
What’s your full name? What do you do and tell me a bit about yourself Real name is Genesis Gabriella Tina Manney. I am a student at Wits university Majoring in Media and Anthropology, hoping to go into specialized Journalism. I am also a female rapper, poet, model and actress. I would like to describe myself as the best of the boys as I aspire to be equivalent to my male counterparts in the same stream of work as myself. I’m an adventurous, outgoing fierce being. I would kill for family and I love me some Pap and Steak. I am a Chuck Taylor girl who can still rock a pair of red bottoms. What is your understanding or definition of beauty? Beauty is your ability to stand out in the most different of ways. It is the ability to love oneself whether in the midst of life’s obstacles or in the gleam of life’s goodness. What is beauty when its beholder is afraid of what he/she possesses? Beauty is strength. Beauty is vigour. Beauty is ones pride and yet, ones humility. What’s your fantasy? In the words of Rapper B.O.B.- “Selling at arenas and big a** stages, and everybody loved me and no one ever hated, let’s try to use imagination.” My biggest fantasy would actually just be a basic one: Performing at one of the biggest stages in the world with the ability to inspire and the mindset to be inspired. What’s misconceptions do people have about you? HAHA! That I am rather explicit and socially awkward. Truth is, I just appreciate who and what I am. I choose to ignore the taboos and so called “moral” attitudes of the world because that isn’t me. I am free-spirited in many ways. If I don’t hurt anyone or anything, I’m all good!  I am happy and content with my out of line style, let me be that way. If I don’t party, or prefer pap over burgers, let me! Its my choice. Just appreciate my “awkwardness”. I also tend to be misread through my character but what’s the point of a mystery if everybody can solve it? Who is your local celebrity crush? Cassper Nyovest, Sizwe Dhlomo, Khuli Chana eish lets leave this one alone!!! How would you define sexy? ME!! Or at least I hope to define that in later years. I vow that right here and right now! If there was one thing you could change in the beauty/fashion magazines, what would it be? The Misconceptions of beauty and how it has been narrowed down. Society tries so hard to define beauty in terms of media. The passive readers absorb this and thus maintain a totally obscure perception of what beauty supposedly is. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, brains, Shades and heights. Its time the active reader realizes that and embraces it or soon enough, there will be one idea of beauty and we’ll all look, act and sound like factory dolls! If you could write a book about yourself what would the title be? Gigi LaMayne: Decoded anthology of a Female Game changer. What are smiles made of? Smiles are made from stars, recreated in the passing of someone. This same energy is so pure that it is able to create new worlds and feelings. Smiles are made from the soul’s victory over shady tunnels and overflowing streams of tears. Smiles are made as the soul releases negative vibrations freeing ones mental thesis off shackles of disapproval. Smiles are made of this  Are you single? Married to Rap Music-sorry. What’s your motto? There is a god within me, therefore I can do anything!

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