


It may be a short month but it is one that reflects much of what is going on in our hearts as it pertains to our creative expression, the children, our love life, our friends, the causes we champion, and our aspirations. That is because in this month ahead we will see things peak in part of this thanks to a FULL MOON in Leo and we will see new opportunities opening up in some of this thanks to the 2nd NEW MOON this year in Aquarius!

So let's start with the peak energy. On the 3rd we have a FULL MOON in Leo so our emotions will be building to this climax from day one. This is the time of the year when something we've been working on obtaining creatively, for or with the kids, in our love life, with our lover, or in some recreational matters finely comes through. Or if we've been engaged in the matter for some time we may finally be wrapping things up or marking an ending. It is possible to quit something in one of these areas now if your growth will somehow be impeded by staying and if you find you know this but can't muster the energy to do so yourself, circumstances may prevail that help that along on your behalf. If you've been waiting to hear about it or are ready to celebrate, this as well is favored in the days leading up to and on this day as the Moon crests over these matters.

As you know, we entered Mercury Retrograde last month the day after the New Moon in Aquarius, with Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius! So this month opens with that Retrograde still in process. It seems the universe REALLY wants us to figure something out when it comes to the Aquarius themes, not only is it giving us a rare 2 New Moons in the first 2 months in this sign but offering us a chance to go back over everything so we clear some things up and get it right. So from the 1st - 11th of February you are still in do-over phase with Mercury. Take this period to revise, rethink, rework, release, or reclaim what you need to when it comes to your decisions, offers, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, speaking roles, and ideas regarding Aquarius themes: your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, social networking, your freedom, changes, breaking out of ruts, awakening, and original ideas. Who can you go back to or what can you rework or revision?

On the 11th Mercury goes Direct and you are now ready to take all you've put together in these matters and begin moving into new territory with it. You have a green light after today to purchase electronics or mechanicals that are aimed at these themes or to sign new contracts or form new friendships, etc. With this forward momentum of Mercury, the second NEW MOON in Aquarius begins on the 18th. This one is at the last degree of Aquarius while the one that occurred back on January 20th was at the beginning degree of Aquarius. So you more or less are already into what you are moving forward, know what you are doing, and are ready to take it out there without any hold-ups now. The next 2 weeks will be quite important as you seed in this new territory.

We can't look at February without looking at Valentine's Day. The 14th of February is a bit all over the place. First, the Moon is VOID between 10:15am and 5:24pm eastern time zone so you may have a blast during this time but it would not be good to propose or ask for any other serious commitment until after the Void is over or do so before it begins. Second, we are in Sagittarius Moon until 5:24 and this Moon squares Venus and Mars so there will be a lot of frictional energy at play that will either heat up the passions and love over trips, weddings, religion, legal matters, etc, or it will fire up anger or frustration so go all in when wooing but stay light on fighting spirit. This Moon is making an awesome aspect to the Sun so there should be lots of excitement to the day. Once the Moon exits the Void and enters Capricorn at 5:24pm eastern the energy is more about what is serious, the commitments, the long-term goals, growing up, and any ambitions you may have. This is building towards a positive aspect to Neptune in the wee hours so you may really get inspired and find something dreamy to wrap the day.

The Sun moves into Neptune on the 18th after engaging the Moon at the New Moon in Aquarius. So for the next 30 days we are all in a cycle that will ask us to show up on a physical level or to get more personally involved, perhaps with our name, signature, title, image, body, or brand, in the Piscean themes of life. So expect to show up for the film, music, art, poetry, meditation, yoga, dance, healing, hospital, addiction clinic, AA, the research, investigation, development behind the scenes, a romantic getaway, the clandestine romance, or time set aside to rest and recuperate. This is a Karmic field so the world is doing some balancing now, do your part. It is also a very much heightened period for those signs, dreams and intuitive faculties to kick into high gear, heed what you see and feel.

Mars shows up in his own sign, Aries, for the first time in 2 years on the 19th. He loves it here, no, he really, really loves it here! This is about the full-on, all-out assault of action, motivating energy, passion, and fighting spirit. It can ramp up anger with some, motivate others to drive home what they've been working on or towards, and will definitely fuel desires to make things happen all around. It's interesting that this is occurring on the first day of the Chinese New Year, the year of the sheep or ram since rams are the zodiac animal for Aries/Mars. I'm not going to give you a Chinese forecast but I will say that this begins a year that allows everyone to begin to move about and enjoy the garden they've been tending over the last few years. It should, after we get past mid-March, prove to be a year of prosperity when we can begin to reap from the hard work we've sown. To that end, pour it on starting now, you know what you still have to do and Mars in Aries is going to give you what you need to make it happen.

Venus, not to be outdone, joins Mars in Aries the very next day, on the 20th. Over the weeks ahead she will help smooth things out, attract the love, money or women who can help, bring more enjoyment, and work alongside Mars to make it all so. In your love life you will notice more heat, this may mean passions or angers flair, most likely a bit of both, but you will have the fire there to do what you want to take it up a notch. When looking at your image, body or brand, Venus in this sign can help you to spruce it up a bit so it may be a good time for head shots or a make-over. Like I said, it is a short month, but wow what a month!

Wrap it up Aries, mark an ending to what you've been doing this last year or at least the last 6 months, or celebrate the achievements and high-point where you find yourself when it comes to creative projects, the children, your love life, lover, or recreational pursuits. This peaks on the FULL MOON Feb. 3rd so you can mark this chapter closed or achieved and express yourself accordingly.
Starting on Jan. 20th Mercury Retrograded so you've been going over past issues, opportunities, situations, and connections to people in the realm of friends, groups, your aspirations, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, your freedom, and original ideas since then. You have the first 11 days of this month to fine-tune, release, rework, reclaim, or revise here so pick up the phone, write it up, look at the agreements, offers, sales, speaking roles, interviews, auditions, short trips, meetings, talks, and decisions here so you are ready to take it into the next chapter once Mercury goes Direct.

Mercury turns Direct on the 11th so from here forward you can head into new friendships, group activities, online interests, etc, or you can take current interests and situations forward again. The NEW MOON on the 18th is in this same realm, your second New Moon in Aquarius this year. So it is really important that you launch, do you want or need to do something new with your website or online presence, what about a group you can join or form, are there new friends, associates or social networking to head towards or is there something new you want to do with current situations? What about your aspirations, freedom and originality? Is there an awakening for you here? What can you do to forward this now? Is there a charity, astrological pursuit or cause you want to get behind? You have 2 weeks to seed in these territories to see a flowering the rest of the year.

The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, kicking off a 30 day cycle that will see your sign pull back a bit and work more in artistic, romantic, spiritual, healing, research, hospital, or recuperative arenas. You will be showing up here on a physical level to get things moving or you may tie in your name, title, brand, signature, or identity with these themes. It's a highly intuitive time for you, one where some Karmic or Fated moments may occur so trust your gut, follow the signs, pay attention to your dreams and inner calling, there's magic around you now.

Your ruler, Mars, is heading into your sign, Aries, on the 19th. This is big news for you since you have not hosted him in his own sign, (yours), for 2 years. His presence here strengthens you, it will help you act and act decisively or aggressively to make things happen. You may aim this at your body, time to get to the gym, take up running, boxing, or time to have that surgery or blood work done. You may aim it at what you can now do when it comes to fighting for your name or title, identity or image, brand or personal needs, your passions will be on overdrive. The Chinese New Year of the sheep/ram starts today and should bring you much good from the efforts you've made over these past years but most likely this will come after mid-March. In the meantime, you have things to do so be proactive, no one can stop you!

Not to be outdone, Venus dives into your sign the following day, on the 20th. Her presence alongside Mars is about one of the best indicators you have had in a long time for a love affair to kick in over the weeks ahead or to stem from things you set in motion now while they are together with you, like joining a dating site or attending more social functions or joining a club, etc. If you are already in relationship this will help you reignite passions and become more active together. There is always potential for Mars to activate anger as well, hopefully with Venus here and her ability to smooth things out this will counterbalance things but do be aware that your fighting spirit is higher than normal and for the warrior sign, that is saying something. This combo can help you do something beautiful for your image or go after money-making interests as well. Why not give yourself a reading to see how your year is shaping up or focus the hour with Zoe on what LOVE is doing in your chart and what's to come?! If you think it's time you knew more, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about rates and the details involved to set up a personal reading!



February is going to rev up from the first when it comes to your creative pursuits and loving or fun intentions on the home front, with any property, renovations, moves, real estate deals, family, parent, or roommate interests you are undertaking. You will reach a climactic high-point here by the FULL MOON on the 3rd when you finally wrap up what you've been doing, mark an ending or are in celebratory mode due to achievements or festive activities going on here.

You've been backtracking over past decisions, ways of thinking, agreements, talks, and decisions focused on your career, major goals or dealings with authority figures since Mercury Retrograded back on Jan. 20th. This reworking, releasing, rethinking, or reclaiming that has been going on with these themes most likely involves your aspirations or some group, circle of friends or associates or your online needs. You have the first 11 days of this month to fine-tune choices here by continuing to embrace the past people, situations, issues, or opportunities and tweaking them or letting them go so you are ready for a major push ahead once Mercury goes Direct.

On the 11th Mercury goes Direct so after today you can go ahead and purchase electronics or mechanical items again and move forward into new agreements or meetings, but more than that, you can now make choices about your career, goals and the authority types you deal with and how those aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, your freedom, and social networking all flow or are not going to flow, your choice, as you move ahead. This is amped up even more by the NEW MOON on the 18th, the second one in the same area as the Mercury Retrograde/Direct! So you get an added boost from the cosmos to launch into new territory or take current situations further when it comes to your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, dealings with authority types like the parent, boss, judge, or mentor. Again how you put your aspirations forward here, the friends, associates, social networking, gatherings, groups, and internet will fuel this for you.

The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th kicking off a 30 day cycle here. This means you will be showing up physically or getting more involved personally with those friends, groups, aspirations, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, or other social outlets. For you this means finding ways to express your artistic talents or forward artistic projects, to research and work behind the scenes in development now, to tie those aspirations to romantic getaways or spiritual practices, to tend to friends at the hospital or in their healing, and to follow your intuition now when it comes to what you are doing in these combined scenarios. You are in a Karmic cycle now over these matters so listen to your inner voice and take the high road.

Mars has not been in his own sign, Aries, for about 2 years. On the 19th he arrives and adds a whole lot of heat to those behind the scenes activities for you over the weeks ahead. This means that you will have the energy, drive, motivation, fighting spirit, anger, or fired up passion to do something about your artistic projects, romantic getaways, spiritual practices, healing, hospital matters, research, and time pulled back from the world to recharge your own batteries. Don't play this down, you are a human dynamo now so any film, painting, music, meditation, poetry, yoga, weekend retreat with your lover, research, investigation, hospital matter, or other behind the scenes momentum you can grab hold of now can really move ahead. Today is the Chinese New Year of the Sheep/Ram, boding well for more prosperity after we get past the final Uranus/Pluto square mid-March, so amp it up, you know what you need to DO.

Venus takes Mars's cue and follows him into Aries the following day, arriving on the 20th. She charms, smooths things out, attracts, and brings more enjoyment so her added presence here will make it a much more favorable period regarding artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, and research needs. A woman may figure prominently into it now for you or you may see that through the Mars action you are taking that Venus's ruling of Love or Income now starts to play out and fall into place through these means. It is definitely a great period to set time aside behind closed doors for love and to use research and your talents to earn money. Why not give yourself a reading to see how your year is shaping up or focus the hour with Zoe on what LOVE is doing in your chart and what's to come?! If you think it's time you knew more, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about rates and the details involved to set up a personal reading!



Well Gemini, we know you have the gift of gab and as February begins the communications zone in your chart is amped up big time. That means you may be in important talks, meetings, interviews, auditions, writing, looking at agreements, in negotiations, making sales, fielding offers, brainstorming ideas, or it may mean things have amped up in the more mundane part of your 3rd house as things ramp up with brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, or electronics. Whatever it is for you, know that by the 3rd and the FULL MOON then you will have your answer, see things wrap up, end, come through, or be reason for celebrations. My guess is that your creative potential, love life, kids, or recreational pursuits are at the root of it all.

Mercury, your ruler, went Retrograde back on January 20th, so you've had your head on things or people from the past, most likely involved in travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes. That is how it is supposed to be. The first New Moon in this area came the day before Mercury Retrograded last month so you were given a chance to move ahead if you could either reconnect with someone or some past situation or if you could rework, revise, rethink, release, or reclaim in these areas over choices, ideas, offers, agreements, writing, talks, or meetings that wrapped around them. You have the first 11 days of this month to figure it all out, to fine-tune it, play out your do-over, pick back up on that past situation or get that stuff off of your plate once and for all so you really can bolt into new territory.

On the 11th Mercury goes Direct. After today you have the green light to purchase electronics or mechanicals, sign agreements and say yes to new situations, but more than this, you should now know what or who stays in the past and what or who comes forward with you into this new territory. The NEW MOON on the 18th is the second one in Aquarius so now you have New Moon momentum along with Mercury Direct to move forward into new territory or take current situations further. Again this is about travel, people at a distance, import/export, educational pursuits, weddings, religious interests, political agendas, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting. What can you do to move forward or plant seeds that can flower up ahead? You have 2 strong weeks starting now, go.

The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th kicking off a 30 day cycle that will ask you to get more personally or physically involved in your goals, career, ambitions, fame, or dealings with authority types like your parent, boss, mentor, or a judge. This is about showing up, taking the lead, being noticed, and it may mean putting your signature to something, tying in your image, brand, body, name, title, or needs, as you step up and move ahead. Since Pisces is all about artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, and research topics, allow these to inspire your way forward on the career front, with your personal goals and dealings with authorities.

Mars has not been in his sign, Aries, for about 2 years. On the 19th he arrives and this is about to bring a whole lot of heat to your social scene. Mars here adds fire and activity so you can bet there will be a lot going on with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, social networking, your aspirations, freedom, and original ideas. Mars wants physical action so you may be showing up here quite a bit as well. Mars will also stir desires, amp up passions, bring out your fighting spirit, and help you deal with any anger you have, so during the weeks ahead expect this to all play out in these social and aspirational zones. The Chinese New Year of the Sheep/Ram starts today as well, pretty synchronistic! It bodes well for a prosperous year ahead once we get past the final Uranus/Pluto square mid-March. To that end get busy now in taking action and motivating things forward.

Venus joins Mars in Aries on the 20th. The two of them together here will bring that love and passion or motivation and income needs together and for you this again will be playing out at gatherings, with friends, in groups, online, at charities, through astrology, in your social networking, or around your original ideas and aspirations. Venus may bring a woman on board who can benefit you or she may just amplify the love or income potential as Mars drives things forward. Why not give yourself a reading to see how your year is shaping up or focus the hour with Zoe on what LOVE is doing in your chart and what's to come?! If you think it's time you knew more, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about rates and the details involved to set up a personal reading!



It may be that you are wrapping up some purchase or working towards some peak with your personal income or possessions but whatever way it falls, you reach this zenith by the FULL MOON on the 3rd as things come through, end or are celebrated as you mark your achievements or hit that high. It's likely there is some focus here on the kids, your lover, a creative project, or what you are doing for fun.

You've been backtracking and fine-tuning over Mercury Retrograde themes since January 20th. For your sign this has been an important time to look at agreements, meetings, talks, offers, sales, writing, and decisions aimed at your loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, commissions, investments, alimony, child support, or other financial resources, or it has been about going back over choices regarding your sex life, reproductive matters, mortality issues, divorce, or third party situations. You still have the first 11 days of February to get it right so keep communications open and give attention to any of these themes you feel still have loose ends or a reason to revise, release, reclaim, or rethink things.

Mercury goes Direct on the 11th so at this point you should have worked out or figured out your choices in those financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party matters and you now have the green light to move ahead into new territory after today. You can also now sign new agreements or purchase new electronics or mechanicals. The NEW MOON that arrives on the 18th is in the same sign so this gives a huge 2 week boost to make things happen, step forward in ways that can take you there financially, sexually, in divorce, with mortality, reproductive needs, or third parties. It's important in all of this that you consider how your aspirations will be affected and what is going on in your social scene; with friends, groups or the internet.

The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th kicking off a new 30 day cycle that will push you to get more personally or physically involved in travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political interests. This may mean you are just showing up more, taking the lead, putting yourself out there or it may mean you are putting your signature to something, tying in your name, brand, title, or image, in ways that effectively highlight you in the matter. It's time to shine.

Mars has not been in his own sign, Aries, for about 2 years. On the 19th he arrives here and gives you all kinds of heat on the career front, with personal goals and ambitions, your reputation or fame, and any dealings with authority types like the boss, parent, mentor, or judge. Over the weeks ahead you can fire things up here, motivate, see way more action than you've had in years, and express your passions or fight the good fight. The only thing to watch for is angry outbursts which can always erupt where Mars travels, you wouldn't want to tick off the boss or act out on the career front! The great news for your sign is that you've been going through quite the overhaul through the Uranus/Pluto square since 2012, now you get the engine revving up momentum behind your goals and career and the higher-ups you are interacting with so you should be able to move mountains over the weeks ahead. Interestingly, the Chinese New Year is today and is the sign of the Sheep/Ram, this bodes well for a prosperous year ahead once you move past mid-March.

Venus joins Mars on the 20th and will tour beside him through Aries over the weeks ahead. She may bring a female who is key to that focus on goals, fame, career, the parent, boss, or other authority type, or hosting Venus here may bring more potential to attract income through efforts you make here or help you express or receive the love by setting goals or working through needs in these areas. It should definitely add to the enjoyment level and smooth out any rough patches you have going on. Why not give yourself a reading to see how your year is shaping up or focus the hour with Zoe on what LOVE is doing in your chart and what's to come?! If you think it's time you knew more, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about rates and the details involved to set up a personal reading!



February may be a momentous month for you, Leo! It begins with the emotional energy building as you feel something finally wrapping up or coming through for you. This is due to a FULL MOON in your sign that peaks by the 3rd. You can definitely expect more attention on you and for that breakthrough, achievement, celebration, or ending to define the beginning of this month. Stay in your creative, love-oriented center.

You've been dealing with Mercury Retrograde since January 20th as it began to take you back over ideas, decisions, meetings, talks, and offers involving key individuals in your life. This is a very important do-over phase for you and you have the first 11 days of this month to fine-tune it so let's look at the focus more intently. This is about romantic or business partners, agents or attorneys, specialists or experts, clients or audience, competitors or opponents, or any other key relationship that is representative or advocating for you in some way. You have this period to rethink things and to that end you may want to talk to some people from the past or consider changing things with people who are current in your life. Look at agreements, sales, writing, interviews, and choices that have been made, keep communications open, and do what you can to either revise, release or reclaim in these areas.

On the 11th Mercury goes Direct so there is a turnaround at this point regarding the key relationship and choices. You are now ready to move forward with or without something or someone, perhaps with new terms or into new territory altogether. You have the green light to sign new agreements or purchase new electronics or mechanicals after today. Not only do you get this forward momentum back in play but on the 18th there is a NEW MOON in this same zone of key relationships. This opens a very powerful 2 week window to take things further with those partners, reps, clients, specialists, competitors, or other key relationships, or to enter into new associations with people. So be proactive and reach out to folk or get in there with your current peeps and move things along.

The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and kicks off a 30 day cycle that will ask you to get more personally or physically involved in at least one of these themes; sex, divorce, a big financial matter, mortality issues, reproductive matters, or a third party situation. You will be showing up for this, taking the lead and standing out in some way. Calling on your Piscean energy of fantasy, imagination, artistry, spirituality, healing, hospitals, retreats, romance, or research will help you as you get in there. You may be bodily in the mix or it may have to do with your name on the dotted line, your image or brand, or some personal desire or goal wrapped up in these matters that you are so engaged with at this time.

Mars has not been in his own sign, Aries, in about 2 years and on the 19th he arrives, fires blazing. This begins several weeks of heightened energy, drive and action going on around legal matters, travel plans, media, marketing or publishing ventures, educational pursuits, a wedding, your religious interests, or political agenda. You have not had this kind of momentum here in quite some time and you can be quite unstoppable if you get in there and motivate. Mars will bring passions to the surface over these themes and can also bring your fighting spirit or anger so caution about going to Rambo on it but this energy here IS going to help you get what you want, it's time to DO it. Interestingly, the Chinese New Year of the Sheep/Ram starts today. This is about a year of more prosperity after we get past the last Uranus/Pluto square mid-March, so again put things in motion now.

Venus joins Mars in Aries on the 20th. She should be a welcome force in this part of your life since she will bring women who can help, the love or potential for income, and a heightened sense of enjoyment and pleasure. So add her to what is going on with legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political interests. She can smooth things out or help you attract what you need a bit more easily so go for it. Why not give yourself a reading to see how your year is shaping up or focus the hour with Zoe on what LOVE is doing in your chart and what's to come?! If you think it's time you knew more, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about rates and the details involved to set up a personal reading!



The things you've been working on behind the scenes or that have been going on with your healing and hospitals, research and investigations, romance and getaways, artistic projects or spiritual pursuits, are building quite powerfully as February gets underway and at least one of these areas is going to experience a peak by the 3rd. That is due to a FULL MOON climaxing here in these matters then so you can plan on some breakthroughs, wrap-ups, endings, achievements, or celebrations and there should be a focus on the love or creativity in the mix as it occurs.

You've been dealing with your ruler, Mercury, in Retrograde since January 20th so you may have felt a bit out of sorts as it has asked you to look back at some agreement, sale, writing, talk, meeting, or decision that has weight around your health, work, paperwork, pets, co-workers, or people you hire. This is an important do-over phase for you to fine-tune something here, rework it, rethink it, release it, or reclaim it, so you want to be talking and thinking about the people and situations around these themes so you can tie up any loose ends and get everything in working order. So do you need to talk to someone about a health situation, deal with paperwork over the insurance here or get a second opinion from a doctor or revisit an old gym or trainer? Do you need to renegotiate terms on the job, go back to an old job, revisit a co-worker or rethink someone you've hired or fired? Do you need to go back to something for the animals or do some big clean-up or reorganization? Make this period count.

On the 11th Mercury goes Direct and you are now ready to move forward again with work, health, animals, paperwork, co-workers, and people you hire. After today you can sign new agreements or purchase new electronics or mechanicals again. You may have new people or situations start to stream into your life around these themes now or find that certain people or situations that have been ongoing now can shift in ways that will allow you to grow going forward. If this were not enough forward momentum, the NEW MOON on the 18th is also in this work, health, pet, paperwork, co-worker, and hired help zone. This gives you 2 powerful weeks starting now to seed what will flower in the months ahead, do it now and you get a better crop.

The Sun moves into your opposite zone of Pisces on the 18th and begins a 30 day cycle here. This period is about putting you more personally or physically into situations focused on romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, competitors, or other key relationships. You will be stepping up, taking the lead, getting in there bodily or finding ways to work your image, brand, name, title, or signature into the equation. The more you bring Piscean themes to the table, the better you will do, so make it about artistic projects or interests, spiritual practices, romantic interludes or getaways, research, healing, hospitals, dealing with addictions, rest, recuperation, or projects in development. If you have any Karma to balance with someone, this period is conducive to allowing that to work through as well if you step up to it.

Mars has not been in his sign, Aries, in about 2 years but he arrives again on the 19th ready to heat things up for you when it comes to sex, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, third party situations, or any financial topic you are engaged in now. Over the weeks ahead there will be more action and motivation to DO what it takes to tackle or engage in these matters. You will be driven to make things happen and see a lot more going on here than at other times. Passions will be stirred and your fighting spirit or anger may surface as well if need be, just watch for outbursts over these matters since they could catch you off-guard. If you decide you want to see something done about your sexual, intimate, reproductive, mortality, divorce, third party, or financial needs, you will move mountains now to do so. Interestingly, the Chinese New Year of the Sheep/Ram starts today promising more prosperity ahead once we get past the final Uranus/Pluto square mid-March, to that end again, do what you need to do.

Venus joins in the next day, moving into Aries on the 20th to travel with Mars through this sign. She will bring women who can help, more love or income potential or at least allowing the expression of love or enjoyment around love or income to come to light now. She smooths out rough patches and helps you attract more easily so having her love, women and income flow around your major financial needs, sex life, divorce, third party situations, mortality issues, or reproductive needs, should make life more pleasant and may make it a time to remember. Why not give yourself a reading to see how your year is shaping up or focus the hour with Zoe on what LOVE is doing in your chart and what's to come?! If you think it's time you knew more, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about rates and the details involved to set up a personal reading!



Either you have been working hard in pursuit of a certain aspiration or there has been a building tide where your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or your unique stamp on a situation goes and emotions will mirror this rising intensity as February gets underway. By the 3rd a FULL MOON in Leo will bring where you are in these matters to a yearly peak, showing you breakthroughs, wrapping things up, marking endings, celebrating achievements, and more or less hitting that zenith over the creative, love, fun, or kids themes involved.

You've also been working with Mercury Retrograde since January 20th and the do-over this has given you when it comes to children, creative projects or interests, your love life, or the recreational pursuits. This is an important time to go back and fine-tune something, to rethink things, talk or meet with people or reapproach old situations, issues or opportunities regarding these themes and see if there is any revising, releasing, reclaiming, or reworking you can do. Look at agreements or sales involving these themes, any writing or interviews, the offers or decisions, and those talks and meetings to revamp what you can, you will have until the 11th of February to figure it all out.

Mercury goes Direct on the 11th and after today you have the green light to sign new agreements or purchase new electronics or mechanicals. More than that you now can move into new territory when it comes to love, children, creative projects, and fun. This may mean you are taking that something/someone from the past forward in some new way or that you are ready for the next chapter with new situations or people, you will know and the cosmos will show you the way. Not only do the talks and meetings and offers and decisions start to move you forward in these areas today but you get a second NEW MOON in these matters that kicks off on the 18th. This opens a powerful 2 week window moving forward to launch into new territory or take things further so be proactive, plant seeds now and see them bloom over the months ahead.

The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th kicking off a 30 day cycle that will push you to get more personally or physically involved in the job, your health, any paperwork, the organizing or clean-up, with your animals, co-workers or people you hire, and any details that need attending. It's time to show up, get involved bodily or put your name to it, tie in your image, brand or identity, sign you signature, or make it about you. To this end it's a great time to start a diet, see a doctor, join a gym, hire a trainer, seek employment, hire help, get that stack of paperwork out and go at it, or adopt a pet. Putting your Piscean energy towards this will only make it more strongly placed so think about artistry, spirituality, romance, healing, hospitals, other institutions, research, or development as inspired energy around furthering interests in these areas.

Mars moves into his own sign, Aries, for the first time in about 2 years on the 19th and this is going to heat up your relationship zone in ways it has not been in at least that long. This means more action, passion, motivation, and fighting spirit (perhaps anger from time to time) when it comes to your business partners, romantic partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, competitors, or other key players. You will have the fired up energy to make things happen via these key people now so get ready to get busy. Interestingly, the Chinese New Year of the Sheep/Ram starts today, offering more prosperity once we get past the final Uranus/Pluto square mid-March, so connect with these people now and move forward with what you are doing.

Venus joins Mars in Aries the very next day, on the 20th, and she will bring the energy of love, income and beneficial women into the relationship scenario so let her help you attract or smooth things out in these areas now when it comes to those partners, reps, clients, specialists, or competitors. She should bring more enjoyment and pleasure over the weeks ahead. Why not give yourself a reading to see how your year is shaping up or focus the hour with Zoe on what LOVE is doing in your chart and what's to come?! If you think it's time you knew more, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about rates and the details involved to set up a personal reading!



Emotions build around some personal goal you've been striving towards, a career matter or something going on with a parent, boss, mentor, or other authority type in your life as February gets underway. That is because momentum is building to a climax on the FULL MOON Feb 3rd in these matters. You will either feel things coming to a head, wrapping up, ending, coming through, or some reason to celebrate and mark achievements. Your creativity, the love, kids, or something fun is coloring what hits it's stride now.

You've been working through the Mercury Retrograde and the do-over it has given you since January 20th when it comes to past people, situations, issues, or opportunities involving your home, real estate deals, renovations, moves, family, parent, or roommates. This is an important period that is not over until Feb. 11th and is asking that you rethink anything you've chosen here or look back at old ideas, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, meetings, talks, and decisions to see if you want to revise, release, rework, reclaim, or revamp anything. It's about getting it right now so you can move forward unencumbered. This is in a social energy field so your groups, friends, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings may color what is going on here. Work on fine-tuning what you need to and tie up loose ends.

Mercury goes Direct on the 11th and you now have the green light after today to sign new agreements, purchase new electronics or mechanicals and move into new territory when it comes to the home, family, parent, roommate, renovation, real estate deal, or move. Not only will this help you into new meetings, talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, and decisions regarding these themes, but you get a second NEW MOON over these matters that kicks in on the 18th. This opens up a very powerful 2 week window to launch into that new territory or take current interests further, be proactive.

The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th kicking off a 30 day cycle that will ask you to get more personally or physically involved in a creative project or interest, in your love life or with a lover, with the children, or in some recreational pursuit. You will be showing up bodily for this or finding ways to tie your name, signature, image, brand, or needs to what is going on in these matters. It's your time to shine here and take the lead. Since this is Piscean energy the more you pour in your artistic talents, spiritual practices, healing, hospital needs, romantic getaways or clandestine trysts, research, or development here, the better you will do.

Mars, your co-ruler, is showing up in his sign, Aries, for the first time in about 2 years on the 19th. This is going to bring a whole lot of fire to the action going on now with your job, search for work, activities with co-workers, any actions you need or want to take for your health, the animals, the paperwork, organizing, cleaning, or with people you hire. You haven't had this kind of energy heating things up and making things move in quite some time, use it to motivate, to set things in motion, to express your passions, to fight for what you need, and do watch any short fuses going off in these areas since Mars can also trigger anger. Interestingly, the Chinese New Year of the Sheep/Ram begins today, offering a more prosperous year ahead once we get past the final Uranus/Pluto square mid-March. To that end, get busy now moving those mountains.

Venus, not to be outdone, joins Mars in Aries the very next day, on the 20th. She will tour here over the weeks ahead helping smooth out rough edges and attract the love, income or women who can help when it comes to work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, or people you hire. She should bring more enjoyment or pleasure during her travels here. Why not give yourself a reading to see how your year is shaping up or focus the hour with Zoe on what LOVE is doing in your chart and what's to come?! If you think it's time you knew more, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about rates and the details involved to set up a personal reading!



February opens with FULL MOON energy building to its peak by the 3rd. This is going to focus on your travel plans, legal interests, media, marketing or publishing pursuits, educational matters, wedding, religious interests, or political themes. You've been working towards something here or something is escalating here and now you will see things come through, turn the corner, wrap up, end, or be the reason for celebration and achievement. It is likely that your love life, children, creative project, or recreational interests are behind what is climaxing in these matters now.

You have also been working through the Mercury Retrograde since January 20th and this is ongoing until February 11th. This is a very important do-over for you when it comes to any agreements, sales, your writing, speaking roles, interviews, auditions, siblings, neighbors, a move, the vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, offers, or decisions. You need to fine-tune something or rethink it, go back to past people, situations, issues, or opportunities and see what can be reworked, released or reclaimed, really do whatever you can to tie up loose ends and get it right so you are ready for the next chapter coming. It's possible that your aspirations are tied into this somehow or that there is something social at the root of it like a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings. It's also possible that it has to do with freeing yourself in some way or allowing your originality to be accepted or furthered. Make these days count.

Mercury goes Direct on the 11th so you now have the green light to sign new agreements after today or to purchase new electronics or mechanicals. You are also now ready to move into that next chapter with or without any past situations on new terms when it comes to your agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, speaking roles, ideas, talks, meetings, short trips, local activities, vehicles, electronics, neighbors, siblings, and moves. Not only is Mercury now moving ahead with these matters but you get your second NEW MOON over these themes on the 18th. This opens up a very powerful 2 week window that will support your efforts to move into new territory or take things further. Plant seeds now, see them flower over the months ahead.

The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th kicking off a 30 day cycle that will push you to get more personally or physically involved in your home, with any real estate deals, moves, renovations, your family, parent, or roommates. This period is about you showing up, taking the lead, getting involved bodily or tying in your name, signature, title, brand, image, or personal needs in some way. The Piscean themes will serve you in this so lean on artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, or research themes as you move ahead. Your intuition and a wee bit of magic will also be at play in what is going on or you will notice that a Karmic cycle is showing itself to you as you move through the events of the month ahead.

Mars moves into Aries on the 19th, arriving in his own sign for the first time in about 2 years. This is a place he is very, very happy to be and one where he will bring all of his passion, activities, motivation, and fighting spirit for you over the weeks ahead. He is going to aim this at making things happen with your love life, lovers, children, creative projects, and recreational interests. You haven't had this kind of heat in quite some time so get ready to get busy. The only thing to guard against is Mars can have a short fuse so anger may come up to be aired over these themes at some point, but overall this is a great boost to what you want to see happen, helping you motivate. Interestingly, the Chinese New Year of the Sheep/Ram starts today, promising more prosperity in the year ahead after we surmount the final Uranus/Pluto square mid-March. To that end, get busy now making things happen.

Venus joins the party the very next day, on the 20th, entering Aries and working alongside Mars in the weeks ahead over these themes of love, children, creative projects, and fun. She is all about smoothing out rough edges, helping you attract the love, income or women who can help, and bringing about more enjoyment and pleasure in these areas. Pour on the charm, you have it going on. Why not give yourself a reading to see how your year is shaping up or focus the hour with Zoe on what LOVE is doing in your chart and what's to come?! If you think it's time you knew more, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about rates and the details involved to set up a personal reading!



It's highly likely that you are feeling emotionally charged up as February gets underway, Capricorn. This is because you are feeling the build-up of the FULL MOON that is going to peak by the 3rd and bring about some climactic moment for you when it comes to your sex life, divorce, a mortality issue, reproductive need, third party situation, or something that is evolving around your loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlements, investments, commissions, bonus, alimony, child support, or other big financial matter. By the 3rd you should see whatever it is in these areas come through, wrap up, end, or be reason for celebration and achievement.

You have been working through Mercury Retrograde since January 20th and you will have until February 11th with this do-over regarding your income, purchases, possessions, gifts, and feeling of being valued. It's important that you take this time to rethink anything that is bothering you here or that you want to rework, release, reclaim, or review. Look at any talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, short trips, local activities, and decisions in the mix, then go back with past people, situations, issues, or opportunities and see where you stand, what you can revise and how you think about where things are going up ahead. This is closely linked to your aspirations and may also involve a friend, associate, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or gathering/event, work it.

Mercury goes Direct on the 11th so you now have the green light after today to purchase new electronics or mechanicals and sign new agreements regarding your income, possessions or purchases. You should feel ready to move ahead now on new terms or with new people or new choices regarding current or past situations. Not only do you now have forward momentum from Mercury in these matters but you are getting your second NEW MOON in the income, possessions and purchases area of life starting on the 18th. This opens up a powerful 2 week window for you with cosmic boost behind fresh starts you make or next chapters you move into with your earning potential, gifts, purchases, and possessions. Again, involving those social connections or outlets and furthering aspirations while moving out of any ruts is favored in this.

The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th kicking off a 30 day cycle that will ask you to get more personally or physically involved in your local community or errands, with short trips, more writing, agreements, sales, meetings, offers, and talks, and possibly more energy focused on siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics. It's your call to show up, take the lead, shine your light, and get in there bodily or involve your name, signature, title, brand, image, or needs. You will have more focus on what you do now, people will look to your lead, and the more you pour in the Piscean themes of artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, or research interests in these matters, the better you will do.

Mars moves into his own sign, Aries, for the first time in 2 years on the 19th. This is going to heat things up big time over the weeks ahead when it comes to the action going on at home, with your real estate needs, renovations, move, family, parents, or roommates. It's go time. You may find things just start moving faster and more aggressively on their own or you may feel like motivating, expressing more passion here or fighting for what you need. The only thing to be wary of is Mars can stir anger from time to time so if there is any anger that needs to be worked through over these themes it will come up now as well, watch that fuse! While you are moving your mountains in these matters, note that the Chinese New Year of the Sheep/Ram kicks in today as well, promising more prosperity once we get past the final Uranus/Pluto square mid-March, so get busy now!

Venus moves into Aries the very next day, on the 20th, and begins to bring her charms to these topics of home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. Her presence here will bring more pleasure and help you attract the love, income or women who are beneficial to your aims, as well as help smooth out any bumps in the road, so bring on the charm! Why not give yourself a reading to see how your year is shaping up or focus the hour with Zoe on what LOVE is doing in your chart and what's to come?! If you think it's time you knew more, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about rates and the details involved to set up a personal reading!



Emotions build as you enter February and feel things coming to a peak with a romantic or business partner, your agents or attorneys, a specialist or expert, your clients or audience, or the competition or opponents. That is because you are building towards the FULL MOON conclusion here by the 3rd. This is when things finally come through, turn the corner, wrap up, end, are celebrated, or achieved. It is likely that your love life, kids, creative projects, or recreational interests will fuel this climactic moment with that important person.

You've been dealing with Mercury Retrograde in your sign since January 20th and you still have until February 11th in this major personal do-over. The thing is, there is something important about you or for you from the past that you either need to rethink, revisit, revise, release, reclaim, or rework. You need to look at your identity, your name or signature on something, your title, your body, image, or brand, and what you want for yourself. Look at people, situations, issues, or opportunities from the past and any talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, proposals, auditions, speaking roles, offers, or decisions that you can revisit pertaining to you and your needs.

On the 11th Mercury goes Direct so you are now ready to move ahead in some new found way, bringing that past with you in new forms or leaving it behind you. You have the green light after today to sign new agreements, purchase new electronics and mechanicals. Again, setting off into fresh territory when it comes to you, your body, image, brand, name, title, signature, or identity, is where it's at. If this wasn't enough momentum, the NEW MOON on the 18th is your second New Moon beginning in your sign this year! It opens up a powerful 2 week window that can boost you out there further if you partner with it so decide what you want and start now.

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