

Get back to your WEEKLY HOROSCOPES here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2016/05/zoe-moon-astrology-weekly-horoscopes_28.html

TUNE IN every THURSDAY to hear Zoe live on the RADIO with YOUR WEEK AHEAD forecast! 8pm est/5pm pst!

TUNE IN every THIRD FRIDAY to hear Zoe live on the RADIO with YOUR NEXT MONTHS forecast!Noon est/9am pst!


June is the month of decisions and beliefs, a time to review where your head is at and get into new conversations with life. We start with a powerful one-on-one with someone about our needs, our name, title, body, image, brand, or ideas, and what is possible or not possible with any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political needs in the mix on the 3rd. This is about making commitments for the long term or ending something we've outgrown, structuring things to better support us or dealing with any 'no's' or limits. It can kick off our month with someone in a way that binds us or releases us for good so look at any agreements, offers, sales, writing, interviews, talks, meetings, or decisions seriously.

As if to buttress this moment, we have a NEW MOON on the 4th that then propels us forward over the next 2 weeks with any talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, ideas, offers, or decisions. It's a time to be proactive and go for it. This 2 week window that begins now is also about any fresh starts or new directions you'd like to take with brothers, sisters, local activities, moves, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, so if something is calling your name here, again it is timely. If all of this energy commences and you are still not quite there don't fret, on the 12th Mercury arrives in this territory and will truly give another major boost to communications and choices over the rest of the month. If sometime in this opening side of the month you get in there with someone over ideas, offers, decisions, etc, but you haven't cemented it completely under these auspices, note that at the Full Moon on the 20th it is quite likely that you do, (more on that Full Moon in a moment).

Now here we are in June and the whole world is chatty and filled with ideas when we stumble upon day 13. At this point Neptune Retrogrades so a swoosh of energy is going to be felt around the things Neptune rules as something is ready to either slow down, back track or do some other kind of turnaround. So, when we're talking about Neptune we are considering a shift in gears around any addictions, healing, recuperation, or hospitals, anything involving clandestine romance, romantic getaways or karmic unions, any spiritual practices like yoga, prayer or meditation, any muse driven interests like film, music, painting, poetry, or dance, or anything that draws us behind the scenes, into research, investigations, dreams, signs, or development. So watch what is pulling back or shifting now and if there is an opportunity involved in heading back to something or someone from the past over one of these matters to rekindle, rework or release.

Not only does the ruler of the sea and signs Retrograde on June 13th but by the 17th the 2nd of 3 squares between Saturn and Neptune perfect. This has been a rather challenging configuration between these two giants that began in September of 2015 and completes on the 3rd square in September this year. So here we find ourselves at the mid-point of the process and how we are faring when it comes to the fantasy and reality of situations near and dear to us. Take the time to very seriously look at where you are with Saturn: any commitments, endings, structures, limits, no's, ambitions, responsibilities, older or established folks, or finite needs when it comes to legal, travel/distance, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes. And then look at where you are with Neptune: any inspirational, magical, past-life oriented, sacred, or delusional, foggy, deceptive, addictive, boundaryless, situations involving romantic, artistic, spiritual, healing, hospital, karmic, or research themes. There is a battle going on here. You DO NOT want to abandon one side of this equation for the other. You DO want to find a way to structure (Saturn) your dreams (Neptune) and dissolve away (Neptune) old fears or barriers (Saturn) and get real about what is working and what is not, where the safety net needs to be and what you can do about cementing things so that they support your future here.

And THAT brings us to the FULL MOON on the 20th which is about some climactic moment with that legal, travel/distant, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, educational, religious, or political theme. At this point you can bring something to a close or finally receive your answer, mark endings or celebrate achievements, or possibly garner some recognition for what you've been up to, a time to reach high one way or the other.

Midway through June and onward we start to see some of the energy begin to filter into the sign Cancer and our needs begin to turn to home, family, roommates, moves, renovations, parents, real estate deals, and our security needs. This starts on the 17th with Venus arriving here, making it a great time to beautify your living environment or share the love with roomies or parents. Her presence here over the weeks ahead will also make it a perfect time to consider earning from home or involving women in what you are doing. The Sun then arrives in these matters on the 20th and kicks off a 30 day cycle that will start to pull you more personally or physically into home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, and roommates themes. This makes it great for showing up and getting involved, making your needs known and shining in situations. You may put your signature to it or make it about your image, presence or brand but it will hinge on you and what you do. Finally, Mercury joins in here from the 29th onward so if you need to sign agreements on the real estate or with family or roommates or you've been waiting to hear from someone or meet, this is going to kick it up a notch.

The last thing I will say about June for everybody is this; Mars will spend most of the month Retrograde in Scorpio, until the 29th. So during this phase, if you still have unfinished business with loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, the partner's money, or other financial resources, take the time to slow down, go over it, meet with the right financial experts, and work it out. The Retrograde is not the best for new growth or new possibilities but it is good for tackling issues or people from the past involved in these areas and since this is about money, again, you should seek proper counsel. Scorpio also has a personal side that is about sex, reproduction, death, birth, divorce, power, control, manipulation, and third party matters. It may be that you feel comfortable with the financial stuff but something in this personal side of things needs attention. Again this is not about heading out there to find something new here but about going back over anything that needs to be redone or undone involving past people, situations, ideas, issues, or opportunities. Once Mars goes Direct on the 29th you will sense a shift in the dynamic and things will begin to move forward again.

Your ruling energy, Mars, is Retrograde in June in the sign of finances, sex, reproduction, birth, death, divorce, and third party matters. This lasts until the 29th so you should really pay attention to anything that may need redone or undone here and seek out the right financial counsel or divorce counsel if need be. It may be about giving a past sexual partner another chance or working out old sexual or reproductive needs. It could be about a need to regain personal power or control in a situation, work out end of life scenarios or deal with those triangles, but it is your do-over and by the 29th things will start to move forward again, iron it out now.

Most of the rest of this month will be about the Gemini/Sagittarius axis being worked and bringing up amplified energy around communications; talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, ideas, and decisions, as well as anything you need to do with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, or local activities, on the one hand. And getting real about what needs attention with any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests on the other hand. This will bring you face to face with someone by the 3rd in hopes of cementing things via structures, endings, long term commitments, responsibilities, the elder or authority types in the mix, or your ambitions. So really see if you can come to terms or make serious choices. If you don't get this worked out immediately it will just be your launching point.

On the 4th you'll get a New Moon in these communications topics so over the next 2 weeks you'll have plenty of energy behind getting those talks, interviews, ideas, offers, meetings, agreements, sales, the writing, short trips, local activities, interests with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions moving forward. Mercury even revs this up again on the 12th onward adding even more energy to it, so expect to be on fire here.

Neptune will Retrograde on the 13th and by the 17th will complete the 2nd of 3 squares that play out between Sept 2015 and Sept 2016. So you are at a turning point with something involving the romance, artistic, spiritual, addictive, deceptive karmic, healing, hospital, or research theme. Look at what happens at this time for clues about what you will now be reviewing over the months ahead and if you are inspired or disillusioned by what is going on. In other words, is this about reconnecting and reworking things or about releasing and purging them? At the square on the 17th those themes of legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political topics will be at the middle of what you are doing about it. Then on the 20th the Full Moon brings it to a close or your reach the summit and celebrate what is going on with the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political theme.

Other than that, there is a flux of energy pouring into your home, real estate, move, renovation, family, parent, and roommate zone starting on the 17th so you'll likely start to feel drawn to doing more here. It is a favorable time for love in these areas as well as anything you are doing to make things beautiful or work in beauty fields here. It's great for the women in the mix or earning via real estate or family business. It will begin to draw you in more personally or physically from the 20th onward as the Sun kicks off a 30 day cycle here so you will be able to lead, shine and get your needs met with a bit of effort. Finally, on the 29th Mercury will arrive in this area so if you need to pitch ideas, get agreements signed, make sales, write things up, meet, talk, or field offers, this will kick it up a notch. If you'd like to know more you can email Zoe about a private reading, the cost and details, here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com


First off, June is an important month for you when it comes to your relationships. Think about romantic or business partners, agents or attorneys, competitors or opponents, specialists or advocates, clients or audience, and then look at Scorpio themes in the mix: sex, reproduction, birth, death, divorce, anything financial, your empowerment, control, manipulations, or third party matters in the mix. Mars will be Retrograde all month until the 29th in these matters with key individuals for you so it is important that you figure out if you need to redo or undo anything and if passion, working out anger or action is called for to make things right. Old stuff is back on the block and it's your do-over, take your time and figure it out. By the 29th things will start to move forward again and new relationships can flower.

Much of what you will be dealing with this month has to do with monetary matters, your money, your purchases, your stuff, their money, and where's it being shared or not shared. And some of it will hinge on the other personal side of sex, reproduction, divorce, and third parties. Look at the 3rd as the starting date with a one-on-one with someone over what you are serious about here. It can help you mark endings, structure things, make long term commitments, work things out with an older or established type, figure out responsibilities, bring the 'no' to the forefront, or fuel ambitions. Show up and make it about your income, possessions or purchases and what is going on with that outside financial flow; the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, commissions, alimony, etc. Or get in there over intimacy or divorce themes. The New Moon on the 4th will give you the boost you need over the next 2 weeks to really rev things up making money, doing stuff with your possessions or making purchases so you're loaded for bear. Do note that on the 12th Mercury will also join in here so from then forward you may expect more offers, meetings, talks, agreements, sales, writing, and decisions to kick in over it all. And if you still have anything left to hammer out with that said person the 20th looks like the day.

Neptune is going to Retrograde on the 13th which means slowing down or backtracking with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, or original ideas over the months ahead. This may mean someone current pulls back for a bit or someone from the past is back around or you rekindle old ideas or issues to hash out or get inspired by old projects online or in groups, etc, it's a do-over. Note the things that shift in these areas between now and the 17th for clues about what way you'll be going. By the 17th the 2nd of 3 squares that are playing out between Saturn and Neptune between Sept. 2015 and Sept. 2016 will complete. So you are at a turning point more or less with what inspires or depresses you about these social situations and what is fantasy, addictive, deceptive, or without boundaries here and what is magical, artistic, romantic, spiritual, or healing here. Saturn is going to be front and center with the sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, financial, or triangle situation and pushing for endings, commitments or getting real in some other way. These days between the 13th-17th therefore may inspire or confuse but you should be able to see just where you are and how far you still need to go to get it right. By the 20th the Full Moon will bring a climax with that financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third party matter so at this point the end is in sight, the celebration full steam, the achievement made, or you are in some other way peaking in one of these matters.

The other energy that will play into what you're doing in June won't really start to percolate until the 17th onward and it will focus on more local activities or short trips, any writing or interviewing, talks or meetings, what you're doing with siblings or neighbors, vehicles or electronics, sales and offers, and your decisions that will likely be based on home, security, family, or nurturing needs. This should go pretty well with Venus here attracting things and smoothing out rough edges. She may bring women on board to help or focus on a key woman in the mix. She may bring more love or money flow here or just make it beautiful and pleasurable. The Sun joins in on the 20th onward which will start to draw you to show up and get involved in these themes over the next 30 days on a more personal or physical level. It will help you stand out and get your way more easily with a bit of effort. Finally Mercury joins in on the 29th onward so this will help amplify everything already going on, a good time for you when it comes to what you've got to say and the choices ahead. If you'd like to know more you can email Zoe about a private reading, the cost and details, here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com


Welcome to June, Gemini! First off, you are tasked with redoing or undoing something involving your work, paperwork, co-workers, or hired help, or you are going to want to go back over something involving health or pets. It's really important you take advantage of this past focused, active energy to tackle things while the energy is all about it. Look into any financially shared or outside resources in the mix, what is going on with third party situations, controlling interests, or on a more personal level, anything involving intimacy, reproductive needs or divorce themes in the mix. Mars will keep the Retrograde on these topics for you until the 29th at which time things will turn around and you'll begin to start moving out into new directions.

There will also be a whole lot of focus on you this month thanks to the personal energy flooding into your sign. You'll likely be in there in some serious way with another person over your involvement, needs, body, image, brand, name, title, or ideas on the 3rd. This may bode well for cementing things long term or marking a solid ending with things, it can mean you can structure something with them, handling responsibilities or focusing on ambitions. Definitely connect one on one with partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other key players now and if you have anything involving legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests to resolve with them, this is it. Anything you don't resolve today will get another go-round on the 20th.

Speaking of energy in your sign, the New Moon on the 4th is a Gemini New Moon so expect to be at the top of your game, wrapping up what you've been working towards on some personal or physical level or celebrating and achieving things. You may garner some recognition or extra attention now and it's great to work towards whatever you'd like to see climax with your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs. Mercury comes along and joins in by the 12th onward so this may be your cue to get into more talks or meetings about what you want or to hear from others, sign agreements, make sales, get out there locally or take a few short trips that are good for you, the thing it, you'll be able to think it through and spread the word.

Neptune is going to inspire or fog things up a bit starting on the 13th with a focus on your personal goals, career and dealings with authority types like the boss, parent or judge. At this point things will either begin to ease up a bit and allow you some time to go back over any healing, hospital, research, spiritual, artistic, or romantic needs in the mix, or it will see something pull back a bit so that you can catch up to where you find yourself so far on your path here. By the 17th Saturn will complete the 2nd of 3 squares he is making to Neptune so some serious turning point is indicated with these goals, career matters or authority types and a partner, opponent, client, specialist, agent, attorney, or other relationship in the situation. This square began in Sept. 2015 and ends in Sept. 2016 so look back at what has transpired so far and again if there is anything you need to get real about involving anyone in this situation over legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes.

Finally, starting on the 17th onward there will be more energy starting to move into your income, purchases and possessions zone. This will bode well for getting in there and starting to go after what you want in these matters. It will begin with Venus here and the ability to enjoy what you are doing more, make it about art and beauty and love when it comes to what you buy or how you earn, and it will help you attract the money flow a bit more easily. By the 20th the Sun joins in here so you can now take the lead, make it about your needs and shine a bit above others when getting out there to earn, spend or deal with your possessions. You'll have 30 days of this illumination. Lastly, Mercury comes on board on the 29th onward so you may now meet, talk, hear the news or offer, make the sale, sign agreements, or make your choices with more gusto. If you'd like to know more you can email Zoe about a private reading, the cost and details, here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com


June is a big month for you when it comes to true love, the kids, any creative endeavors, and your recreational pursuits. This is mainly because Mars will be Retrograde over these themes until the 29th and asking that you go back and redo or undo something. To that end past lovers, creative types and opportunities, kids and recreational pursuits will likely resurface for any potential to rekindle or make things right and current situations will either focus on reworking things or pulling back enough to give you the time to hash something out. So ask yourself, is something not quite right when it comes to the loan or debt here, is it about an inheritance or the taxes or insurance? What could you rework or let go of on the financial front with the lover, kids, creative venture, or recreational interest? Perhaps it's not about financials but rather about your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party matters in the mix. Is there a way to rekindle, release or rework something with the lover, kids, creative venture, or fun here? Once Mars goes Direct on the 29th you'll be ready to move forward again, make this period count, it's your do-over.

Now there will be another major influence at play and it is going on behind the scenes in your 12th house. That means you may want to retreat to rest and recuperate, heal and deal with hospitals, research that project and work on the development, get into an artistic pursuit like film, music, dance, painting, or poetry, focus it on your romance via getaways or trysts, or make it about your spiritual path and hone in on prayer, meditation or yoga. Expect to be in there with someone else over whatever you choose here on the 3rd as you look at serious topics with health, work, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, organizing, cleaning, or the animals. If you don't come to some final decisions or set up better structures, limits, work on responsibilities, endings, long term commitments, or ambitions about it now, you'll get another chance on the 20th.

By the 4th the New Moon in your 12th house will give you the boost forward to help you take anything you are doing with that research, development, healing, hospital, spiritual practice, artistic pursuit, or romance into the next chapter or it can also help you get out there and start something new in one of these areas. You'll have 2 powerful weeks to move in that direction and seed things. Do note that Mercury joins in on the 12th onward so this is when the talks, offers, agreements, and decisions pick up about it.

On the 13th Neptune Retrogrades and you may feel a turnaround or slow down, inspiration or foggy feelings about what is going on with legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests going on. It's going to start to take you back over something or allow you the time to catch up to where you've been so far in these matters so pay attention to whatever is coming up for you about these matters now as you may be dealing with them for the months ahead to tune in the right way or you may just be getting a bit of a break now while things ease up a bit.

By the 17th the 2nd of 3 squares that are occurring between Saturn and Neptune will complete, the first having occurred back in Sept. 2015, the final one arriving this Sept. 2016. Now at this middle square you can determine where you are with these legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes and if you need to get serious about that paperwork, hired help, job, cleaning, organizing, pet, health matter, or with people you work with to make some finite choices or again work on that structuring of things. Do take these days between the 13th-17th seriously and do what you can to cement things. By the 20th the Full Moon will bring something to a close or you will be celebrating or noting achievements with that work, paperwork, co-worker, hired help, health matter, cleaning, organizing, or pets.

Energy will begin to pour into your sign as soon as the 17th which is a lovely boost from the cosmos coming your way. First Venus arrives on the 17th and will stay with you the rest of the month attracting the love, beauty, women, and money that are for your best interest and helping you to enjoy things a bit more and smooth out anything that is not working so well. It's a good time to beautify your appearance, spend on luxury items for yourself (within reason) and to make favorable impressions on others. By the 20th the Sun glides into Cancer and kicks off a 30 day cycle that puts a spotlight on you and your needs. This will help you to take the lead, shine your light and put yourself front and center with anything you want involving your body, image, brand, name, title, or some personal desire. Finally Mercury joins your sign on the 29th so now the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions are focused on you, a good time to connect with others! If you'd like to know more you can email Zoe about a private reading, the cost and details, here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com


June is your month to go back and figure out what you need to do or undo in the home, about a home, any real estate deals, moves, renovations, or what's going on with family, a parent or roommate with this focus: the financial situation, the divorce, the sexual or reproductive needs, a death or birth or mortality/birth issues, controlling interests, or third party situations. So, do you need to get in there and do something about the loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, or mortgage? Do you need to figure out who gets the property in the divorce, help a parent with end of life details like setting up a trust, selling off property or dictating a will, is an old roommate coming back or a current one exiting, is a past sexual partner returning to the home or you to theirs? What can you put in action to resolve things, rework them, rekindle them, or release them? It's your Mars do-over until the 29th, after that you should be ready to move forward again.

June will also put focus on a completely different side of life and it is social for you! That means from the get-go you may be more involved with friends, groups, what's going on online, at gatherings, events, charities, or your own aspirations, freedom and original ideas. By the 3rd you should be in there with another person over something here and it will likely be serious when it comes to the love/lover, kids, creative project, or recreational pursuits in the mix. So you might be doing a charity for kids or attending a party with a lover or planning an event for your creative venture, etc. Saturn is involved today so there can be commitments, ambitions, responsibilities, endings, or limits with this other person to focus on. If you don't hammer it out now you'll get another chance on the 20th.

The New Moon on the 4th will give you a 2 week boost forward with these friends, groups, aspirations, original ideas, internet interests, astrology interests, charities, gatherings, and your freedom. This is a great time to launch into something new or to take current interests to the next level. Mercury will join in on the 12th onward so at this point you may be meeting new people or hearing from old ones, getting into more meetings, talks, offers, agreements, writing, sales, short trips, and decisions going forward.
Now for the mysterious, inspired and strange, yep, Neptune stuff.

On the 13th Neptune Retrogrades so there may be some shift with what is going on with financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party scenarios. You may see some slowing down of current momentum or a return from the past of someone or something for a do-over or just an ease in the pace so you can catch up to where you find yourself in these matters. It's good to tune into what perceptions you are receiving about any of this now because you may have some strong signs or dreams or gut reactions to what needs to come next. The months ahead will favor a deeper understanding or evolution around these matters so getting in touch with your feelings about it is the right way to begin. By the 17th the ongoing Saturn/Neptune square will peak for the 2nd of 3 times. This began back in Sept. 2015 and won't wrap up until Sept. 2016 so you are now at the mid-point. Look at how far you have come and what it is you want with these financial, sexual, divorce, reproductive, mortality, or third party scenarios and get real about the Saturn side of the situation: love, lovers, children, creative endeavors, and recreation. Do you need to structure something here, end it, commit to it, take on more responsibilities, set limits, say no, deal with authority figures, or get ambitious? By the 20th the Full Moon will bring something to a head with these lovers, kids, creative ventures, or fun pursuits as you mark endings, celebrate achievements, garner recognition, or hit some breakthrough so make this period count.

Starting on the 17th onward energy will begin to flow into your behind the scenes arena. This starts with Venus here first bringing women on board or helping you attract or smooth out the love, income or beauty needs. Expect this all to play out privately or secretly, with clandestine romance or romantic getaways, art, film, music, or other muse related interests, spiritual practices, healing, hospitals, dealing with addictions, research, rest, and development on projects. By the 20th the Sun joins in and kicks off 30 days of pushing you to the forefront with these artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, or research themes. This period will be great for you to show up, get involved on a more personal or physical level and take the lead. Mercury finally joins in on the 29th onward so at this point you may find it easier to meet, hear from others, field offers, sign agreements, make sales, write, or make choices. If you'd like to know more you can email Zoe about a private reading, the cost and details, here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com


Whatcha thinking about Virgo? June is pushing all buttons in your brain and urging you to think, talk, meet, write, look at agreements, sales, ideas, offers, what you want to communicate, and your decisions going back over the past. It's time to get passionate about it and redo or undo something. Now, you can also use this forceful energy to hear what you've been needing to hear and take action on it, to say what you've been wanting to say and get some active response that sets things in motion, or to take this to the brother, sister, neighbor, vehicles, electronics, local community, neighborhood, short trip, or big choice there. Do you want to go back to an old neighborhood, hash something out with that sibling, redo or undo a sale or agreement, go start back up with the neighbor or make a move? Is there something you were passionate about writing that you can go back to or did you have a great idea but it wasn't the right time but now it is? Is old anger eating away at you? Can you say something now or hear it and help release that bad energy? It's your do-over until the 29th so really think and then speak up, and remain open to your past during the process.

June is also going to focus a lot of energy on your personal goals, career, reputation, fame, and dealings with authority figures, yes, your 10th house of fame and honors is going to be highlighted, so what can you pursue here? Starting on the 3rd you will likely be in there over something here with another person and hashing things out at home, about real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. This is serious in so far as you can structure things, mark endings, make commitments, tackle responsibilities, deal with higher-ups, or get ambitious. If you don't get it ironed out with them now you'll have another chance on the 20th. By the 4th the New Moon will give you a boost forward that stays in affect for the next 2 weeks, helping you to launch into new career directions, personal goals or dealings with authority types, or it will help you take current interests to the next level. Be proactive about what you want. By the 12th Mercury joins in so from here onward you should be able to get that meeting, interview, pitch ideas, sign agreements, make sales, write, talk, hear the news, field the offer, or make your decisions.

Now for the mysterious, inspired and strange of Neptune. On the 13th Neptune Retrogrades and begins a process of realigning your karma via relationships. This means that over the months ahead you can either slow down and catch your breath regarding where you are with romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, or other key players. Or you can head back into the past to review, rekindle, release, or rework things with them. The focus here is romance, artistry, spirituality, research, healing, hospitals, or what you can develop behind the scenes. So pay attention to what is coming up for you around this date since you will likely be working on this over the months ahead. By the 17th the ongoing Saturn/Neptune square will peak for the 2nd of 3 times. This began back in Sept. 2015 and won't wrap up until Sept. 2016 so you are now at the mid-point.

Look at how far you have come and what it is you want with these partners, reps, clients, opponents, or specialists. Saturn is going to push for endings, structuring, commitments, responsibilities, limits, or ambitions about the home, real estate deal, move, renovation, roommate, family, or parent in the mix. By the 20th the Full Moon will be bringing something to a close, celebration or achievement with these home, family, move, renovation, real estate, roommate, or parent topics. So be proactive in making this period count.
Finally, you'll have some social energy begin to flood into your sign starting on the 17th onward. This means friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and anything you are focusing on involving your aspirations, freedom or original ideas will be favored. Venus is first here helping you attract the good stuff, enjoy yourself, feel the love, find easier flow around income, or make it about beauty. So you can get out there with friends for art or beauty treatments, earn online or in groups, etc, all good.

Next the Sun moves into this social arena on the 20th kicking off a 30 day cycle here so you can really start to stand out in that social arena and put yourself forward with aspirations and inventive ideas. It's your turn to shine and take the lead here. By the 29th Mercury arrives so at this point you can get into more talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, offers, interviews, short trips, and decisions. So there you have it, quite an action-packed month, get going! If you'd like to know more you can email Zoe about a private reading, the cost and details, here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com


June is going to really try to persuade you to either slow down or go back and redo or undo something about your income, purchases or possessions. This is a big do-over for you and time to get in there with people from the past to rekindle, release or rework things, to go back to old projects or ideas and rekindle the passion, to work out anger issues if you have any, and to pursue what you can to get things right so you are on the proper pathway forward once this energy goes Direct on the 29th. It seems that some of this hinges on the outside financial flow so take a look at what's going on with the loan, investment, commissions, settlement, insurance, taxes, partner's money, inheritance, bankruptcy, or other financial interest in the mix. For some of you there is also a theme of sexual, reproductive, divorce, or third party matters tied to what is happening with your purchases, income or possessions. However it plays out for you, this is the time to get rid of stuff, go back and redo something about any of these matters or rekindle things.

Now, on the other hand, your 9th house of the higher mind is really active as well this month. It means you can choose to focus in on legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, travel, wedding, religious, or political interests and go. Starting on the 3rd you will likely find yourself one-on-one with someone over one of these topics and it looks like you're dealing with serious choices; commitments, responsibilities, endings, structuring things, limits, no's, authority types, or ambitions about it. If you don't hammer it out now you'll get another chance on the 20th. By the 4th the New Moon will hone in on these topics and give you a big boost forward if you work with it and are proactive so prepare to launch into new directions or take things to the next level with these media, marketing, publishing, legal, educational, travel, wedding, religious, or political matters. By the 12th Mercury also comes on board so at this point forward you can amp up the talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, and decisions about it, yay!

As far as the strange, inspired and magical, Neptune is going to Retrograde on the 13th at which point it's focus on your work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, and hired help will either: retreat, slow down or begin to backtrack so you can go over something and get it right. To this end people and situations may return from the past tied to these themes and if so they will involve healing, hospital, research, art, film, music, poetry, other muse related topics, spiritual practices, or romantic unions. Note what shifts for you around this date since you will likely be honing in on it over the months ahead. By the 17th the ongoing Saturn/Neptune square will peak for the 2nd of 3 times. This began back in Sept. 2015 and won't wrap up until Sept. 2016 so you are now at the mid-point. Look at how far you have come and what it is you want with these work/job matters, co-workers, hired help, pets, organizing, cleaning, health, paperwork, or environmental interests.

It's time to have that serious conversation, meeting, offer, agreement, sale, interview, short trip, or decision about it. You could need to get real about the writing, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, move, electronic, or idea in the mix as well. With Saturn it's about that commitment, ending, structuring, limit, no, authority type, responsibility, or ambition in the mix. It's time to turn the corner via your choices. As if to dot the 'I' here, the Full Moon on the 20th is about that big talk, meeting, agreement, sale, writing, offer, interview, short trip, local activity, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, move, electronic, or decision to be made coming to a head in some way. Think; ending, celebrations, recognition, or achievements.

Finally, there will be energy flooding into your Midheaven as soon as the 17th onward. This will aim at your career needs, reputation, fame, dealings with authority figures, and major personal goals and help you to flow here in some personal way. It starts with Venus so from this point you may have women showing up who can help or a focus on a woman in the mix, it may mean more income opportunities tied to these matters or the love and/or beauty is a theme at the center of what you are doing. At the very least it should help you to enjoy yourself more in these matters.

By the 20th the Sun arrives over goals, career and authority figures and will kick off a 30 day trend here that puts you in there, showing up and taking the lead, making it about your needs, getting more personally or physically involved, and perhaps tying in your name, title, image, or brand as you go for it. By the 29th Mercury joins this party so at this point again the news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, talks, meetings, and decisions really begin to happen. So aim high Libra! If you'd like to know more you can email Zoe about a private reading, the cost and details, here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com


June is offering you an opportunity to reconnect with yourself Scorpio. Don't poo-poo it, it's a really important do-over that is about going back and redoing or undoing something so that you are in the place you wish to be. Now, to do this you should ask yourself what is going on with your body, is it time to get back in shape or see the doctor again or hire that old nutritionist back on or seek out that image consultant from the past and give it another shot? Is your body in need of some physical expression in the love arena or to tackle reproductive matters or mortality issues (could you be redoing or releasing something to give yourself longer life)? What about your image or brand? Is it time to go redo that and fine tune it in some way? What about your name or title? Are you ready to fight for something here or motivate about making it right? What about your desires and goals for yourself, is there something to release, rekindle or rework so you are ready for the action coming your way in July? Is there a Scorpio theme to be readdressed for yourself; sex, reproduction, mortality, divorce, financial needs, controlling interest, power, or third party matters? You have until the 29th to dive in and do it/undo it, so go.

Speaking of Scorpio themes, the other major energy at work this month is in your 8th house, the house that Scorpio rules, so it seems that the financial (loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, or other resources), sexual, reproductive, mortality issues, divorce, or third party matters will really, really be getting some attention. You may have just one of these topics to hone in on or several, you'll know once the month begins. Expect to be in there one-on-one with someone by the 3rd over serious focus on the income, purchases, value, or possessions in the mix. Saturn is here asking that you end something, make a long term commitment, structure things better, work on responsibilities, or ambitions about it. So for example it could bring a sexual attraction into play with someone who has brought you a serious gift (a ring?) or needs to be reevaluated based on feeling valued, or it could be about setting limits with someone over purchases or income so that you can pay off debt or get the loan, you get the idea. If you don't hammer it out now you will get another chance on the 20th. And to push you ahead with these financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, or third party matters, the New Moon on the 4th kicks it in gear and gives you the boost you need over the next 2 weeks to take things to the next level or enter into something new. By the 12th Mercury also joins in so from this point forward you may find it easier to talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, get the writing going, interview, field offers, or make decisions about it, time to go for it!

Now for the weird, otherworldly, magical, and inspired; Neptune. Neptune Retrogrades on the 13th so something shifts a bit when it comes to your creative projects, kids, lover, love life, or recreational pursuits. This may mean you are slowing down a bit to catch your breath and catch up with where you find yourself, that you are going back to past people, ideas or situations for a do-over in the months ahead or that you are just keeping the fires stoked with what is currently going on without any new advancement during this period. Look at where you are with Karmic/past life situations, what's going on with research, healing or hospitals, if bad habits or addictions are prevalent, what is up with romantic getaways or clandestine situations, where you are in the artistic or spiritual side of things, and how you can apply this now to any old stuff you want to rework or rekindle or release regarding true love, children, fun, or creativity.

By the 17th the ongoing Saturn/Neptune square will peak for the 2nd of 3 times. This began back in Sept. 2015 and won't wrap up until Sept. 2016 so you are now at the mid-point. Look at how far you have come in these matters and what it is you need to get real about regarding spending, purchases, possessions, income, or what you value. By the 20th the Full Moon will then bring a peak for you with these income, purchases, possessions, or values as something wraps up, comes through, ends, is achieved, or celebrated here.

Finally, there will be one other energy that starts to pour into your life around the 17th onward. This is about flow moving things along for you with the higher-minded 9th house matters so the topics that will be favored for you are: media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, publicity, travel, dealings with people at a distance, legal, educational, wedding, religious, or political matters. This starts now with Venus so at this point you may find you can smooth some things out or that a woman/women is/are key to what you are doing, that there is more love, income or beauty in the mix, or that you are attracting and enjoying yourself more in these matters. By the 20th the Sun arrives here to put a spotlight on these topics for the next 30 days so at this point you can plan on getting more personally or physically involved in these matters and showing up, taking the lead, shining your light, and making about you somehow. By the 29th Mercury joins in so going forward from here there's more communication opportunity regarding these topics so you may hear the news or offer you've been waiting on or get that meeting, interview, sale, or agreement going. It's a busy month, dive in! If you'd like to know more you can email Zoe about a private reading, the cost and details, here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com


Well, Sage, June is really ramping up to get you to go back and redo or undo something involving your art, spirituality, romantic life, healing, dealings with addictions or bad habits, hospitals, research, or development, and it's really important that you dive in and actively do your thing now so think about what this might mean for you. Do you need to go back to a past karmic/past life romantic partner and deal with the anger or passion there? Is there something going on with a return to a romantic getaway with a current partner or are you or they pulling back for some reason giving you the space to figure something out? What about bad habits, addictions, rest, recuperation, healing, or hospitals? Do you need to look at something that is bothering you and get healthier this month? In your artistic life, is there an old project, interest, idea, person, or issue to be readdressed involving film, music, painting, poetry, dance, sculpture, or other muse related pursuits? Do you need to get back into your yoga, meditation or prayer? Is there some investigating, research or strategy that you should revisit? You have until the 29th to get this right and the omens are that something financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, or third party oriented is at the core of it, so get hopping.

You will also have quite a bit of energy aimed at relationships this month. That means your romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, or other key players. It seems you will be one-on-one with them by the 3rd over something serious, think: long term commitments, endings, structuring things to support you, limits, no's, responsibilities, dealing with authority types, goals, or ambitions. If you don't get this hammered out now you should have another chance on the 20th. By the 4th the New Moon will give you the boost forward that will help you to start to launch into new things or take what you're doing to the next level with these partners, reps, clients, opponents, specialists, and the like. You want to be proactive about going for what you want now that you have this support from the cosmos. It is really favoring talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, proposals, and decisions with/about them. By the 12th Mercury joins in so things really will gather steam in these communications and get you out there locally or on short trips, making some important choices.

Now for the weird, otherworldly, magical, and inspired; Neptune. Neptune is going to Retrograde on the 13th so you may expect to feel a shift around what is going on at the home front, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommates. Over the months ahead it will be about redoing or catching up with the artistic, romantic, spiritual, healing, hospital, or research needs in the mix here so note what is occurring now for clues about what you'll be doing. By the 17th the ongoing Saturn/Neptune square will peak for the 2nd of 3 times. This began back in Sept. 2015 and won't wrap up until Sept. 2016 so you are now at the mid-point.

Look at how far you have come and what it is you want with your home and family, any real estate deals, moves, renovations, security needs, parents, roommates, or history interests, and then get real about your limits, commitments, responsibilities, goals, dealings with authority types in the mix, no's, or ambitions here. By the 20th the Full Moon in your sign is bound to bring something to a head for you as you mark endings, achieve, celebrate, or reach that zenith.

Mid-month onward one last boost will begin to arrive around your 8th house of sex, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, all financial matters, or third party situations. This begins with Venus so you should see that things are smoothing out or you are dealing with a woman in some beneficial or loving way, that love is in the mix or themes of income or beauty are flowing in these arenas. By the 20th the Sun arrives here to tour for the next 30 days and this puts a spotlight on you and allows you to start showing up more personally or physically for your sexual attractions, reproductive needs, divorce, third party matters, or financial interests. This is a great time to take the lead, make it about you and move towards what you want. By the 29th Mercury also joins in so at this point more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions come into play about it, sounds powerful! If you'd like to know more you can email Zoe about a private reading, the cost and details, here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com


June holds promise when it comes to anything you still need to redo or undo involving your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your freedom, original ideas, or social networking. Is there something going on involving your sexual attractions or reproductive needs that you can rework or release here? Is there a past attraction that can be rekindled?

What about divorce issues, do you need to go back and give it another go in the support group or with the friend or over your freedom? What about the financial picture? Is there something involving loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, investments, commissions, the partner's money, or other resources that you need to redo or undo via your aspirations, online or within charitable or other social outlets? You have until the 29th to get it right, address the passion, any anger and motivate about what stays and what goes. Running into past people at social functions is part of the story as is any slow down with current social matters so you can figure this one out. Once Mars goes Direct on the 29th you're ready to move ahead again.

June will also host a lot of energy focused on your 6th house so you can expect to be diving into work or job quests, health initiatives, paperwork, organizing, cleaning, or getting more involved with co-workers, hired help or the animals. New Moon momentum will give you the boost you need to move ahead with something brand new here or to take current situations to the next level if you motivate and go for it. This energy is charged up for 2 weeks so the sooner you dive in the better. Mercury will start to open things up in these areas on the 12th onward to help you get into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, or hear news, field offers and make decisions about it so it's really a go. Note that the 3rd will likely be a serious day regarding one of these topics and whatever is going on with someone else and the healing, addiction, hospital, research, clandestine romance/karmic romance, artistic project, or spiritual pursuit. If you don't figure it out now the 20th will offer you another shot at it as the Full Moon brings something here to a close or celebratory high as you achieve or garner some recognition.

Now for the weird, foggy, inspired, or magical period between the 13th-17th. Neptune is going to be active, first ending his long Direct phase and going Retrograde on the 13th, bringing a shift in what is going on with your talks, offers, proposals, agreements, sales, writing, news, interviews, or decisions. You may have been inspired to push forward or follow some sign or ride the wave with Neptune themes: again that is artistic, spiritual, karmic/clandestine romantic, healing, addictive, hospital, or research themes. Now you will start to slow down and return to past people, situations, issues, or opportunities to rework things, or you will take this period to catch up and work out what's next based on how far you've come during the forward motion phase. To that end you may hear from someone from the past or pull back in current situations to rethink things or old ideas, proposals, agreements, etc, will start to come back around. By the 17th the ongoing Saturn/Neptune square will peak for the 2nd of 3 times. This began back in Sept. 2015 and won't wrap up until Sept. 2016 so you are now at the mid-point.

Look at how far you have come and what it is you want with these ideas, offers, agreements, sales, writing prospects, interviews, talks, meetings, or decisions and then where you need to go from here. Saturn's involvement means getting real about limits, no's, endings, long term commitments, ambitions, responsibilities, the way things are being structured, and any authority types in the mix, and again this means what needs to be serious right now regarding that clandestine/karmic relationship, the artistic or spiritual pursuits, the addictions, healing or hospital needs, or any research and development in the mix. The Full Moon on the20th does bring this to a head.

Finally, quite a bit of energy will start to highlight relationships from the 17th onward. This begins with Venus so you may find that when starting to focus on the partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, opponent, or other key player, that true love is the topic or making money is now in flow or women and/or beauty themes prevail, it should make things more pleasurable or easy going. By the 20th the Sun joins in and starts a 30 day cycle that will push you to get more personally or physically involved with these key relationships. This is about you showing up, taking the lead and making it about your needs to some extent. It will help you get noticed or find your groove. Mercury is joining in on the 29th onward so at this point the talks, meetings, agreements, offers, sales, writing, interviews, or decisions really start to take off with relationships. In all of this keep home, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates at the core of what you are doing and where you are going, it's a good thing. If you'd like to know more you can email Zoe about a private reading, the cost and details, here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com


June is the last big push into the past to redo or undo some major goal you have or had, what's going on or went on with the career or what is up with authority figures like the boss, parent, teacher, judge, or mentor. So, is the goal financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce-oriented, or about third party situations? Do you need to rehash inheritance, insurance, taxes, or investments for parents, rework your 401k with your boss, renegotiate better insurance for yourself at work, reignite an old career or career idea, or head back to your financial planner and reorganize where you are putting your money? What about past sexual attractions or issues, can you rekindle old passion or work out old anger issues or go back to the specialist about issues you've been having reproductively or with sexual dysfunction? Is divorce back on the table or can you pull back from it, is it time to run into the ex? You get the idea, look at goals you have here or how career is impacted or what authority figures you might need to reconnect with or release and go there.
Mars will be taking you back over these matters until the 29th at which time you'll shift gears and be ready to move out into the future with whatever you've figured out.

Other energy pouring into your world in June will be a focus on true love, children, creativity, and fun. This is a great place to find yourself and the New Moon on the 4th is going to give you a cosmic boost towards something new or that next level in one of these matters if you work with it and go for it. Even Mercury is going to show up on the 12th onward to kick up the talks, meetings, local activities, short trips, writing, interviews, agreements, proposals, sales, and dec

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