
Edwin Sakala, leader of the opposition ZDDM has again written to President Michael Sata seeking for an emergence meeting to save the country he says is now turning into another Biblical tower of Babylon.

Below is a letter that was also availed to Zambian Eye:

His Excellency President Michael Chilufya Sata

President of the Republic of Zambia

State House


Dear Your Excellency

We write to keep you well informed on the joyful progress that our party has made following the constant effort we have made to ask your Excellency to facilitate for inter party dialogue.

Two month ago in our desperation to get your response and views on the calls ZDDM has kept making for inter party dialogue , We even decided to picket State House but changed our plan at the last moment in order to avoid confrontation with your party Carders who seem to have an almost permanent presence in the lobby at the gate of State House.

On the 19th of March we also announced our decision to call for a meeting of all opposition party leaders and we are very happy to inform you that our mission and vision as ZDDM was partly achieved because for the first time since you came into power all prominent national leaders sat on the same table this week

UPND, MMD, ABZ, N, APC, ZDDM, NDP, NAREP, ADD, ZED, ZADECO, PP, PUDD, NGP etc leaders and have even formed a leasing committee.

As ZDDM, this is a progressive development in Zambian politics because we believe that it is only unity which can help Zambia reclaim its status as a shinning star of being a haven of peace and harmony on the African continent and indeed restore its lost respectability on the international scene if our politics became civilized and progressive


In the name of multi party democracy Zambia has turned into another Biblical tower of Babylon with everybody being right and a Sodom and Gomorra as each person seek self gratification.

Our Christian nation is overtaken by a spirit of hate, greed and selfishness which have made us forget that in spite of belonging to different political parties we are all Zambians whose priority must be to defend national interest and fighting to better the lives of the larger population of our people who are dehumanized, suffering and dying at a rate which can not be justified.

At the meeting of opposition party leaders they all lamented that there is simply no justification for us as a nation to have so called Carders who appear and sound like ‘Mayi mayi’ soldiers from Congo DR dressed in military uniform and red barrettes intimidating Zambians and the unfair treatment they are subjected to at the hands of the police, courts and indeed a public media like ZNBC who are too scared to give coverage to the opposition party leaders.

Public newspapers are facing a serious financial crisis because their sales have fallen while ZNBC only serve to hypotenuse   government leaders who listen to their own voices because an average Zambian would rather watch the dish than the cheap and irritating propaganda.

Some of the questions which also came up at the meeting are for how long they must watch the police lock up leaders in police cell on Fridays and on flimsy grounds and courts demanding as much as K30 million as bail .This to the opposition leaders especially those of us with no foreign or local financial backing tells us to fold up or shut


We believe that Your Excellency as a Christian and a fellow Roman Catholic must understand that the world and Zambia in particular is in the midst of a spiritual battle hence the appeal we sent to the Holy Father and other religious leaders to include Zambia in their prayers for God to protection our nation.

As a Christian you can still save Zambia from the jaws of Satanism responsible for the current unnecessary daily flow of tears and blood by simply promoting politics of love and unity. The current politicks of extreme hate and division are only tormenting the already majority dehumanized citizens.

Most of the Zambians who have never had a chance to travel abroad and even to neighboring countries like Namibia , Botswana , South Africa whose majority population enjoy a high quality of life may take the animal like existence of daily search for food and insulting each other that the majority population of Zambians are living as normal but  we know that  God exposed Your Excellency to a better quality of life and Christian values that some of us expected you to promote love and unity which are the basic requirements for progress and a civilized society.

ZDDM is proud that it had a chance in the past to interact with you whilst in the opposition but feel very disappointed that you’re party and indeed the whole Zambian political scene is dominated by a ruthless power struggle. We can’t see anybody sharing our concern for promoting the much needed unity of purpose on the scene.

It is against this background that ZDDM will continue to struggle for civilized politicks in Zambia and inter party dialogue because of the fact that there is strength in unity.

Zambia can change its path by a u turn from the current one leading to self destruction to reclaiming our status as a great country. We have all it takes to be a great country. Minerals , wonderful weather , a large unutilized labor force and excellent brains everywhere including the opposition parties which can be utilized to rebuild our country but what we lost is the spirit of love.

Our country is shadowed by a demonic spirit of Greed, selfishness and hate which must be fought to enable Zambians to work together again.

Your Excellency will recall that this has been my message even those days when I came to your office at Kwacha and Farmers House because I know that the future of Zambia depend on citizens turning to our God of Love in all they do hence ZDDM fight for unity as a starting point in the redemption of our country.

Mr. President I believe that we have an urgent obligation to God and the people of Zambia to arrest the current suffering in our nation,We should not continue politicking at the expense of a majority population wallowing in abject poverty and dying from poverty related causes as if the country is at war.

With this in mind please don’t get surprised if you are told that we are camping outside your gate because what ZDDM wants is restoration of love, justice, truth and unity in Zambia.

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