July 2013
Not much happening this month, but I just posted a brand new sleeve to my skin gallery that I'm really excited about.
I'm also really excited about the 2nd issue of Tattoo Culture Magazine being available from the iTunes store. I wrote an article about starting a meditation practice for stress relief and artistic insight, which is featured in the issue. This digital format tattoo lifestyle magazine is packed full of great information and entertaining interviews with quality tattoo artists, and really sets the bar high for the level of quality that a tattoo magazine can achieve. Kudos to Crash, Kent, and all at TAM for their efforts. Support them by buying a copy to read on your digital devices!
My next event will be the Hell City convention in Phoenix, AZ at the end of August. At the moment it appears I'm fully booked with tattoo appointments, but feel free to stop by my booth early in the weekend and double check. And of course I'll have assorted merchandise for sale, and free stickers available.