RP Name
El une Spodermun
Link to Steam Profile steamcommunity.com/id/DeSpoder/
Current Gametracker Profiles
server 1- www.gametracker.com/player/EL%20spodermu...arpgaming.com:27015/
Server 2 - www.gametracker.com/player/EL%20spodermu...arpgaming.com:27025/
Server 3 - www.gametracker.com/player/EL%20spodermu...arpgaming.com:27015/
Estimated Server Time
150 h
Languages I speak
swedish, english, aramaic and a bit of french
Explain how you feel that your time as a moderator will contribute to you becoming an admin.
My time as a moderator has had its upside and downside, upside being to contribute to the server by helping people as i see it, most f1s i get are some people unfamiliar with certain rules and learning by their mistakes they become great addiction to the community. Then certain times i come across mass rulbreakers which are often mass rdming, prop blocking etc this is a issue to counter as a moderator since all i really can do in that situation is to either warn kick or freeze. many times they return where my only option being to warn until they receive a ban but by that time the individual has already ruined the experiance for the other players. I am not looking to punish people but try to improve the experience for player which can be tuff from times to times with restricted powers as in the situation told above. Other than that i love helping players and then receiving gratitude from the player which is great and meeting the amazing staff team.
Explain a situation as a moderator you encountered that was an obstacle you had to work around (EG: defiant user)..
Time to time i come across mass rule breakers who simply troll and not caring to take a punishment where my powers are very restricted leaving the rule breakers to ruin it for players trying to have a good time, my only option being to warn until a ban or simply freeze. The problem being if a see a mass rule breaker which could be mass rdm, prop push/block etc my option being to chase him to find his name and then needing to navigate my way through the tab list to then freeze/warn/kick which by that time he had caused a lot of trouble for other players, which would be easier if i could simply grab the player and ban so he would hopefully learn his lesson
If you had to write a facebook post to train a moderator in between 200-300 words, what would you say to give them the full grasp?.
Congrats on reciving moderator and welcome to the staff team
im am going to walk you through the basics.
it is important to remember that the staff members goal is to help and improve players experience and not to simply punish
remember that it is better to use steamID when doing a command so that you do not accidentally use it on another player
the steam id can be found in the tab menu or the logs .
/warn steamID reason is a command used to warn a player when they have broken a rule and used for you to give him a warning. it is important to inform the player why they have been warned and what to do so that the player can improve
the /tp command is used so that you can teleport yourself so a the area you are pointing/looking at and also used to teleport a player to the location you are looking at /tp steamID/name
the /goto command is used for teleporting to another player when handling a f1 to see if they are not busy in a situation /goto steamID
/bring steamID command is used for bringing a player to your location ex. you are handling a f1 and want to teleport him to a roof
the /freeze steamID command is used to freeze another player meaning they can’t move, often used for a player is trying to escape a sit
Admin keypad checker
this tool is very useful. it allows you to check if a prop is faded and has a keypad tracker connected to it, you will used when checking an illegal base. You will click on the keypad to check the time for how long it stays open 4 sec is the minimum, if you can’t find the keypad then use the tool on the prop to check if a keypad is connected to it or not.
Have Fun
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that you banned them permanently for propspam, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
Everyone makes misstakes from time to time, sometimes you just act not thinking of what you are doing and people do make mistakes, if he is truly sorry that means he could possibly improve. I would check who banned him and talk to the staff member who banned the player to get his point of view of the ban and weather it should be reduced or not, depending on the situation and if the player is truly sorry i and since its their first ban i would reduce it into a week.
Why I should be promoted (we recommend around 150 words)
I would like the receive this promotion since i am active daily doing f1s and helping people out in situations and love meeting new players. I feel like becoming a admin could give me the tools to handle situations much smother and easier especially When dealing with mass rule breakers, i would also love to host my own event so that player can have more fun and a great experience on the server. I try to stay alert on my surrounding as well to catch rule breakers and not just during f1s. Whenever i role-play but the f1s is the priority, escpeally if there are many popping up it is important to handle them and help out fellow staff members