
Before you say anything , this took me 1 hour 26 minutes 40 seconds to do and took a lot of effort , this is just a guide for new people to zarp , you could send this thread to any of your friends that just started playing zarp or if you are willing to try a new gamemode out , this thread is perfect for you

Hello Player

Welcome to ZarpGaming , a friendly and dedicated server that is willing to give players some good time , of course in this thread i'll be going through everything found in zarp , such as gamemode , help on how to play , how zarp is better than most servers , how good our scripting is and etc......

The Forums:

The forums is where most of the stuff in zarp happens , such as threads needing help , making applications , requesting a ban , appealing to a ban , and etc ........ you could start off by making a forum account , it is really easy , just press the Create an account button/link which is found above this thread where you can login , once you do that just fill in the information and you're done , then you could join us with the fun and apply if you'd like , of course you have to follow the TOU , you can't post everything , click on this link here to read the TOU just so you don't get in trouble ---) TOU


What is teamspeak you must ask ? well it is a program in which players can create there own servers and make channels which other players can join and chat with other players , We currently have a teamspeak server in which you can join in and chat with players , this is also the location of where staff members have there meetings , here are the server rules ----) Teamspeak Rules


just for some information , rust is a game and not a gamemode , what is rust ? Rust is a survival game in which you have to collect resources such as food water clothes , and build a base or shelter and protect yourself from the evil beneath , we currently have a rust server and here are the rules for it ----) Rust Rules


Who doesn't know minecraft ? we are of course conjoined with FP , so our server is one , anyways we have a bunch of game modes on there ( well 4 currently ) Factions , survival and etc...... , i can't find the rules currently

Semi Serious RP ( DarkRP )

The first and main server of ZARP , of course i'll be explaining this in two parts , first is what is darkrp and how do you play it ? 2nd is some scripts/addons that are found in darkrp that makes this gamemode popular .

#1 DarkRP is a realistic roleplay gamemode in which you can role-play as almost anything you want such as a police officer or a gangster , of course once you join the server make sure to read the rules immediately , some people just ignore it and then get in trouble and say i didn't know it wasn't allowed , its your fault for not reading the rules , here are the rules just incase you can't access it in-game ----) SSRP Rules , once you finished reading the rules you can start playing by pressing f4 , now i'll try to explain almost everything there is in f4 ,

The Crafting Tab ,it isn't really that useful unless you're in a gang that has it unlocked ( i will explain the gang upgrades later ) , its mostly for crafting weapons , you can obtain the items by mining stone and gold ( which makes steel ) and getting uranium ( Which is obtained by using the uranium printer through the black market dealer job ) ,

The Actions Tab , which is just action , you can drop money , change your rp name , change job title and etc.....

The Jobs Tab , this is where you choose a job , make sure to follow the job rules ( it is found in the SSRP rules ) ,

Inventory , anything you pick from the ground goes to your inventory , when you die everything in your inventory stays , you can also equip items from it by left clicking the items and pressing equip , that will take them to your hotbar and then you'll be able to use it ( but if you die whilst it was in your hot-bar it gets removed , so keep that in mind ) ,

The Gangs Tab , this is where you can create your own gang and edit it , you can also invite people to your gang and such

The Shop Tab , this is where you can buy some items such as printers ( you can't store drugs or printers in your inventory ) , drug labs , armour chargers , health chargers and such , each job has a exclusive items in the shop , for example gun dealers have guns in the shop tab ,

The Skills Tab ,you can enhance you skills by doing a certain thing , the more your skills go up , the better you are . now finally is the

VIP tab , this is where you can purchase VIP which has more benefits than a normal player , we also have the quests system , just incase you're low in money and you need a couple of cash , quests are there to help you , each NPC has a unique quest , but they are always the same quests , of course to not make it op theres a cooldown , we also have TDM cars mod installed , so you can show off your car , The f1 system , when you press F1 you get a small window saying what's the problem , just incase you feel like theres a rule breaker or someone has broken a certain rule , you could use f1 to report him and a member of the staff team will tp to you and try to handle this situation , we also have a unique trade system , by pressing f2 infront of a player it will send him a trade request , he/you needs/need to type /accept to accept the trade and trade with him , now i teached you some of the basics of SSRP , its your job to figure out the rest


as i said in the darkrp section , i will explain it in 2 sections , 1# how to play it , 2# what zarp has done with deathrun , Deathrun is a fun gamemode which has 2 teams , the runners and Deaths , the runners job is to avoid every trap and to win the game by killing the Deaths , the deaths job is to activate traps to stop the runner from getting to the end and killing them, now of course here is the rules for Deathrun , make sure you read it carefully so you don't get in trouble ---- ) Deathrun Rules , Zarp's Deathrun has a unique pointshop which contains a bunch of staff such as hats , player models , trails and etc.... , we also have the !Rtv feature ( which stands for : Rock The Vote ( which you can vote to change the map ) ) , we also have amazing maps .

Trouble in Terrorist Town

as i said above and will keep saying it again , i will explain it in 2 sections , Trouble In Terrorist Town or TTT is a fun gamemode in which theres 3 teams , Innocent ( You're innocent , your job is figure out who's the traitor and kill them ASAP to stop them from their evil plans ) , Detective ( Your job is to use your detective skills to find out who's the t , you can also give commands to player , but you can't tell them to break rules , you can say for example : Anyone who goes to the tower is KOS , or Anyone who breaks the bridges is KOS , and finally traitor ( Your job is to kill both innocent and detective without them finding out that you're the traitor ) , here are the rules for Trouble In Terrorist Town ----) TTT Rules , now TTT has the pointshop from Deathrun , so you could enjoy the benefits of the pointshop on both servers , it also has a unique Detective/Traitor shop , theres a lot of weapons that you can choose from , for example : Detective : Golden Deagle ( a weapon that is also a tester , if a player shoots a player with it , the traitor would either die and the innocent will live , or the innocent that shot the deagle will die and the other innocent will live , Traitor : Poison Gun ( a gun used for poisoning people , they have around 10-20 sec to live or more , we also have a brilliant logs and report system , if someone rdm's you , you could use !report and report the guy that rdm'd you and a staff will handle it .

Bunny Hop

i think you get with what I'm going right now , 2 sections , now Bunny Hop is a gamemode in which you could train and test your Bhoping skills ( you could bunny hop by pressing first off w , then hold space , then release w and then press a and d to navigate and also your mouse ) , we have some unique maps , here are the rules ----) Bunny Hop Rules , we don't have that much in bunny hop right now but its getting updated every month to suit the best for players so they can enjoy .

Zombie Survival

Our currently inactive server , Zombie survival is a gamemode in which theres 2 teams , zombies and survivors , once the round begins one person gets infected , then his job is to infect all the other players , the players job is to hide , build barricades and survive , of course here are the rules ----) Zombie Survival Rules , currently i can't remember anything about it but once i try to get on again i'll update this


We currently have a VIP system , in which you can benefit from it and it adds more items and stuff to your gamemode ( it applies to every gamemode ) , here is the link to it if you're interested in it ---- )VIP Benefits , here are some of the stuff you gain from VIP
DarkRP: Access to Vip Printers that are way better than the normal printers , having VIP armour and health chargers , an vip emergency fuel . VIP drug lab coolers , having access to the SWAT job , priest , and master thief , no job limits , Your get double skill xp so you can easily get a skill fully completed , 30 weight shop limit , 70 props limit
Forum/TTT/Deathrun: You get double Zarp Points for the pointshop , you can use Auras from the pointshop , you get a ZARP VIP badge under your name in the forums ,


Here are the current staff team for each server:
Forum Staff Team
Deathrun Staff Team
DarkRP Staff Team
TTT Staff Team
BHop Staff Team

Teamspeak Staff Team ( currently now founded )
Rust Staff Team

Minecraft Staff Team ( Not found )

Community Managers and Owners :

These are the people that run zarp , code/script it , and is in charge of everything , here are the list of the current Community Team :





Current Head Admins Of Each Server
Chuteuk ( Headadmin of all servers )
EMP ( Headamin of all servers )
DCXBigDaddy ( Headmin on all servers )
Redpowder ( Headadmin on all servers )
Mogadonskoda ( Headadmin on all servers )
Patrick Star (Headadmin on DarkRP )
Pink ( Headadmin on DarkRP/TTT/Rust )
AllThatJazz ( Headmin on TTT )

How to become a mod ?

Its easy , Here are some requirements that i suggest having before actually applying : No recent warns , no recent bans , follow the rules , knows the rules well , friendly , dedicated to helping players , played for atleast 30 hours , less or more depending on the gamemode , once you have reached the requirements here is what you need to do next , make a new topic , then open a new tab , then choose one of these links for the gamemode that you're applying for

DarkRP ( Set your title to [SSRP Moderator]Your name's Application )

Deathrun ( Set your title to [DR]Your name's Application )

TTT ( Set your title to [TTT]Your Name's Application )

BHop ( Set your title to [Bhop]Your name's Application )

Rust ( Set your title to [Rust]Your name's application )

Zombie Survival ( Set your title to [ZS]Your Name's Application

Then copy the template , paste it into your new topic , then fill in the questions , and make it look as nice as possible using BBCodes

Updates/changes ( here are updates of what i fixed/added to this guide )

If you think there should be anything added just reply here and i'll add it if it suits the guide , feedback is appreciated

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