

March is our most magical month of the year or to be more precise, it is the month in which the promise of magic is offered and we, with our free will, have the choice to take a step in that direction or not. This is because this is the month of the Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse and the cosmic boost brought to you in magical, spiritual, romantic, poetic, artistic, healing, past life, karmic, and behind the scenes avenues. Now think about this.....

Neptune, ruler of Pisces, entered this sign in 2011 for the first time since the mid-1800's and we get one New Moon in Pisces each year but the one in 2011 predated Neptune being in this sign so our first New Moon opportunity was in March 2012 and between now and when Neptune exits its own sign in 2025 we will have a grand total of 14 New Moons with Neptune's resonating power to make it a bigger deal for each of us, right now we are at the 5th New Moon out of 14.

So, no matter when you were born or when you are going to pass on, if you are on the planet now this is your only period in your lifetime when you will experience the powerful potential to really take things into bigger arenas with your dreams, art, poetry, painting, film, music, dance, sculpture, or any other muse-related interests, your dealings with addictions, healing, hospitals, meditation, yoga, psychic, intuitive, past life, karmic, romantic, or research themes. And what is that amplified period? 2012-2025 with Neptune in Pisces as the New Moon in Pisces takes place. Out of that 14 year period, only 7 years offer a conjunction (figurative embrace) between the New Moon in Pisces and Neptune in Pisces so these are the years that matter most: 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, and 2025. After this Neptune will not return to Pisces until the year 2175.

I wanted to illustrate this for you because we are always encouraged to really go for it or take steps towards our ideal with the themes the New Moon represents each year but you have to realize that the potential bound with this particular New Moon and the other ones I've listed are the biggest of your lifetime and they are happening now. So make March your month to begin something or take something further in these areas. What is started with a New Moon has the potential to keep going for quite some time.

Now, as if that is not enough, and it is, really, but this particular New Moon on the 8th is a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE!!! That makes it that much more powerful, 3 times as much in fact. An Eclipse can be triggered in the 5 days prior or after so that gives this one a major push between the 3rd-13th with a peak on the 8th as it actually perfects at 18.55 degrees of Pisces. So you want to be prepared to 'eclipse' out anything that blocks you or should now be behind you and move in the direction of what is new or next. You will have momentum until the 23rd. And please take this to heart, out of 14 years of magnified opportunity in the Piscean realm of topics with each New Moon and out of the 7 of these that actually link the New Moon in Pisces to Neptune's position in Pisces, there are only 2 that are actual NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSES, this one on March 8th, 2016 and the one next year on Feb. 26th, 2017. Just 2 out of this 14 year span that link to Neptune and have the power of an Eclipse as well and therefore only 2 out of your lifetime that have this kind of impact. It took me some time to research all of this for you but again, do you see how important it is to take action now on your dreams?

To add to the importance of what can be accomplished in this realm during the month of March, Mercury enters Pisces on the 5th to begin opening up dialogue, bringing up the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, auditions, offers, short trips, ideas, and decisions about these themes. Mercury will speed through here from the 5th through the 21st so you'll want to pick up that phone, take the drive, pen it, send it, ask for it, or pitch it now. Mercury and Neptune embrace on the same degree on the 11th at 1:01am eastern/on the 10th at 10:01pm pacific so it is from this point onward that new arrivals and opportunities commence with Mercury. Venus also joins in by entering Pisces on the 12th and staying the rest of this month so now you'll have some good things coming into play via women, love, income, and beauty themes in the mix. Venus and Neptune embrace on the same degree on the 20th so it is from this point onward that new arrivals and opportunities commence with Venus.

So, are you getting a picture of how important what YOU DO about WHAT YOU WANT in these areas is right now?! SEED THE BEGINNING NOW and watch it grow with some of the biggest potential of your life in the years ahead.

Other themes we will have highlighted will be activity in the 9th house in March. This means the higher-minded themes of law, travel, foreign, educational, media, marketing, publishing, religious, political, wedding, and adventure interests will get a spin at the wheel as well. This begins on the 5th as Mars enters these matters for the first time in 2 years. Mars brings action so you are going to get busier here. Mars is going to Retrograde on April 17th so the things you set in motion about these matters over the next 5 plus weeks will then enter into a defined second and third chapter phase with the Retrograde and then again with Direct motion. So for example you may file the lawsuit during this time and once Mars Retrogrades you get your court date and are in there going over all the old details, once it's Direct you get your verdict and are moving on. Or you decide to fill out papers to incorporate or get your license sending it off and during the Retrograde it comes back to you and you need to then put it in motion/use. It could be about booking a flight now and traveling during the Retrograde or visiting a far flung place now and returning then. It could be about a big media, educational or political push now and then some time of retreat or reworking of things then or perhaps you apply to these themes now and get to get in there and do it during the Retrograde, you get the idea. So again, it's important to put things in motion.

Remember Mars stirs passions and anger as well so it may be that your passions are amplified on that trip or at that wedding or that your angry about the legal or political theme, etc, so watch how heated you get and act appropriately. By the end of the month Saturn in the same zone will be activated so there is something serious in the works around the 23rd-25th. This may be when an authority figure like a boss, parent, judge, or mentor is impacting what is going on or it may be when you are pushing the hardest to reach a goal, achieve, end something, or make a commitment. It can bring responsibilities to light as well as limitations and bring ambitions into play just as easily. Whatever this is about do note that the 25th itself may be a day of intensity with it since Saturn will Retrograde on this day so the energy shifts a bit and while doing so Venus will square Saturn, pushing us over those New Moon/Venus/Mercury/Eclipse themes and asking us to get real about the woman, love, income, or beauty need in the mix.

Jupiter has 2 stand out days; the 16th and 23rd, so these days are likely to coincide with expansive desires, issues or opportunities you have around work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, or people you hire. The growth period we are in with Jupiter over these themes lasts until September but over the next 2 months and first week of May Jupiter is Retrograde so much of what can be achieved in these areas ties in with past people, projects, ideas, or opportunities, or it is about staying with what is in motion now so focus here if you can.

We do start to get some Aries energy kicking in on the 20th with the Sun and the 21st with Mercury, both now traveling here over the weeks ahead. So we will start to put more focus on our own ego, body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs and show up to make things happen for ourselves. You may note a bit more 'selfishness' in people's communication at this point but that's how it's supposed to be, everyone is figuring out what it is they really need and are going to be out there going for it so pipe up, get involved, you are the lead actor in your own story.

Finally, but certainly not least, we have a FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd. As with the New Moon Solar Eclipse, this has a lee line of trigger days 5 days before and after so you can see things peaking between the 18th - 28th with it perfecting on the 23rd. This Full Moon Eclipse is in the relationship sign of Libra so at this point we have a major breakthrough, celebration, achievement, ending, or wrap up involving a romantic partner, business partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, opponent, competitor, or advocate. Libra also rules justice, equality and balance so there may be something peaking around one of these themes for you instead or as well. So if you have things you'd like to see happen in these matters work towards them in the weeks leading up to it and be aware that there may be an 'eclipsing' out of something to bring this thing to a climax. That can be an eclipsing out of a bad habit, old idea, outworn agreement, or the relationship itself. What a month.

Your power lies in where you go regarding art, film, music, poetry, painting, dance, sculpture, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, research, romance, past life issues or opportunities, karmic balance, and time spent behind the scenes on development this month. Mercury will begin to open up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions about it between the 5th-21st and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 8th will give you one of the more weighty fresh starts or next level openings to take what you want here forward over the next 2 weeks, (read intro to the column for more on the Eclipse details). Venus will join in with these themes on the 12th so at this point women, beauty, love, or income flows more easily in these matters and should smooth things out or benefit you in some way, just watch her on the 25th when something about a legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding need makes it more serious. And talking about these last themes, Mars shows up to give them a kick-start on the 5th onward so you'll have more energy and motivation to make things happen with legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests. You haven't had Mars here in 2 years so it's time to go for it, (Again read the above intro to understand more about what Mars is capable of with the upcoming Retrograde in April). Saturn will join in over these themes between the 23rd-25th so this is when things are serious and you may need to deal with an authority type like a parent, boss or judge in the mix or when goals, responsibilities, career, or ambitions become important to what is going on. Important Jupiter days on the job or about work, with health or pets, paperwork or co-workers, hired help or organizing, are the 16th and 23rd so focus on the big dream or direction with these matters on these days. You'll begin to feel a pick-me-up when the Sun and then Mercury both move into your sign on the 20th and 21st respectively, and at this time it's your cue to start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in things that make you tick or topics that you feel are important for your body, image, brand, name, title, or opportunities. You'll have even more spitfire behind you and find it's easier to influence talks, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, and decision-making. Finally, the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd is about at least one big climax with a relationship or something involving justice, balance or equality. Expect the romantic or business partner, agent or attorney, client or specialist, competitor or opponent, justice or balance situation to wrap up, end, come through, or be reason to celebrate or mark achievements. Work towards what you'd like to see happen leading up to it and do be willing to eclipse out things that block what you really want here. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

It's an epic month for furthering your dreams, artistry, spirituality, romance, healing, karmic balance, past life situations, or research opportunities via your group activities, internet projects, friendships, original ideas, inventions, astrology, charities, or via your personal aspirations. So think about that, you may be able to make new friends, join new groups, push a website forward, or raise money for a charity, or take current themes further all by bringing your artistic talents into it or doing your research, planning some romantic time or tending to the healing or hospitals in the mix, etc. You begin to get an idea about this on the 5th as Mercury shows up and you start to enter into important talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, interviews, offers, or decisions about these matters from now through the 21st. You then get a mega-boost from the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in these matters starting on the 8th and in the 2 weeks that follow. This is the time to eclipse out anything blocking you like bad habits or old ways of doing things and move into new territory in a powerful way. (read the above intro for more about this Eclipse). Venus then joins in to make it flow with women, love, income, or beauty themes in the mix from the 12th onward so this should bring smoother sailing at this point. Just note that she will tangle with Saturn on the 25th so there may be something serious to address involving financial, sexual, triangle, divorce, or reproductive matters at this point. So over all you have one heck of a month to power through with your social interests and make it count with all this support. Speaking of the sexual, reproductive, divorce, financial, and third party matters, Mars is arriving to heat up these topics from the 5th onwards, the first time in 2 years you've had his drive in these matters. This will bring about more activity and may spark passions or anger over these matters as well. Whichever way it goes, it is time to do something about the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, or other financial needs, or to make it happen in your sex life, with the divorce, etc. Between the 23rd and 25th again, this involves Saturn so an authority type, your goals, responsibilities, limits, no's, or career needs may factor into it, a time to get real or get serious about what's happening/needs to happen. Jupiter has 2 special days, the 16th and 23rd, so you may want to focus more on lovers, kids, creative projects, or fun on these days and what you're doing to expand your horizons or find more happiness or prosperity here. From the 20th and 21st Respectively, the Sun and then Mercury enter into the behind the scenes territory in your chart so you may start to work on something that isolates you a bit like a research project, film, music, art, meditative, hospital, healing, or developmental project, or you may retreat to rest, romance, or recuperate. It's time to put yourself there at least a bit and communications should favor this direction. Finally, the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd is about a major ending, achievement or celebration regarding your work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, a clean-up, or organizational project. It's likely partners, clients, specialists, reps, or competitors will figure into what is happening here. Be ready to 'eclipse' out anything blocking you or outworn to bring this to its ultimate high-point. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

Ok, Gemini, what if I told you that what you put into motion this month and again, next year in February, have the potential to give you the biggest bang for your buck in your entire lifetime when it comes to your career, status, personal goals, fame, reputation, or dealings with authority figures like the parent, boss, judge, teacher, or mentor? Well, I'm telling you, what you do this month when it comes to artistic talents and projects in the mix, any healing or hospital needs with them, the research and development, your spiritual path and karmic balance, and the behind the scenes efforts, will take you further than at any other time in your life when it comes to these goals, authorities or your career. It begins with Mercury's arrival on the 5th setting the tone for more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, ideas, offers, and decisions about these matters between now and the 21st. The big boost though comes from the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE that is within orb of its ruler, Neptune, on the 8th and the 2 weeks that follow. This is your cue to launch into new territory or take things into that next chapter, all the while being willing to 'eclipse' out what is blocking you or outworn. Venus will join in on the 12th onwards so at this point love, women, income, and beauty themes are at play for you in these matters and it should smooth out or help things go a bit better. Make this count! (For more on the Eclipse energy read the intro to this column). Next, Mars is showing up in your relationship zone for the first time in 2 years on the 5th so over the weeks ahead you will have a lot more going on with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other key players. It is go time so dive in and motivate. Mars can also stir passions and anger at a higher level so watch the gage on this and act accordingly. Do note that since this is the same arena that Saturn is testing you in, by the 23rd-25th you'll run into his influence on your relationships and it is at this point that the serious stuff is happening. Therefore this period will align with commitments, endings, responsibilities, limits, authority types in the mix, or ambitions in play, a time to make it real. Jupiter is still working to bring you some growth on the home front, with family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals and this month the key dates are the 16th and 23rd. You will start to get a bit of Aries energy in play starting on the 20th and 21st respectively as both the Sun and then Mercury enter this zone so the weeks ahead will pull you to show up and get more personally or physically involved with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, social networking, and the pursuit of your aspirations. This should be quite nice for invitations and popularity, expect to be there and enjoy. Finally, the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLILPSE on the 23rd is a very powerful peak involving your creative projects, love life, lover, kids, or recreational pursuits. At this point you will see something coming to a head with achievements, endings, celebrations, or breakthroughs in these matters. Do work towards what you'd like to see happen and be willing to 'eclipse' out what is blocking or outworn. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

Alright Cancer, please listen to me when I tell you that this month holds more promise and potential to move you forward and eclipse out anything blocking you when it comes to legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes, than perhaps any other month of your lifetime. It's all about rebalancing some karma here, doing your research, working behind the scenes, and anything that may involve artistry, romance, spirituality, healing, deception, or hospitals in the mix. So, this kicks in starting with Mercury on the 5th and from now through the 21st you'll have an open door to talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions about these matters. Next, the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE, a rare one in league with its ruler, Neptune, kicks off on the 8th and over the 2 weeks that follow, opening up huge potential for you to head into something brand new or take current needs and interests to the next level. This is your time to be proactive and sit down with that legal advisor, get your trademark, file your suit, incorporate, book your trip, hop the plane, sign up for the class, start teaching, get into the wedding industry, plan your wedding, wed, start your media campaign, market your idea, publish your book, import/export, go global, get political, start your religious studies, or in any other way forward these notions, it is epic. (read more details about this eclipse above in the column). Venus then enters into these same topics starting on the 12th onward so at this point women, love, income, and beauty themes should start to flow well within what you are doing and it should smooth things out or make them more enjoyable. This month also will have some focus on Sagittarius themes since Mars is arriving here for the first time in 2 years on the 5th. Over the weeks ahead his presence here will boost things into activity at a higher level than they've been so expect paperwork, hired help, the job, health interests, what's going on with animals, environmental interests, co-workers, and organizing skills to kick into higher gear. It's time to do it. (For more on Mars again read the intro to this column). Mars can also ignite passion or anger so do keep an eye on what is heating up here and act accordingly. Since this is the same territory that Saturn is testing us to master you can note that by the end of the month, between the 23rd-25th, things will get serious with work, health, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, pets, the environment, or organizing. This is when authority types, commitments, endings, responsibilities, structures, or ambitions are in play and when you want to get real about what is important. Jupiter is still active in trying to broaden your horizons with talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, interviews, short trips, local activities, or decisions and this month key dates are the 16th and 23rd. Aries energy peaks out starting on the 20th and 21st respectively as the Sun and then Mercury arrive here and over the weeks ahead this will invite you to start showing up and getting more involved on a personal or physical level with the parent, boss, judge, or other authority type, or with personal goals and career matters. It's a good time to take the lead and get the communications, sales, agreements, and decisions made. Finally, the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd is bringing a major ending, achievement or celebration involving your home, real estate deal, move, renovation, family, parent, roommate, or security needs. Work towards what you would like to see happen here via the partners, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or clients in the weeks leading up to this and be ready to 'eclipse' out anything blocking you or outworn as you reach for this peak moment. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

Well, if you read the intro to this column you'll see how important this month is when it comes to your life and more or less rare and important moments that can transpire in March and then only once again at this level this lifetime. For you this is going to focus on what you set in motion that can impact your finances; loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, commissions, alimony, child support, investments, settlements, or partner's money as examples, or what you do about your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party matters. When it comes to these financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or triangular situations, it will be your research, romantic getaways, healing, hospitals, spiritual practices, karmic balance, past life energy, or artistic talents and projects that make it fly or lie at the root of what you are doing so pay attention and make this count. It begins on the 5th with Mercury's arrival and he will open up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions between now and the 21st so pick up the phone or show up and meet. Next, the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE kicks this all into a high gear on the 8th and 2 weeks that follow as it launches you into that next level or something brand new in these financial, intimate, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party matters. This means it's time to do what is needed with the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, partners money, or other outside resources, or to move things into motion or out of motion with the divorce, your sex life, what's happening reproductively or with any life or death scenarios and third party needs. Be ready to be proactive and eclipse out what blocks or is outdated as you move towards that next chapter. Finally, Venus arrives on the 12th onward so from here you'll see more women, love, income, or beauty themes in the mix and this should go well, help you smooth things out or attract and enjoy. (Read intro to the column for more on the Eclipse details). Mars is also going to arrive in your zone of true love, kids, creativity, and fun starting on the 5th for the first time in 2 years so from here onward it's about more action, drive, motivation, passion, or anger stirring you up and making things happen here. Think of it as your personal jet fuel to make things move and prepare for take-off. Do again, read the intro of the column for more about how Mars Retrograde in April will affect this for you. It's also important to note that while Mars is helping you light that fire beneath these areas of life and make things happen, Saturn is also asking that you master something new and get serious. This will be apparent between the 23rd-25th so prepare for this period to be when the commitment, ending, structures, responsibilities, limits, dealings with authority types in the mix, or ambitions will be important and get real about it. (For more on Mars again read the intro to this column). Jupiter is stilling doing his part to expand your horizons when it comes to income, purchases or possessions and key dates this month are the 16th and 23rd, note it accordingly. Once the Sun and then Mercury move into Aries on the 20th and 21st respectively, you'll start to be drawn to getting more personally or physically involved with travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, political, or religious interests. It's a good time to take the lead and enter into talks, offers and decisions about these matters. Finally, the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd is a major peak for you with talks, meetings, agreements, sales, offers, interviews, short trips, writing, electronics, vehicles, local activities, siblings, neighbors, or decisions. At this point the communication and close environmental Full Moon Eclipse will be bringing some major breakthroughs, endings, achievements, or celebrations in these areas and most likely focused on a partner, client, specialist, representative, or opponent in the mix. Do work towards what you'd like to see peak leading up to this date and do be willing again to eclipse out any outworn or blocking things that are in the way of reaching this high-point. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

Virgo, this is an Eclipse month and one that is about giving you a bigger stake in your future via at least one key relationship. This is so big that I started the intro to this column in detail about it, please read that too, and that has the potential to set your life in some new direction or take you to where you want to go up ahead. So hear me now, make March about efforts you make involving partners, clients, specialists, advocates, agents, attorneys, or dealing with the opponents or competition. Make what you are doing with, through or about them tie in with Piscean themes of art, film, music, dance, poetry, painting, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, research, romance, or development. You can start to get into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions about as soon as the 5th with Mercury's arrival here. He'll stay until the 21st so these days count to communicate and if siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics figure into it these days count for that as well. Next, the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 8th is major and will boost you forward with these key relationships helping you enter into some brand new ones or take current ones to the next level so think about what you want with partners, reps, clients, specialists, and others and be ready to 'eclipse' out anything outworn or blocking this forward momentum as you go for it. So really get in there and deal with current situations involving these people or seek out new contacts if needed but link to others or unlink unhealthy relationships, it's time. Venus then joins in on the 12th so from here forward women, love, income, and beauty will play into what you're doing with these relationship in some smooth sailing ways. It should help you attract or enjoy more here. (Read intro to the column for more on the Eclipse details). Mars is also active this month but he is all about making things happen involving your home, real estate deals, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommates. You haven't had him here in 2 years and how he is ready to make things happen so dive into any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, or wedding needs in the picture and motivate. Mars can also stir passions or anger so you may have sparks flying on both levels in the home or over the move, family, etc, so pay attention to what it is you really want and keep an eye on any short fuses. Expect that whatever you are gearing up and doing here will turn some corner around the 23rd-25th as the serious energy of Saturn comes into play around these matters. (For more on Mars again read the intro to this column). Jupiter is still doing what he can for you to help protect you and open up more happiness or prosperity, with an eye on what you are doing about your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs, so note that his special days this month are the 16th and 23rd. You'll start to feel like getting a bit more personally or physically involved in the financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third party situations from the 20th and 21st respectively, as the Sun and then Mercury enter into Aries. Over the weeks ahead it's a good time to make it about you and take the lead here, entering into more talks and decisions about it. Finally, the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd brings a major peak for you involving your possessions, purchases or income. This is when you can see breakthroughs, endings, achievements, or celebrations about these matters and again when you want to eclipse out whatever is over or outdated to reach this pinnacle. Again, it looks like the partner, client, specialist, representative, or opponent plays a part in what peaks here. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

Dear Libra, what if the things you do this month are some of the most important of your life in a few key areas of interest, well this month and next February? Let me tell you the subjects this focuses on for you and the major boost you can give your life by what you start now. Look at brand new opportunities or taking current themes to the next level with your work, co-workers, paperwork, or organizing abilities, and look at health, pets, environmental interests, and people you hire. There, if all you get is this then you're good to go but here's how it breaks down: First, Mercury shows up on the 5th and from now through the 21st he will open up talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, short trips, offers, and decisions about these matters so the door is open, you want to be proactive and talk about it, ask for it, write it up, sign it, sell it, or hear it, make choices. Next, the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE is rare in that it is one of only 2 in your lifetime embracing Neptune in Pisces and this begins on the 8th and lasts for 2 weeks in which time you can be proactive and move things forward into that next chapter or at the very least seed those beginnings so it can grow over time with this special momentum. Look at how Piscean themes can help you with your job, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, or pet needs: ask if it is about your art, film, music, painting, or other muse-related themes, if it's about healing, addictions or hospitals, the meditation, yoga, magic, or psychic interests, a romance, or the research and development. What needs to happen with this job or health matter? What is going on with that paperwork or pet? Where are you with the hired help or co-workers? Venus will join in on the 12th onward so at this point women, love, income, and beauty themes are in view with your job, health, paperwork, co-worker, hired help, or animal interests and this should go well, smooth out rough spots or help you attract these themes into the mix. So it's a go, so go for it. (Read intro to the column for more on the Eclipse details). Mars is also going to be active this month, entering Sagittarius for the first time in 2 years and amping things up via your communications and local efforts. This is about a start to way more activity this month, from the 5th onward, when it comes to talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, interviews, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, and decisions. Mars heats things up, it will motivate and make things happen with a bit of effort on your part and you'll be hard to say no to because of his presence here. Mars is also about igniting passion or anger so you may have some pretty steamy or red hot words or meetings going on, keep an eye on the fuse and enjoy the added fire. You should note that Mars is now in the sign that Saturn is testing us with so by the end of the month, between the 23rd and 25th, Saturn themes of commitments, endings, responsibilities, limits, structures, dealing with authority types in the mix, or ambitions will be front and center with these matters and it will be time to get serious about it. (For more on Mars again read the intro to this column). Jupiter is still active trying to broaden your horizons when it comes to research, artistic, spiritual, healing, hospital, romantic, or research matters and key dates when he is doing his thing are the 16th and 23rd. Once the Sun and then Mercury move into Aries on the 20th and 21st respectively you will start to feel like showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with partners, clients, specialists, attorneys, agents, competitors, or other key players. This is a good period over the weeks ahead to take the lead and open up talks, meetings, sales, agreements, and decisions via these people. Finally, the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd is in your sign, Libra, and this is a heightened time for you, believe it. It is when something you've been working on can garner some recognition, thrusting you out there in the limelight or when it can wrap up and be put to bed, it is when anything that's been going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal desires can come through, end, be celebrated, or achieved, and it is definitely a power time for you to eclipse anything out that you've outgrown or is holding you back so that you may reach what you're after or wrap things up. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

So Scorpio, not since the mid-1800's and not again until the year 2175, will you have the kind of opportunity you are being given in this month of March and then again in February 2017, never to repeat again. What is the opportunity you ask?! Well, it is all about a 1st of 2 open doors that are more magical and powerful to help you launch into something brand new or take current interests to the next level when it comes to any creative talents or projects, what you're doing with or for children, your love life or lover, or any recreational interests you might have. So in short, this is THE month to go for it, seed something in the direction you want to go or amp up the volume on what's already in motion, with just one more shot next February at this level. It is important to keep Piscean themes tied into it so when it comes to love, kids, creativity, or fun, think; art, film, music, painting, poetry, dance, sculpture, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, past life moments, karmic balance, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, research, or romance. It begins with Mercury arriving here on the 5th and opening up potential to get into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions about it between then and the 21st. Then the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE kicks in and opens up potential to take things to that next big level, plant that seed that can grow from this momentum or launch into something new between the 8th and 23rd. For your sign this is about the next chapter with creative projects and talents, your love life or lover, the kids, and anything recreational. Is it time to eclipse out something blocking or past here or has something run its course and eclipsed out on its own and now where do you want to go and what can you do to make it so with the steps you take now? Venus joins this flow on the 12th onward, bringing women, love, income, and beauty themes into what's going on to help, smooth things out or attract what you need. It's big, be proactive. (Read intro to the column for more on the Eclipse details). Mars is also going to be felt this month as he enters Sagittarius for the first time in 2 years. This begins on the 5th and is your cue to amp up the activity over the weeks ahead to make things happen with possessions, purchases or income opportunities. Be passionate, fight the good fight, motivate, let the sparks fly, it's time to do it. You may have some anger come up about something here as well so keep an eye on the fuse. Do note that where Mars is now heating things up, Saturn is testing you, both now traveling in the same sign, and you'll see what this means sometime between the 23rd-25th when it gets serious. At this point you'll be into the commitments, endings, structuring, limits, responsibilities, dealings with authority types in the mix, or ambitions, time to get real. (For more on Mars again read the intro to this column). Jupiter is still doing his part to bring growth opportunities to you via friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, social networking, your freedom, original ideas, and aspirations. This month key dates are the 16th and 23rd. Once the Sun and then Mercury both move into Aries, on the 20th and 21st respectively, you'll start to be drawn into showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with work, the pursuit of work, co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, health interests, getting organized, or what you're doing with animals. The weeks ahead are good for taking the lead in these matters and making choices. A FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd brings a major climax around the research, romance, healing, hospital, addiction, investigation, spiritual practice, art, film, music, dance, poetry, magic, past life, karmic, or psychic interest. This will likely involve a key relationship: partner, client, specialist, opponent, agent, attorney, or the like, and be a time when you are marking endings, achievements, celebrations, or other high points. Be willing to eclipse out anything blocking you or who's time is past. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

Hello Sagittarians! This month may be one for the books because it is set to open up some of the biggest avenues of your life or to at least start eclipsing out what may be blocking you there so that this avenue is open for that next chapter thanks to a powerful combination of energies amassing in Pisces and in square to your sign and the energy at work there. The major theme in March for you is going to be home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, all the things that root you in your chart. This begins on the 5th with more talks, meetings, agreements, offers, sales, writing, or decisions about it thanks to Mercury starting his residency here. You'll have another even more powerful boost here on the 8th as the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE focuses on these topics and helps you eclipse out whatever is blocking or slowing you down while giving you a major boost forward over the weeks ahead to launch into that next chapter here. So is it time to make the home reflect who you are or what you need, do you need time here or away from here to pursue something important to yourself or is it time to focus in on buying or selling of real estate, a move or renovation? You must also look at where you are with your family, parent or roommates and push your needs and theirs into some new direction or next chapter if need be. By the 12th Venus joins in over these matters so you may have women starting to benefit you here or get more involved with it or you may start to see income opportunities, love or beauty start to open up in these matters. (Read intro to the column for more on the Eclipse details). Mars is going to enter into your sign for the first time in a couple years on the 5th and start to heat up your energy to get you motivated, passionate or angry about things and start you up to make things happen that are important to you. This may be about what you want, what's going on with your body, brand, name, title, image, or identity, but you'll have more spark and others will notice. Whatever you get going now, sometime between the 23rd and 25th you'll see how far you've come and if there are any obstacles or course changes that need to be implemented. (For more on Mars again read the intro to this column). Jupiter will continue to do his part to open up opportunities or expand your horizons on the career front, with reputation, fame, personal goals, or dealings with authority types like the boss, parent, or judge and this month the days that stand out are the 16th and 23rd. Between the 20th and 21st the Sun and Mercury respectively will move into your house of creativity, fun, kids, and true love. This means that now you'll be more focused on these matters, into talks, meetings, offers, short trips, writing, interviews, and making it personal so plan on some enjoyment here forward. The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd brings a major ending, celebration, achievement, or peak moment for you involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, or original ideas. Again a time to eclipse something out and reach for that star or wrap up that matter once and for all. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

Dear Capricorn, are you ready for one of your biggest and most influential months in some time? I sure hope so because your sign is being granted an amazing amount of power and transformational potential through communications and decisions this month and that's not all. March holds more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, speaking roles, local activities, short trips, focus on moves, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, offers, important ideas, and decisions to be made than usual and it begins on the 5th with Mercury's arrival here. Open up and get things moving because by the 8th the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE will begin to help you eclipse something out that is outworn or blocking you and launch you into that next major chapter in one or more of these arenas. You'll have 2 weeks to really see where this is going to take you. So can you set that meeting or pitch that idea now? Is it time for a new level of interaction or understanding with a brother, sister or neighbor? Is it time to sign the agreement or take sales into new territory? Are you ready to eclipse out that old vehicle or electronic and replace it with something better? Is it time to make a life-changing decision? Venus joins in on the 12th so from here forward you'll start to see more women, income, love, or beauty themes in the mix, and this should go well. (Read intro to the column for more on the Eclipse details). Mars is also going to be involved in what happens this month but he is going to be playing his cards behind closed doors and making it an action time when it comes to research, healing, hospitals, artistic projects, spiritual practices, or romantic connections. Mars will stir up the action as well as the passion or anger so expect to be busy and motivated about these matters. By the 23rd-25th you'll see just what you can or cannot achieve here and will turn a corner with what you are serious about. (For more on Mars again read the intro to this column). Jupiter is still working for you to open up potential growth and happiness via legal, travel, distant, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests and this month that will stand out the most on the 16th and 23rd. Between the 20th-21st the Sun and Mercury will move into your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parent, and roommate sector so from this time onward you'll be thinking about these matters more and showing up and getting more involved in making things happen here. It's a good time to open up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions about it and to put yourself into the mix based on what you need. The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd brings a major ending, achievement, celebration, or other peak moment for you regarding the career, big personal goal or what's going on with a boss, judge, parent, mentor, or other authority type. This will again be about eclipsing out what is over or blocking you to reach this zenith. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

I have to tell you Aquarius, this month ahead can change much for you when it comes to how you value yourself and what you really value in your world around you. In fact there has not been a month like this ever and the momentum this is going to give you in March is big for you when it comes to making money, what you're doing with your possessions or with your purchases because these topics boil down into value on a lot of levels. It begins on the 5th as Mercury moves into these topics and opens up talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions about these matters over the weeks ahead. By the 8th the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE will help you eclipse out whatever is blocking you and move into that huge next chapter with these matters. You'll have 2 powerful weeks to make this happen. So is it time to pursue new income or to make more where you are (are you being valued for your input and skill set) or do you need to master some new skill so that you are more valued in the work place or do you need to look at ways you would enjoy making money more than with what you are doing now and what steps can you take to start down this path? Is it time to sell items you've been making or to store possessions somewhere or to rearrange them for a new look or to donate them to charity? What about your purchases, is it time to make a big purchase, purchase several smaller items that can make life better right now or do you want to eclipse out a past way of purchasing to move into a healthier way of spending? What do you need to do in these areas that reflect this next level of conscious value for you? Venus will join in on the 12th so from here forward you can involve women, see even more energy around earning money, find true love playing out around what is going on, or make it about beauty on some level, all good. (Read intro to the column for more on the Eclipse details). Mars will also be busy in March but he is going to focus on making things happen with friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, original ideas, and your aspirations. He starts into all this activity on the 5th onward and will heat things up, motivating you to do things in these areas and sparking more action, passion and sometimes anger. By the 23rd-25th you'll see if there is anything that needs to end or be overcome here and you'll be getting serious about what you've achieved so far. (For more on Mars again read the intro to this column). Jupiter continues to do his best to open up your world in sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, big financial, or third party situations and this month the peak days are the 16th and 23rd. Between the 20th and 21st the Sun and Mercury both enter into your communications zone so you'll be more focused now on talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, moves, local activities, and decisions that move you forward. The FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on the 23rd is about a major ending, achievement, celebration, or other climax regarding a legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political theme. Again you'll be eclipsing out whatever blocks you here to reach this breakthrough or wrap-up. Go deeper into all of this and more by scheduling a private reading with Zoe to look at your unique birth chart and what the stars are doing now in correlation to that pattern. Email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask about the process and cost.


HEAR more MARCH MONTHLY Radio-scopes here!

TUNE IN every Thursday 8pm est/5pm pst to hear Zoe LIVE ON THE AIR talking about what's in your stars for the week ahead!

I hardly know where to begin for our dear Pisces out there because this month may just change everything for you. You have not had this kind of power for change and furthering your needs...well, ever. Yes, March is your month Pisces so let's look at why and when things get going. It starts with Mercury moving into your sign on the 5th and starting to open up the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, speaking roles, and decisions that are about you and what you want, your body, image, brand, name, title, and goals, and this will be in full swing when just 3 days later the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in your sign on the 8th. At this point you will find you can now eclipse out whatever has been blocking you or is outgrown so that you can take that leap into the next chapter that again is all about you and your needs, body, image, brand, title, or identity going forward. You'll have 2 powerful weeks to be proactive about this. So what do you want? Is it time to get your body in shape or healed? Do you want to show up for some situation in life that is really and truly a

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