By Abid Hussain
The library is a growing organism first time introduced by the Dr. S. R. Ranganathan is known to be the father of Library, Documentation and Information science from India. This is the fifth law of library science the other laws are 1. Books are for use. 2. Every reader his or her book. 3. Every book its reader 4. Save the time of the reader 5. The library is a growing organism. Presented by the Dr. S. R. Ranganathan in 1931.The fifth law is very interested in the field of academic library like college and university libraries. The main purpose of this law is to focus more on the need for internal change than on changes in the environment itself. Library organizations must accommodate growth in staff, the physical collection, and patron use. Allowing for growth in the physical building, reading areas, shelving, and in space for the catalogue. But in digital era this is showing the best example, because the library is expanding its services to its users, Faculty members and other researchers of the community.
The NDU Library is one of the best libraries in the capital of Pakistan offering services to its users and equipped them with the latest tools. The Services of this library are a combination of hybrid collection i.e print form and electronic form. In the very old days’ library offered its services to only all students, Faculty members and researchers whose often visited to the library, but in modern days it has adopted the latest tools of the modern era like getting books articles, and other research papers at their doorstep. A login password made it very easy that a common person can get all the desired data of their choice in minimum time. One of the very best service of this library is to get the latest materials on their personal email addresses the idea is very newest one might be the first in Pakistan. At the moment the NDU Library is offering its services to more than three thousand members online. The staff of the library is cooperative in conducting research and they are very expert in getting the latest materials of their user’s choice. The very good initiative of this library is the development of a modern library software. A common user who doesn’t have any login password can view all those materials available physically in the library. The Person having internet connection can view the topic of their choice and can demanded through the email address from library staff. The Library is going to expand its services in the future that a user can get optimum benefit in minimum time. The Library is looking forward for the new suggestion for further improvement. As Ranganathan really said that the library is a growing organism. And NDU Library is the one which expanding its services for the better research in a society. The NDU University Library is the best example of knowledge creation, application, utilization and the fifth law of library science, A library is a growing organism.
Abid Hussain Assistant Library Officer Main Library National Defence University Islamabad.