
WEEK of MAY 11 - 17

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THE MOON in the week ahead, (all times given are eastern standard time, U.S.):
AQUARIUS MOON - Monday 12:00am - 10:53pm - emotional needs to be free social or inventive PISCES MOON - Monday 10:53pm - Thursday 1:13am - emotional needs to retreat, heal or inspire ARIES MOON - Thursday 1:13am - Saturday 3:02am - emotional needs to individuate, lead or fight. TAURUS MOON - Saturday 3:02am - Sunday midnight - emotional needs to build, earn or create value.

VOID MOON in the week ahead, EST:
MONDAY 6:36am-10:53pm
WEDNESDAY 12:55pm - midnight
THURSDAY 12:00am -1:13am
FRIDAY 8:04am - midnight
SATURDAY 12:00am - 3:02am

NOTE to those of you who tune into my weekly Radio Show:
Some of the show is garbled, I'm aware of it and we are working on our end to resolve the problem. Thank you for your understanding and hopefully this week we will have it sounding great again. Mercury Retrograde Shadow is affecting my personal chart, I have Mars in Gemini at 8 degrees, so until we are clear of the entire phase on June 11th and possibly until the Shadow clears afterwards on June 27th, it will be a process for me and an important do-over with my communications. Hang in there with me and wish me luck!

Mars enters Gemini on MONDAY which is like the starting pistol for the Mercury Retrograde that commences next Monday. In other words, Mars is going to bring all the action to what is about to happen with MR. In Gemini for the first time in 2 years, you now have more heat and passion and potential anger and fighting spirit behind the words you say and hear, the offers on the table, the agreements and sales that motivate you, the writing projects, ideas, talks, meetings, interviews, auditions, and short trips that inspire activity, and anything you are doing involving a brother, sister, neighbor, your vehicles, community activities, or electronics. So expect to ramp it up, you'll have momentum in these arenas for 7 weeks with Mars.

TUESDAY the Pisces Moon is pushing Mercury in Gemini, poking the idea or information over something going on with an art, film, music, magic, meditative, yogic, healing, hospital, research, romantic, or karmic matter. You can let this combination inspire or frustrate you, not the best day to push for something specific but a good day for the imagination and trusting the hand of the higher power.

WEDNESDAY the Pisces Moon is bringing opportune moments with both Pluto and the Sun. This is the time to step up regarding your worth, the income, your purchases, or possessions in the mix and to evolve the goal, career needs or way you are dealing with the parent, boss, judge, or other authority in the situation. Again, the root of this stems from your artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, or research needs and karmic matters may move forward under these positive alignments.

THURSDAY the Aries Moon takes over stirring our own needs and urging us to take them to heart. You may have some challenges at home or with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation to overcome today. There is support from Saturn through legal, travel, educational, media, or marketing channels.

THURSDAY and FRIDAY we have Mars in his new position coming face to face with Saturn in Sagittarius across the zodiac. This opposition perfects at 2:03am eastern on Friday, 11:03pm pacific on Thursday so it sits the mountain top between days and may be experienced in the build-up on Thursday or free fall on Friday, for some of you, both days. This is about you and another person and the anger, aggression, passion, or motivation that is stirring over news, offers, ideas, agreements, sales, writing, calls, meetings, talks, interviews, auditions, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions on the one hand, and the limits, endings, 'no's', long term commitments, responsibilities, authority figures like the parent, boss or judge, or goals in the mix regarding legal needs, travel plans, someone at a distance, the wedding, educational interests, media projects, marketing plans, religion, or politics. So get serious about what is on the line for you, if it inspires great ambitions or shows you just where the end of the line is, it's an important time to do what you can about where you are in the matter.

SATURDAY draws the Taurus Moon, Venus and Neptune together in harmonic alignments. This is the dream team, slow, pleasurable, loving, inspired, or helping to align values, money and karmic timing. Home or family may be featured as well as healing, romance, spirituality, or artistry. Signs and dreams will be stronger today, look for them.

SUNDAY this same Moon aligns with Pluto in a favorable trine so earning money, feeling valued, making purchases, or doing something with your possessions reaches some new goal or is noticed by the parent, boss or other authority type in the mix. Career momentum can be furthered today as well.


Hosting your ruling energy in Gemini starting this Monday is going to bring your most passionate ideas to the forefront over the weeks ahead. You will be willing to do and say what needs to be done and said to make things happen and you will notice that for the first time in a long time, it's moving ahead as you do so. Although you have to move through the foggy Piscean sea with this on Tuesday and figure out just what it is you really do want or deal with something you weren't expecting to have fall in your lap, by Wednesday you will have it under control and be ready for the gear up with that other person between Thursday and Friday. On these 2 days you are setting the scene for what will be happening over the next 7 weeks with any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, religious, wedding, or political matters that face you. If you need to take action with an agreement, meeting, talk, sale, sibling, neighbor, the vehicles, electronics, offer, or decision, look at where you are with the serious people in the balance and where any limits or structures, responsibilities or endings, long term commitments or ambitions lead you and then get real about it now. Saturday is magical in that home, family, feeling valued, healing, romance, spirituality, artistry, or research can come together under one umbrella. You may make purchases or money today tied to these themes, all good. Sunday income, purchases, possessions and the goals, career or authority figures in the mix are working together to evolve or ring in change under positive stars. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Monday is the kick-off to some of the most amped up earning, spending and dealing with possessions period of a 2 year cycle for you Taurus. It's time to get into talks, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, short trips, and field offers or make decisions, with a passionate or fighting spirit. You're going to have this motivating energy on your side for 7 plus weeks so dive in. Tuesday you will have to get through the Piscean fog around your intentions here which may mean some issue popping up with a friend, associate, group, online matter, charity, or original idea. By Wednesday you should have it back on track and able to show up and do what matters with any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plan tied to it. Sometime between Thursday and Friday you will find out just where the limits, no's, endings, commitment, responsibilities, or ambitions are with the other person and it will go something like this; you will be amped up over what you are trying to do with your possessions, making money or purchases and they will reflect the situation going on with loans, debt, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, commissions, alimony, child support, investments, or some other form of outside resource. There may be something involving sex, divorce, death, birth, or third party situations to the situation at hand for some of you as well. So get real about what is in front of you, you'll be working with the ramifications for weeks to come. Saturday is dreamy, inspired, and a bit poetic, a good day for social contact, local efforts, short trips, writing, meetings, gatherings, and ideas. Sunday brings a positive alignment for you with that legal, travel, media, marketing, wedding, or educational interest, empower yourself. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Monday opens up a 7 plus week chapter that is going to ignite you in some way, Gemini. Mars enters your sign for the first time in 2 years and motivates you to action. This may mean something involving your body or image, a drive to get something taken care of involving your signature, name or title, or it could be about a personal need you have and the motivation to do something about it now. The Piscean fog of Tuesday involving the parent, boss, or other authority figure or something with a goal or career will need to be navigated first but by Wednesday you should have things working for you here with plenty of good energy going on behind the scenes, with hospitals, research, artistry, romance, and any major financial needs. It will be Thursday and Friday when Mars in your sign comes to face off against Saturn in Sagittarius that you will really see the reality of a situation and begin the process of dealing with it. This may be a big factor over the weeks ahead so take it seriously when dealing with the specialist, client, partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or other key relationship. Look at anything legal, travel, wedding, educational, or media related in the mix with them and what is going on with responsibilities, commitments, endings, no's, structures that support, and ambitions. Do what you feel you should to turn the corner. Saturday is dreamy or inspired when it comes to making money, your purchases or possessions and the goals you have going here. You can work behind the scenes, involve the parent, boss or other authority or just let your imagination take over. Sunday brings something powerful via your sex life, divorce or some big financial matter. The alignment is positive so get away or do your research, all good. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Monday begins a 7 plus week period of you hosting Mars in the mystical and behind the scenes arena of your 12th house. You haven't had this kind of action here in approximately 2 years so get ready to get busy. It's about what is going to happen with artistic projects, spiritual practices, karmic situations, healing, hospitals, research, romance, or your imagination. You may hear about or do something today that gets that ball rolling. You will have to overcome the fog of the Piscean energy around this on Tuesday as something legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding related stirs the pot but by Wednesday there should be good things going on in these areas tied to the key relationship in the mix and any social connections. It will be Thursday and Friday when you really get a picture of what the new Mars placement is going to mean for you as you find yourself dealing with a work, health, paperwork, pet, co-worker, or hired help situation and the limits, endings, 'no's', long term commitment, authority figure, responsibilities, or ambitions involved. It's serious and you should take them seriously, this is the time you turn the corner through your own choices and actions. Saturday is dreamy or inspired and aligns positively with you and the legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media need, making you feel good about friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or gatherings in the mix. Sunday has powerful and positive potential with a partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key relationship and the aspirations you have or something social going on. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Mars is arriving in your social arena on Monday for the first time in 2 years and over the next 7 plus weeks you will see exactly how busy you can become doing things with friends, groups, associates, through social networking, gatherings, events, charities, parties, online, or about your aspirations. This is the time to make things happen. You may hear or say something today to get this ball rolling. You will have to navigate some fog around it with a financial, sexual, divorce, death, birth, or reproductive need on Tuesday but by Wednesday this particular energy is open to you stepping in and taking the lead and working out any goals in the mix. Thursday and Friday are the big days as this new Mars energy will come face to face with Saturn in opposition and let you know what is important involving the creative project, fun, kids, or lover/love life. You know what you want to do regarding the group, charity, cause, gathering, friend, associate, internet matter, or aspiration, now look at these other topics and anything limiting or regarding the structures that support it, the responsibilities, endings, no's, long term commitments, authority figures, or ambitions in the mix. Get real now about turning a corner here since you will be working with this energy for weeks to come. Saturday brings time to hole up and enjoy a romance, work behind the scenes on an artistic project or your spiritual practices, to heal, deal with hospitals or research, and to do so under auspicious stars. Sunday brings something powerful via the job, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, or hired help, again in positive alignment to your goals. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Mars arrives in your career, goals and authority figures zone on Monday and will stay for 7 plus weeks. You haven't had this kind of fire and motivation to make things happen here in 2 years so it's go time when it comes to your reputation, goals, ambitions, fame, status, career, boss, parents, the judge, or other authority figures. You'll have to wade through the mucky energy around the opponent, client, specialist, partner, representative, or other relationship on Tuesday first but by Wednesday whatever is going on with them should bring openings with fun, love, kids, creativity, legal, educational, media, travel, or wedding interests. It will be Thursday and Friday when your new Mars energy is going to really show you what is in the cards for you as you see the importance of what is going on at home, with a real estate deal, a move, renovation, the family, a parent, roommate, or other core matter. Look at the limits, no's, endings, long term commitments, responsibilities, authority figures, and ambitions in the mix, then get real about what you need to do to reach your goals, further your career or make things move with those authority figures. It's serious since you can start to turn the corner now. Saturday is dreamy or inspired when it comes to relationships and gatherings, specialists or clients, friends or groups, partners or other positive connections. If you're interested in moving the travel, legal, wedding, educational, or media interest forward or just enjoying it, today's the day. Sunday these themes continue but now align with creative potential, fun, the kids, or your love life/lover, all good. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Monday begins a 7 week period with more activity and decisions that will move things forward regarding any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interests Libra. You haven't had this kind of momentum here in 2 years, time to do it. You will have to deal with something foggy around the work, paperwork, co-worker, hired help, pet, or health concern on Tuesday but by Wednesday this turns to transformative energy and ties in positively with home and family in the mix. The real days to watch will be Thursday and Friday when this new Mars energy will amp up over the legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political theme as it comes face to face with Saturn. So it is likely there is someone key in the picture and that you now should get serious about these topics and any limits, no's, endings, long term commitments, responsibilities, authority figures involved, or ambitions. This is turning the corner energy so get real. Saturday is dreamy or inspired when it comes to your goals and the work you're doing or what's going on with health, pets, or those you work with, you should feel the deep connection involved. Sunday brings the powerful energy to the home, family, or what you are doing about real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents, this again is connecting on the deepest levels. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Monday kicks off a 7 week cycle that is going to amp things up big time when it comes to your sex life, reproductive needs, the divorce, a mortality issue, birth, or some big financial interest as Mars arrives for the first time in 2 years to bring the fighting spirit, passion and motivation to these topics. You will have to navigate the murky waters of Pisces in the mix on Tuesday which means something going on with love, kids, creative projects, or fun is a bit cloudy, but by Wednesday these topics move into great alignment for opportunity and connection. Thursday and Friday are really the important days this week for the new Mars placement so expect these days to show you what is or isn't going on involving the finances, sex, reproductive, mortality, birth, or divorce interests, and the income, possessions, purchases, or value you have for yourself. Don't underestimate these days, it's important you get real about your needs and theirs, look at limits, no's, endings, commitments, responsibilities, authority figures, and ambitions in the mix, and then be willing to do something about your position. You can start turning a corner here. Saturday is dreamy or inspired when it comes to true love, kids, fun, or creative ventures. You may be doing something through travel, media, weddings, legal needs, or educational channels and it should make you feel good about the relationships in the situation. Sunday brings at least one powerful talk, offer or decision involving a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, or other key relationship. Let it evolve or transform the situation, the aspect if positive. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Ready or not, starting Monday you are going to get far busier regarding a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, or other key relationship/relationships. Thank Mars for showing up for the first time in 2 years to amp up the action, passion and fighting spirit with these key players, you'll see more happening now over the next 7 weeks. You will have to get through the foggy energy around home, family, parents, roommates, real estate deals, security, move, or renovations in the mix on Tuesday but by Wednesday this should fall into a much better flow and actually align positively with earning, possessions, purchases, the work you do, organizing, clean-ups, pets, health, and paperwork. The real days to watch will be Thursday and Friday when this new Mars energy will come face to face with Saturn across the zodiac. For you this means energy is active with the partner, rep, client, specialist, opponent, or other key relationship and you must look at turning a corner when it comes to your own needs, body, image, brand, title, signature, or name. Are you ready to commit long term to this person or is it time to end something? Is there a need to structure things better, set limits, face 'no's', deal with responsibilities, authority types, or get ambitious here? This is a turning point if you act/react. Something about who you are may change forever over the course of these two days. Saturday is about home, family, nurturing, intimacy, or something with the finances or divorce going on, it's a good day to get inspired or to pull back and recharge. Sunday brings any health, work, paperwork, co-worker, hired help, or pet needs into positive alignment with making money, feeling valued, your purchases, or possessions. If you want to change something or empower it, now's the time. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Mars arrives on Monday to heat up the activity going on over a health interest, your work, the paperwork, with co-workers, people you hire, or the animals. He hasn't been here stirring the pot in 2 years and over the next 7 weeks he is going to get busy helping you make things happen. Look for clues as to what needs action today. You will have to wade through the murky energy around offers, meetings, communications, agreements, sales, and decisions on Tuesday but by Wednesday this should come back into flow and align very favorably to kids, fun, creativity, love, and your empowerment. The real days to watch will be Thursday and Friday when Mars in his new placement with your work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, and hired help gets busy and comes face to face with Saturn across the zodiac. This means someone is going to be all about the research, healing, hospital, recuperation, addiction, romantic tryst, spiritual practice, or artistic project and you are going to need to get serious about any limits, structures, 'no's', endings, long term commitments, responsibilities, authority figures, or ambitions in the mix. It's time to turn a corner, get real about what you can and cannot do, what you feel most passionate about and if any anger or fighting spirit needs to be addressed. Saturday is dreamy or inspired when it comes to the talks, meetings or decisions involving a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, or other key relationship. You should feel good about the love, kids, creative project, or fun in the situation. Sunday makes it pretty much all about the good stuff, deeper connection or positive evolvement going on a personal or physical level for you via the kids, lover, creativity, or fun. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Mars arrives in your house of true love, kids, fun, and creative projects on Monday and will stay for 7 plus weeks. You haven't had him here in 2 years and he is all about amping up the action, passion, anger, and motivation to make things happen. Tuesday may bring up something involving income, spending, purchases, or possessions that is a bit cloudy around these topics but by Wednesday you should see this move into forward momentum and some good things going on at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommates in the mix. Thursday and Friday are really the days to watch as Mars in his new placement will rev things up with the lover, kids, creative projects, or fun and come up against Saturn in opposition as he does so. So you will need to look at what's important with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, gathering, your freedom, or aspirations, and if it is about limits, endings, 'no's', long term commitments, responsibilities, authority figures, or the ambitions in the mix. What do you feel you have to do? This is turning point energy so get real about it and then let Mars get you there. Saturday is inspiring when it comes to purchases, income or possessions and the work, health, pet, or paperwork in the situation. You should feel good about home and family today. Sunday brings those good home, family and nurturing energies and helps you go deeper behind closed doors, in something romantic, artistic, spiritual, healing, or research oriented, all good. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



Monday kicks off a 7 week cycle that has you hosting Mars in your zone that rules what goes on at home, with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, and your security needs. You haven't had Mars by your side here for 2 years so it's go time when it comes to the action, motivation, passion, and fighting spirit over these topics. You will have to navigate some foggy personal or physical energy on Tuesday but by Wednesday you should feel good and ready to show up for talks, meetings, agreements, sales, interviews, auditions, short trips, or local activities that can enhance your position. It's also a good day with friends, groups, charities, or the internet. Thursday and Friday are the real days to watch as Mars in his new position is all geared up to make it happen at home, with the family, parent, roommate, real estate deal, move, or renovation, and comes face to face with Saturn across the zodiac. Saturn is going to be the limit, structure, 'no', ending, long term commitment, authority figure, responsibility, goal, career need, or ambition in the mix. So how do you get real here and move on what you need to see happen? This is about a turning point for you in these matters, make it count. Saturday is dreamy or inspired when it comes to your love life, your creative projects, the kids, or having fun. You are in a great flow with this today and can talk, meet, hear something important, or make some positive choices. Sunday brings powerful alignments with friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, charities, astrology, or your aspirations, talk or meet about it. If you would like to know more email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com about the cost and details of a personal reading based on your unique astrological configurations, there's so much more to see!



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