Welp, I didn’t achieve a picture with the entire Greedy Family. This is the best I could do: Me, Greedy Baby, and Greedy Kid #3, chillin’ outside in the afternoon. But let me back up and start the day from the beginning….
My first order of Mother’s Day business was to banish all family members away from my presence so I could accomplish the entire 50-minutes of Totally Ripped Core in sweaty solitude. DONE!
Then I moved on to my morning fro down. I passed on the pancake breakfast to indulge in Tropical Shakeology instead. This was my first time using “frozen strawberries & pineapple chunks” instead of “frozen strawberries and a banana”.
Best ingredient swap I ever did do! And yes, I used the fancy glass. It came out tasting like a virgin margarita. Now I intend to add tequila to this puppy in the nearest future. Leave it up to yours truly to turn a top-of-the-line healthy shake into an alcoholic beverage for my consuming splendor. hee hee haw haw
So yeah, Greedy Baby washed the family car…
And then she washed her own vehicle…
And to top off our outdoor activities, it was by the front yard tree that Greedy Kid #2 got in trouble for doing a half-ass job on his yard work. Half-ass is not acceptable in our house. I made him re-do part of the lawn. Look at his face: it’s an action photo of him being all pissed off about it ‘n stuff…
Side note: This is the same kid that accused me of running naked through the backyard the other day.
And my gifts? On top scoring construction paper handmade gifts from my littlest Greedies (don’t all moms love those?) and a sexy Nike bikini top, I also got Harbinger Weightlifting Gloves (I needed a pair really bad!) and the Iron Gym Extreme chin up & pull up door bar.
I was inspired by Workout Nirvana’s blog post to challenge myself on the bar. I suck at it right now in tremendous suck-wind fashion. As of today I can’t even do one full rep of a pull-up or a chin-up. But that’s all subject to change, and so it will. I’m going for it, so stay tuned for updates on my progress.
Then we rented Haywire on Amazon Instant Video. I love secret agent movies! There’s some seriously awesome fight scenes in this one where the woman-spy is kicking dude’s asses. Girl power!! That could’ve been me in real life. I should’ve gone to spy school when they offered me that scholarship.
Famous quote of the day:
“I know it’s Mother’s Day, but can you please rub my feet?” ~ Greedy Kid #1
I hope you new moms, veteran moms and all you pregnant chicks out there had a stellar mommy’s day!