
An overly-excited die-hard female fan of Hiplife artiste Akoo Nana passed out when he mounted the stage at the Accra International Conference Centre last Saturday October 4, 2014 during the RTP Awards.

The ecstatic lady, believed to be in her early 20s and dressed in a pair of black leggings and white top with flat sandals, slumped to the floor suddenly and became motionless.

She was last seen jumping around and dancing a few times when the “Wash and Wear” Singer finally hit the stage to begin his performance.

Some people present (mostly men) and a gentleman who claimed to be the lady’s partner at the event, tried to revive her but failed. And like most events in Ghana there was no stand by medical personnel or an ambulance for casualties of such nature.

The attention of some security officers both in and outside the auditorium were drawn to the unfortunate situation, but they appeared reluctant to even come to the scene (Perhaps for fear of contracting Ebola).

Some media men present including Mustapha Inusah of Razz Newspaper, Boamah of UTV among others become alarmed when after a couple of seconds, the still motionless lady laid there without any form of assistance.

They carried her outside the auditorium on their own and applied their layman’s knowledge of first aid including sprinkling of water on her, fanning her and even attempting mouth-to-month procedure or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) among other methods.

She finally gained consciousness after several attempts.

Surprisingly, after gaining consciousness, she wondered what happened to her and why she was lying on the floor; and guess who she was asking for “Where is Akoo Nana, where is Akoo Nana please I want to see Akoo Nana?” she kept asking repeatedly.

Source: peacefmonline.com

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