3 new full webisodes for tattooers & collectors!
Since our last newsletter we have recorded 3 full webisodes of interviews with the likes of Alex Grey, Guy Aitchison, Bob Tyrrell, Nick Baxter, Ivana, and Mike Cole! Thanks to everyone for the great interviews, and to the live viewers asking questions in the chat room. We are getting together a kickstarter to amp up our equipment, staff, and website. More about that next week.
Guy Aitchison gave a call a few weeks ago and said he could interview Alex Grey at midnight that night. So, awake we stayed, and Matt and I we're able to help facilitate this amazing interview. It went great, so stay tuned for more late night interviews from Hyperspace studios!
Guy Aitchison and Alex Grey talk Entheon, visionary art, and the spirit. Full TattooNOWtv webisode
Next webisode we had Ivana in-house as she was doing a guest spot at Off the Map Tattoo. Nick Baxter was having a tad of trouble skyping in, but thanks to a clever chat room visitor we were able to call in his interview over the cell phone. It was a great time despite the technical difficulties. A driving force behind the project, Guy Aitchison also skyped in to chat about some upcoming projects!
Ivana, Nick Baxter & Guy Aitchison on TattooNOWTV - full 5/19/13 webisode
Then June 2nd we we're able to wrangle up Bob Tyrrell who skyped in from the Atlanta Tattoo Convention, Mike Cole who skypoed in from an undisclosed location in southern California, and our in house co-host was Riche Bulldog.
Bob Tyrrell, Mike Cole, and Richie Bulldog interviews - Full TattooNOWtv webisode 6/2/13
We recently cleaned up our Youtube Channel so you can see the different clips, as well as the 14+ hours of archived shows! It was fun rewatching some of the oldies but goodies.