
The YEAR 2016 by Zoe Moon

Let's look into the major events of 2016! I've created a detailed overview of the major activities of the year ahead and what they mean. I have decided to break it down by planetary influence to make it easy to access. Feel free to print it out and keep it with your calendar for a go-to in your year ahead. I give you permission to share it if you do so by using a link to this page http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com or you may post it in its entirety with credits and links back to the author Zoe Moon and the link here: http://facebook.com/zoemoonastrology
Let's look at what's ahead!!!

Each year we have a set of Eclipses that impact the direction of life, 2 New Moon Solar Eclipses which are typically event oriented, pushing you forward into some major new direction or potential in your life and eclipsing out what is past to do so, and 2 Full Moon Lunar Eclipses that are emotional peaks that help us eclipse something out altogether, mark our achievements and our endings.

A Solar Eclipse will typically affect men more while a Lunar Eclipse will typically effect women more but both have impact for everyone. Eclipses have trigger dates which fall one month to the day before and after as well as 5 days before and after, it is possible to experience the meaning of that particular Eclipse on your life during these trigger dates. Each Eclipse will impact you for at least 6 months.

March 9th brings a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces 18.55 degrees which will open up major new roads forward in healing modalities, with hospitals, prisons, psychiatric wards, retreats, and other institutions, with clandestine romances or romantic getaways, with karmic balance or past life connections, with spiritual practices like yoga or meditation, with magic or psychic interests, with art, film, music, dance, poetry, or other muse-related interests, and with research and development. Allow it to eclipse out what is past to help you move into that next chapter as this is event oriented and can propel you forward. It may also involve a key male. Trigger dates: Feb 9th and April 5th as well as the 5 day prior/after period of March 3-13th.

March 23rd brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra 3.17 degrees which will bring closure to something involving justice, balance, equity, or with partners, clients, specialists, opponents, enemies, agents, attorneys, or other significant relationships. Again you are eclipsing something out, most likely on an emotional level or with a woman and at this point either reaching that goal, celebrating the achievements or marking your endings. Trigger dates: Feb 24th and April 20th as well as the 5 day prior/after period of March 18-28th.

September 1st brings a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo 9.21 degrees which will open up major new roads forward in your work, with health needs/interests, paperwork, organizing, cleaning, co-workers, people you hire, services provided, animals, and environmental interests. You are eclipsing out what is past to move into that big next level with interests here, it is more likely to be event oriented and involve a key male figure. Trigger dates: August 4th and September 29th as well as the 5 day prior/after period of August 27th-September 6th.

September 16th brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 24.19 degrees which will bring closure to something involving healing modalities, with hospitals, prisons, psychiatric wards, retreats, and other institutions, with clandestine romances or romantic getaways, with karmic balance or past life connections, with spiritual practices like yoga or meditation, with magic or psychic interests, with art, film, music, dance, poetry, or other muse-related interests, and with research and development. This is an emotional peak when you mark achievements, celebrate what comes through or note your endings, eclipsing out what is past. It may involve a woman. Trigger dates: August 19th and October 14th as well as the 5 day prior/after period of September 11th - September 21st.

Mercury Retrograde is a 3 and a half week period that allows us to go back over decisions, agreements, offers, what is in writing, anything involving mechanical or electronic items, and fix things or release them. It is not a good time to enter into new agreements, purchase new vehicles, computers or other mechanical items but rather a good time to go back and research these things so you are prepared with the best choice once you exit the Retrograde. Things break down during a retrograde in the areas that are being covered so plan ahead and back things up, buy warranties, etc. People from the past come back around as do past projects, opportunities and issues, all to be reworked, reviewed or released during this period.

It is best to slow down and really look at where you are in each Retrograde period, see if you've missed some critical part of the puzzle or if you are having second thoughts about things, then do the work, double check facts and figures and move into that next direction once the Retrograde wraps. The Shadow period approximately 2 weeks prior and after show us what is coming, we start to see mix-ups and breakdowns or telltale signs of what's coming with them, pay attention.

1) Mercury Retrograde #1: January 5-25th with a Shadow approximately 2 weeks prior and after of Dec 19th - Feb 14th. This Mercury Retrograde runs from 1degree of Aquarius back to 14 degrees of Capricorn and will ask that we review our aspirations, what's going on with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and causes (briefly while at 1-0 degrees of Aquarius) and then focus most of the Retrograde period on personal goals, career, reputation, fame, parents, bosses, judges, or other authority types (while it travels from 29-14 degrees of Capricorn).

2) Mercury Retrograde #2: April 28th-May 22nd with a Shadow approximately 2 weeks prior and after of April14-June 7th. This Mercury Retrograde runs from 23-14 degrees of Taurus and will ask that you review specifics regarding income, possessions and purchases. This Retrograde may be a humdinger for losing your wallet, ID, jewelry, or other possessions so be extra careful when out and about with your things. It's a good time to go back and rethink what you're doing to earn money or go back to an old source of income, you may lose a source of income during this period and if that's the case you can start to find new opportunities opening up after the Retrograde. You may decide to return a purchase or have some long lost item return to you. Try to hold off on signing new agreements until after the Retrograde if they are about your income, purchases or possessions, If you have to sign now then leave yourself some wiggle room. Definitely buy the warranty on any items you purchase during this phase and hold off on purchasing new luxury items until after if you can.

3) Mercury Retrograde #3: August 30th-September 22nd with a Shadow approximately 2 weeks prior and after of August 10th- October 6th. This Mercury Retrograde runs from the 29th-14th degrees of Virgo and will ask that you review specifics regarding your job, health, pets, co-workers, organizing, cleaning, people you hire, paperwork, and environmental interests. You may have a job fall through now or a health issue return or you could see a current health issue go away or an old job come back around. Old co-workers and hired help may return or you may let someone go, or you may keep things the same and go back and review issues or opportunities and rework things. A long lost pet may resurface now or you may rethink the idea of adopting a pet, it will be a time to double check all facts and figures on paperwork and with hired help, you get the idea. Use the time to figure out where you can be more meticulous and organized to help your work, health or pets going forward.

4) Mercury Retrograde #4: December 19th, 2016-January 8th, 2017 with a Shadow approximately 2 weeks prior and after of December 1st-January 29th. This Mercury Retrograde runs from the 15th degree of Capricorn back to the 28th degree of Sagittarius and will ask that we again review goals, career, reputation, fame, parents, bosses, judges, and other authority figures while in Capricorn and then look at legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes while in Sagittarius. Look at ways to rethink, rework, review, reconnect, or release things in these areas during this period, double check facts and figures associated with them, and give yourself some wiggle room with agreements and mechanical/electronic items.

Venus is in charge of true love, falling in love, our lovers, personal income, women, and beauty. She does NOT Retrograde this year which is good news as far as the kind of break-ups and losses we can go through with love, money-making ventures, women, and beauty in years when she does Retrograde. She will have 11 important fresh starts in 2016 and they are as follows:

1) Venus meets Saturn on January 9th: This begins a new cycle over the year ahead about how serious you are with Venus themes of love, income, women, and beauty. It's about making commitments, ending things that are not going to be there for the long haul, cementing responsibilities, being ambitious, dealing with any losses or limits, and setting goals. There may also be something serious to contend with in a Venus themed matter involving someone older or established. You may need to look at legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the picture. This is your get real cue.

2) Venus meets Pluto on February 5th: This allows you to transform something with love, income, women, or beauty through a physical deconstruction and re-birthing mode, through new starts via the loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, insurance, taxes, commissions, or other financial resources, or via divorce, reproductive needs, mortality issues, a birth, your sex life, or third party situations. It may be a time when focusing on goals, career or a parent, boss or other authority figure in the mix is important. This is your cue to go deeper, purge or evolve.

3) Venus meets Neptune on March 20th: This kicks off a new cycle between these two over love, income, women, or beauty that ties in with the imagination, fantasy, art, film, music, dance, sculpture, poetry, romantic getaways, clandestine romance, healing, hospitals, dealing with addictions, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, research, karma, or past life connections. This is your cue to tune into your heart and listen to your intuition.

4) Venus meets the Karmic South Node on March 29th: This is a new cycle of karma between you and others involving love, income, beauty, or women. You may have wrapped up a cycle between you and another based on Karmic law that now comes to an end or you may begin another one with someone new or you may experience this as a past life portal opening up allowing a soul from a past life to re-enter for an opportunity to move forward with you again. Focus on where you are with healing, addictions, hospitals, research, romance, artistry, spirituality, and boundaries. This is your cue to trust that what is occurring now is part of divine timing.

5) Venus meets Chiron on March 30th: This is about wounds and healing so you may apply this to a new chapter with love, income, women, or beauty. It may be the perfect time to face a wounding situation and start fresh in some new direction or you may take the wisdom you've garnered from a past wound and begin to use it to heal or teach others. You may attract someone into your life now with wounds around these themes that you can help heal or they may enter your life to heal you. This is your cue to rise to your spiritual guru.

6) Venus meets Uranus on April 22nd: This is bringing love, income, beauty, and women themes together with the great awakener. You may have brilliant, genius breakthroughs or ideas now, see an opportunity open up suddenly that offers you some new way forward, decide it's time to make a change, break free or get out of a rut by infusing something thrilling or new into the situation. It is a good time to look at your aspirations about these themes and if there is anything social via friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, astrology, charities, or causes that may take you into some new chapter here. This is your cue to reinvent.

7) Venus meets Mercury on May 13th: This may be a time of important decisions, proposals, agreements, sales, writing, offers, interviews, short trips, or interactions with siblings, neighbors, community, vehicles, electronics, or ideas about love, women, income, or beauty. It may be important to focus on your possessions, make purchases or really get in there with income and the next chapter on the horizon. This is your cue to think about it or make choices.

8) Venus meets Mars on May 24th: This is the only one of these meetings that Venus is having this year that is not about a fresh start but about a turning point. Venus and Mars are sitting opposite each other at this time of the year so you are at a crossroads with the love, income, woman, or beauty themes and are asked to take action or react to others actions involving legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. This is your cue to just do it.

9) Venus meets the Sun on June 6th: This is a fresh start regarding who you are, your evolving identity in love, with income, women, or beauty, and how you are personally or physically involved with these topics. What do you want? There may be an important meeting now or you may focus on talks, short trips, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, writing, agreements, sales, electronics, or offers that now arrive. This is your cue to show up.

10) Venus meets the North Node of Destiny on August 16th: This is a fresh start for you when it comes to what is Destined in your life. All kinds of things may occur or be shown to you around this date as a way to point you in the right direction for love, income, beauty, or women. Pay attention to the signs, people and opportunities arriving now and trust that they are leading you down the next road forward. You may find them via co-workers, the job, people you hire, paperwork, health interests, or what you do with pets. This is your cue to follow your Destiny.

11) Venus meets Jupiter on August 27th: This is about lucky, happy-making, prosperous new directions you can take towards love, income, women, or beauty now. It may involve optimistic feelings, something big on the horizon, a trip, wedding, legal matter, ceremony, educational pursuit, media project, marketing idea, religious belief, political agenda, or something adventurous. It may also open up to you via the work you do, co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, health interests, or what you do with pets. This is your cue to go big and aim high.

Mars is all about our motivation, where we take action, where our passions drive us, and where we express and deal with anger or fight for what we need. In 2016 Mars will zip through Libra in 3 days, spend most of his time in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius due to an extended time in Mars Retrograde through 8 degrees of Sagittarius to 23 degrees of Scorpio, and then finish the last 13 days of the year in Pisces.

Mars Retrograde is from April 17th - June 29th. It is about going back and redoing something, getting back into something you were once passionate about or rehashing something you were angry about, rekindling things with males you haven't seen in some time or saying good-bye to one who is currently in your life, and giving yourself the time to reactivate what you need to regarding the themes it is traveling through. So here is how it all breaks down:

1) Libra January 1-3: Just 3 days of amped up activity over partners, clients, specialists, competitors, enemies, agents, attorneys, or other key relationships.

2) Scorpio January 3-March 6th and May 27th-August 2nd: Time to get passionate, deal with anger or motivate about sex, divorce, financial matters, death, birth, reproductive needs, triangles, and controlling interests. Retrograde in this sign May 27th-June 30th when the past is back in the picture.

3) Sagittarius March 6th-May 27th and again August 2nd-September 27th: We get amped up over legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes. Retrograde in this sign April 17th-May 27th when the past is back around.

4) Capricorn September 27th-November 9th: We're motivated, passionate or angry and fighting the good fight over goals, career, reputation, fame, achievements, recognition, leadership abilities, or the boss, parent, judge, or other authority types.

5) Aquarius November 9th-December 19th: We turn our actions towards aspirations, freedom, original ideas, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, parties, gatherings, social networking, and sudden changes.

6) Pisces December 19th-31st: We finish the year with passion, anger or motivation over romantic getaways, clandestine romances, spiritual practices, healing, hospitals, addictions, boundary issues, art, film, music, dance, poetry, karma, past life issues or opportunities, rest, recuperation, retreat, research, or development.

There are only 4 new beginnings with Mars this year:

1) Mars meets Saturn on August 24th: A fresh start of activity over commitments, endings, responsibilities, authority figures, goals, limits, and ambitions in legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political arenas.

2) Mars meets Pluto on October 19th: A fresh start of activity we take to reach goals, further career or deal with authority types over loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlements, investments, alimony, child support, commissions, other people's money, sex, divorce, death, birth, third party matters, or reproductive needs.

3) Mars meets the Karmic South Node on December 26th: A fresh start with Karmic balance, a release of a karmic relationship, a new start within a current karmic situation or relationship, a past life relationship returning, and the actions we take via healing, hospitals, research, romance, artistry, or spirituality to get there begins now.

4) Mars meets Neptune on December 31st: A new beginning with actions taken over healing, hospitals, research, romance, artistry, or spirituality to get there begins now. This one is without Karmic ramifications.

Jupiter is where our growth opportunities await us and we only have it in one particular energy field for a year, once every 12 years. It's important to work on ways to open up potential while it is here because it can be easier to make things happen and because the things you seed in these areas now can continue to grow over the course of the next 12 years.

Jupiter will be in Virgo from January 1st - September 9th. This means during these months we have the opportunity to set things in motion that can bring more happiness, prosperity and growth potential via our job, health, paperwork, co-workers, people we hire, being detail-oriented, organized, clean, or via focus on animals or environmental concerns. Jupiter can help you get there via legal, educational, media, marketing, travel, foreign, wedding, religious, or political tracks. So for example, it's a good time to brighten your job opportunities in the years ahead by going back to school and getting a degree or by travel, teaching what you know, signing legal documents, getting into the wedding industry, or into politics. Apply Jupiter themes to the Virgo topics for furthering your opportunities in 2016 up until Sept. 9th.

Jupiter will Retrograde from January 7th-May 9th so during this period you can either concentrate on things already in motion, going back to old opportunities or moving away from something you've outgrown.

Jupiter will then enter Libra on September 9th and travel here for the year ahead. So for the rest of this year you will see your biggest growth potential, path to happiness or prosperity, coming through relationships: romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, dealing with competitors, opponents, attorneys, or agents. Choose this time to connect with others and be proactive about these people.

Jupiter will make several important contacts with other slow moving planets in the year 2016. These are about how your life story is progressing in the background and the dates are as follows:
Jan 9-Feb 5: Jupiter on the North Node of Destiny. This is a fortuitous time of growth via Destined events and people that are busy in your life now. Say yes.

March 16th: Jupiter trines Pluto: Look at bringing things together between the way you are opening things up in work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, or hired help arenas, and the financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party goals involved.

March 23rd: Jupiter squares Saturn: Work on how you want to expand job, health, pet, paperwork, co-worker, or hired help scenarios while getting serious about any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix.

May 26th: Jupiter squares Saturn: Work on how you want to expand job, health, pet, paperwork, co-worker, or hired help scenarios while getting serious about any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes in the mix.

June 26: Jupiter trine Pluto: Look at bringing things together between the way you are opening things up in work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, or hired help arenas, and the financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party goals involved.

November 24th: Jupiter square Pluto: Work on where you are with the partner, clients, specialists, opponent, competitor, agent, attorney, or other key players over financial, third party, sexual, divorce, mortality, or reproductive needs.

December 26th: Jupiter opposes Uranus: Excitement, sudden change, shocks, interesting new directions, or surprises come to light involving you and your needs and that of the partner, client, specialist, opponent, competitor, agent, or attorney.

Saturn will spend 2016 traveling between the 9th and 21st degrees of Sagittarius. This means most of the year is spent in the second decan of Sagittarius or the 'Aries' sector of this sign. This means everyone is going to be in it for themselves to some extent, worried or focused on their own needs, body, image, brand, name, title, or desires when it comes to legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes. Saturn expects us to master something new here, let's face it, he hasn't been here in about 29 years so it's time to get real about what you need to commit to, end, the responsibilities you must step up to, the limits or losses you need to absorb, and how to get ambitious about what you want to achieve. Do not back down from the lessons or growing up about these themes now, diligence pays off up ahead. Saturn is in this second decan from January 1st-July 28th and then again from August 30th -December 31st. So the month in between, from July 28th-August 30th when we dip back into the first decan we can open up our view to others needs and go bigger than our own doorstep.

Saturn will Retrograde between March 25th-August 13th and this period is best used to focus on ongoing or past situations, people or projects and use the period of Direct motion before and after this for going after new territory.

We began a Saturn square Neptune challenge back in November 2015 on the 15th that will be active until September 10th this year. There will be two days when the square is exact this year bringing things to turning points or high points involving these two energies and they fall on June 17th and September 10th. Saturn wants things to be finite: an ending or long term commitment, responsibilities, limits, losses, age, time, leadership abilities, ambitions, and is testing us to grow up and master that new thing in legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political arenas. Neptune wants things to be boundary-less, imaginative, about the muse/art, romance, spirituality, healing, hospitals, research, or past life connections, under duress it points out boundary issues, deception, illusion, addictions, and confusion, bringing up depression, weepy nostalgia or feelings of isolation and karmic balancing. The two in square to each other want to dissolve away that which does not support and help put foundations beneath that which is your dream. It's lent itself to some of the weird feelings we've had since it began and will continue to do so, so do your best to get real in the Saturn areas, look at how you can use these to support the Neptune areas or help you end things that are pulling you down there.

Chiron will cover the 17-25th degrees of Pisces this year. Chiron is about our soul wound, what we carry on a deep level and have a hard time healing, and also about our understanding of this area of woundedness/vulnerability to an extent that we have the potential to heal or teach others from that experience. It therefore can point out periods of wounding or of your own spiritual guru/healing/teaching potential.

Chiron will be focusing, as it has been, on wounds and healing via addictions, hospitals, prisons, depression, isolation, dreams, sleep patterns, signs, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic abilities, clandestine romance, art, film, music, dance, sculpture, poetry, research, karma, past life connections, and projects in development. You will do best to move forward into new territory during Direct motion between January 1st-June 26th and again between December 1st-31st, and revisit past issues or work on ongoing situations in Retrograde motion between June 26th-December 1st.

Uranus is the great awakener. It is about getting you out of ruts, bringing fresh air into situations, and shows up like lightning, bringing excitement, shock, surprise, or sudden change. It's been in Aries since March of 2011 and will travel through this sign until March 2019. It will then take about 84 years for it to return to this energy field. While it's here it is focusing on charging us up individually, bringing its electrical changes and awakenings to our body, image, brand, title, name, personal identity, and personal needs. Uranus moments can mean winning the lottery, being discovered, having an earthquake, being in an accident, or being hit with cupids arrow, anything goes and you won't expect it.

So it is good to move forward with opportunities that arrive out of the blue while Uranus is in Direct motion the first half of the year from January 1st-July 29th and then to go back over ongoing situations or past matters that appear again during the Retrograde phase from July 29th-December 29th. You're back into Direct motion again in the last couple days of the year. This is the first time that Jupiter and Uranus will oppose each other and it will happen once this year and twice next year: December 26th, 2016 and then on March 3rd and September 28th, 2017. That means from December this year until September 2017 something dynamic and once in a lifetime will be happening between you and a key relationship. So look at the big picture when it comes to romantic/marriage partners, business partners, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, agents, or attorneys.

Neptune is going to cover between 7-12 degrees of Pisces in the year 2016. If you have planets in these degrees of Pisces you can expect some major Neptune themes in your year ahead applying to them. Neptune is about imagination, inspiration, the muse, art, film, music, poetry, meditation, yoga, spiritual practices, magic, psychic abilities, addictions, healing, hospitals, romantic getaways, clandestine romance, research, boundary issues, deception, karma, and past life connections.

Neptune will be Direct motion between January 1st-June 13th and again from November 19th - December 31st. During this period move ahead into new territory over these themes, trust the signs, intuition and muse. Neptune Retrogrades between June 13th-November 19th and during this period you can go back over past issues or opportunities or work on ongoing situations.

A critical time for Neptune this year may be between November 13-24 as Neptune crosses the Karmic South Node. Karma will be rebalanced one way or the other during this period, it may bring loss, endings or a reconnection with a past life soul via the Neptune pathways listed above.

Pluto will cover 14-17 degrees of Capricorn this year, if you have planets at those degrees you can expect some Pluto moments that are more powerful than everyone else. Pluto is about death and transformation, it wants to raze something to the ground and rebirth it in some new way. It wants to show you how you handle power, focus you on your financial strengths and weaknesses, sexual prowess, reproductive issues and needs, mortality, divorce issues, and third party situations. In Capricorn it has been asking that we do this via facing authority figures like the boss, parent, judge, or other such person in our story, or by setting goals, mastering some new level of leadership ability, or focusing on career.

Pluto will be Direct between January 1st-April 18th and again between September 26th-December 31st. During these periods you can move into new territory or forward on new levels. Pluto will be Retrograde between April 18th-September 26th and during this period you can revamp or release things already in motion or from the past.

The Karmic South Node will travel between the 24th-4th degree of Pisces this year, it travels backwards and is touring these degrees of Pisces for the first time in 18 years. This is where Karmic events will take place, past life souls will re-enter, current situations or relationships may end, and Karma will work to be rebalanced. In Pisces it's about healing, hospitals, addictions, deception, boundary issues, clandestine romance, magic, psychic interests, spiritual practices, artistic pursuits such as film, music, painting, or poetry, and any research or development. Two key periods stand out, both detailed under the planets it contacts: March 10-27 as the Karmic South Node engages Chiron and any wounds, healing or teaching of wounds is brought into the story, and November 13-23rd as the Karmic South Node engages Neptune and the artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, addiction, deception, research, or past life matter is affiliated with the Karma being balanced.

The North Node of Destiny will tour between the 24th-4th degrees of Virgo this year, the first time it's covered these degrees for about 18 years. This is where Destiny calls you, this is where opportunity can open up, this is where you want to move forward on work, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, pets, organizing, cleaning, simplifying, and environmental interests. The North Node of Destiny will meet lucky Jupiter in these matters between the 19th-22nd of June 2016, fortuitous days indeed.

(C) Copyright 2015 Zoe Moon Astrology All Rights Reserved
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