
Proverbs 13:22 “The sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous.”

This is a unique time in history and the wealth of the sinner is about to be transferred to the righteous on a global scale. When we look around the world today, there is so much shaking in the economies, governments and nations. Leadership positions are changing at every level and for every reason imaginable. With so much going on, it would be easy to miss what is really going on in the world and God’s divine hand upon it all. In this turbulent time, it would also be easy to get bogged down with doom and gloom thinking or negative reports that distract us from God’s greater purpose.


Due to the times we live in, it would be beneficial to start by helping believers to correctly discern the time that we are in. Without laying this foundation, believers will struggle to receive or understand what God is about to do in the world and the financial systems of the world. Isaiah 60 perfectly explains the state of the world right now and it is vital for the body of Christ to be aware of this.

1 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you.” (Isaiah 60:1-2)

Believers are looking at world events and are only seeing the darkness in the earth and on the people as mentioned in these verses. However, what we have missed or at least not emphasized enough is the second part “But the Lord will arise on you”. The 3 words: “But the Lord” are crucial and as we evaluate the world and our own personal lives we must always keep this in our minds as we attempt to convey what we feel God is saying or doing. “But the Lord” – God is in the business of changing the game and making all the difference. Let us always remember this in the days ahead.

Believers need to grasp that we live in one of the most exciting and glorious times in the history of man. We are going to see the glory of God like never before and the Spirit poured out as prophesied in Joel 2. So we need to avoid being swamped by negativity and prepare to arise and be used by God in this our finest hour. The body of Christ tends to focus on the negative and the problems. We need greater balance in our perspective and hope in our messages. We cannot give hope to a fearful, confused and distressed world by focusing on doom and gloom which also sends out a negative message about God’s goodness. Especially when He clearly tells us in the word that He is a God of hope, redemption and light that triumphs over darkness.

In the context of understanding the times we live in, we also need to move beyond some mind-sets that have greatly side-tracked the body of Christ. Many have been so focused on trying to escape that we have forgotten Jesus said to “occupy till I come” – Luke 19:13. The “Left Behind” mentality has affected the body of Christ so negatively and not just the extreme impact of people hiding in caves waiting for the Lord to return. Fifteen years ago, I was so sure the Lord was coming back at that time. I memorized Matthew 24 and could tell you every sign and trend of increase in earthquakes, famines, wars, wickedness and the rest. I spent all my time studying signs and trends and warning people to repent or it will be too late. Consequently, my focus, life and message mirrored this and consequently offered very little hope to people and repeatedly warned them – repent today as Jesus returns tomorrow. I found that such doom and gloom messages often led to believers and unbelievers becoming fearful and idle.

Fifteen years later Jesus has not returned yet and the Lord has had to completely renew my mind and focus and a large percentage of the body of Christ desperately need to do the same. Or we will be of no significant value to a generation who is not wired for escape but rather want to see tangible transformation in the world now. Social Enterprise has become one of the most popular business types in recent years and that is because more and more realize we can make a positive difference now and not just wait in caves till the millennium.

Many believers are not clear on their personal callings or what they are meant to accomplish in this life yet they are focusing their energy and efforts on trying to prove the Lord will return tomorrow. We need to refocus ourselves and begin to build legacy and think longer term. While much of the church stands still waiting to escape and spread doom and gloom reports, the enemy continues to occupy key areas in society and nations, while controlling the world systems and finances. This neglect by the church is leading to large numbers of souls being lost. That is why we must urgently shift our focus and prepare for God to use us mightily in this hour. It is important to clarify all of that before moving forward to the coming wealth shift. If these things are not clear, believers will be hindered by those mind-sets and not understand the purpose of the coming transfer of wealth. If we only see doom and gloom and eye a quick exit out of the earth – we will completely miss what God is doing.

Coming Wealth Transfer

So to the great news about the Coming Wealth Transfer and how it will help to facilitate the greatest advancement of the kingdom of God and harvest we have ever seen. Isaiah 60 gives us further insight into what is coming in verse 5:

“Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.” (Isaiah 60:5)

This verse and also Proverbs 13:22 tell us that there will be a transfer of wealth to the righteous. When we look around the world today, there are nations who are crying out for this very thing as they see governmental corruption all around and wealth not reaching those with the greatest need.

Indeed, believers often wonder why so many of the rich are not believers nor use their money more generously to eradicate global issues such as poverty. The primary reason is that very few believers could be trusted with the level of wealth the rich of the world possess. Such wealth would completely destroy the faith and possibly the life of an unprepared believer. The same as the potential disaster of giving a Ferrari to a 17-year old who has just passed their driving test. Very few would think that is a wise decision.

However, the great news is we are about to see the wealth transferred to the righteous to facilitate harvest and incredible advancement of the kingdom. It is the Lord’s desire to entrust believers with huge wealth in order to effectively advance the Kingdom of God. Some will wonder how it is possible to know this. The past few weeks and in particular this week, the Lord emphasized that we are now coming into the season of the wealth transfer. This word from the Lord has had recent confirmations which will be briefly mentioned. Another clear indication of this coming transfer, is to look at the financial shakings all over the world. This is a sign that significant financial shifts are coming.

Financial Paradigm Shift

It is worthwhile looking at the issue of money in general as many believers have seen money in a different perspective than what the word says. Money is not evil. The word tells us: “The silver and gold is mine declares the Lord” – Haggai 2:8. It all ultimately belongs to God and therefore it is not evil.

The bible says 1 Timothy 6:10 “The Love of money is the root of all evil.” It is vital to highlight the “love” of money. If a person loves money more than God then that becomes idolatry and a problem. There are 2 aspects that are key – our heart towards money and what we do with money. If our heart is right we will do the right thing with money.

We need to ask the Lord to renew our minds and remove the poverty mentality that has crippled the body of Christ. When a believer struggles to pay their own bills, then they will struggle to give to kingdom causes. They will be so absorbed by their financial struggles that to even contemplate kingdom vision or give to see the gospel preached becomes very difficult. Abraham, David, Solomon and Joseph were some of the richest people in history. If money was so evil the Lord would not have given them such huge wealth. The difference is these hero’s of the faith understood they were given the wealth for a reason. Deuteronomy 8:18 “Remember the Lord who gives you the power to get wealth to confirm His covenant.” These believers knew that God is first place and that money did not have them even though they had lots of money. Believers have thought that poverty equals true faith or humility. However, humility in this context is recognising all you have is from God and that we should use it for His glory.

Some may think the focus of this word is that believers should seek wealth so they can be rich and live lavish lifestyles. That would be misunderstanding this message as the focus of this word is positioning and preparing ourselves to receive and steward wealth that will be used for kingdom purposes not ourselves. The bible explains the purpose of riches. 2 Corinthians 9:11 “You will be made rich in every way that you may be generous at all times to others.” Therein lies the key to wealth – that we can be generous to others. If we choose to heap up wealth for ourselves then we miss the point, cannot be trusted with huge wealth and end up no different from the rich people we scorn for sitting on billions when those around them starve and die.

The false prosperity gospel has greatly hampered Christianity as it has made people reluctant to think about finances. The prosperity gospel has so muddied the waters that we now throw out the baby with the bathwater. People refuse to even imagine themselves having wealth as it may make them look or feel like a lesser Christian. However, there is a purpose and a place for large wealth so long as it is used for the kingdom of God.

Another recent stumbling block is the large number of Christian leaders that have been found wanting with everything from financial corruption to marital affairs. This has reduced credibility and brought unnecessary shame. These leaders have found it difficult to remain pure and full of integrity when they have reached high and influential positions. This has led to many unbeliever’s labeling Christians as “hypocrites” and has been a huge obstacle to many when they attempt to witness. However, new leaders who have been prepared by the Lord will soon rise up with the financial integrity, wisdom and excellence of Daniel and Joseph that will show the world the true example and generosity of Christ.

Prepared Ones

The exciting truth is that the Lord has prepared a remnant of believers who will now step into some of the vacated leadership positions and be like Daniel and Joseph with the character and integrity to remain in position despite the fame, wealth, influence and power the Lord will grant them. These have been tested and prepared to the point where the world has no hold on them and they have visions and kingdom solutions ready to be implemented. Mammon or the love of money is not in them and all they care about is honouring the Lord and giving for the kingdom. We must realize that these ones that the Lord is raising up have been through hell on earth – for our behalf as well as the worlds. Look at Joseph; the torture, rejection and betrayal he had to endure to be prepared to steward the wealth of the known world at that time. These modern day Josephs have had unique preparation and some will be trusted with a level of wealth that will make the wealth of some of the richest people in the world pale in comparison.

Romans 2:4 “The goodness of God leads to repentance.” The Lord is going to show His goodness and kindness through believers that will lead many to repentance. The Lord is about to bless some of these prepared believers to an extent that would offend the hearts of other believers who have not dealt with their flesh or have not allowed the Lord to prepare them to receive wealth. So we must adjust our mind-sets. We do not want to be one of those who are jealous or judge, mock or criticize those ones that God raises up to be “deliverers” in our generation as Joseph was known. These pioneers will be used to break the back of poverty, injustice and many of the major issues in the world.

These believers have paid a heavy price to get to where they have and we need to support these ones with prayer and encouragement. We need to be careful not to judge them, because some will have huge wealth like Solomon did and this will be a witness to the world and many will come to faith through their lives. The world will say of these ones: Psalm 126:2 ”The Lord has done great things for them.”

These prepared ones have dreams and visions that most believers would think is impossible. Such as ending poverty in third world countries, human trafficking, euro crisis, pornography and addressing global corruption. Basically “making disciples of nations” as Jesus instructed us in Matthew 28:19. Such dreams are unimaginable for most, but God will do some of these incredible things through these believers who have been prepared and believe that “With God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26.

That is why when we look at the financial trends out there in the world we should not only be looking to see how bad things will get. In order to help us have the correct perspective, let us remember people suffer in times of trouble and recession. So if the financial markets do crash, as many expect, or we see more earthquakes, wars and disasters – do we just sit back and say: “I told you so, see Jesus is coming back now!” Is this all we can see and the content of the “Good News” message Jesus paid for? We must provide more hope and a more balanced biblical message than that.

This does not mean we hide from the truth or put our heads in the sand when storms come, but rather we should be more focused on how we can be a solution in the crisis – like Joseph did. The question is: “Are believers ready and hearts prepared to receive the wealth transfer that is coming and connected to the global financial shakings?” I believe only a tiny portion are truly ready and that is primarily because believers are not kingdom minded enough and focus more on the problems than the solutions.

In these incredible financial times, the Lord has endless kingdom solutions and blueprints for “Kingdom Welfare” for nations. Visions and dreams for solutions to poverty, debt, homelessness, unemployment, gospel being preached, governmental projects and much more. However, if we only monitor financial trends and reports looking for disasters to strike our focus is in wrong place. The concern is that not enough believers have been seeking God like Joseph did and have received dreams and visions ready to implement in times of trouble. The church desperately needs to shift the focus to “God what is my personal role in the solution” rather than only watching trends and seeing the negatives and collapses.

Confirmation 1

One of the many confirmations of the coming wealth transfer is a recent word from Bobby Conner. It speaks of a vision he had of a juggler with the wealth of the world in his hands and that this wealth was about to be transferred to the righteous. Basically Proverbs 13:22 being fulfilled in our generation. The short word released on April 17 2016 is well worth a read on his Facebook page or via website. Here is the main section that is particularly relevant:

“I questioned the ring announcer, who was dressed in a white suit with golden lapels, “What is that the man is juggling?”

He said, “The wealth of the World!”

I asked; “What is the juggler’s name?”

Without one moment of hesitation the announcer replied “The Babylonian System!”

Continuing he said, “He is controlling the wealth of the world, but this is about to change! (see Isaiah 60:5) The Lord is preparing the hearts of His people to become righteous so that the wealth of the wicked can be transferred to the hands of the Righteous. A shift is coming concerning motivation, where the people of God are not merely seeking the wealth but the Righteousness, which will prepare them for the transfer (see Proverbs 13:22). When this occurs the wealth of the world is about to swiftly change hands (see Deuteronomy 8:18). Our Lord instructed us to seek first His glorious kingdom then all these others elements will fall into proper place (see Matthew 6:33).” (Source: http://www.bobbyconner.org/)

Bobby speaks of the righteous being ready for the wealth, which is key. If people do not have kingdom visions and focus – then there is no purpose in kingdom wealth being given to them. Therefore, it is vital that believers seek first the kingdom and be prepared.

Confirmation 2

An excellent recent word from James Bailey called “Graduation Day Approaching for Josephs” further explains and confirms this and is highly recommended reading. Here is a key section and the link:

“For way too long, the devil has deceived God’s people into thinking money is evil, but that is a lie. He has used our ignorance of the scriptures to rob us blind, twisting the scriptures to make us think money is evil, but it has never been evil. If it was, we should all quit our jobs, or at least quit accepting paychecks and work strictly as volunteers. Money is not evil, but “the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many grief’s” (1 Timothy 6:10).

The great end-time harvest is coming in, but it is going to require a lot of money. The money we need is now sitting in the accounts of the unrighteous, so God is showing us how to transfer it out of the beast financial system into our accounts. The wealth of the sinner has been stored up for the purpose of transferring it to the righteous (Proverbs 13:22). Unfortunately, that does not include all Christians because very few are ready to handle it. As much as we would like to have it, God knows it would destroy our faith if we love it more than Him. So the transfer is going to a remnant who have been trained and prepared. They will become money distribution centres all for advancing His kingdom.”

Confirmation 3

A recent prophetic word from Veronica West on April 18 2016 further illustrates that we are at a time of receiving kingdom blueprints and solutions for the wealth. Here is a key section:

“I Prophecy in this season Kingdom Strategy and Kingdom Solutions that are going to be released to Gods people like never experienced before, Heaven is releasing Kingdom Keys that will Open doors that have been shut for a 1000 Generations, I See Kingdom Keys that will unlock Heavenly Resources and Kingdom Finances that have been held back for 1000 Generations, and Kingdom Keys that will unlock and open the store houses to the treasures of Heaven.” (Source: Facebook page of Prophetic Releasers for UK Revival)

Confirmation 4

Another Key confirmation is from a word for 2016 from Doug Addison. He speaks of kingdom strategies for wealth as we need this to fund the coming harvest. Here is a key section & the link:

2016 Financial Release:
This new movement from God is going to cost a lot of money to fund because it is going to be targeted to the poor in spirit and the outcasts; basically young people and those who do not have much money. It will cost a lot of money so God is releasing financial strategies right now. God is calling us to something new, but we are holding things back by doing things according to tradition as opposed to “doing what the Father is doing.” (Source: DougAddison.com)

Confirmation 5

A further confirmation that illustrates the transfer of wealth and kingdom solutions is a word from Cindy McGill on April 12 2016:

“God has literally given God-birthed ideas to people to effectively make drastic changes in the world we live in. These “visionaries” are sizzling with projects, inventions, and ideas right from the throne of Heaven and need provision to get them launched. Millionaires and billionaires will give generously to these works, and new millionaires and billionaires will appear as a result of the success of these efforts. As the increase continues, there will be more and more resources released for future projects. But remember, God and God alone gives people the ability to make wealth. It can come and it can go overnight. God has many things to bring direction and correction to the world and reset the bar for morality. These funds will be used to make huge impacts in things like eradicating sex-trafficking, trade, and porn arenas where young people are “duped” into believing a lifestyle of destructive sexual activity has no long-lasting effect on them.” (Source: Elijahlist.com)

This recent word further emphasizes both the wealth transfer and also the importance of having kingdom solutions and visions for the finance. Pro-vision is needed when there is a vision. Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” That is the importance of believers having vision. In some places in the world orphan kids roam the streets and are routinely done away with as they are seen as a nuisance and no one asks any questions when they disappear. If believers do not seek God for a vision to reach these people, either through kingdom orphanages or otherwise, these kids literally perish. This should not be acceptable to believers and an illustration of the urgent need for us to prepare for the wealth transfer to eradicate issues like this.

Key Question

An easy way to know whether a person is prepared to steward wealth is to ask the following question: “What would you do if the Lord gave you £1 million today?” Would you be prepared with visions, projects to help the poor, kingdom blueprints to impact your sphere, area and nation? Or have no idea what to do, be full of self-doubt about trustworthiness, have no vision, dreams or kingdom plans to implement. If the latter is true, then such wealth would become spiritually dangerous. God loves us too much to give us large wealth that would destroy us if we are not prepared. If we are honest we will quickly realize whether or not we are prepared for this. Many of us cannot think beyond our personal pay cheque – but how will such limited thinking or vision help to reach a lost and dying world that is currently being discipled by the wealthy of the world that do not know God or His ways.

Most of us cannot think in such monetary terms due to our own experiences, perspectives or out of alignment views of what the Bible actually says about money. The incredible thing about these prepared ones is they would be ready to receive and correctly distribute this level of wealth in the blink of an eye. As their hearts are prepared and they have already received endless heavenly visions and blueprints. Greater still is that at the back of their mind they realize that £1 million is not enough to resolve serious global issues like poverty, unemployment and spread the gospel to every corner of the world. So they are prepared to steward much larger wealth than that for the sake of the kingdom and the lost.

Remember Joseph received kingdom dreams at least 13 years before the promotion and provision arrived – he was prepared. Some of these prepared ones have dreams and visions straight from Heaven, like Joseph, that are so big most of us would not believe it is possible. These ones have visions and dreams from God that are bigger than just themselves, their church or even their street or town. These have been given visions and dreams that will change the world as we know it.

Even if we are not prepared to steward world changing wealth, we still need to seek the Lord for clarity on our individual calls and purpose. We should allow the Lord to download dreams and visions so we know exactly why God put us here on earth for such a time as this. As many believers have no idea what God’s purpose is for their life. It is important for believers to be honest about whether or not they know their purpose in life. A job or occupation, does not necessarily equate to God’s divine will and purpose for our lives. Therefore, it is far more eternally productive to spend time seeking God’s will for our lives than spending hours on Youtube on the latest video on “100 signs that Jesus is returning now”. I know this will be hard for some believers to take because it goes against long held mind-sets and views, however, it is the truth from God’s word and it is vital we embrace this.

If we do not renew our minds in this area, not only can God not trust us with the wealth to disciple nations, but it means we will allow the enemy to continue to succeed in nations. What would we rather have – those who do not know God to have huge wealth and then influence education to the point where God is out of the equation. Or fund media channels, that fuel the world with deception and the enemy’s agendas.

Or Government, where corruption and ungodliness can rule. Or fund movies in the Arts and Entertainment arena that flood the airwaves and cinemas with filth and jezebel doctrines.

We have a simple choice as believers, we can allow the world to have the large wealth or we can receive the wealth and use it to glorify God and deal with the global issues like unemployment, poverty, trafficking and seeing the Gospel preached all over the world without depending only on limited donations.


There is a huge wealth transfer imminent and indeed has begun. Therefore, if a believer feels uncomfortable with this message, it is key that they seek the Lord for a change of heart and mind. As this is what the Lord is doing and it is clearly building the Kingdom of God, particularly when you consider the alternative uses of wealth we see in the world. If we resist this, we would effectively disqualify ourselves from being used in this area and risk becoming one who becomes jealous or critical of the ones God Himself will raise up to be world changers and modern day Josephs in the days ahead. So it is key we seek the Lord if we have an issue with this or we will end up pulling in the opposite direction of God. It is important to reiterate this is not the “prosperity gospel.” This wealth transfer is all about God’s desire to trust His children with wealth that will be used to build the kingdom of God, not individual bank balances or empires.

Consequently, believers need to decide whether they want to be part of God’s solution by preparing accordingly and not highlighting the darkness over the light. Many of us need to quickly renew our minds and seek the Lord for kingdom visions and be prepared for wealth. If we do not the Lord must overlook us to those who are willing to steward the wealth, be a solution and a light in the darkness that has indeed covered many parts of the world. There are countless poor, broken, in debt, homeless, jobless, depressed and unreached that are counting on the prepared and generous believers rising up and being a light in their personal darkness. I pray each reader would willingly volunteer to be a solution in this unique and exciting time.

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