

June opens up with that New Moon in Gemini energy still going strong and this will continue to fuel new opportunities or next level scenarios for you through the 13th of the month. Gemini is all about ideas you have and the power to launch into them now, the agreements or negotiations you want to further, any sales or meetings that can get you there, the brothers, sisters or neighbors you want to involve, any new beginnings with transportation or electronics, offers coming in or pitches you want to make, the interviews or auditions you want to go after, and big choices you are ready to make.

June will be interesting because as the Cosmos is helping further your Gemini needs, the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, is slowing down and readying to Retrograde in Cancer on the 7th. This means that what is going on in the home, with family, a move, renovation, parent, real estate deal, or roommate, is part of the focus for your Gemini New Moon needs and that you are being asked to head back over past issues, opportunities, situations, people, and decisions to review as part of that forward growth. So starting on the 7th you get a do-over to go back and reconnect with anyone that still is a question mark in your mind, you can revamp things, release them, reclaim, or revise.

Mercury will Retrograde through Cancer from the 7th through the 17th at which point Mercury is still in Retrograde but backing out of Cancer and into Gemini. This is when all the topics you've been reviewing over the last 10 days kick into gear with more meetings, offers, talks, short trips, sales, agreements, writing, or decisions. Again you are in do-over mode so take the time to reconsider, describe it again, ask for it again, pitch it again, you get the idea. Note that the Mercury Retrograde starts at 3 degrees of Cancer and backs through Gemini to 24 degrees before finishing. This means internet issues will be off the charts from the 17th of June through July 1st, back up your files, hold off on new purchases if you can and if you are launching a website, hold off if possible and if it's not then know you will be making changes as the energy shifts
Mercury won't go Direct until July 1st so the rest of May is about getting things right. As with all Mercury Retrogrades it is important to double check facts and figures, try to stay away from purchasing new mechanical, transportation or electronic gear, hold off on signing documents or agreements on new interests and rather stay to the old, and make certain that you truly understand what they mean and they are clear about your intentions, double check it if necessary. People will change their minds again after Direct motion so if it is important long term you want to pace yourself until you are certain of everyone's mind on the matter.

Neptune is going to Retrograde on the 9th of May. He will be at the 7th degree of Pisces at this point and will Retrograde over the next months, until November 16th, when he has reached the 4th degree of Pisces. As you can see he is a very slow moving planet. As he starts his backwards journey this month you may feel something tugging you back into the past over hospital issues, healing, addictions, imagination, film, music, art, meditation, yoga, dreams, magic, psychic interests, romantic interludes, research, investigations, or development. The other way this could play out is that you feel a shift in the energy field and that you are releasing something or someone involved in these areas of life. This is the Karmic, mystical field where the muse lives, the other side is contacted, inspiration comes, rest and retreat happen, so take note of the change in feel and try to put yourself into this new flow to see what you need to reconnect with or release.

The FULL MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th. That means you will begin to feel the emotional build-up to this peak moment in the days leading up to this date and that by the 13th you can mark an ending or celebrate some achievement in the Sagittarian field. So look to growth, luck, happiness, prosperity, the legal needs, travel plans, wedding, educational pursuit, media project, marketing campaign, publishing deal, broadcasting channel, publicity, religious breakthrough, or political agenda to hit a high point now. Since Venus opposes Saturn today you may have something serious with another person over financial needs in the mix. Seek balance and look at commitments or endings here. For some Venus will show more on the side of love/intimacy or divorce on this day, again balance and some line in the sand is paramount.

Mercury exits Cancer and backs into Gemini on the 17th as he progresses on his Retrograde journey. This may indicate some news coming in today or a meeting, call, offer, sale, agreement, or writing project becoming important on what you are working through. It may also begin to involve siblings, neighbors, short trips, vehicles, electronics, and decisions more heavily. Double check information and be clear in what you are asking for or saying.

The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st and lights up this field for the next 30 days. This is a very significant period because as the Sun pours life instilling rays onto this sign he will also illuminate the last travels of Jupiter here. As you know, Jupiter is only in Cancer once every 12 years and he is ending that journey on July 16th so with the Sun now highlighting and energizing his growth potential, you have never had a better time to step up and take the lead when it comes to home, real estate deals, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations.

This will be followed by a NEW MOON in Cancer on the 27th, opening up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to home, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, family, parents, history, childhood issues, security needs, land, and country. Again, Jupiter is on board, you can grow here or find more happiness or prosperity through what you initiate.

Venus will move into Gemini on the 23rd where she will either bring a woman on board to help you with those Mercury Retrograde themes of rehashing agreements, talks, meetings, writing, auditions, interviews, offers, sales, short trips, local activities, sibling or neighbor relations, vehicle or electronic interests, and big decisions, or she will help you smooth things out, attract the love or income more easily, and charm your way forward. This is a good period for getting it right. Venus will transit here through July 18th.

Make the first half of June about tackling agreements, sales, writing, meetings, interviews, auditions, offers, pitches, and decisions. You have powerful New Moon energy behind your ideas and choices now and should make a good impression. If you need to involve brothers, sisters, neighbors, or deal with electronics or vehicles as part of this forward push, then do so. Remember that this window gives you clout and can take you further than at other times of the year.
It is important to note that Mercury is Retrograding on the 7th so he will be slowed in the sky and then backing over past territory from the 7th onward. This means you have chances open to you tied to the past. Look at people, situations, opportunities, and issues that you can readdress now involving home, real estate, moves, roommates, family, or parents from the 7th through the 17th (from the 17th - July 1st the Retrograde will move through Gemini). You may need to rewrite something or rehash negotiations, seek paperwork or sales documents or in some other way revise, release or reclaim things according to your desires about property, family or security. If this means reconnecting with someone who was involved in your past so that you can clear things up or take them into new territory, do so.
Neptune Retrogrades on the 9th which is about the magic shifting in your life for a time. He will take you back over past fantasies, addictions, spiritual interests, romantic liaisons, artistic musings, healing, hospital situations, research, dreams, and inspiration from now through mid-November. Note what you notice turning a bit inward or around at this point since it will give you clues as to what you may wish to pull back on and rework or revisit. The signs and symbolic messages in your dreams will be stronger in the days leading up to this and on this day so write them down and follow your instincts on which way to go.
Things come to a head in legal matters, with travel plans, people at a distance, your educational pursuits, wedding plans, media ventures, marketing ideas, publishing needs, religious ceremonies, or political ideals by the 13th with a FULL MOON in Sagittarius. You can work with this energy in the days leading up to it to bring a close to something here or to take it to the heights of achievement. Since Venus and Saturn powwow today a female may be playing an important role in serious financial, intimate, divorce, or third party scenarios. Look for balance and a commitment or ending with this as part of your story.
As noted above, Mercury backs into Gemini on the 17th so the rest of the months experiences the Mercury Retrograde bringing those contracts, meetings, agreements, sales, writing prospects, pitches, offers, interviews, auditions, speaking roles, short trips, local activities, and decisions to the forefront. It's about the past, getting a second chance, revising, releasing or reconnecting. It may help to focus on a brother, sister, neighbor, vehicle, or electronic matter now as well. Note that you of all signs may experience the glitches in communications or mechanical issues during this second half of June so before this approaches back up your information and get tune-ups.
Venus joins Mercury by entering Gemini on the 23rd and spending the rest of the month here. This means a female may again present herself in some beneficial way at this point or that you find you are attracting love or income more easily through your Retrograde efforts. If you need to smooth something over with another person these last days of the month via Venus will help you do so.
The Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st to highlight this energy field for the next 30 days. The powerful thing about this besides the spotlight it will put on home, family, real estate deals, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or security needs, is that this is the last time the Sun will travel through Cancer with Jupiter for another 12 years. That is big! It means if you show up, pour a bit more personal or physical effort into what is going on here, take the lead, tie in your name, title, brand, or image, the further you can take things. There is real luck on your side now.
To highlight this, the NEW MOON on the 27th is also in Cancer and opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level when it comes to home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or security needs. This fresh start sits opposite Pluto so there is someone who feels quite powerful to you in the situation, this may be someone tied to your goals, the financial strings involved, the intimate needs or divorce proceedings, the authority figure who dangles the power, someone who aligns with career or reputation factors, or holds the keys to how things play out in the months ahead. Take them into consideration, they are the elephant in the room. You cannot steamroll them, you can show them by your beliefs and legal acumen how well you can play with the big boys. Solutions involve this and another person, so look at the triangle and remember how lucky trines really are once you figure out how to flow with them. A private reading with Zoe gives you more information based on your own unique birth configurations, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com for rates and available dates!


TUNE IN to hear Zoe live on the air every Thursday 8pm est/ 5pm pst

You have to love a month that opens with all kinds of opportunities for you to earn money, make some lovely purchases, get in there and do something about your possessions piling up around you, or find a road to being valued! You have major cosmic support behind these efforts up through the 13th, that is it is helping you help yourself take things to the next level or enter into new territory, so go! It is important to note that Mercury is going to Retrograde in another territory but back into this field regarding income, possessions and purchases between the 17th and July 1st so whatever you are getting into will require some revising, revisiting, reclaiming, or releasing up ahead. That means that during that period you may have someone come back around or you may decide to go back to some past opportunity or someone/something current could experience a turnaround. It will definitely be a time to keep an eye out for contracts, meetings, writing, sales, mechanical and electrical glitches, miscommunications, or transportation hiccups tied to these themes.
Mercury starts his Retrograde on the 7th in your communication and transportation arena so from the 7th through the 17th it is important to review agreements or decisions involving home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, or other security needs. You may hear from a brother, sister or neighbor about something that you hadn't thought about in a while or you may need to go back to the drawing board and deal with a vehicle or electronic matter again. You really should back everything up on your computer prior to the 7th, the earlier the better. If you can hold off on purchasing new electronics or mechanical items until July you will have less issues pop up but it is ok to go back for something you had in the past. This period is very good for going back to something you wrote or interviewed for before and getting in the game or for revising a sale or agreement. You may decide to travel to some nearby town or location that you used to visit or get involved in some neighborhood activity that is calling you back around. Just do yourself a favor and double check all communications during this phase since clarity won't be a strong point.
There will be a theme to this month regarding this first stage of the Mercury Retrograde through your communications, siblings, neighborhood, transportation, and sales arena. That is that on the 21st the Sun will move here illuminating your position in the matter, pushing you to step up, shine your light and pour more personal and physical energy into writing, interviewing, auditioning, making sales, signing agreements (remember keep to past ideas or opportunities if you can), taking short trips, fielding offers, getting involved in your community, with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics. The Sun will keep you out in the center of these matters for 30 days. This will be followed by a NEW MOON in Cancer on the 27th in the same territory!
The NEW MOON on the 27th is so big for you because it is the last big fresh start you will get from the Cosmos in this arena while Jupiter is also here for another 12 years. Since Jupiter wants to help you achieve something big or put something expansive into place that can grow over the years ahead, this fresh start is very important to jump on. You have 2 weeks from this day to initiate actions so speak up, ask for what you need, make some big decisions, further sales, writing, agreements, short trips, moves, interactions with siblings, neighbors, interests in vehicles or electronics, proposals, pitches, and ideas. There will be someone who is a heavy hitter involved in this and they will focus on the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding theme in the picture. Balance what you are doing with them.
Neptune is going to Retrograde on the 9th and remain in backwards motion through mid-November. That is a long time! The time when this planet turns in the astrological sky coincides with a shift in perspective on the inspirational and magical side of life. You may notice you are feeling like drawing back or going within, that there may be something regarding an aspiration, friend, group, internet project, charity, astrology, event, invention, or your freedom that is pulling you back this way. You will want to look at your artistry, any healing or hospital needs, spiritual practices, romantic interludes, research, imagination, or development that you can focus in on and hone over these months ahead. It may be a time of reconnecting on some Karmic level in these ways or one of releasing.
The FULL MOON arrives on the 9th and is a culmination for you in the power sector of your chart. That means that the days leading up to this and on this day you should be experiencing some type of climax around a big financial matter, your sex life, a reproductive need, a mortality issue, a divorce, or some third party situation. This is when you see things finally come through, wrap up, end, or a big achievement worthy of celebration. Since your ruler, Venus, is sitting opposite Saturn today as this peaks it seems there is something quite serious you will be involved with concerning another person. Venus may point to love, money or a woman in the matter while Saturn is urging responsibilities, endings, long term commitments, structures, or ambitions in the mix. Again, the balance here and getting real is key.
Your ruler, Venus, will move into Gemini on the 23rd where she will get involved with your income, purchases, sense of value, or possessions. This may mean that over the weeks ahead a woman becomes significant in some beneficial way in these matters or that you just find you are having an easier time with these needs. You may attract what you desire more easily now and who knows, with Venus on board there may even be some love in the air around those purchases or sense of Value, income or possessions! A private reading with Zoe gives you more information based on your own unique birth configurations, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com for rates and available dates!


TUNE IN to hear Zoe live on the air every Thursday 8pm est/ 5pm pst

Well, Gemini, this stands to be quite a month to remember for you so pull up two chairs and listen in...first, you are launched into this month with the NEW MOON in Gemini still pushing powerfully forward from the end of last month. That means that you are being given a boost from the Cosmos to move ahead, or into new territory, or to the next level when it comes to your desires. That can't be bad can it? This is a time to focus in on you, your body and any fresh starts you would like to have with your health or fitness, your looks or image, any new direction you would like to take with your brand or personal goals, or a new beginning when it comes to your title, name or identity. The more you dive in and partner with the universe in the first 13 days of June, the better your outcome will be, so show up and go for what you want. Second, your ruler, Mercury, is going to Retrograde this month. That gives you an opportunity to go back and get something right or release it under better circumstances. The second half of this Retrograde, from the 17th through July 1st, will happen in your sign! That means you will have the potential to reinvent yourself, to rehash personal or physical matters, to look at old choices and rethink them, to pick back up where you left off, it's a do-over you should embrace.
Before you get to that second half, Mercury will start his Retrograde in your income, possessions and purchases department on the 7th. That means from the 7th through the 17th you get a do-over here. You may have a chance to go back and purchase something you wanted to buy a while back or a lost item may turn up, you may also lose a possession through some weird mishap so you need to be very careful of where you set your purse or wallet down during this period. You may get a chance to go back to some old job or client or they may come to you, you could also see some shift occur in a current income situation so if this happens know that things will shift again once Mercury goes Direct and any changes are most likely part of this big change energy you are meant to be going through right now. It is important to double check facts and figures, try to hold off on purchasing new electronic or mechanical items until into July unless you can't wait, in which case keep your receipts or buy the warranty, and hold off on signing new agreements if you can, again if you have to sign now give yourself some loophole or just enter into it expecting something to change up ahead. It is ok to sign if you are signing something tied to the past, same for purchases.
Towards the latter part of the month you will get more of a boost here starting on the 21st when the Sun moves into Cancer and highlights your income, possessions and purchases. The Sun will tour here for 30 days and put a spotlight on you so this is when you step up and begin to pour more personal and physical efforts into earning money, making purchases and dealing with possessions. You may be tying your name, image, brand, or personal needs to this during this transit but overall it is about you taking the lead. This will be followed by the NEW MOON on the 27th in this same territory. New Moon's give you 2 powerful weeks to launch into new territory or take things to the next level so note that from this day forward you get a boost when looking for income, dealing with possessions and making purchases. At this point a powerful person will be in the mix with you and be about the overall financial picture, a divorce, mortality issue, birth, the sex life, or some third party situation. Balance what is going on with them.
Neptune will Retrograde on the 9th and stay in this backwards motion through mid-November. That means you will sense a shift in your artistry, spirituality, romantic needs, research, Karmic balance, research, healing, hospitals, or developmental investment at this time and you will be asked to head back over old territory or go within on a deeper level regarding your goals, career or an authority figure in the mix like a boss, parent or judge. There will be some signs along the way right around this shift or your dreams will bring you clues, your hunches will be on overdrive or there will be some unsettling feelings accompanying this shift that give you a heads up over what you need to work on.
The FULL MOON in Sagittarius arrives on the 13th and brings a climax for you involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, opponent, competitor, advocate, or other key relationship. This will likely be over a legal matter, wedding, educational pursuit, media or marketing idea, travel plan, religious or political matter, or some growth need. This is when things wrap up, end, come through, or are achieved so look to these key people for your culminations now. Since Venus and Saturn oppose today you may expect something serious with another person over love, money or a female that may tie into what is going on. This may be health or work related or play out over paperwork and the details. Look again at endings, commitments long term, structures, or ambitions in the mix and get real about what you choose.
Venus enters your sign on the 23rd which is a very lovely moment for you. This addition to your energy field will bring smoother sailing in the weeks ahead, it may bring love or money more easily, will definitely turn up the charm factor, the beauty glow, and perhaps bring a woman onto the scene who wishes to help you with your desires, image, brand, body, name, title, or identity, all good. A private reading with Zoe gives you more information based on your own unique birth configurations, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com for rates and available dates!


TUNE IN to hear Zoe live on the air every Thursday 8pm est/ 5pm pst

Cancer, this month is going to feature you out there in some golden moments as well as give you some equal time behind closed doors in healing or research or connection with your muse, so you may wish to pace yourself! This kicks off from day one when you enter June on the NEW MOON energy from last month that is assisting you in launching into new territory or taking things to the next level through rest, retreat, dreams, imagination, the muse, your art, film, music, or poetry, any healing or hospital matters, your research, development, romantic interludes, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic abilities, any Karmic balancing, and the mystical side of life. You have this major propulsion behind you here through the 13th so you should take the time to go within, connect to your center and allow all this magical energy to flow through and around you as you seek what's next. Definitely use it to get inspired over something here!
It is a month when Mercury is going to Retrograde, the 7th-17th through in your sign, and then the 17th - July 1st in this behind the scenes, imaginative, healing, hospital, addiction, romantic, spiritual, artistic, research, and development part of your chart. So in this second half it is important to note that you are getting a do-over in all those areas I listed above under your New Moon energy. From that 17th date you will be heading back over something or picking something back up, you may have someone from the past surface or a current situation shift, all so that you can rethink, revise, release, or reclaim a part of it to carry forward or put to rest once this Retrograde ends. Note that you will not want to sign new agreements, make new electronic or mechanical purchases or say yes to some new decisions regarding these themes until Retrograde is over unless you have to in which case give yourself some leeway or protection via warranties or loopholes.
On the 7th Mercury begins his Retrograde in your sign which means you are heading into a rather important personal or physical do-over. You have 10 days with the attention on your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal needs. Do you need to rethink things, go back to a past situation, person or opportunity, look at past issues, what is it that you want for yourself that still needs attention? Jupiter is in your sign, a once in 12 year phenomenon and a very protective, expansive, lucky energy. Jupiter calls for Faith and trusting the universe that you are in good hands. Again, with this kind of help, why wait? What can you do that involves anything with your name on it, your physical well-being, your image, brand, or personal goals? Start the process now.
On the 21st the Sun will move into Cancer which will take things up a notch. This is a 30 day long spotlight on you, your body, image, brand, identity, title, name, and personal needs. It pushes you to the front of the class, gets your noticed, urges that you take the lead, and pour more personal and physical energy into YOU! As if this weren't enough, there is a NEW MOON on the 27th in your sign. The New Moon gives you 2 weeks of the most powerful push you get from the cosmos to move into new territory or take things to the next level. So what can you push for now that you've gone back over things, released or reclaimed them, taken the lead, and now have this boost to reach higher? On the day of the New Moon there will be an important person involved with your choices, one who holds power or can affect things from a financial, sexual, divorce, third party, or transformational standpoint. Seek balance with them as part of your next chapter.
Neptune Retrogrades on the 9th and will backtrack until mid-November so you have several months to go back over the past or go deeper within when it comes to the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs. Neptune here is asking you what is the spiritual need in the mix or how can healing or hospitals play a part, what is going on romantically or does some research need to happen? Tune into your inner voice, seek signs, pay attention to dreams, these areas will stand out in some way around the shift of energy to give you a clue what it is you will be working on during this cycle.
The FULL MOON arrives on the 13th and brings a climax for you regarding a health matter, your job, work around you, co-workers, people you hire, any paperwork, the pets, or your organizing or clean-up. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved. Sagittarius is the field so it will involve again a look at that trip, legal matter, educational pursuit, wedding, or media need. Since Venus and Saturn oppose on this day you may find that whatever is culminating will play out around a woman or the Venus themes of love or money. You will definitely be one-on-one with someone over something here and Saturn will be urging you get serious about it one way or the other. This is all balancing out between friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or other social aspects and the lover, kids, creative project, or fun on the other side of the equation. Get real, commit, end things, structure them, or shine those ambitions.
Venus moves into Gemini on the 23rd where she will begin to smooth out what is going on with the healing, hospital, research, retreat, romantic interludes, artistic project, spiritual practice, or project in development. This may bring a woman along who is beneficial to your aims here or you may see things focus on a more easy flow around women here, it may also help you express the love or attract the money more easily during the weeks ahead. It should make it much more relaxed than it has been. A private reading with Zoe gives you more information based on your own unique birth configurations, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com for rates and available dates!


TUNE IN to hear Zoe live on the air every Thursday 8pm est/ 5pm pst

June is your social month, at least for the first 13 days when last month's NEW MOON is still in overdrive pushing you into new friendships or groups, new internet interests or charities, or pushing you to take current relationships and situations here to the next level. You also are getting a boost when it comes to your aspirations, your freedom, original ideas, and inventions, so jump into June with a social flair and a desire to move forward when it comes to these personal interests, the Cosmos has your back. Mercury is going to Retrograde back into this territory between the 17th and July 1st, it is the second half of the Retrograde cycle, so during this period you may have a change in dynamics, a return to the past, some friend returning or a current one exiting, a group activity resurfacing or some idea the group had coming back to life, a current group exiting your life for some reason, there could be an old aspiration or internet project you want to review, and overall, the information flow will be recycled so you can release, reclaim, revise, or revisit to get things right. You will want to double check information since communication glitches are notorious in the Retrograde and hold off on new purchases of electronics or mechanical items if possible, otherwise purchase warranties or keep receipts. It's easy to mix up signals so double check it all, if you have some misunderstanding with a friend or your website goes all hoey, you will get a turnaround up ahead. Do back up files before this hits.
Mercury Retrograde starts on the 7th and from the 7th through the 17th will backtrack through your Karmic zone. During this first half of the Retrograde you will be revisiting, releasing, reclaiming, or revising things tied to healing, hospitals, addictions, clandestine romance or romantic getaways, spiritual practices, art, film, music, poetry, research, investigations, or development. Pay attention to your dreams and the signs around you, this is the home of the muse and the other side, you should be getting information that may have been discarded or overlooked coming through. It is your period to look at agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, offers, and decisions about these themes.
Note that this energy field that is ruled by the Muse and the Other Side will be getting even more of a boost as the month progresses. On the 21st the Sun will move into this zone and highlight what you are stepping up to here over the next 30 days. This means it is likely that after having rethought the matter and revised what you could, you will now be spending more personal and physical involvement here in the month ahead. This is when you will stand out, when you should take the lead and shine your light. You may be tying your name, title or brand into the artistic, healing, hospital, spiritual, romantic, research, or developmental matter as well. This will be followed by a NEW MOON on the 27th that opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level so get ready for a big boost into that next chapter of film, music, art, romance, meditation, yoga, other spiritual interest, healing, hospitals, research, investigation, magic, psychic, dream, or development interest from here forward. There will be someone powerful involved in the balance with this starting on the 27th so look at where they are and what is going on with work, health, paperwork, or the animals, and then make your changes or empower through the connection.
Neptune Retrogrades on the 9th and will remain in backwards motion through mid-November. This means a turnaround for you when it comes to the sex life, divorce, reproductive needs, mortality issues, birth, third party situations, or some major financial matter. It is time to go back over your inspiration here, to look at any Karmic balance that still needs to take place, to deal with the hospitals or healing, to look at the research or recuperation, to handle romantic, spiritual or artistic needs in the mix. It's a do-over that urges you to go within or take some time off from pushing all this forward and instead revamp it or let it balance out better. Trust your gut and seek clues to what should happen by what occurs around this date.
The FULL MOON climaxes on the 13th so the days building up to this will see you feeling a culmination around a creative project, the kids, a lover or your pursuit of love, or a recreational matter. This is when things wrap up, end, come through, or are achieved. You may have something legal tied to it or a trip may be involved, a wedding or educational pursuit, or something in media or marketing that helps bring it all to a head. There will be another person in the mix now in a serious way. Venus and Saturn oppose so it is serious when it comes to home, real estate, moves, renovations, roommates, family, or parents. Venus says look at the goals, career or authority figure like the parent, boss or judge and see where you are at when it comes to love or income. You want to deal with endings, long term commitments, structures, or ambitions in the mix.
Venus will move into new territory on the 23rd taking up residence in that social and aspirational part of your chart for the weeks ahead. This may bring a female friend or a woman who is good for your group, internet, astrology, charity, party, event, freedom, invention, social networking, or original ideas. Venus in these areas will smooth things out and help you attract the love or money more readily as well. You are the charming one now, let it bring lovely things your way. A private reading with Zoe gives you more information based on your own unique birth configurations, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com for rates and available dates!


TUNE IN to hear Zoe live on the air every Thursday 8pm est/ 5pm pst

You have momentum behind some big personal goal that is driving you as June begins or behind the career agenda you are pursuing or some power person you are dealing with like the boss, parent or judge. That is due to NEW MOON energy from the end of last month propelling you up through the 13th of this month with more juice than you usually get, take advantage of it! You should be looking for ways to move into new territory or take things to the next level. All this forward thrust is great but you do need to make note of this; your ruler, Mercury, Retrogrades this month through 2 signs. The second sign will cover these same themes of goals, career and authority figures. That means that between the 17th and July 1st you will be going back over old decisions, ideas, and revising, releasing, reclaiming, or revisiting themes here to get things right. You might hear from an old boss or see a current one leave, have an old career opportunity resurface or an issue reappear, or you could do a turnaround when it comes to career heading back to some past goal, etc. It will be important to double check information, agreements, purchases of electronic or mechanical products, and if you can hold off with new investments in these areas until the Retrograde is over then you will have less issues pop up. You will want to back up files and paperwork now and keep in mind that not everyone will be hearing what you are trying to get across so a back-up memo may help.
Mercury begins his Retrograde on the 7th and from the 7th through the 17th will be taking you back over aspirations, old friends, groups, internet interests or issues, parties, events, inventions, and original concepts. Again, you may see the past come back around, current situations shift, or you may want to revamp something that ties into these themes. Mercury is your ruler so you really do need to double check information and agreements, electronics and mechanical when it comes to these themes and not take things personal if they slow down here, it is meant to give you enough time to get it right. There is going to be even more focus on these themes later in the month.
On the 21st the Sun moves into this zone for a 30 day cycle. This will put you out front and ask that you take the lead, pouring more personal and physical energy into friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, inventions, your freedom, and aspirations. You will stand out and may find you are tying in your name, title or brand in the matter as well. This is followed by a NEW MOON here on the 27th that opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level on these social interests, aspirations, inventions, or freeing matters. So you can see how important it is to get things right during the Retrograde and to jump into this wave when it arrives. There will be someone powerful involved at the New Moon juncture so look at how things are going with the lover, kids, creative projects, or recreational pursuits and if there are any intense changes or balancing playing out that you can facilitate.
Neptune Retrogrades on the 9th and will be in backwards motion through mid-November. This will be letting you catch up to where you find yourself and go back over past territory when it comes to key relationships. So look to the partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key players and what you can now take your time working on regarding healing, institutions like hospitals or prisons, addictions, art, film, music, romance, spiritual practices, research, or development. You have several months to go within and connect to your inner voice, the muse, the other side, your dreams, and trust your intuition.
The FULL MOON arrives on the 13th bringing a climax around the home, a real estate deal, move, renovation, roommate situation, parent, the family, a childhood issue, your history, land, or security needs. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved. Since this is in Sagittarius there will be some legal, travel, educational, wedding, or media side to what peaks here. Venus and Saturn oppose today at this Full Moon so you will be dealing with another person over something serious when it comes to these topics and the agreement, news, offer, sale, writing, meeting, talk, or decision. For some of you a sibling or neighbor may be involved. Look for the ending, long term commitment, structure, or ambition in the mix and balance this with the love or your own personal income.
Venus moves into Gemini on the 23rd and brings a woman on board who can smooth things out on the career front or with your personal goals, or possibly as an authority figure like a boss, mother or judge. Venus may also show up as more love or income flowing easily around career, goals and authority figures. It will definitely make things run more smoothly and help you charm those you need to charm or relax a bit and go with the flow. A private reading with Zoe gives you more information based on your own unique birth configurations, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com for rates and available dates!


TUNE IN to hear Zoe live on the air every Thursday 8pm est/ 5pm pst

June begins with lots of energy behind any efforts you are making on a legal front, with media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, publicity, educational pursuits, wedding plans, a trip, or with someone at a distance, and in religious or political themes. That is because you still have a huge boost from last month's NEW MOON that will give you added mojo through the 13th in these areas. You want to take things to the next level or into new territory while you have the Cosmic backing. Interestingly enough, as you move forward into the month, Mercury Retrograde in his second chapter will back into these topics between the 17th and July 1st. That means you will get a chance to go back over this new territory and get things right or revamp them, release them, or in some other way have a do-over. During this phase you will want to look at old thoughts and beliefs, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, short trips, and decisions in the mix and rethink them. You will want to double check all information since transportation and communication glitches can occur, in other words double check passports, airline tickets, your wallet or luggage on the plane, your transportation to and from the plane, any legal documents or agreements, your school information or trips, wedding invitations or dates, media or marketing adverts, etc. As with all Mercury Retrograde periods you are best off when it comes to signing documents, purchasing electronics or mechanical items, to wait on the new until after the Retrograde ends and instead focus on the old. If you can't wait buy the warranty, keep receipts, give yourself loopholes, or enter into it knowing something will likely change.
Mercury starts his Retrograde on the 7th in a different territory. So from the 7th through the 17th you will be reviewing, revising, revisiting, releasing, or reclaiming past interests, issues, people, or situations involving your career, big personal goals, reputation, fame, or around authority figures like your boss, parent or a judge. This means you may see someone coming back around or a current person exiting the situation or you may feel like heading back to an old goal or career or picking up an idea you wanted to introduce to the boss or parent before. It may be the right time to review that agreement or contract with the boss or the decision with the judge, or you may want to rethink your goals. Again, double check facts and figures, back up electronics and mechanical needs beforehand, and try to hold off on signing for brand new situations if you can in favor of the old being revamped. There will be more to this story as well this month.
On the 21st the Sun will move into this territory so this begins a 30 day cycle that puts you out front when it comes to career, goals and authorities. That means you will be pouring more personal and physical energy into what you want here, that your name, title or brand may tie into it more, that you should take the lead, and shine your light here while the rest of the world is so attentive. This will be followed by a NEW MOON on the 27th in the same territory! That opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level on the career front, with the boss, with your parents, a judge, or other authority, over your reputation building, fame, or some big personal goal, set it in motion! There will be someone powerful in the mix now and they will be coming from the angle of home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, roommates, history, or your security needs. Look at how things are being shared or transformed and seek balance.
Neptune Retrogrades on the 9th and will continue on this backtracking path through mid-November. That means you will experience a shift around this date regarding inspiration, Karmic balance, artistry, healing/hospitals, spirituality, research, or romance at work, around your job/job hunt, with co-workers, people you hire, health concerns or interests, animals, or organizational needs. You will want to let go of the reigns and tune into the hints the universe is giving you about what you should or shouldn't follow here. There is something that has been going on that you may get a new perspective about now, whatever happens you will have time to get behind it and work through it so you are ready for the next round in the late Fall.
The FULL MOON arrives on the 13th with a climax involving a brother, sister, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, your writing, an agreement, sale, short trip, offer, local activity/community effort, meeting, talk, or some big decision. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved. Since Sagittarius is the landing zone for all of this there will likely be legal, wedding, educational, media, or travel components to it. Your ruler, Venus, will be sitting in opposition to Saturn today so you will be engaged with someone over serious matters today as part of it all. Look to income, possessions, purchases, or something powerful around love/sex or divorce in the situation. You will want to get real about this part of it, marking endings, committing long term, structuring things better, or being ambitious.
Venus moves into Gemini on the 23rd so your love and income needs will now flow more naturally through travel or with people at a distance, in educational channels, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, at weddings, or in legal arenas. Women may benefit you here more now over the weeks ahead and you should like how smoothly things begin to go for you, think magnet. A private reading with Zoe gives you more information based on your own unique birth configurations, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com for rates and available dates!


TUNE IN to hear Zoe live on the air every Thursday 8pm est/ 5pm pst

I am thinking that June should feel like a very empowered month for you Scorpio. It begins on the wave of NEW MOON energy that began at the end of May and will pour through the first 13 days of this month. That means you should jump on board from day one in the 8th house arenas before you. So look at loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, settlements, investments, commissions, royalties, or a partner's money, and figure out how you can take things to the next level or push into new territory, the universe is with you. This house is also in charge of the deeper personal arenas so you will also have a lot of momentum behind your sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce, or third party situations. Again, partner with the Cosmos by looking at how you can move to the next level or enter into something new.
Mercury is going to Retrograde this month and do so in 2 stages. The second stage will be taking you back over these same New Moon topics so let's look at that period right now. From the 17th through July 1st Mercury will want you to revisit sexual, divorce, financial, mortality, reproductive, or third party situations. Mercury is about having some talks or meetings, dealing with agreements or sales, writing or interviews, offers or pitches, short trips or local activities, and your ideas and decisions. So what do you need to review, release, reclaim, or rethink in these areas? It's good to keep in mind that things are backtracking over what you set in motion under your first 2 weeks of the month in case you are waiting to hear from someone and get frustrated, this Retrograde would likely be when that message comes, or if you are offered something then this period will be when negotiations or contracts appear, or you may have a change of heart about something or someone involved may do a turnaround. The thing about Mercury in Retrograde is that things slow down enough so you can get something right that you might otherwise have missed but it is also a bit of a screwy time where communications, mechanicals, electronics, and decisions are involved. So give it your all now, finesse it, double check information, and hold off on brand new efforts until after the 1st.
Now for the first part of the Mercury Retrograde: Mercury begins his Retrograde on the 7th and from the 7th through the 17th you will be focusing on retracing your steps over something involving a trip or something at a distance, a legal matter, an educational interest, a wedding, your religion, a political pursuit, any media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting matter, or your own beliefs. Again Mercury wants you to rethink it, rewrite it, release it, reclaim it, rework it, or review it so agreements, sales, writing, talks, meetings, offers, and decisions will slow down in these areas enough so you can get it right. Make certain you are being heard, double check all information, and take care when dealing with mechanical or electronic devices.
This first phase of the Mercury Retrograde is going to be your opportunity to wrap up anything that is still left dangling out there in the legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, religious, or political fields and you will be glad that you have taken the time to go back and reclaim or release whatever it is because there are going to be some interesting developments later in the month in these same areas. On the 21st the Sun will move into this zone and tour here for the next 30 days. This means that you will now be stepping up, taking the lead in something, pouring more personal or physical energy into it, or tying your name, title or brand into it. You will find you are getting attention for what you do here so get ready. Then on the 27th the NEW MOON in Cancer is lighting the same exact areas for you and giving you your 2 strongest weeks of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level. There will be someone powerful in the mix when it comes to meetings, talks, offers, agreements, writing, sales, or decisions so find a way to work in balance to their needs.
Neptune has been working harder than he ever has for you since you were born over these last few years. Yes, the Grand Cross and hosting Saturn in your sign may have made it a bit hard to see just how much he is doing for you but guess what, these issues are in the process of releasing while Neptune is going to continue on infusing this magical area of your life for years to come. So what is it he's doing this month? He is Retrograding on the 9th and will remain in backwards motion through mid-November. That means that the wave he has been building over your love life, children, creative projects or talents, and recreational interests is going to shift directions and you are going to get a break from any feelings of submergence that may have overcome you of late and get a chance to slow it down a bit and catch up to where you find yourself. When one of the outer bodies moves into it's own sign for the first time in over a hundred years it is going to start doing everything that it promises but first it will begin the process of removing anything in the way of that promise. So, look at how far you have come in moving into the most magical time of your life or removing obstacles that stood in your way to the most magical time of your life when it comes to creative potential, true love, kids, and fun. You get these months ahead to figure out just how you will embark on the next big chapter now that you have cleared a few things out of the way.
The FULL MOON arrives on the 13th bringing an ending or achievement when it comes to your income, possessions or purchases. You may have had to do some Sagittarian themes around these topics such as travel, deal with the legalities, learn something new, market your wares, or deal with wedding needs. Whatever it is you've been bringing to a climax, it wraps in the days leading up to the 13th so celebrate or mark your ending and release. Venus is going to oppose Saturn in your sign today so there is something serious when it comes to someone else in the picture and it will be over love, money or a woman. Saturn says get real about it, again mark your ending or give a nod to some long term commitment, structure things, set limits, or get more ambitious.
Venus moves into Gemini on the 23rd and will begin to smooth things out when it comes to sex, divorce, finances, third party situations, mortality issues, or reproductive needs. A woman may arrive on the scene in the weeks ahead who can benefit your aims in one or more of these areas or you may find that you are attracting more love or money from her presence in these areas. It should be a good time for communications and meetings that occur involving these themes. A private reading with Zoe gives you more information based on your own unique birth configurations, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com for rates and available dates!


TUNE IN to hear Zoe live on the air every Thursday 8pm est/ 5pm pst

Make it your mission from day one of June to set out connecting with people you would like to partner with, who could represent you, the specialists who could help you, anyone who would advocate for you, or seek clients, face the competition in some new way, or pursue your romantic relationship to the hilt! That NEW MOON at the end of May is propelling you into new territory or helping you take things to the next level when it comes to these key people in your life (or the ones you wish to land in your life), and any efforts you make between the 1st and 13th will have more momentum behind them than at other times of the year. You should do especially well in local haunts or on short trips to nearby places, as well as when opening up and sharing your ideas, proposing, pitching, writing, meeting, or making some big decisions.
Mercury is going to Retrograde in 2 phase this month and the second phase is going to take you back over this same relationship arena. That means that when you get to the second part of the Mercury Retrograde between June 17th - July 1st things will slow down enough for you to figure something out or get something right. It seems you need to rethink something or revisit it, you may hear from someone from your past or someone current may have a change of direction, information will be here, there and everywhere so double check facts and figures, but do let yourself go back there, release, reclaim, rework, whatever you need to so you are ready to move ahead with or without them up ahead. If you have been waiting to get word or agreements coming in, or the sales coming through them, etc, this Retrograde period may be when it shows up. Just try to hold off on signing new contracts (meaning anyone you meet for the first time during this Retrograde), or purchasing new electronics or mechanicals until this has passed.
The start of the Mercury Retrograde is on the 7th, the first phase runs from the 7th through the 17th. During this period you will get your do-over when it comes to any major financial needs, your sex life, reproductive matters, mortality issues, a divorce, or any third party situations. Again, the past is up for review or current situations may go through some shifts. Communication is key, is there something or someone you need to release, reclaim, review, or rework in these areas so you are ready for what comes next? Do take this short review period seriously because later in the month you are going to get quite a boost here.
That boost begins on the 21st when the Sun moves into Cancer and highlights these same arenas; sex, divorce, finances, mortality, reproduction, and triangles. The Sun will tour here for 30 days so you will be thrust into the spotlight somehow over these themes. It means others will notice you, you will take the lead, pour more personal or physical energy into it, or tie in your image, brand or name somehow. It's an extraordinary time for you in these intense areas so get ready. Then, on the 27th there is a NEW MOON in the same arenas. That means from this date and the 2 weeks that follow you are getting the biggest push you get this year from the Cosmos to head into new territory or take things to the next level in your sex life, with the divorce, financial matters, mortality issue, reproductive needs, or third party situation. There will be someone in the balance here who is coming from a powerful position involving your income, possessions, sense of value, or purchases. Take this into consideration.
Neptune is going to Retrograde on the 9th and remain in backwards mode through mid-November. This is about a shift when it comes to home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. Neptune has been trying very hard to bring the magic here, to translate any Karmic energy into a higher vibration, to get you to clear up any delusions, childhood issues, boundary issues, addictions, sadness, or depression, and to elevate your soul when it comes to the ideal of home and everything else I listed attached to it through finding your own artistic voice here, connecting romantically, practicing your spiritual path, resting, recuperating, dreaming, and healing. So at this shift, tune into any signs or messages your inner voice is giving you about what you need here. You have several months to catch up to everything that has been going on and to reconnect with your muse. If there is still any releasing, let it flow. On a more mundane level, if there have been any issues with water/plumbing/leaks, or chemicals in the home, this shift should help you get on a different footing with it.
The FULL MOON arrives on the 13th in your sign! This is a big peak in the year for you when all conspires to bring something t

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