
I mentioned on Sunday's post that i'd had me hair done. Have lobbed off a fair few inches and gone back to my brunette roots (literally). From a year of bleaching it within an inch of its life it had begun to resemble a scouring pad and felt like one too. I would literally touch my own hair and be freaked out by how straw like it felt. Gone were my nicely conditioned locks.
So back to a nice warm brown and a lob style.
Now for me, and tell me if i'm wrong here, it felt like quite the change ( i shall refer you to my last outfit post for reference here), but IRL hardly anyone noticed! There I was casually flicking my hair in that 'hey look at my new doo' type way, and nada.
I even had to point it out to the hubby (bless, most intelligent man i've ever met, but alas, his observation skills are somewhat to be desired, which honestly, mostly plays in my favour when it comes to that new bag/shoes/dress.. well you get the point.)
When i pointed it out to Neo (my 5 year old son), he then realized and thought his mummy was changing it to someone else and asked if i could paint it back the colour it was.
Ok self indulged moan over.. I know, i know, the world doesn't revolve around this head of hair, but honestly i do wonder what it would take for anyone to notice.. a Brittany Spears circa 2007 possibly( i have a weird shaped head so that would never work)?
Its actually taken some time to get used to, the colour i love, but the length is kinda throwing me. I found it easy long, just throw the curling wand through it and bam, done.
But this length took some work and then i still threw a strop over it not looking how i wanted.
Anyway.. its just hair (its actually growing on me, 4 days in.. no pun intended)

Oh i should mention the outfit shouldn't i?!
Well.. trainers(or sneakers for my international buddies) What took me so long??
I freakin' love them. In fact i can't stop wearing them (see instagram for my daily trainer addiction) and now fear i need more.
I have the New Balance 420 in Black and grey and they go with so many outfits, and need i mention the comfort factor, no i need not, cos obvs.. they're trainers, its one step up from slippers.
But now from trainer virgin to trainer slut, I need more! I'm thinking colours too. First up a navy pair (with a hint of burgundy..ahh divine!!) would be ideal for jeans days and such, but also loving the idea of this orange pair and this green pair are on sale (love those green ones!). So yes. It took me a while to get to the trainers party, but i'm there now dancing my socks off in my comfy trainers.. oh yes.
So i paired it with my new bargain faux leather joggers and a grey wool maxi coat, which is basically like a dressing gown, and called it one hellova comfy outfit.

Grey Longline Trench

H&M faux leather joggers a bargainous £8!

Stripe top: F&F (similar )

Red Bag: Yosa.. eeee exciting.. coming soon!

Minimalist Marble Pendant

New Balance 420

What are your thoughts on trainers/ sneakers?

Do you like? Have you liked for a while?

Or like me, have you taken a while to warm to them?

And just for you: A selection of my favourite NB's.. I WANT THEM ALL!!

Ps i Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all of your kind words and support on my first Vlog.. You guys are AMAZING. Thank you for making me a very happy gal.

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