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There is a turnaround of a Karmic nature occurring on MONDAY of this week as Neptune Retrogrades in Pisces. This gives us all 5 months and a week to reverse a process or reconnect with something past when it comes to Karmic balance, our muse, our spiritual path, the romantic needs we carry, our healing potential or hospital needs, our artistic pursuits, and what we develop behind closed doors.
MONDAY and TUESDAY are under the Scorpio Moon so we will have emotional needs that run deep on these days. Some of us will be focusing on how a third party situation/triangle is working for us, some will be focused on intimacy, sex, reproduction, or mortality issues, some on divorce proceedings, and the rest on the big financial situation. MONDAY this will align favorably with home, family, a parent, real estate deals, moves, or renovations.
TUESDAY it will align with making commitments or marking endings and balancing what is going on involving income, possessions or purchases.
Starting on WEDNESDAY the Moon moves into Sagittarius and we begin to build up to the FULL MOON that arrives in this sign late Thursday night or early Friday morning depending on the coast you live on. Sagittarius Full Moon will be about a climax around legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political needs. It will be with these themes that you are bringing something to a close or celebrating something coming through. WEDNESDAY the focus on one or more of these themes will be about making adjustments to the home, family, parent, roommate, move, real estate deal, or renovation.
THURSDAY you will be able to take action or respond to anothers' actions that are moving things along in these Full Moon themes. Look to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or other key players for making it so. Uranus in the sign of self and active today means taking a new approach or shaking things up is favored.
Late THURSDAY night or early FRIDAY morning is the FULL MOON in Sagittarius and now you will note that you have reached your goal and are either marking an ending or achievement in the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, wedding, political, or religious arena. Today you balance that personal asset, income, possession, or purchasing power with the outside financial situation or with what is going on in the divorce or with your intimate needs. The Mercury Retrograde is heard from today so talks or news about home, family, parents, real estate, moves, renovations, or roommates is probable.
SATURDAY Mars squares Pluto as the Moon sits with Pluto and activates April's Grand Cross so to say this is a dynamic day is an understatement. You can expect everything to kick up a notch and for lots of heated action from or about the partner, rep, client, specialist, opponent, or other key player to push over financial, intimate or divorce goals and any authority figures in the mix such as a boss, judge or parent.
SUNDAY social interests, the internet, and aspirations will have to work around what you need to talk about or decide when it comes to home, real estate, moves, family, a parent, a renovation, or roommates. It's a give and take kind of day so bend a bit.
This is your week to make it count with the Mercury Retrograde needs so focus every day you can on talking, meeting, looking at agreements, sales, or decisions tied to home, real estate deals, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations and what has gone on up until now, in the past or is under some big change. What can you revisit, release, rework, or reconnect with here? Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday will be your biggest days to move things along.
MONDAY Neptune Retrogrades and you enter a 5 plus month long cycle that is meant to help you retreat a bit, work on developing your artistry, spirituality, romantic needs, healing or hospital matters, or Karmic rebalancing by giving you the opportunity to reconnect with some part of yourself that has gotten away from you. Note what shifts in these areas now to see what you can really work on over this period for a strong re-entry up ahead. Talk today or make choices when it comes to home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates, and involve the financial picture or intimate or divorce needs.
TUESDAY these financial, sexual, divorce, and third party topics, continue to hold sway. Today you can cement something one way or the other, through commitments, endings, limits, or ambitions. Deal with the woman about your income, possessions or purchasing power in the balance.
WEDNESDAY the Moon in Sagittarius begins to build to the FULL MOON here late Thursday/early Friday. That means you turn attention to legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans today. You will have a talk, hear news, look at agreements, make sales, or make a choice now involving the releasing, reworking stage of your Mercury Retrograde theme around home, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, family, or parents, and you should be willing to make adjustments.
THURSDAY will help you to amp things up via the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, clients, or other key players so the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans move along in some opportune way. Be willing to try new approaches or be spontaneous.
Late THURSDAY night/early FRIDAY morning is the FULL MOON in Sagittarius. This is when you see things come through, reach a climax, wrap up, end, or be celebrated with the legal matter, travel plan, person at a distance, import/export situation, educational pursuit, wedding plan, media event, marketing strategy, publicity, broadcasting project, publishing deal, political theme, or religious need. You will be in some financial balance with someone today so again get serious about outside resources and show what you can about your income or possessions. It's another Mercury Retrograde day to hear news, make choices and talk over the home, move, real estate deal, family, parent, or roommate situation.
SATURDAY is intense with lots of action, passion or anger spurring things on. It will involve at least one key relationship such as a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, opponent, competitor, or other important player. It will be about something powerful evolving with a goal, the career, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure in the mix, and spur you on to shake things up and again focus forward growth on the home, real estate, family, parent, roommate, renovations, or move.
SUNDAY these home, family, real estate deals, roommates, moves, or renovations will again trigger Mercury Retrograde themes of news, offers, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, or decisions that are today asking that you be adaptive when it comes to your aspirations or in ways that involve friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or your freedom in the situation. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
This is the week to make it count with your Mercury Retrograde themes of talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, short trips, siblings, neighbors, electronics, vehicles, and decisions that give you a shot to rework, release or reconnect with the past and how your home or family life is going. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday will be your biggest days, make them count.
MONDAY Neptune Retrogrades and you see a turnaround of Karmic balance and artistic, spiritual, healing, hospitals, or romantic interests involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and your aspirations. This is lasting 5 plus months so look at what pops up for you in these areas now and make them a focus of development over this period. One of those Mercury Retrograde themes will land today and involve a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key player, look at choices.
TUESDAY that partner, rep, client, specialist, or other relationship is again focal for you. Today it is about getting serious and making commitments, being ambitious, looking at responsibilities, limits, structures, or endings. Balance this with the love or money needs you feel.
WEDNESDAY is bringing more Mercury Retrograde talks, offers, agreements, or decisions (etc) but today they will mean making adjustments around financial situations, your intimate needs or sex life, the divorce, or some third party situation, give and take. These are the emotional themes that start to build today towards the Full Moon that arrives late Thursday night/early Friday morning.
THURSDAY gets you into the action via some significant person on the job or with work efforts, over health matters, paperwork, or pets, and again triggers the building Full Moon energy around finances, divorce, sex, or third party situations. There is opportunity to move things along and to take some new behind the scenes approach.
Late THURSDAY night/early FRIDAY morning is the FULL MOON in Sagittarius so now the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, taxes, insurances, investments, settlements, commissions, or other financial matter reaches it's peak, or you see a sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party situation reach its peak. This is when things come through, are achieved, wrap up, end, or climax in some ulitmate way. You will be in a serious balance with that partner, rep, client, specialist, or opponent toay over commitments or endings involving love or money. Again the Mercury Retrograde themes will be open to you and today will align you with someone over legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs.
SATURDAY is edgy and driven as Mars pushed Pluto and your see fireworks with some key player on the job, with work efforts, paperwork, health needs, or animals, and the goals you have evolving involving legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media, matters. This is deep and dynamic, expect it to be busy.
SUNDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day taking you back again with talks, offers, meetings, sales, writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions regarding home, family, renovations, moves, and security needs. Today you will want to be adaptive around goals, career needs, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority in the mix. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
This is your important week for the Mercury Retrograde themes that focus on a income, possessions or purchases and how any of this ties in with home, real estate, moves, renovations, security needs, parents, roommates, or family. You will want to look at what is still left undone or needs revised, released or reclaimed and focus on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday to make your choices or communicate your needs.
MONDAY Neptune Retrogrades and you see a shift in direction when it comes to a parent, boss, judge, or other authority figure, your goals, or the career. This Retrograde lasts 5 plus months giving you a chance to go back over any artistic, spiritual, Karmic, romantic, healing, hospital, or developmental needs in the mix and to work on development here. Note what comes up for you now around any of these combinations so you know what you should focus more strongly on here. Today is a Mercury Retrograde opportunity so look at talks, offers, meetings, or decisions based on the past income, possessions or purchases and ways to do the work, deal with paperwork, anyone you may hire, any health needs in the mix, or the animals tied to this topic.
TUESDAY the work, hired help, paperwork, health need, or animal matter aligns with cementing something through endings, commitments, ambitions, structures, or limits and wil ask that you deal with a woman behind closed doors or in private over the matter.
WEDNESDAY the Moon moves into Sagittarius and you begin moving to the peak of this Full Moon by late Thursday/early Friday. That means emotions begin to build over a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, opponent, competitor, or other key player and today this means talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions about that Mercury Retrograde theme of income, possessions or purchases. Today give and take, make adjustments as you work on releasing, revising or reconnecting with the past here.
THURSDAY you can motivate with someone over the love, fun, children, or creative projects and make strides with the building Full Moon energy involving that partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key relationship. There is something exciting in the mix around an aspiration here or with something social, involving friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, astrology, or charities.
Late THURSDAY night/early FRIDAY morning is the FULL MOON in Sagittarius and you reach the peak endings, breakthrough, achievement, or celebration involving the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, opponent, competitor, or other relationship. You will be in balance with someone over the commitments, ambitions, limits, or endings involving work, health, paperwork, hired help, or animals as well today. You will also get an opportunity for more Mercury Retrograde news, communications or decisions about the income, possessions or purchases on FRIDAY that will ask you balance this with some outside financial matter, the intimate needs, a divorce, or third party situation.
SATURDAY is intense with a big 'I'. This is going to be a day when things amp up big time with someone over love, kids, creative projects, or fun and you are charging forward to make changes or deal with the evolving situation around sex, finances, divorce, reproductive needs, a mortality issue, or third party situation. Expect it to be busy.
SUNDAY is another Mercury Retrograde day when the talks, news, offers, or decisions again focus on the income, possessions or purchases that give you stability, go to the home, involve family, renovations, moves, real estate deals, or parents. See if you can look at past needs and any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, or wedding needs in the mix and then make some adjustments. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
This week is very important for your Mercury Retrograde themes regarding your personal needs for security, nurturing, home, family, and roots. It is about your physical needs, body, image, brand, identity, name, and title as well. Look at revising, releasing or reclaiming something here over this week ahead. Key days will be on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
MONDAY Neptune Retrogrades and you see a shift around legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, or wedding interests. This will last 5 plus months and give you a chance to revisit any artistic, spiritual, romantic, Karmic, healing, hospital, or research needs you have in the mix so that you can develop things in a stronger way. Pay attention to what comes up around today that will point you in the right direction. It is a Mercury Retrograde day today as well giving you an opportunity for communications or decisions about your needs as they relate to the kids, lover, love life, creative projects, or recreational needs.
TUESDAY this focus on children, love, fun, and creativity will get serious as you find ways to align ambitions, take on responsibilities, mark endings, make commitments, or structure things better. You will need to balance this with aspirations around love, a woman or income. Its possible that you will need to balance this around some social medium as well.
WEDNESDAY the Moon slips into Sagittarius and begins to build to the Full Moon here late Thursday/early Friday. That means emotions are felts over work, people you hire, co-workers, paperwork, health needs, or pets today and you will want to make adjustments around your Mercury Retrograde themes of who you are, what you need, your presence in the situation, your body, image, brand, identity, name, or title.
THURSDAY these work, paperwork, co-worker, employee, health, and pet needs will push you to do something involving a key person about the home, move, renovation, real estate deal, family, parent, or roommate, this looks good. Be willing to innovate or try a new approach around the parent, boss, judge, or other authority figure, the goals, or the career needs.
Late THURSDAY night/early FRIDAY morning is the FULL MOON in Sagittarius and you reach that summit with the job, work, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, health, or pets. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved. You will be one on one with someone over the love, kids, creative project, or fun in some serious manner. Again you will have to balance this with the love or money aspiration or what is going on socially. Mercury Retrograde helps you to face someone over the personal needs, name, identity, brand, title, image, or physical situation you are working through from the past.
SATURDAY is intense as things really rev up at home, with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation do to the actions of a partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, opponent, or other key player. This is going to be goal oriented and revolve around the big financial, sexual or divorce changes going on with or about them in the mix. Get busy.
SUNDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day to focus on you, your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, and the past that you are revising, releasing or reclaiming. Today it will allow for some adjustments when it comes to sex, divorce, financial situations, or third party situations. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is important this week and therefore you need to be conscious of the talks, offers, meetings, and decisions that are taking you back over Karmic issues, spiritual interests, artistic projects, romantic liaisons, healing or hospital matters, research, investigations, or development. They will be playing out over feeling secure, your home, family, real estate needs, roots, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations and the key days this week will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
MONDAY Neptune Retrogrades and you will feel a shift around the sexual, divorce, financial, mortality, reproductive, and third party matters in your life. This will last 5 plus months and give you a chance to get back to any artistic, spiritual, healing, hospital, romantic, or Karmic needs in the mix. Pay attention to what comes up today since it will likely point you in the direction of development you will want to go. It's a Mercury Retrograde day today as well so rehashing some of this will help you with your home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, or security needs.
TUESDAY the home, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, family, or parent topics will align with serious commitments, responsibilities, limits, endings, or ambitions and put you one on one with someone over a woman, the love or the money.
WEDNESDAY the Moon moves into Sagittarius and begins to build to the Full Moon late Thursday night/early Friday morning. That means emotions begin to build over the lover, children, creative project, or fun. Today this sparks the Mercury Retrograde theme opening up potential for talks, news or decisions about Karmic balance, healing, hospitals, romance, artistry, or spiritual needs but it will require some adjustments in the releasing, revising or reconnecting phase.
THURSDAY the lover, children, creative projects, or fun gets a boost from someone key in the matter and opens up the talks, meetings, offers, sales, or decisions with opportune energy. You can jump into something spur of the moment involving legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans, all good.
Late THURSDAY night/early FRIDAY morning is the FULL MOON in Sagittarius. This brings the major peak with endings, achievements, celebrations, or wrap ups involving a lover, your love life, the children, a creative project, or the recreational pursuit. Today you will be one on one with someone serious aobut the home, family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, or real estate deal, looking at the goals, career or authority figure in the mix such as a boss, parent or judge. You will also be dealing with more Mercury Retrograde matters involving Karma, art, spirituality, romance, healing, hospitals, or development, as you figure out what you want around work, paperwork, health, or pets.
SATURDAY is intense as things amp up locally or on a short trip, with siblings or neighbors, with writing or interviews, with agreements or sales, with talks or meetings, and it will involve key relationships as you motivate about the massive evolution occurring around work, health, paperwork, people you hire, co-workers, or pets. Look at how financial, intimate, divorce, or third party situations key in.
SUNDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day that means more thoughts on the Karmic, artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, or development needs are moving along. Today this will mean adjustments with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or opponent. Release, revise or reclaim. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
This Mercury Retrograde week is very important for you when it comes to your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, inventions, your freedom, or original ideas and how you can revise, release, reclaim, or rethink things here that give you security, tie into your home, family, move, renovation, parent, or roommate situation. Key dates this week are Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
MONDAY Neptune Retrogrades and you will feel a shift around partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, or other key relationships over the next 5 plus months. This period is about allowing you to return to something or someone to reconnect with a spiritual, artistic, romantic, healing, hospital, or development need in the mix so that you are ready to move forward again in November. Pay attention to what comes up for you now for clues as to what you should focus in on here. Today is a Mercury Retrograde day that points to the aspiration, friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, gathering, or invention, and allows for some positive talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions.TUESDAY this communications theme continues with potential for meetings, offers, agreements, sales, talks, and decisions, as well as with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, moves, electronics, short trips, and local activities. You can get serious with commitments, endings, ambitions, or responsibilities and balance this with someone over love or money through travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans.
WEDNESDAY the Moon moves into Sagittarius and emotions begin to build to the Full Moon that arrives late Thursday night/early Friday morning. That means you will be feeling the energy around what is going on at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommates today and that you should again hone in on your Mercury Retrograde themes and look at any past realignments with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, aspirations, or inventions in the mix. It's about adjustments today so give and take.
THURSDAY you will see lots of action around someone over making money, dealing with the possessions or making purchases and this should aign positively with the home, family, real estate, move, renovations, parent, or roommate situation. Be willing to dive in or approach things with a new angle when it comes to the financial, sexual, divorce, or third party interest, it seems to work for you.
Late THURSDAY/early FRIDAY is the FULL MOON in Sagittarius and a climax for you when it comes to the home, move, renovation, real estate deal, family, parent, or roommate. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are celebrated. You will be one on one with someone over the serious legal, educational, media, travel, or wedding plans, look at the love or money here. You will also have another Mercury Retrograde moment on Friday regarding the talks, offers or decisions about past friends, groups, aspirations, internet, astrology, charities, or inventions in the mix. Balance this with the needs you feel for love, creativity, fun, or children.
SATURDAY is intense as things amp up with or about someone over the income, possessions or purchases and you push at the creative, love, children, or fun goals in the mix. Changes, evolution and the financial, sexual, third party situation, or divorce are affecting the push that is happening with this so be ready to move on it today.
SUNDAY is another Mercury Retrograde day for talks, offers and decisions focusing in on the aspirations, friends, groups, internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, inventions, and original angle you have to release, revise or reclaim. Today it asks for adjustments around work, paperwork, someone you hire, a co-worker, the health need, or the animals. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
Make this week count when going back over any details that can concentrate on getting goals in order, career needs revised or dealings with higher-ups like parents, the boss or judge handled, it's what Mercury Retrograde is urging upon you in the name of security, home environment, family connections and the roots you want to put down. Key days will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
MONDAY Neptune Retrogrades in your work, health, pets, and paperwork sector and will remain so for the next 5 plus months. This marks a turning point for you with any artistic integration, spiritual practices, romantic interests, healing or hospital needs, or research in the mix. How can you reclaim something here or work on development over this period so you are ready to move ahead in November? Mercury Retrograde today gives you the opportunity to communicate or decide about the goals, authorities or career needs in ways that align with earnings, possessions or purchases.
TUESDAY the income, possessions and purchases continue on strongly, make commitments or end things and look for ways to balance this with a woman over the shared financial situation, divorce or intimacy needs.
WEDNESDAY the Moon moves into Sagittarius and emotions begin to build towards the Full Moon arriving late Thursday night/early Friday morning. This means interactions with siblings, neighbors, about vehicles, electroncis, sales, agreements, short trips, local activities, offers, interviews, auditions, writing, or decisions will begin to build as you make adjustments today to your Mercury Retrograde theme of career, goals or authorities like the parent, boss or judge.
THURSDAY puts you in action thanks to Mars and gets you moving forward with or about partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or competitors in positive ways, again involving building emotions of the Full Moon themes.
Late THURSDAY/early FRIDAY is the FULL MOON in Sagittarius and a climax occurs with the talk, meeting, agreement, sale, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, short trip, local activity, offer, or decision. This is when things wrap up, end, come through, are achieved, or celebrated. You will be in some serious one on one with someone over the balance with finances, the divorce or intimacy needs, it's possible this involves possessions or purchases as well, again look at commitments, structures or endings. Mercury Retrograde emphasizes more talks or decisions about goals, career or authority figures and today this is in balance with what is going on at home, with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommate situations on FRIDAY.
SATURDAY is intense as things amp up on a personal or physical level for you and push hard on those home, renovations, moves, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommate situations. Change is in the air, let the energy move you.
SUNDAY is another Mercury Retrograde theme with more focus on goals, career and those authority figures but today you will be making adjustments around love, kids, creative projects, or fun in the mix. Open up the talks, revise, release, reclaim, and come to terms. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
This Mercury Retrograde week counts when it comes to revising, releasing or reclaiming in areas of legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding decisions from the past. Key days will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday, so make them count, look at choices made or not made and finesse the details.
MONDAY you can find ways to open up that dialog, make the decisions and focus on the revision, releasing or reconnecting over these legal matters, travel plans, involvement with someone or something at a distance, any media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting interests, the wedding topic, or your educational pursuits in positive ways. Neptune Retrogrades today so a shift in the love life, with the kids, over the creative projects, or with your recreational interests begins now and lasts the next 5 plus months. This gives you a chance to look again at any romantic, spiritual, artistic, healing, hospital, or research needs you may have to develop here so that you are ready to move ahead with the new inspired direction things will go starting in November. Pay attention to what is going on around you right now for clues as to which part of this is your focus.
TUESDAY you can get serious about your own needs, body, image, identity, brand, name, or title by making long term commitments or final endings and balancing this with the love or money tied to the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or opponent.
WEDNESDAY the Moon slips into Sagittarius and emotions begin to build towards the Full Moon that peaks by late Thursday/early Friday here. For you this is about value, income, possessions, or purchases. Today you can work on some adjustments to your Mercury Retrograde themes of the legal, travel, distance, educational, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, or wedding needs in the mix and how some give and take is required.
THURSDAY gears you up with efforts going on behind the scenes involving someone key and aligning favorably with your needs over income, possessions or purchases. You can also find some unique approaches at work, with health, pets, paperwork, or people you've hired to get what you want here.
Late THURSDAY/early FRIDAY morning is the FULL MOON in Sagittarius and this is when things have finally come through, wrapped up, ended, or are achieved involving that income, the possessions or your purchases, You will be in a serious one on one with someone over endings, commitments, responsibilities, or limits today, likely involving love or money. You will also get another Mercury Retrograde moment on FRIDAY with the legal, travel, distant, educational, media, or wedding needs in the balance with another person and choices open to you one way or the other.
SATURDAY is intense with a whole lot of action going on with someone behind closed doors. This may be romantic, spiritual, artistic, hospital oriented, or about research but it will push for major changes or deeper connections going on locally, with short trips, in talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, or with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics.
SUNDAY is another Mercury Retrograde day with a focus on legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media needs but today adjustments are important so talk, meet, look at agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, moves, transportation, electronics, short trips, local activities, and decisions and revise, release or reclaim with a give and take approach. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
It's an important week for your Mercury Retrograde themes of loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, commissions, investments, royalties, a partners money, your sex life, reproductive needs, a divorce, or third party situations. You can go back over choices that affected home, family, security, and living situations in these areas and revise, release or reclaim through talks and decisions. Key days will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
MONDAY this Mercury Retrograde opportunity arrives and gives you a chance behind closed doors or secretly to figure things out or to apply this to needs you have in romantic, spiritual, artistic, or healing areas of life. Neptune Retrogrades today and you feel a shift around home, family, real estate, roommates, parents, renovations, or moves that will last for the next 5 plus months. This is your opportunity to look at any developments you would like to work on romantically here or with your artistic projects, your spiritual path, healing or hospital needs, retreat and rest, or research into more so you are ready to move out there in new ways starting in November.
TUESDAY the spiritual, romantic, artistic, and healing energy is still strong and is serious as far as making commitments, ending something, finding better structures, or setting limits. You will be in balance with someone over work, paperwork, health, or the pets today, most likely focused on the love or money flow.
WEDNESDAY the Moon moves into your sign and emotions begin to build towards the Full Moon here late Thursday/early Friday. For you that means a focus on you, your needs, body, image, brand, title, name, or identity today. Mercury Retrograde themes tie in so you can talk, hear news or make choices regarding revising, releasing or reclaiming sexual, divorce, financial, or third party topics, but today it requires some adjustments.
THURSDAY gets things moving with that other person in the social channels so expect gatherings, internet opportunities, friends, groups, charities, or other social outlets to open up for you and for there to be some surprises or positive changes involving love, kids, creative projects, or fun.
Late THURSDAY night/early FRIDAY morning is the FULL MOON in your sign. This is about a climax on a personal or physical level for you. Things come through, wrap up, are achieved and celebrated, or end. It's about your needs and goals, you personally reaching some height, your body, image, brand, title, or name in the situation. You will be in balance with someone over what's going on behind the scenes, in that artistic, romantic, healing, or spiritual arena and it is serious when it comes to endings or commitments. It will balance with something going on at work, with health, paperwork, or pets. It is also another Mercury Retrograde day on FRIDAY so focus on the past sexual, divorce, financial, or third party situation is there and you can find ways to meet your values, income, possessions, or purchases here.
SATURDAY is amped up and intense so get ready for action around that other person over group activities, the internet, the friendship, your freedom, inventions, aspirations, charities, or gatherings, and for this to push for changes or about evolving what is going on with income, possessions or purchases.
SUNDAY is another Mercury Retrograde day with a focus on sex, divorce, finances, or third party situations and the past choices so be willing to adjust a bit around talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions in the mix. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
This Mercury Retrograde week is important because you can really focus in on the past choices and ideas regarding partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, competitors, and other key players when it comes to your home, real estate needs, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommate situations. Key days will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday to revise, release or reclaim in these areas.
MONDAY this opens up to you and involves a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, gathering/event, your freedom, or inventions. OPen up the communication. Neptune Retrogrades today and you should feel a shift around agreements, ideas, offers, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, speaking roles, community activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, and decisions that focus in on your artistic, romantic, spiritual, or healing/hospital needs. You have 5 plus months now to go back and develop ideas or options to you are ready to move ahead in November again, connect with your muse, release Karmic debris.
TUESDAY helps you get serious about or with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, gathering, invention, or your independence, so make commitments or end something. You will be in balance with a woman today over love or money and it will play out in your love life, with kids, creative ventures, or your recreational interests.
WEDNESDAY emotions begin to build towards the Full Moon arriving late Thursday/early Friday so expect to feel more intensely about those private needs, romantic liaisons, artistic projects, healing or hospital matters, spiritual practices, or research topics. It's a Mercury Retrograde day so the partner, rep, client, specialist, opponent, or other key player is involved with adjustments to be made today over that past and releasing, reclaiming or revising you are doing.
THURSDAY brings actions with others that should move things along on the career front, with the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure, or with your personal goals. Again this ties in with behind the scenes energy, artistry, romance, spirituality, healing, hospitals, or research needs. Expect something exciting or new on the home front, with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or the renovations, all good.
Late THURSDAY night/early FRIDAY morning is the FULL MOON and the peak arrives around the spiritual practice, romantic liaison, artistic project, research, healing, hospital, or behind the scenes agenda. This is when it comes through, wraps up, ends, or is achieved. You will be one on one with someone over a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration today and it will be serious. This is again going to bring up the love, kids, creative projects, or fun topics for you so key in on how the love or money is going here. It's another Mercury Retrograde day on FRIDAY to look at partners, reps, clients, specialists, or competitors and open up the dialogue or make choices based on releasing, reclaiming or revising the past.
SATURDAY is intense with lots of action involving someone else over the career, goals, boss, parent, judge, or other higher-up in the situation. This will push you on your changes you are making on a personal or physical level and get you to move on any financial, intimate, divorce, or third party situations that can help you achieve what you need.
SUNDAY is another Mercury Retrograde day so the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key relationship is front and center for making choices or talking things out regarding revising, releasing or reclaiming things and today it will mean adjustments around income, possessions or purchases. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
This Mercury Retrograde week is very important for you when it comes to paperwork, the job, work piling up, organizing, details, health, people you hire, co-workers, and pets. This is all about what is going on at home, with real estate, your security needs, your roommate situation, move, renovations, family, parents, or roots in life. You need to look at the past choices and revise, release or reclaim in these areas. Key days will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday.
MONDAY this opens up with positive potential around reaching goals, the parent, boss, judge, or some other authority in the mix, or for career progress. Neptune Retrogrades today and you will feel a shift around income, possessions or purchases over the next 5 months. You should look at how your artistic, romantic, spiritual, Karmic, healing, hospitals, or research needs are affecting this and then spend this period developing what you can so you are ready to move ahead again in November in new ways. Note what is coming up for you in these areas now as a strong indicator of what part of this is for you to concentrate on now.
TUESDAY the career matter, goals or dealings with authority figures is front and center and serious so look at commitments, endings, structures, or limits in the mix. You will be in balance here with the home, family, move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, or roommate over love or money.
WEDNESDAY the Mercury Retrograde needs over work, health, paperwork, hired help, or pets will be on your mind so again potential to rework things in some way is there but today it is in adjustment to what is going on with the friend, group, aspiration, internet, astrology, charity, gathering, or independence, give and take. These areas are where emotions are going to be building towards that Full Moon late Thursday/early Friday so needs must be met.
THURSDAY you can hone in on emotional needs with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, party/gathering, or independence by getting things in motion with that other person over legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans, all good. There will be some exciting or surprising meetings, offers, talks, sales, agreements, short trips, or local moments that keep it all going.
Late THURSDAY night/early FRIDAY morning is the FULL MOON in Sagittarius. This brings the climax with the friend, group, aspiration, internet, astrology, charity, party, invention, or independence. It is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved and celebrated. You will be one on one with someone over goals, career or authorities in some serious way and balancing this with the love or money at home, with family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. It's another Mercury Retrograde day on FRIDAY so more talks, offers or decisions about the past and work, health, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, or pets will come up. Balance this with what you need behind closed doors, artistically, romantically, spiritually, or to heal.
SATURDAY is amped up and active when it comes to someone and the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans. This will push you over the deeper connections or changes occurring behind the scenes, in retreat, with romantic liaison or clandestine affairs, artistic projects, spiritual practices, healing, hospitals, or research.
SUNDAY the Mercury Retrograde themes around work, co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, health, and pets will mean adjustments from you on a personal or physical level. Give and take, revise, rework, reclaim, or release. For a deeper look at your own unique astrological aspects and what they mean for now and up ahead, you may email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com to ask Zoe about private reading rates and available dates, it might be the perfect time to get a reading based on your own stars!
This week is important for your Mercury Retrograde themes so expect to be rethinking things and looking at ways to revise, release or reclaim choices around love, lovers, children, creative projects, or recreational interests. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday will be key days for this.
MONDAY head right into your talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions around your Mercury Retrograde themes with the kids, lover, creative project, or fun. You should be able to find some legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding solutions that work. Neptune Retrogrades today in your sign. Since this is your ruler in your sign doing a 180 you will feel the shift on a personal or physical level. It is allowing you the next 5 plus months to go back and reclaim or release something about who you are, your identity, name, title, image, brand, or body so you are ready to move ahead in new ways come November. Look at Karmic balance, your artistry, romantic needs, spirituality, healing or hospital/institutions in the mix, and ways to develop along these lines.
TUESDAY it is serious with that legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plan. Look at commitments, endings, structures, or limits here. You will be in balance with someone else over agreements, sales, talks, meetings, writing, offers, or decisions involving a woman or the love or money in the mix.
WEDNESDAY is again focusing on the child, lover, creative project, or recreational interest and asking that you look back at past choices.