April starts out with VENUS entering into Aries on the 5th where she will now tour until the 29th of the month. In Aries she is ruled by Mars and Mars is slowing down to Retrograde this month on the 17th. So you can expect when it comes to your own needs and what's going on with beauty, true love, income, and women (Venus) that you will be slowing down a bit but still pursuing things up until the 17th and that you will then enter into a period when people or situations return from the past or you go back and rework something by your actions. This is a great time to restore your passions in relation to something you've done before or wanted to do in the past, as well as a good time to rehash any anger issues and get them worked out. It's a month with a strong personal desire to find your cloud in these matters so watch the way things are flowing.
There is a NEW MOON in Aries on the 7th that will give you a 2 week forward motion push into personal or physical interests. This is a great time to get in there and go for it. This Moon is connected to surprise and excitement energy, Uranus, so anything goes! It may be time to shake things up, try something new, reinvent yourself, break free of what's been holding you back, or involve your soul group in what's possible. Again, remember the timing with Venus themes in the mix, slowly forward until the 17th, then involve past people or situations afterwards.
The 5th is also the TRIGGER DATE to last month's SOLAR ECLIPSE in PISCES. So if there is still anything that needs to get launched or move into that next chapter, any new people or opportunities, and/or eclipsing out what has past to open this door forward when it comes to art, film, music, poetry, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic, healing, dealing with addictions, hospitals, research, romance, karmic turning points, past life connections, or the messages from the other side, this is when you'll see it happen.
MERCURY is moving into Taurus on the 5th at which time our thoughts turn to our possessions, purchases and income needs. It's a time to think about what we value and if we're being valued. It is good for getting into talks, meetings, writing, interviews, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, field offers, or make decisions about these themes. Now, on the 14th Mercury will enter the Shadow of his upcoming Retrograde so what you've been moving forward on in these areas will now start to slow down or show signs of glitches or malfunctions, mix-ups or turnarounds.
By the 28th MERCURY RETROGRADES and from now until May 22nd Mercury will be giving you your do-over with income, possessions or purchases. So on the challenging side, if you've been making money or interviewing for a job before this you may go through a turnaround of events as someone exits or changes their mind or new projects are put on hold for a bit and you'll have to wait until after May 22nd or even until the other side of the Shadow completes on June 7th to hear back from them or get that money making project back on track. You could be working to get your possessions moved from here to there or sold online, etc, and then have something interfere with this until after the Retrograde ends, since Mercury rules commerce and is in a money making/possessions and purchases sign, it may be a bit frustrating during this window. On the other hand, the good news is this period allows for you to catch mistakes, rework things, go back and reconnect with past ideas, people or situations who may benefit you up ahead, and rethink, release or revamp according to your needs. So slow down, take your time and figure it out.
So, looking more intently at the MARS RETROGRADE, it begins on the 17th and will remain in Retrograde until June 29th. This is a long time to go back and redo things or release them when it comes to your passions, motivations and anger issues. From April 17th - May 27th Mars will take his Retrograde back through Sagittarius and that is what we will be focusing on now. From the 27th of May until June 29th Mars will spend the rest of his Retrograde backing through Scorpio. So when it comes to your Mars Retrograde in Sagittarius themes, it's important you go back and redo something involving legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, travel, foreign, distant, import/export, wedding, religious, or political themes. We may see some turnaround with a political candidate at this point and in our own lives it is really important to review how the actions we've taken or failed to take about these themes are impacting us now and what we can do about it during this Retrograde phase to get it right. We may be one-on-one with people from the past about it or back in old situations. Pay attention to what comes up at this turnaround date for clues about what you should be focusing your energy on in the weeks ahead. Once Mars goes Direct on June 29th he won't pass his Shadow at 8 degrees of Sagittarius until August 22nd so this is a big story for our year 2016 and it's underway now.
The following day, on April 18th, PLUTO RETROGRADES. This is an outer planetary energy about purging, rebirthing, empowering, and changing on a deep level. You've been in forward motion with this, especially where your own leadership abilities, personal goals, financial situation, career, dealings with authority figures like the boss, parent or judge, life and death scenarios, sex life, divorce, or third party interests have been concerned. Now, on the 18th Pluto begins to slow this down and you go more internal over these themes as well as staying and working through whatever is already in play here from now through September 26th when Pluto will go Direct again. If there is anything going on that is shifting with these themes in your life you may catch wind of it now.
By the 19th you'll start to get more personally or physically involved in those income, possessions or purchases topics due to the Sun's entry into Taurus. This is good timing since it can help you show up and get involved in what is needed before Mercury Retrograde starts to take you back over things here on the 28th forward. Venus will join in on the 29th onward to bring women on board, smooth out some of the rough edges around any of it, and spark a bit of light around the love or beauty in the mix.
The 20th is the TRIGGER DATE for last month's LUNAR ECLIPSE in LIBRA. That means if there is still anything peaking, ending, reaching some peak moment of celebration, or that still needs to be eclipsed out regarding a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, or other key relationship, or in regards to balance, esthetics or justice, you would see it now.
The FULL MOON on the 22nd is in SCORPIO. This is a major peak when it comes to your loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, partner's money, or other financial interests. It is also equally climactic around your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party scenarios. Note that at this point you have reached a summit and are marking endings, breakthroughs, achievements, or celebrations here. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it's right for you!
TUNE IN LIVE with Zoe THURSDAYS at 8PM Eastern to hear about what's coming in the week ahead!
HEAR more APRIL MONTHLY info on Zoe's Radio broadcast Replay here!
April always holds so much promise for you Aries, as so much of the energy floods into your sign! This begins on the 5th with Venus, a trend that lasts until the 29th and really favors you. This can mean more love around you or expressed by you, more pleasure, smoother sailing with income, women, or beauty interests, and a spark others notice. Enjoy! The New Moon on the 7th in your sign will give you the boost forward you need to take what it is you want to the next level or open up new possibilities during the next 2 weeks. Since this New Moon is in league with Uranus the potential to reinvent yourself or have something exciting or new happen is off the charts. Be in the moment and try new things. As with any New Moon in our own sign, it's a great time for anything you'd like to start that could impact your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal desires.
The 5th is also the last Trigger Date for last month's Solar Eclipse so if there is still any forward motion and/or eclipsing out blocks to have that forward motion with artistic projects/talents, spiritual practices, clandestine romance or karmic unions, healing, addictions or hospital needs, research, investigations, retreats, dreams, or messages from the other side, this is when it would happen.
Mercury is starting a story in your life on the 5th as well! This is about the talks, meetings, interviews, agreements, sales, writing, auditions, short trips, offers, or decisions that are focused on making money, possessions or purchases. It's a story because you'll be moving forward with this up until the 14th when things start to slow down a bit or people, issues or opportunities from the past start to filter in about it. This is when Mercury enters the Shadow of his Retrograde and by the 28th he Retrogrades and from now until May 22nd you'll be in a do-over stage with income, possessions or purchases. This may be when old opportunities or people come back, you decide to rework or release things with them, current situations turnaround, technical or mechanical mishaps occur, or you rethink what it is you want. Pay attention to the fine points and give it the time it needs to figure out what is best for you. The Sun will start to shine a light on this from the 19th onward at which point you will find you are more personally or physically involved in what is happening/needs to happen here and Venus will join in on the 29th onward at which point a woman may figure in nicely or you may see things smooth out a bit more.
Now for the big news this month. Mars, your ruler, is going to Retrograde from April 17th until June 29th, giving you about 10 weeks of going back to some past activity, anger, passion, or male to redo something. This starts out in the sign Sagittarius so for the first 6 weeks of this Retrograde, (until May 27th), you may travel, deal with someone at a distance, get into the legal, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding needs, or make it about religious or political themes. Slow down, take your time, ongoing or past activities in these areas is where it's at right now and what you do or don't do about it. The last 4 weeks of the Retrograde will be about Scorpio themes of sex, divorce, finances, mortality, reproduction, or third party matters, and falls between May 27th-June 29th but we'll get into that more in the May forecast.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 18th and will be in backwards motion until September 26th. So you may see a turnaround with a boss, parent, judge, mentor, teacher, or other authority type in your life or you may see things slow down or return to some former vibe when it comes to your career or personal goals. Pluto rules Scorpio themes of finances, sex, reproduction, mortality, divorce, and triangles, so note what shifts for you around the 18th with any of these themes. It may just be a period between now and the fall when some of the more intense things settle down a bit and you can catch up to all the changes that have gone on up until now.
The 20th is the last Trigger Date to last month's Lunar Eclipse in Libra so if anything is still going to end, break through, be achieved, or celebrated with a partner, client, specialist, opponent, competitor, agent, attorney, or other key relationship, this is when you should notice it. Themes of justice, esthetics or balance may also be peaking in some way now.
The FULL MOON in Scorpio occurs on the 22nd and brings a climactic ending, celebration, achievement, or other high point involving the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, settlement, investments, child support, partner's money, or other financial resource, or with your sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or third party situation. Work towards what you'd like to see come through or wrap up in the days leading up to this point. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it's right for you!
TUNE IN LIVE with Zoe THURSDAYS at 8PM Eastern to hear about what's coming in the week ahead!
HEAR more APRIL MONTHLY info on Zoe's Radio broadcast Replay here!
With your ruler, Venus, and a New Moon both moving into the behind the scenes, magical part of your chart this month, April is bound to be very interesting! First, Venus enters this field on the 5th so love, women, beauty, and income interests will now start to flow behind closed doors, in secret, via research, romantic getaways, your artistic talents, spiritual practices, healing, dealing with addictions, hospital needs, and any karmic turning points you are ready to make. Venus should help smooth things out here and let you focus on you and your needs in the matter. If this weren't enough, the New Moon on the 7th gives you a boost forward for the next two weeks in these topics. It's a great time to launch into something new or take current interests to the next level. Since this New Moon embraces Uranus, expect some excitement, reinvention or changes that open up this new direction, as well as bringing your visionary or unique ideas into the equation.
The 5th is the last Trigger Date for last month's Solar Eclipse so if anything still needs to be eclipsed out to push you into that next major chapter or new direction with friends, groups, the internet, charities, astrology, gatherings, your original projects, freedom, or reinvention, this is when it would arrive.
Mercury has a story for you this month as he moves into your sign on the 5th to start amping up your talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, ideas, interviews, offers, and decisions moving forward. This is going to focus on you and your needs, your body, image, brand, name, title, and anything you are focusing on as a personal goal. You'll have more activity here until the 14th at which point Mercury will enter the Shadow of his Retrograde and you'll start to slow down. From here forward you'll be starting to rethink something or go back over it, back to the past people or situations, or releasing, reconnecting or revamping things. You may have some mix-ups or mechanical breakdowns so take care around gear and electronics and make certain you are being understood. By the 28th Mercury Retrograde begins in your sign and from now until May 22nd you'll be full steam into that past or ongoing situation revising or rethinking it. Do note that the Sun will enter your sign on the 19th at which time you'll start to get more personally or physically involved in showing up and being a part of this focus on what you want or what's going on with you. By the 29th Venus, your ruler, will also move into your sign so things should smooth out a bit now and you will reap the rewards of this love and money ruler flowing through you. So pay close attention to what is on your mind on the 5th, you'll be with this story for some time.
The second major story that begins this month is with Mars and his Retrograde on the 17th. Now, Mars is all about motivation, the action taking place, your passions, and any anger going on. He is going to take you back to redo something involving your loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, investments, settlements, alimony, child support, partner's money, or other financial resource, or he is going to take you back over actions, passions or anger involving your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party situations. This lasts until May 27th at which time the Mars Retrograde will change signs and continue his Retrograde motion through your zone of partners, clients, specialists, representatives, and opponents until Mars goes Direct on June 29th. So slow down, look at what you would like to reclaim, what you want to redo, and who or what that involves starting now.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 18th which means some of the intense stuff that's been going on with legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes will ease up a bit. It gives you time to catch up to where you find yourself and if you still need to tweak anything in the picture already or bring it back from the past this is your window until September 26th.
The last Trigger Date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 20th and if you still have anything that needs to be eclipsed out or brought to a conclusion, celebrated or wrapped up with a key person and your job, health, paperwork, hired help, co-worker, or pet needs, this is when it would happen.
The Full Moon on the 22nd brings a climactic high point with a partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, competitor, opponent, or advocate. This is when you wrap up any financial, sexual, mortality, divorce, reproductive, or third party matters with or about them or when you celebrate achievements, mark endings or have your breakthroughs. Work towards what you'd like to see achieved in the days leading up to this date. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it's right for you!
TUNE IN LIVE with Zoe THURSDAYS at 8PM Eastern to hear about what's coming in the week ahead!
HEAR more APRIL MONTHLY info on Zoe's Radio broadcast Replay here!
Well first off, Gemini, April promises some positive social moments for you! That is thanks to Venus entering this part of your chart on the 5th and making you the attractive one for gatherings, parties, friends, group activities, online, in charitable activities, or pursuing your aspirations. Allow Venus to charm and attract, as well as amplify the flow of love, income opportunities, beauty, and what can happen via women during this time between the 5th-29th. To add to this story, the New Moon on the 7th is in the same social arena opening up a golden 2 week window from now that can introduce new friends or social options or help you take what you're doing currently to that next level! Uranus is tied to this New Moon so the more spontaneous and original you are about it, the more is open to you!
There is a last Trigger Date for last month's Solar Eclipse on the 5th so if there is still anything you are meant to launch forward with involving your personal goals, career or an authority type like a boss, parent or judge, then it will happen now. There may still be some eclipsing out of whatever is blocking this fresh start as well.
Next, a major story is starting with your ruler, Mercury, on the 5th. Are you seeing how important the 5th is?!! Mercury enters Taurus which is the karmic, behind the scenes, magical part of the chart for you. Here the thoughts you have will turn to artistic, romantic, spiritual, addictive, secret, research, healing, hospital, ghostly, or retreative topics. You'll find that you are getting into more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, short trips, or decisions now based on these matters. From now until the 14th you will be moving ahead with it but on the 14th Mercury enters the Shadow of his Retrograde. At this point you might start to have a change of mind or start rethinking something you want to revise.
It can start to bring people or situations from the past back around and cause miscommunications or mechanical malfunctions. By the 28th Mercury Retrogrades and will stay in backwards motion until May 22nd so during this period you will be in the revising, releasing, reconnecting, and reworking phase with your topics. As far as this month goes, the Sun will start getting involved on the 19th onwards so at this point you can plan on showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in that artistic pursuit, spiritual practice, romance, healing, dealing with addictions, hospital, or research theme. Venus joins in here on the 29th onward so at this point things will start to smooth out a bit or you'll see the love, woman, beauty, or income potential in the mix. See, it's a major story!
You have another major story happening as Mars is going to Retrograde this month as well! On the 17th Mars starts his backwards journey through your relationship zone and he will be going back over actions taken or not taken, what needs motivation, where the passions await, or what you're angry about, and it amps this up with past people or situations involving your romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, opponents, specialists, competitors, or advocates. You'll be having your do-over here with these people until May 27th at which point Mars continues to Retrograde but now shifts his focus to the job, co-workers, hired help, paperwork, health, or pets and finish here June 29th. So expect some relationship heat and the return, turnaround or releasing of these key people as you figure out what you are doing with any legal, wedding, religious, media, marketing, publishing, travel, educational, or political interests with them.
Pluto Retrogrades the following day, on the 18th, and will now be in a slowed down, backtracking mode until September 26th. This gives you a bit of a break with some of the more powerful transformations that have been going on in your financial arena, with your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party matters. Take advantage of this period to catch up with where you find yourself and go back over anything that still needs attention. Something or someone may return from the past for a do-over here as well. If there are going to be any changes you'll likely see it at this turning point.
The last Trigger Date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 20th so if there is still anything to bring to a close, end, celebrate, or achieve with those key players in your creative endeavors, with the kids, your love life/lover, or anything recreational, now's the time.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is also a peak moment, this one about your job, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, or something you're organizing or cleaning. This is when it wraps up, comes through, is celebrated, achieved, or ends. Work towards what you'd like to see culminate in the days leading up to this moment. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it's right for you!
TUNE IN LIVE with Zoe THURSDAYS at 8PM Eastern to hear about what's coming in the week ahead!
HEAR more APRIL MONTHLY info on Zoe's Radio broadcast Replay here!
April holds a lot of promise for you Cancer and it could take you in 3 directions: 1) taking your personal goal you've set to that next level or setting one now that really enters its stride, 2) pursuing and furthering career interests or 3) putting something into motion with an authority type like a boss, parent, judge, teacher, mentor, or other higher-up. This begins as soon as the 5th as Venus enters these arenas to spend most of the month help you attract the love, beauty, women, or income you need to make it so. This trend will help you smooth things out and enjoy what's occurring a bit more as well. It will last until the 29th so take the lead and go for it. The New Moon on the 7th then gives you a major kick forward over the 2 weeks that follow in these goals, career or authority figure interests. This is your best period of the year to launch into something new or take current interests to the next level. With Uranus tied to this New Moon you could have some sudden surprise, recognition, promotion, or excitement in the mix, it definitely invites you to be innovative, in the moment and willing to bring your unique perspective to the matter.
The last Trigger Date for last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 5th so if there is still anything to push forward with legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests, this is the time. You may be eclipsing out anything that has been blocking this forward motion as well.
Mercury has a story for you this month and it as well starts on the 5th. The focus as always with Mercury is on talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions and now that will play out in your social arena. Look to amping up the communications with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or about your aspirations or original ideas. The reason this is a story is you will be in forward motion until the 14th at which time Mercury will enter his Retrograde Shadow and you'll either slow down or now go in and tackle the fine points with what you've already set in motion or anything from the past coming back around. By the 28th Mercury Retrogrades and now it's in full swing, reconnecting with past people, issues or opportunities, rethinking, releasing or reworking things, and this will last until May 22nd. So get ready to engage in these social arenas! Do note that the Sun will enter this story on the 19th at which time you'll start to get more personally or physically involved in what's going on and Venus joins in on the 29th so things smooth out, women, love, income, or beauty topics start to interlace in a stronger way, and you are enjoying yourself a bit more!
Mars also has a story beginning this month and this one begins on the 17th as Mars goes Retrograde in your zone of work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, organizing, cleaning, and co-workers. Mars is about action! It is about motivating to get things in gear, the passions you feel about it or any anger issues that might come up now. In Retrograde motion you will be slowing down over these topics and/or going back over the past, looking at what you did or need to do, what they did or need to do, and revamping. So you could have a co-worker return or exit, get passionate with the hired help, fight for your health or job, land an old job opportunity through your passionate approach or walk out on a current one, go back and get active about your health or take care of an old health issue, have your lost pet return, etc, it's a do-over! Mars will be giving you the do-over until May 27th over these topics and then continue on with his Retrograde but with the focus turning to creative projects, kids, lovers, or recreational pursuits from the 27th of May through June 29th when Mars finally goes Direct.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 18th so the ongoing intensity that has been playing out with partners, opponents, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key relationships over your financial prospects, sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or third party matters will now ease up a bit and you will have from now until September 27th to catch up with where you find yourself or to rework anything in process. You can also go back to things or people past over these matters or shift gears about what you are doing, pay attention to this date to see how the wind is blowing.
The last Trigger Date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 20th so if there is still something that needs to go or is still yet to peak with a celebration, achievement or ending involving your home, renovation, real estate deal, move, family, parent, or roommate, this is when it would peak.
There's a Full Moon on the 22nd which is also about peaks and climaxes, this one involves your lover, love life, creative projects, kids, or recreational pursuits. So you may be celebrating something coming through or achieved now or wrapping up ongoing projects or marking an ending in one of these areas. Work towards what you'd like to see culminate in the days leading up to this date! There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it's right for you!
TUNE IN LIVE with Zoe THURSDAYS at 8PM Eastern to hear about what's coming in the week ahead!
HEAR more APRIL MONTHLY info on Zoe's Radio broadcast Replay here!
This is your month to move ahead with any media or marketing projects or to get in there and tackle the legal needs you have moving forward. It will also give you a boost with any travel plans or what you're putting into action with people at a distance, any educational pursuits and that can mean learning or teaching, your wedding plans, religious interests, or political pursuits! That's a lot, right, but they all fall under the 'higher and expansive mind' part of your chart and this is where Venus will start helping you attract what you need and enjoy yourself in these matters from the 5th onward and where the New Moon on the 7th is going to help you launch into that next chapter over the weeks ahead. Not only do you have this all working for you but Uranus sits with this new beginning so the more original you are or the more you try new things or amp up the excitement, the better it will go.
The last Trigger Date for last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 5th so if there is still anything to push forward with financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party matters, this is the time. You may be eclipsing out anything that has been blocking this forward motion as well.
Mercury has a story for you to work on this month and it is about your career, major personal goals or what's going on with higher-ups like the boss, parent, judge, mentor, teacher, priest, or other authority type. This begins on the 5th as well and will push you to get into talks, meetings, agreements, sales, short trips, interviews, writing, offers, and decisions about these matters. Things will start to slow down a bit as Mercury enters his Shadow of the Retrograde on the 14th and by the 19th you'll start showing up and getting more personally or physically involved in what you're trying to do about these matters. Mercury will then Retrograde on the 28th through May 22nd so you will then be going back over everything you've set in motion or hearing back from people, running into past people, issues or opportunities, or seeing some retreat with current people or situations. Double check facts and figures linked to these topics and back up electronic equipment. Overall, it's going to give you added time to get something right in these matters so ask questions, pitch ideas and take your time.
Mars is also going to Retrograde this month on the 17th and the story you'll be figuring out with this will last into the end of summer/first of fall. Mars is asking that you go back and deal with actions taken or not taken, any passions you are reconsidering or anger you want to work out and motivate about past people, issues or situations involved in your creative projects, love life, recreational pursuits, or with the kids. So you may be doing more about what needs to be done or undone here over the months ahead. You may hear from past lovers, kids you've been involved with, creative opportunities, or fun outlets or see current situations slow down or retreat for some time. Don't panic about this, it could mean you need this added time to get it right but do figure out if any of this speaks to you now and if there is something you want to get more active about pursuing with your love life, lover, past love, the kids, a creative endeavor, or recreational pursuit, dive in.
Pluto will also Retrograde this month, starting to ease up on some of the changes that have been going on with work, health, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, pets, or getting organized on some project and this slowed down phase will last until the end of September. Take this period to go back over any issues, opportunities or connections with people or situations here that you may wish to work out when it comes to the financial, sexual, divorce, or third party matters in the mix.
The last Eclipse Trigger Date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 20th so if there is still anything you need to hear, say, write, sign, sell, propose, or decide, or if there is still anything you still need to decide involving a brother, sister, neighbor, short trip, local activity, vehicle, or electronic need, can wrap up, end, come through, or be reason for celebrating now. Look to the reps, clients, specialists, partners, or other key players to bring this to a peak now.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is also about achievements, celebrations or endings and it is focused on your home, family, roommates, move, renovation, real estate deal, or parent. Use the days leading up to this date to move things in the direction you wish them to climax. It's possible that those themes of financials, your intimate life, divorce, mortality issues, reproductive needs, or third party interests will flavor what you see culminate here now. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it's right for you!
TUNE IN LIVE with Zoe THURSDAYS at 8PM Eastern to hear about what's coming in the week ahead!
HEAR more APRIL MONTHLY info on Zoe's Radio broadcast Replay here!
April sure has a lot to offer you via forward movement or next level opportunities when it comes to your financial picture so make sure to hit the ground running with getting together with your experts and advisors about what you can do with your commissions, insurance, taxes, settlements, investments, loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or other outside resources. The same boost is aimed at the personal side of this powerful part of the sky so you can just as equally take things into new territory with your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third party interests. Venus begins to show you how to attract what you want, smooth things out, or interlace these themes with women, love or income interests as soon as the 5th and then the New Moon on the 7th pushes you out into that next chapter. You'll have 2 strong weeks to make it so and do keep in mind that Uranus is tied to this New Moon so trying new ideas, freeing things up, being original, or spontaneous is favored.
The last Eclipse Trigger date for last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 5th so if you still have anything to set in motion with a partner, client, specialist, competitor, representative, or other key player about the karmic/past life needs, addiction, healing, hospital, prison, research, development, artistic project, spiritual practice, or romantic needs, this is it. Eclipse out what is blocking and move into that next chapter.
Your ruler, Mercury, has a story for you this month and it is going to e aimed at loftier topics such as travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, legal, wedding, religious, or political themes. This begins on the 5th as well as Mercury enters this part of the sky for you and will urge you to start thinking more about who you are involved with over these matters or who you need to connect with or release. You'll be in talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, offers, or decision-making about it all month. It will be moving ahead and then start to slow down and focus more on past topics from the 14th onward and then really turn completely to past issues or opportunities and your revamping of things from the 28th onward as Mercury Retrogrades. You'll have from now until May 22nd to release, rework or reconnect and get it right. Also note that the Sun's arrival in these matters on the 19th onward will draw you into it more personally or physically over the next 30 days. It's time to work it!
Mars is also giving you a longer story that begins this month on the 17th with his Retrograde motion. He is asking that you go back and redo something involving your home, family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, or real estate deals. Mars may bring a fired up male into the situation to make things happen or it may bring more personal motivation about these matters. It can bring on more passion in these areas or bring up more anger to be dealt with, however it shows up for you know that you will have until the end of August to figure it out and do what needs doing. Plan on being busier than normal here and do note that it is the next 6 weeks when the focus in on these themes for a do-over and then Mars Retrogrades back into Scorpio and turn attention onto other topics.
Pluto will also Retrograde this month on the 18th so the months ahead will ease up a bit when it comes to any intense matters you've had going on with lovers, kids, creative endeavors, or recreational pursuits. The slowdown will allow you to catch up to where you find yourself in intimate, divorce, financial, mortality, reproductive, or third party matters here over the months ahead. If you need to revamp something here you'll get plenty of time to figure it out.
The last Trigger Date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 20th and if you still have anything to achieve, celebrate, wrap up, or end with your income, purchases or possessions, this may bring it to a peak for you. Close those old doors and reach for something you want here.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is about something big coming to a peak with a sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, your writing, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, offers, interviews, talks, meetings, or decisions. Again this can mean an ending, achievement or celebration as things culminate, keep the lines of communication open. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it's right for you!
TUNE IN LIVE with Zoe THURSDAYS at 8PM Eastern to hear about what's coming in the week ahead!
HEAR more APRIL MONTHLY info on Zoe's Radio broadcast Replay here!
Alright Libra, your sign rules relationship and it is this April that you will get so much cosmic enthusiasm to help you move forward with them in your life. This means you can motivate and make things happen with romantic partners or business partners, clients or specialists, attorneys or agents, competitors or opponents, and much of this is stemming from your own needs in the matter. So what do you want and who can you turn to to get there? Venus arrives in this arena on the 5th onward so this means more flow with attracting these people and with the love, money or beauty that is in the mix. The New Moon on the 7th opens up the door and pushes things forward over the next 2 weeks so if you show up and go for it you can expect the best possible movement now for where you are on your journey. Since Uranus is tied into this New Moon the more spontaneous and inventive you are the better!
The last Trigger Date for last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 5th as well so if you want to move ahead with any work or health needs, the paperwork or co-workers, the hired help or animals, getting organized or cleaning, this is the boost you need. Eclipse out that mess or block and go for it.
Mercury has a story for you this month and this also begins on the 5th! Mercury is going to start to get you thinking more about finances, your shared interests with others, controlling interests, third party situations, your sex or reproductive life, divorce, or mortality issues. You'll be able to hear from others, talk, meet, write, sign agreements, make sales, take short trips, field offers, or make decisions about it so open up. Things will begin to slow down from the 14th onward and really come to a halt here and then start to go back over any choices from the 28th onward when Mercury Retrogrades. From now through May 22nd you have a do-over and you want to take the time to revise, release, reconnect, or rework things and get it right. Past people or situations may return, current ones may retreat, mix-ups can occur, but most importantly it's giving you the time to hammer out the fine points so pay attention. You will likely start to get more involved on a personal or physical level from the 19th onward.
Mars also has a story that starts this month on the 17th. This will focus your actions on local activities or short trips, sales, agreements, vehicles, electronics, writing, interviews, talks, meetings, siblings, neighbors, ideas, and decisions with Mars at the helm. In other words this may be focused on a vibrant male figure or swirl around your passions or anger. It may also be about really DOING what needs doing or undoing at this point in regards to these topics and you are going to have until the end of August to figure it all out and get it right. Do go back to anything past in these areas and do be flexible with current situations shifting for the time being, it's part of how it's going. Lastly, you will be intense in communications, at least others will perceive it so, so keep it in mind when getting your points across, it can be your best ally to win others over as you come from your passions but it can also be a hairline trigger and you don't want to fight your way through the summer.
Pluto is also Retrograding on the 18th and this will ease up some of the tensions you have going on at home, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates over the months ahead. It may be the right time to go back to someone or something regarding financial needs, your sex life or divorce needs in the mix or you may have a bit of a slowdown in these combinations over the months ahead so you can catch up to where you are in any changes and figure it all out.
The last Trigger Date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 20th and will help you to bring any last endings, achievements or celebrations to bear involving you and your needs, body, image, brand, title, or other personal agendas. It's time to eclipse out what is past and bring things to their best possible peak.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is also about celebrations, achievements or endings but this is focused on your income, possessions or purchases so you can see some things coming through now or wrapping up, work towards what you'd like to see culminate in the days leading up to this day. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it's right for you!
TUNE IN LIVE with Zoe THURSDAYS at 8PM Eastern to hear about what's coming in the week ahead!
HEAR more APRIL MONTHLY info on Zoe's Radio broadcast Replay here!
April is a great month for you to make some headway on the job or in pursuit of work, Scorpio. You may also really move things forward with work you're doing in other areas of life, any organizing, clean-ups, or details you want to move forward with involving co-workers, paperwork or the people you hire. This same momentum can influence fresh starts with health or the animals. So look at what you'd like to key in on and know that Venus arrives here on the 5th to get the ball rolling, bringing women on board or helping you attract the income or love in the situation over the weeks ahead. This is followed by the New Moon on the 7th which opens up a 2 week window that will help you open new doors or take current interests to the next level. Since Uranus is tied to this New Moon you will do best when being spontaneous, original and innovative, it's time to go for it!
The last Trigger Date for last month's Solar Eclipse is on the 5th as well so if you still need to launch forward and eclipse out anything blocking this forward movement to make strides in your love life, with a lover, the kids, a creative project, or something recreational, today's the day. There were a lot of Karmic turning points last month with these matters, consider today the last big moment if you still need one.
Mercury has a story for you this month that will begin to turn your thoughts to partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other key relationships from the 5th onward. That means it's your time of the year to meet new players, get into talks, agreements or sales with current relationships, ignite ideas, write, speak, take short trips, or make decisions that will move things forward with or about these people. The reason it's a story is things will being to slow down on the 14th as old opportunities or issues begin to come back around and by the 28th Mercury Retrogrades which will either bring back past relationships or see current ones retreat for a time or renew your interest in past projects or situations with them. Do guard against mix-ups or breakdowns during this period from the 28th through May 22nd and note that you will be more involved on a personal or physical level with these players from the 19th onward thanks to the Sun entering the story. In other words, take your time, there's something to reclaim, release or rework here.
Mars is also bringing a story for you this month that begins on the 17th. This is going to focus on your income needs, any purchases and/or your possessions and what you're doing about them. Mars will be about DOING or UNDOING something since Mars Retrogrades on the 17th. So look at where you are in these matters and what you should revisit by way of any male energy, your passions, anger, or just plain old getting motivated and then look at the past, past people, situations, issues, or opportunities in the mix, and if you have anything you can revisit here regarding your income, possessions or purchases that involves legal, media, marketing, publishing, education, travel, foreign, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix. You'll have until the end of the summer to get this right so dive in.
Pluto is also Retrograding in April on the 18th. Now, since as a Scorpio you are ruled by Pluto and co-ruled by Mars, these couple of days when both rulers are shifting direction may impact you physically as your body adjusts so if you need to sleep more or are up all night or feel more angry or in the heat of passion, try to go easy on yourself, you could be out of whack for a day or two. With Pluto now Retrograde some of the intensity that has been ongoing around talks, meetings, writing, offers, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions may ease a bit and if you have any past people or situations involving these themes that you'd like to go back to so that you can revisit financial, intimate or divorce needs in the mix, the months ahead will help you do so. Picking up on past ideas is favored during this period.
The last Trigger Date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 20th so if you still need to bring some closure or breakthrough with someone over a karmic turning point, addiction, boundary issue, romance, secret, healing, hospital, research, artistic, or spiritual interest, this is it.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is also about endings, achievements or celebrations and this one is in your sign. That means anything you've been dealing with, working on or holding onto that can now wrap up or come through will. Focus on reaching peaks with body needs, image, brand, your title, name, or any personal desires. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it's right for you!
TUNE IN LIVE with Zoe THURSDAYS at 8PM Eastern to hear about what's coming in the week ahead!
HEAR more APRIL MONTHLY info on Zoe's Radio broadcast Replay here!
April should be your way forward when it comes to your love life, creative ventures, the kids, or any recreational interests you'd like to pursue. This begins as soon as the 5th as Venus begins to attract the love or money here or help you via women or the beauty topics in the mix. You'll have weeks of this positive flow smoothing things out and this is followed quickly by the New Moon on the 7th that opens up 2 weeks of momentum that can help you launch into that new love affair, start new kids projects, creative ventures or recreational pursuits, or you can take current situations into the next chapter! With Uranus tied to this fresh start the more spontaneous, inventive and free you are about what you do and how you do it, the better this should all go.
The last Trigger Date for last month's Solar Eclipse arrives on the 5th so if you still need to set something in motion or eclipse out anything blocking forward motion at home, with real estate deals, family, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents, this is the day.
Mercury has a story for you this month that also begins on the 5th! This is when thoughts begin to turn towards work, health, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, animals, and getting organized or simplifying. Over the weeks ahead you can enter into more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, or decisions about these matters. You'll be in forward motion with it but start to slow down or review a bit from the 14th on. You will start to get more personally or physically involved with the job, health, paperwork, co-workers, pets, or hired help from the 19th onward so plan on being in there and communicating or choosing what you need but by the 28th Mercury Retrogrades here and your do-over begins. From now until May 22nd you'll be hammering out anything that still needs attention or going back to past people, issues, opportunities, or situations regarding these matters and reworking, releasing or reconnecting over what is possible or not possible. It's your do-over, give it the time it needs and do watch for mix-ups or breakdowns, back up info!
Mars is also Retrograding this month, his starts on the 17th. This is another major story for you and this one will be about YOU. That's because Mars is doing this in your sign so it's your do-over to reconnect with old passions, anger or to really motivate about something you did or didn't do in the past. You may hone in on your body and get it in shape or have that procedure done, it may be about your brand and getting active again about pursuing it, it may be about your name or title and where passion or anger leads you by the end of the summer, or it may be about a personal goal you've set and returning to it to get it right. As this energy shifts it may drain you of a bit of energy or revitalize you so stay steady on the 17th until you adjust. Do motivate to hash out issues and reclaim your passion.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 18th which will be the beginning of some things easing up a bit regarding income, possessions or purchases. You may be going back over any shared or outside resources in the mix or releasing what is past, you could reconnect with past intimate or divorce situations to rehash the possessions, purchases or income needs, or find that some of the powerful transformations that have been changing your view of these topics will now give you enough time to catch up to where you find yourself now.
The last Trigger Date for last month's Lunar Eclipse arrives on the 20th so if you still need to wrap something up, end it, achieve it, or celebrate it with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your aspirations, today is the day. Look to any reps, clients, specialists, partners, opponents, or other key players in the picture to reach your zenith.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is also about peak moments via endings, achievements or celebrations and this one is focused on what's going on with any music, film, art, poetry, spiritual practices, romance, healing, addiction, hospital, or research theme. Work towards what you'd like to see climax here in the days leading up to it. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and see if it's right for you!
TUNE IN LIVE with Zoe THURSDAYS at 8PM Eastern to hear about what's coming in the week ahead!
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