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old youthyunus.com

youthyunus.com - are there any other living economists who value youth as much as yunus ?Breaking News  - if you are a friend of Muhmmad Yunus , join his survey of 12 minute training modules millions of youth need to MOOC round first to celebrate his pro-youth economic mindset and converge the worlds of social and business in line with The Economist's quest for sustainability of the net generation formally started by the Entrepreneurial Revolution genre Xmas Day 1976. Stage 1 - survey debriefing deadline - 17 April 2013 - Yunus Gold Medal at US Congress -RSVP mostofa12@yahoo.com  wholeplanet.tv, ning: BRACnet, GlobalGrameen, YunusCity, JJamiiBora clicpic to searchNorman Macrae,Japan Order of Rising Sun with Gold Bars, CBE was a British economist, journalist and first author of internet generation (& 21st C pro-youth economics), considered by some to have been one of the world's best forecasters when it came to economics and society -dad valued youth more than any economist or journalist or mass mediated public servant I have met-what were his methods?..archives at The Economist Number 1 in Economics for Youth online library of norman macrae - The Economist'sUnacknowledged Giant -..highlights up to 2013 include...before www:Lucknowdesigns world's favorite and largest future citizen schoolBangladesh develops most exciting village primary schools------ post-www:New Zealandinnovates every child is a journalist not exaination fodder; 10 million chinese families adopt NZ mapMIT creates number 1 job creating alumni networkVillages that linkin mobiles first to lead life critical e-app and enjoy youth entreprenur contestsS.Africa does most to reform apprenticeship-secondary  BREAKING NEWS  help make this first draft zing a bit more -reference last year's isabella-cast  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOT MY NEWS OF THE WORLD  Hello young people everywhere from Tunisia to Egypt , Greece to Spain , Japan to Bangladesh .   Don’t despair. The 2010s can be the most exciting decade for us to lead productive lives as long as we know which media and economics to get rid of, as well as whose social actions to joyfully celebrate. That was the severe test my granddad set himself and fellow journalists for humanity - over 40 years of reporting for The Economist.  And that’s why Norman Macrae also asked people like me to storytell his life’s good news fables once a year after his parting in the summer of 2010. Every time the dumbest media in the world collapses that is a good news opportunity. In Britain this weekend youth have cause to celebrate the end of The News of The World . Wrapped up in the 20th century’s most popular tabloid was everything we don’t need  advertisers to celebrate as young people take on the greatest sustainability games ever played. Let’s hope the BBC in particular remembers that as it chooses how to celebrate the Olympics – Queen Elizabeth’s swansong for the joy of youth, commonwealth and linking in sustainability community actions everywhere. The News of the World made the worst use of mobile telecoms of any media platform. Since Norman first discussed how to network with mobile telecoms in 1984 his entrepreneurial revolution friends have had 27 years searching for best uses. We recommend nothing is more exciting to mobilise than what started in 1996 in Bangladesh when 100000 global villages hubs of the world’s poorest mothers started linking in sustainability economics. We invite thousands of youth to diarize good news stories of info technology at YouthandYunus.com  - this happy dotcom is speltY O U T H A N D Y U N U S Lets hope the world’s most powerful people join youth in exciting lessons on how NOT to use mobile phones. Give the Murdoch family the chance to invite the net generation to co-create good news media in the place of the most salacious gossip sheet in his empire. The strongest newspapers have always blended whole truth journalistic curiosity with at most a couple of goals chosen to improve the next generation’s lot. YES YOU CANLets help the Murdoch’s make their millennium goals wish come true.  Let it be that their family re-examine how their most powerful media can help youth celebrate another way to bail out banks. Join Queen Sofia's summit on this in Spain in November.  It is economically possible for media to help find a way in which youth are not trapped in picking up all the bills of their elders. As we all found out in 2008, this remains the urgent and defining good news story of the decade –the one that will shape generations and planet, for ever and a day. Good News Bottomines: 1 Places everywhere now need structures that mediate investments in their youth’sco-production of heroic goals. 2 Consider how stories of bankabillion networks can be designed round girl power are so much more joyous than banking designed for ever fewer big brothers. 3 Bon courage Rupert Murdoch, Au Revoir Norman Macrae chris macraehttp://normanmacrae.ning.com/wash dc 301 881 1655              .Review of The Economist's journalist of entrepreneurial revolution and his vote for Bangladeshi microcredit as greatest innovation of our human race|| NMF washington DC 1-301 881 1655 c/o chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk || Norman Macrae Foundation is interested in helping raise oxford union and other dialogues on how to network and empower a most productive world. For example why not survey youth on goals a decade out and then map back what sort of public-private sector investments would be needed to reach to any such goal. In the process for every global business market starting with largest trillion dollar ones (wherever these match life critical needs): why not design a benchmark of most purposeful (and so least irresponsible) organisation. Equally why not clarify what basic standards eg no externalized pollution every sustainable society wants to attain An example goal could be end nurseless villages and this could be achieved by enabling various informal nursing associations in addition to formal ones big hospital unionsise. These include:Dedicated paranusres for dedicated surgeons – eg eye care nurses for surgeons who only do eyecare; in developing world village nurses targeting secondary graduates who it is much more valuable to train to do be able to do say 85% of jobs in village that big city hospitals might do; in developed world a nursing agency owned by semi-retired nurses and not subject to lawyers ambulance chasing because the deal of care explicitly informalised what services to the elderly were beyond the nurse’s scope.         P3 Heroic CEO goalsmultiply value and can lead to identifying trillion dollarnew markets freeing up sustainability world - egYunusDanone  infant nutrition in china may be next great new sector (Ying Yang Bao) In service plus networked economies, the vast majority of corporate value expoenenetialises goodwill- vison can be biggest component of this : see eg books : Built to Last & on vision by Hugh Davidson Even in industrial age economy, built to last companies that priroritised purposeful goal metrics over immediate monetary extraction returned 8+ times more for investors over a generationIn the 21st C an organsiation governed primarily by how much did we extract the last quarter should be seen as perfect for destroying sustainability. Such maths is only geared to rewarding specjulatir bubbles puttting true investirs most at risk.As The Economist pointed out as early as 1972, if we rush intio global stockmarkets while forgetting the need of any nation (or society) to promote savings that are invested in the nation's youth, then the entire global financial system will collapse.    Friday, May 6, 2011Yunus Breakthrough List - Sam Daley-HarrisSam Daley-Harris Consider these groundbreaking innovations that Prof. Yunus’ poverty-fighting laboratory has brought to the world and what could be lost in the future from his unwarranted ouster:In 1976 he made loans of less than US$1 each to 42 desperately poor Bangladeshis to start or build tiny businesses – and the microcredit revolution was born.  It has made its way all around the world.  While others have seen microfinance as a way to make big money for investors, Prof. Yunus has never once diverted from his original intent to empower the poor.In 1997 Grameen Phone Ladies started bringing cell phone technology to remote villagers throughout Bangladesh—providing the dual benefit of creating jobs and increasing communications, which enhanced others’ work.Grameen Shakti, an energy firm, has installed more than a half-million solar home systems and sold more than a quarter-million improved cooking stoves.In a joint venture with Danone, the yogurt maker headquartered in France, Grameen Danone is bringing low-cost fortified yogurt to malnourished children throughout the country – and creating a business opportunity for the poor women who sell it.College scholarships and loans have gone to 180,000 students. Most remarkably, in almost all of the cases, these are the children of illiterate parents who have had the help of Grameen Bank in breaking the bonds of intergenerational illiteracy.See More

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