Premium domains are highly sought after, to the point where unregistered .com names that are short and memorable are pretty much a thing of the past. There are many well known reasons why these names are so valuable including potential SEO benefits, brand protection and direct ‘type-in’ traffic to name a few.
While these benefits are great there are other intangible benefits that are often overlooked:
Instant Branding and Credibility
In the mind of a consumer a valuable premium domain name can instantly convey a sense of trust. A great domain can instantly establish that you’re company is not some “fly by night” operation. It lets users know you’re the real deal. The confidence and trust generated by your name will directly help convert traffic into regular readers, customers or leads.
Funding and Partnerships
Besides attracting and converting customers, building your business on a premium domain can better your chances of securing funding or forming strategic partnerships with established companies in your space. These valuable parties can make or break a startup’s chances of long term survival. Would you rather fund or partner with or
“Viralbility” (word of mouth)
Short and memorable .com names enhance word of mouth (viral) referrals your business can generate – one of the most valuable lead sources. Direct referrals typically carry one of the highest conversion rates among traffic types. In fact, this type of traffic is often regarded as the best quality traffic available. For example, people will tell friends, “I got this movie from Amazon.” This is naturally associated with – not
Social Media Impressions
When social media users share a link, they may use a URL shortening service if the domain name is too long. While it’s good they’re sharing your content, this shortening service masks your domain name. This removes a powerful opportunity to put your domain name in front of as many eyes as possible.
However, social media users are far less likely to use URL shortening services on short, catchy domain names. Their followers and friends will see the domain name, creating a brand impression that will pave the way for future opportunities.
Enhanced Offline Marketing Initiatives
One thing that’s often overlooked is the impact of a great domain on offline marketing strategies and campaigns. Your business will likely have print ads, banners, billboards, and radio/TV spots. These are outbound (interruption based) ad methods where success relies on the viewer being interested and retaining your brief message. A great domain will help with retention. Since the user can’t click on a billboard ad, for example, you’re relying on them remembering your domain next time they’re at a computer.
Inherent SEO Benefits Most People Forget
Despite the recent EMD algorithm update, there are still SEO benefits for exact match domain names. This means when your domain name perfectly matches a search term (keyword). Most people believe the new algorithm gives increased “ranking points” to exact match domains. Unfortunately, the points awarded simply by having an exact match have certainly diminished.
Don’t worry – there are still two very important benefits a premium (exact match) domain name affords its owner:
Co-citation: Premium domain names are naturally better brand names and are relevant, on their own, to the industry at large. This means that they will enjoy more non-link citations and references throughout the internet. Co-citation is going to be increasingly important in the new algorithm – adding immense value to premium domains.
Link Building: Link building is still at the core of achieving high search results. When a website links to your domain, it tells Google that you are relevant in your industry. This means higher search rankings. A premium domain name naturally lends itself to link building – website designers are more likely to link to sites built on a premium name.
Yes, Premium Domains are Worth the Money
It’s easy to look at the asking prices of many premium domains and be scared away. However, if you take a deeper look you will begin to understand why great domains command such high prices. A great domain can enhance your marketing overall strategy, help you achieve SEO success, and provide credibility for perspective customers and investors. Get started today by using our Free Domain Buying Service!
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