
ZE has been recognized numerous times for its superior customer service—for example, this year ZE was ranked first by software end users assessing customer service in Energy Risk’s Annual Software Survey and Rankings. One of the many ways in which ZE supports its clients is through the ZE Support Center, a venue which enables ZEMA users to submit queries, get product information, and more. ZE’s Support Center is fully staffed each hour of every day so that clients’ queries are responded to promptly and efficiently.

Clients can receive product support by emailing ZE’s application support team at support@ze.com or by logging into the ZE Support Center at http://support.zepower.com/ using their ZEMA login credentials. Most clients who have product queries simply email ZE’s application support team to receive assistance. However, clients who make use of the ZE Support Center’s online portal will find that there are numerous advantages to submitting queries, or “creating tickets,” through this venue. First, clients who utilize the Support Center’s online portal will be able to set the priority level of their ticket. As a result, if a ZEMA user submits multiple tickets with set priority levels, ZE’s staff will respond to the most urgent ticket first. By contrast, if a ZEMA user sends an email to the ZE application support team via support@ze.com about an urgent issue, their query will be automatically assigned a “normal” priority. As well, users of the online portal will be able to inform ZE of particular ZEMA applications they are experiencing difficulty with by tagging the ZEMA module their query is related to.

Once clients submit tickets through the online portal, they receive a ticket number they can use to track their query’s status. Through the online ZE Support Center, clients can view which particular ZE staff member has been assigned to their ticket, which ZE departments are working on responding to their ticket, and the “status” of their ticket. Another benefit of the ZE Support Center’s online portal is that it allows an entire organization’s IT department to track and submit multiple tickets, which ensures greater accountability and organizational transparency.

Finally, the ZE Support Center’s online portal enables clients to provide feedback to ZE regarding the quality of ZE’s support via an online survey. ZE continually strives to improve its customer service, so all client survey feedback is very valuable.

In sum, clients who wish to enhance their ZE Support Center experience should take advantage of the Center’s online portal. Clients who require a username and password to access the portal should email support@ze.com to receive further information.

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