will highlight some kind of climax with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, or original ideas. You will feel this in the days leading up to completion and want to work towards wrapping things up, endings, achievements, or celebrations here.
Next month we will experience a second Eclipse, this one a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and this is a very powerful culmination energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what has run it's course as part of the wrap-up, ending, achievement, or celebration. This month the second Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 19th. That means that you may experience part or all of that climactic energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something is reaching it's apex involving film, music, art, or other muse-related topics, prayer, meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices, karmic/past life unions, clandestine romance, or romantic getaways, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, or recuperation, secrets, deception or boundary issues, or research, investigations or development behind the scenes.
The only other shift we have this month comes from Venus on the 29th as she moves into Libra. This means in the last few days of the month you may find you are drawn toward one key relationship or are starting to want to focus more on this potential. Venus can make it about love, beauty or income so feel out where you want to go with romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, or opponents, there will be more to show for this in September. I can’t tell you how much more you could glean in a private reading based on your personal birth data, literally the sky’s the limit! If you’d like to find out the cost and the details for booking a session email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and we’ll take that next step towards understanding.
HEAR MORE on the AUGUST MONTHLY Radio Show here!
It’s likely that you began to get busy, fired up, motivated, passionate, or angry about what you needed to do about your 8th house matters back in March when Mars first arrived in Sagittarius. It may have motivated you to start in on the big financial needs like loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, commissions, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, or some other outside or shared resource. It may have also focused you on the personal side of the 8th house which is your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party matters. Either way, the energy then dipped out of this sign via a long retrograde and now as you enter August Mars is going to head back into Sagittarius on the 2nd in Direct motion where he will travel until September 27th. This gives you about 2 months to dive in and do what needs doing about these themes, whether that means taking action, expressing the passion or dealing with anger over it, after this date it will be a couple years before he is back around to motivate you. At the same time, Saturn Retrograded in this 8th house back in March and has slowed things down or made you focus on the past and anything serious here since. On August 13th Saturn goes Direct and this means you can now move forward with endings, commitments, responsibilities, authority figures, structures, or ambitions in the mix, your leadership abilities will get a boost in these areas. By the 24th Mars and Saturn will meet on the same degree in these subjects, a demarcation point towards the next chapter, a time to act and to cement things one way or the other.
The New Moon arrives on the 2nd opening up a 2 week window that is your opportunity to start something new or enter into the next chapter with current activities all focused on home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, security needs, history, country, or emotional direction. Think about ways you could further your creative ventures or interests here or how you can expand upon the love. You may find ways to have fun or recreate or spend time with the kids or do for the kids in these areas, all good.
Next month we will experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse and this is a very powerful new beginning energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what is blocking progress or that has run it's course as part of the fresh start. This month the Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 4th. That means that you may experience part or all of that new beginning energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something new is in the offering or can be kicked off involving your love life, lovers, creative projects, recreational pursuits, or what's going on with children.
Now to look at what’s going on in your 5th house this month, I have to tell you it is BIG. First, your 5th house is about true love and your lovers, children, creativity, and recreation. For you the details matter, being of service, the work you perform, health and pets in the equation, people you hire or work with, and paperwork in the situation. But to simplify; it’s about love, kids, fun, and creativity. So what’s going on? Mercury is already here as the month begins so it’s time to talk, meet, think, write, focus on agreements, sales, short trips, interviews, offers, and decisions about these themes. You may also involve siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics in these matters as it seems to fit for you. Jupiter is in this arena as well all month, spending his last full month here for a 12 year period. Jupiter wants you to see growth, happiness and prosperity and is working his best to bring it your way via these themes, whether that is about ways you can open these matters up via legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, travel, foreign, wedding, religious, or political routes. Venus will enter this arena of love, kids, fun, and creativity on the 5th so at this point women can benefit, love, income and beauty are amplified around these matters, and you can smooth out rough edges or attract things more easily over the weeks ahead. The Sun enters the territory on the 22nd kicking off a 30 day cycle that urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in what is going on. This puts a spotlight on you and helps you to stand out and take the lead, making it about you in some new way! Then you will have 2 very special moments; one when Mercury and Jupiter meet on the same degree on the 22nd for a big decision or talk or other Mercury-themed moment about love, kids, creativity, or fun. Second, when Venus and Jupiter meet on the same degree on the 27th when love, women, beauty, or income interests are amplified about it. Finally, Mercury will Retrograde on the 30th slowing things down, possibly bringing some mix-ups or glitches, but taking you back over things to rework, release or reclaim by Sept. 22nd when Mercury goes Direct again.
I’d like to address two other points with all this activity in the 5th house of Virgo this month. First, at one point Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will oppose Chiron in Pisces from this arena so on these days you may have the opportunity to face a wound or vulnerability with another person and to do some healing. To that end it may be important to be conscious of the days this can arise since the Pisces placement can mean we are caught unaware and don’t figure it out until later. Jupiter will oppose Chiron between the 12-16th, exact on the 13th, so look at the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes to play a part. Mercury will oppose Chiron on the 19th so look at news, talks, ideas, meetings, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, local activities, electronics, writing, interviews, or decisions to play a part. Venus will oppose Chiron on the 25th so look at women, love, income, or beauty themes to play a part.
Second, both Mercury and Venus will come to sit with the North Node of Destiny in the 5th house of Virgo for the last time in 18 years this month. That means you can intentionally focus on making some choices that are pointed towards your destiny in love, with lover, your creative talents or projects, the kids, or your recreational pursuits. Mercury will sit with the Destiny point on the 8th favoring decisions or ideas, talks or offers, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, all about these topics going forward. Venus will sit with the North Node of Destiny on the 15-16th favoring the women, income, beauty, or love themes in the mix going forward. So mark your calendars and plan on spending lots of time forwarding your interests in these areas with so much energy behind you!
There’s a Full Moon on the 18th that will be about wrapping things up, marking endings, your achievements, or celebrations around personal goals, career, reputation, fame, or what’s going on with the boss, teacher, mentor, parent, judge or other authority figure. Focus on aspirations, freedom, originality, and anything social in the mix that can help you reach this high point.
Next month we will experience a second Eclipse, this one a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and this is a very powerful culmination energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what has run it's course as part of the wrap-up, ending, achievement, or celebration. This month the second Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 19th. That means that you may experience part or all of that climactic energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something is reaching it's apex involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, freedom, or original ideas.
The only other shift in energy arrives on the 29th when Venus moves into your 6th house. This will focus in on your work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, cleaning, and organizing over the weeks ahead. It may bring women on board who are beneficial, help you with income or love in the mix, focus on the beauty, or it may be about ways to attract what you’re after, smooth out rough edges and enjoy yourself more, it’s just starting! I can’t tell you how much more you could glean in a private reading based on your personal birth data, literally the sky’s the limit! If you’d like to find out the cost and the details for booking a session email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and we’ll take that next step towards understanding.
HEAR MORE on the AUGUST MONTHLY Radio Show here!
August is going to be active, Gemini, especially when it comes to your relationships. Think back to what you were starting to motivate about with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, or competitors back in March. You may have taken action, felt your passions rising or needed to deal with anger and it’s likely that whomever you were focused on that legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes were at the heart of it all. Well, the activator, Mars, then Retrograded and has only recently gone Direct, finally moving back into Sagittarius on August 2nd. You’ll now be back in the action with at least one key relationship, perhaps several for the rest of this month and until Sept. 27th when Mars will finally exit this territory not to return for another 2 years. At the same time, Saturn which wants us to get real, end things, make long term commitments, handle responsibilities, structure things to support us, deal with authorities in the mix, and get ambitious by taking the lead, Retrograded in the same relationship zone back in March. He will now go Direct on the 13th allowing you to start to move forward again and into that next chapter with partners, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, agents, attorneys, and others. Mars and Saturn will then come together on the same degree for a fresh start together on the 24th. Keep in mind that Saturn won’t be back here with Mars for at least 29 years so it’s important to get serious and take action.
There is a New Moon on the 2nd in your third house. This means a powerful 2 week window opens up now to help you start something new or to take current situations or ideas into the next level. The third house is about talks, meetings, ideas, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and flirtations. What can you do now to lean towards the future here?
Next month we will experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse and this is a very powerful new beginning energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what is blocking progress or that has run it's course as part of the fresh start. This month the Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 4th. That means that you may experience part or all of that new beginning energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something new is in the offering or can be kicked off involving home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, security needs, or history.
Now for the big focus for the month before you; your fourth house of home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, history, country, security, and emotional needs. Mercury is already here when the month begins so you’ll be thinking about issues and interests here and it will help you to get into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics about them. Jupiter is also already here for the month, spending his last full month here for another 12 years. Jupiter wants to help you find growth, happiness or prosperity and may help you get there via work, paperwork, hired help, animals, health related pursuits, and the legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, travel, religious, or political interests in the mix. Venus will enter into the picture on the 5th so from this point onward women may benefit you, there may be more love, income or beauty opportunities, or you may find you can attract what you’re after more easily, smooth out rough edges or just enjoy yourself more. The Sun then enters your fourth house on the 22nd where he will tour for the next 30 days. This is about you now starting to show up and get more personally or physically involved in the home, with the real estate deals, moves, renovations, with the family, parents, roommates, history, country, security needs, or emotional needs. Next there are 2 special moments on tap, one when Mercury and Jupiter get together on the same degree on the 22nd opening up big opportunity via communications or decisions about it, and two when Venus and Jupiter meet on the same degree on the 27th opening up the love, income, women, or beauty themes in the mix in some big way. Finally Mercury is going to Retrograde on the 30th slowing things down, possibly bringing some mix-ups or glitches and taking you back over details so you can get things right by Sept. 22nd when Mercury goes Direct.
I’d like to address two other points with all this activity in the 4th house of Virgo this month. First, at one point Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will oppose Chiron in Pisces from this arena so on these days you may have the opportunity to face a wound or vulnerability with another person and to do some healing. To that end it may be important to be conscious of the days this can arise since the Pisces placement can mean we are caught unaware and don’t figure it out until later. Jupiter will oppose Chiron between the 12-16th, exact on the 13th, so look at the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes to play a part. Mercury will oppose Chiron on the 19th so look at news, talks, ideas, meetings, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, local activities, electronics, writing, interviews, or decisions to play a part. Venus will oppose Chiron on the 25th so look at women, love, income, or beauty themes to play a part.
Second, both Mercury and Venus will come to sit with the North Node of Destiny in the 4th house of Virgo for the last time in 18 years this month. That means you can intentionally focus on making some choices that are pointed towards your destiny with home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, country, history, security, or emotional needs. Mercury will sit with the Destiny point on the 8th favoring decisions or ideas, talks or offers, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, all about these topics going forward. Venus will sit with the North Node of Destiny on the 15-16th favoring the women, income, beauty, or love themes in the mix going forward. So mark your calendars and plan on spending lots of time forwarding your interests in these areas with so much energy behind you!
The Full Moon arrives on the 18th which is the about things climaxing with travel, people at a distance, legalities, education, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, religion, or politics. Look at how you can bring about endings, wrap things up, achieve your desires, or celebrate via these themes. Set your aspirations high and if you can involve social factors, originality or freedom in the mix, so much the better.
Next month we will experience a second Eclipse, this one a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and this is a very powerful culmination energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what has run it's course as part of the wrap-up, ending, achievement, or celebration. This month the second Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 19th. That means that you may experience part or all of that climactic energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something is reaching it's apex involving your career, personal goals, reputation, fame, or what's going on with the boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other authority figures.
Finally, Venus moves into Libra on the 29th which will mark the beginning of a lovely trend for you over the weeks ahead in love, with kids, your creative projects, or recreational pursuits. Venus may bring women on board who benefit you here, draw the love, income or beauty to the matter, help you smooth things out, attract what you’re after more easily, or just bring more enjoyment with them, sweet. I can’t tell you how much more you could glean in a private reading based on your personal birth data, literally the sky’s the limit! If you’d like to find out the cost and the details for booking a session email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and we’ll take that next step towards understanding.
HEAR MORE on the AUGUST MONTHLY Radio Show here!
So Cancer, what was going on back in March? Were you motivated to do something, reacting to what was occurring, heating up passions, or dealing with anger that pushed you over health matters, work, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, pets, cleaning, or organizing? Well, starting on the 2nd of August Mars is back in gear over these themes and plans on pushing you into these matters again over the next 2 months, exiting on Sept. 27th. This may seem like a long time but once Mars exits he won’t return for 2 years so you want to take advantage of what you can motivate about now keeping in mind that Sagittarius where Mars tours can lend legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes to what you’re trying to do here. At the same time, Saturn went Retrograde in March over the same matters and has slowed things down or asked you to look at past matters since then. On the 13th Saturn will go Direct and you can now get serious about the next chapter via structures, endings, commitments, responsibilities, authority figures, and ambitions in the mix. So see how you can get real about your work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, organizing, or cleaning going forward. On the 24th Mars and Saturn meet on the same degree which means all of this energy comes together for a fresh start built on what you do and where you get real. And just a note to consider, Saturn won’t be back here with Mars for another 29 years.
The New Moon arrives on the 2nd opening up a powerful 2 week window that can take you into something new or help you to move into the next chapter with current income situations, what you’re doing with possessions or your purchases. Look at how you can bring your creativity into the mix, focus on the love or kids, or make it fun, it’s time to be proactive about where you’d like to go with earnings, possessions or purchases.
Next month we will experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse and this is a very powerful new beginning energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what is blocking progress or that has run it's course as part of the fresh start. This month the Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 4th. That means that you may experience part or all of that new beginning energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something new is in the offering or can be kicked off involving news, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, siblings, neighbors, local activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, or decisions.
OK, now for a major focus for your month on your third house. The third house rules communications, so talks, meetings, offers, interviews, writing, agreements, sales, ideas, and decisions will be amplified. The third house also ruled neighbors, siblings, short trips, local activities, vehicles, and electronics, so you will also see more energy around these themes as well this month. It breaks down like this; Mercury is in this arena as the month begins and stays throughout, ruling these topics and bringing more intensity or activity to it all. Jupiter is also here in his ongoing tour in these matters trying to bring some growth, happiness or prosperity to the forefront via a focus on legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes and any work you do, health focus, animal focus, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers in the mix. This is Jupiter’s last full month here for another 12 years so make the most of your communications and other third house topics. Venus enters the picture on the 5th bringing women on board who may benefit what you’re doing or open up the love, income or beauty themes in the mix, helping you attract, smooth out and enjoy things as you go the rest of the month. Then the Sun enters on the 22nd kicking off a 30 day cycle that will urge you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in those talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, local activities, with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. This puts a spotlight on you and helps you make it about your needs or to take the lead. There will be two stand-out moments; one when Mercury and Jupiter meet on the same degree here on the 22nd going big with the opportunity to communicate or start fresh with the potential, and two when Venus and Jupiter meet on the same degree on the 27th bringing the woman, love, beauty, or income into the equation in a big way. Finally, Mercury will Retrograde on the 30th and things will slow down or you may experience some mix-ups or glitches and you start to go back over everything so you can get it right between now and Sept. 22nd when Mercury goes Direct again.
I’d like to address two other points with all this activity in the 3rd house of Virgo this month. First, at one point, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will oppose Chiron in Pisces from this arena so on these days you may have the opportunity to face a wound or vulnerability with another person and to do some healing. To that end it may be important to be conscious of the days this can arise since the Pisces placement can mean we are caught unaware and don’t figure it out until later. Jupiter will oppose Chiron between the 12-16th, exact on the 13th, so look at the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes to play a part. Mercury will oppose Chiron on the 19th so look at news, talks, ideas, meetings, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, local activities, electronics, writing, interviews, or decisions to play a part. Venus will oppose Chiron on the 25th so look at women, love, income, or beauty themes to play a part.
Second, both Mercury and Venus will come to sit with the North Node of Destiny in the 3rd house of Virgo for the last time in 18 years this month. That means you can intentionally focus on making some choices that are pointed towards your destiny in local matters, short trips, writing, with siblings, neighbors, agreements, sales, talks, meetings, ideas, interviews, with vehicles, electronics, or decisions. Mercury will sit with the Destiny point on the 8th favoring decisions or ideas, talks or offers, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, all about these topics going forward. Venus will sit with the North Node of Destiny on the 15-16th favoring the women, income, beauty, or love themes in the mix going forward. So mark your calendars and plan on spending lots of time forwarding your interests in these areas with so much energy behind you!
The Full Moon on the 18th is about something climaxing in your financial arena, with sexual interests, reproductive needs, the divorce, mortality issues, a birth, your personal empowerment, a power struggle, controlling interests, or third party matters. So look at wrapping things up, marking endings, your achievements, or celebrations in these areas and how you can aim your aspirations or involve social systems, freedom or original needs in the mix to bring it to fruition.
Next month we will experience a second Eclipse, this one a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and this is a very powerful culmination energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what has run it's course as part of the wrap-up, ending, achievement, or celebration. This month the second Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 19th. That means that you may experience part or all of that climactic energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something is reaching it's apex involving legal matters, educational pursuits, weddings, media ventures, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, travel, people at a distance, foreign interests, import/export, religion, or politics.
Finally, Venus will move into Libra on the 29th which starts several weeks of a more lovely and enjoyable time on the home front, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. You may find that women are benefiting you here more now or that the love, income or beauty themes are in flow. It should help you to attract what you desire more easily, smooth out rough edges and enjoy what’s going on. I can’t tell you how much more you could glean in a private reading based on your personal birth data, literally the sky’s the limit! If you’d like to find out the cost and the details for booking a session email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and we’ll take that next step towards understanding.
HEAR MORE on the AUGUST MONTHLY Radio Show here!
August is going to be active, Leo! First, it’s back on with hyped up activities, passion or anger involving your creative ventures, recreational pursuits, kids, or lovers/love life. Think back to when things started to heat up last March and you had a couple months to move on some of these interests. Now it’s time between August 2nd and Sept. 27th to take advantage of the momentum you can get to motivate about your needs here. This may involve travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests in the mix to get you there. Saturn went Retrograde over these same topics in March and has either slowed things down or asked that you focus on the past serious side of these matters since then. Now on the 13th Saturn goes Direct so that means you can get serious, make commitments, mark endings, structure things to support you, tackle responsibilities, deal with the establishment or authority types, and get ambitious moving forward into the next chapter. Mars and Saturn will then come together on the same degree on the 24th marking the fresh start based on these actions and serious decisions moving forward. Note that Mars won’t return here for another 2 years, Saturn for another 29 years, so make it count.
The New Moon on the 2nd opens up a powerful 2 week window that can help you to launch forward on a personal or physical level since it is in your sign! Think about where you’d like to go with your image, brand, name, title, or body, and what personal needs you’d like to pursue. Get creative, involve love or kids, have fun, it’s your time.
Next month we will experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse and this is a very powerful new beginning energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what is blocking progress or that has run it's course as part of the fresh start. This month the Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 4th. That means that you may experience part or all of that new beginning energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something new is in the offering or can be kicked off involving income, purchases, possessions, products, or what you value/how you are valued.
Now for the major area of focus this month! Your second house is going to be lit up over the top in August which means it’s time to dive in and get busy with income, purchases and possessions. Mercury is already here as the month begins and will remain so making it the perfect time to head into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decisions about these matters. You may involve siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, local activities, or short trips as well. Jupiter is also here as the month begins doing his part to help you grow, find happiness or prosperity in these income, possessions or purchases arenas. With Jupiter you may be able to involve legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes to help. This is Jupiter’s last full month here for another 12 years so opt in. Venus arrives on the scene on the 5th to bring women on board who can benefit you or to amp up the love, income or beauty themes in the mix, smooth out rough edges, attract what you’re after or bring more enjoyment for the rest of the month with your purchases, income and possessions. The Sun then shows up over these topics on the 22nd kicking off a 30 day cycle that urges you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in earning, purchases and possessions, putting a spotlight on you and helping you stand out and take the lead. There are two big days when Mercury and Jupiter meet on the same degree here on the 22nd opening up those communications and opportunities, and when Venus and Jupiter meet on the 24th bringing the love, women, income, or beauty theme to some new potential. Finally, Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th which will start to slow things down and may bring some mix-ups or glitches and then start you down the road to review, rework, release, or reconnect to get things right. You’ll have until Sept. 22nd when Mercury goes Direct to figure it out.
I’d like to address two other points with all this activity in the 2nd house of Virgo this month. First, at one point Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will oppose Chiron in Pisces from this arena so on these days you may have the opportunity to face a wound or vulnerability with another person and to do some healing. To that end it may be important to be conscious of the days this can arise since the Pisces placement can mean we are caught unaware and don’t figure it out until later. Jupiter will oppose Chiron between the 12-16th, exact on the 13th, so look at the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes to play a part. Mercury will oppose Chiron on the 19th so look at news, talks, ideas, meetings, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, local activities, electronics, writing, interviews, or decisions to play a part. Venus will oppose Chiron on the 25th so look at women, love, income, or beauty themes to play a part.
Second, both Mercury and Venus will come to sit with the North Node of Destiny in the 2nd house of Virgo for the last time in 18 years this month. That means you can intentionally focus on making some choices that are pointed towards your destiny with income, possessions or purchases. Mercury will sit with the Destiny point on the 8th favoring decisions or ideas, talks or offers, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, all about these topics going forward. Venus will sit with the North Node of Destiny on the 15-16th favoring the women, income, beauty, or love themes in the mix going forward. So mark your calendars and plan on spending lots of time forwarding your interests in these areas with so much energy behind you!
The Full Moon on the 18th brings a high point for you with a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, or other relationship. It may also bring something to a climax via justice, balance or higher esthetics. Think about your aspirations and any social influence, original ideas, cause, or your freedom in the mix and then expect to see things wrap up, ending, achieved, or celebrated with these relationships.
Next month we will experience a second Eclipse, this one a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and this is a very powerful culmination energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what has run it's course as part of the wrap-up, ending, achievement, or celebration. This month the second Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 19th. That means that you may experience part or all of that climactic energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something is reaching it's apex involving your sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, a birth, the divorce, third party scenarios, or any major financial matters like the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, investments, settlements, alimony, partner's money, or child support.
Finally, Venus moves into Libra on the 29th where she will focus her love, income, beauty, and women themes on your communications zone. This means that over the weeks ahead you’ll do well in talks, meetings, with agreements, sales, writing, interviews, with offers, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, and decisions as Venus smooths things out or helps you attract the good stuff, enjoy. I can’t tell you how much more you could glean in a private reading based on your personal birth data, literally the sky’s the limit! If you’d like to find out the cost and the details for booking a session email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and we’ll take that next step towards understanding.
HEAR MORE on the AUGUST MONTHLY Radio Show here!
August is opening up with a focus on the things you were motivated, passionate or angry about back between March and May. That’s because Mars is back in gear from the 2nd until Sept. 27th, almost 2 more months to get it right when it comes to your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, security needs, end of some matter, family, parent, roommate, or emotional needs. It seems you still need to tackle the legal, educational, media, marketing, travel, wedding, religious, or political needs in the mix, so hit the ground running, once Mars exits he won’t return for another 2 years. At the same time, Saturn Retrograded in March over these same themes and on August 13th he will go Direct again. So Saturn will help you get real and move forward again with endings, commitments, structures, authority figures, responsibilities, or ambitions about home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, and security needs from this point onward. The two energies meet on the 24th marking the fresh start between them and another cosmic boost when it comes to taking action and cementing things one way or the other.
The New Moon on the 2nd opens up the best 2 week window of the year to launch into that next chapter or start something new involving healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, research, investigations, karmic or past life romance, romantic getaways, spiritual practices like prayer, meditation or yoga, magical interests, psychic abilities, artistic talents or projects such as painting, film, music, dance, or sculpture, poetry, or inner development and rest. Look into your creative direction, ways to have fun or involve your lover or the kids for best results.
Next month we will experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse and this is a very powerful new beginning energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what is blocking progress or that has run it's course as part of the fresh start. This month the Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 4th. That means that you may experience part or all of that new beginning energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something new is in the offering or can be kicked off involving your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal goals.
Now for something truly amazing…August is going to start to pour energy through your sign at a level you haven’t seen in some time and won’t again for another 12 years. That means that the more you make it about you, your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs and desires, the better you are going to do and that the things you are seeding now have real momentum behind them. First, the month starts with Mercury, your ruler, already in your sign. This means when focusing on you and your needs the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, and decisions are with you, and in truth, due to Mercury Retrograding on the 30th, Mercury will be staying in your sign a very long time, until Oct. 7th, so you’ll have plenty of time to get it right. Next, Jupiter has been touring your sign for almost a year now and this is his last full month in your sign, he will exit on Sept. 9th not to return for another 12 years. To that end you want to make the most of his ability to protect, seed growth, happiness, and prosperity, all aimed at and through you right now. Focus in on Jupiter themes of legal, educational, media, marketing, travel, foreign, distant, wedding, religious, or political interests as well as Virgo themes of health, work, paperwork, organizing, details, hired help, co-workers, animals, and the environment, when looking for ways to expand your own horizons. On the 5th Venus will move into Virgo for the rest of the month (until the 29th), and her presence means women may benefit you in some way, you’ll have a stronger ability to attract good things, the love or income or beauty needs are tied to you and your image, body, etc, and you may be able to smooth things out that might have been an issue in the past. The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd which marks a 30 day cycle that will put a spotlight on you and urge you to show up and get more personally or physically involved in all of these topics that favor you. It’s a time when others will notice you and you can take the lead more readily towards your own ends. Then there are 2 dates that stand out, one is the 22nd because Mercury and Jupiter will meet on the same degree in your sign, magnifying the good and taking things bigger with communications, ideas, news, and decisions. The other favored day is the 27th when Venus and Jupiter come together on the same degree to take something big with the women, love, income, or beauty themes. Finally, as noted above, Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th so things may slow down now to start taking you back over any details so you get things right between now and the 22nd of September when Mercury goes Direct. It can also mean a few mix-ups or glitches around this date so take care, but do be willing to hear from old people or revisit old ideas or situations and give the do-over phase what it needs so you are ready to hit the ground running with the New Moon Solar Eclipse that will propel you even further come September.
I’d like to address two other points with all this activity in your sign of Virgo this month. First, at one point Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will oppose Chiron in Pisces from this arena so on these days you may have the opportunity to face a wound or vulnerability with another person and to do some healing. To that end it may be important to be conscious of the days this can arise since the Pisces placement can mean we are caught unaware and don’t figure it out until later. Jupiter will oppose Chiron between the 12-16th, exact on the 13th, so look at the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes to play a part. Mercury will oppose Chiron on the 19th so look at news, talks, ideas, meetings, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, local activities, electronics, writing, interviews, or decisions to play a part. Venus will oppose Chiron on the 25th so look at women, love, income, or beauty themes to play a part. Again, at the core of all of these impacts is your healing, work, paperwork, organizing, hired help, co-workers, and what it is you are focusing on with your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal goals.
Second, both Mercury and Venus will come to sit with the North Node of Destiny in the sign of Virgo for the last time in 18 years this month. That means you can intentionally focus on making some choices that are pointed towards your destiny with your needs, body, brand, image, name, title, or desires. Mercury will sit with the Destiny point on the 8th favoring decisions or ideas, talks or offers, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, all about these topics going forward. Venus will sit with the North Node of Destiny on the 15-16th favoring the women, income, beauty, or love themes in the mix going forward. So mark your calendars and plan on spending lots of time forwarding your interests in these areas with so much energy behind you!
The Full Moon on the 18th is about a culmination around a health matter, the job, your co-workers, hired help, paperwork, pets, organizing, cleaning, or environmental interests. This is when something involving your aspirations or a social venue like via your friends, a group, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings, is coming to a peak. You may be wrapping things up, marking endings, noting your achievements, garnering some recognition, or celebrating.
Next month we will experience a second Eclipse, this one a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and this is a very powerful culmination energy that has the capacity to eclipse out what has run it's course as part of the wrap-up, ending, achievement, or celebration. This month the second Eclipse Trigger Date falls on the 19th. That means that you may experience part or all of that climactic energy on this preview day. Not everyone does, but if you do look for signs that something is reaching it's apex involving romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, opponents, competitors, or advocates.
Finally, Venus moves into Libra on the 29th which will kick off a trend that focuses on your income, purchases or possessions. Venus here over the weeks ahead should bring some good things your way and again can benefit you via women, the love in the mix, beauty, or the enjoyment level. Start early. I can’t tell you how much more you could glean in a private reading based on your personal birth data, literally the sky’s the limit! If you’d like to find out the cost and the details for booking a session email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and we’ll take that next step towards understanding.
HEAR MORE on the AUGUST MONTHLY Radio Show here!
Get ready to get busier in your local community or neighborhood, on short trips, with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, sales, interviews, meetings, talks, and decisions this month, Libra! Mars is moving in to start heating up the action here on August 2nd and will remain revved up about these themes until Sept. 27th. That means it’s time to do something about these matters or perhaps you’ll feel more passionate about these themes or your ideas now and driven to get motivated. Mars can also stir anger and fights so watch for outbursts while out on the road or when dealing with these themes so as not to escalate things. Mars began this story about these matters back in March - May but then Retrograded into Scorpio, so now you w