
Are you overwhelmed or frustrated with your business success, have not yet mastered the online marketing world, or are just starting out and have no clue where to begin?

In 2013, I was in the overwhelmed and frustrated bin. I knew my results were not speaking to my efforts, nor my potential, and definitely not my passion input.

I’d done plenty of courses before that laid out a business and blogging blueprint, but I just didn’t feel as if that cookie cutter approach worked for me.

In fact, as my life demonstrates, living out of the box doesn’t work for me.

I wanted to find my own voice and stand out from the crowd; be smart and strategic; and make my business a lifestyle that paid me well AND made a difference to the lives of others.

I was part way there, but there were things missing that I needed help with.

Enter Marie Forleo

I loved her weekly Marie TV training videos. She spoke in a way I could understand and I loved her super confident, smart and fun approach to business.

I was hesitant to enrol in her online B-School program. I was scared of the investment, and because I never got the full results I got from previous courses, I wasn’t sure if I had the chops to make it work.

So I said no to it in 2012 thinking I could probably figure it out myself and save on the cost.

I was bummed watching the success those who did join started having. I was not going to make the same mistake and, in 2013, signed up excited and determined to create the success and business I craved.


Her course wasn’t that boring cookie-cutter approach. Marie teaches you how to communicate effectively and craft a business around your message in a unique way that serves your community powerfully.

I now have a framework and structure for my business. Marie’s taught me how to combine my hustle and creativity with marketing savvy to have that success I craved.

I gained a ton of business smarts, self confidence and have now created my own blueprint for my business.

Until I did B-School, I was hanging around waiting to be discovered, or have that lucky break fall into my lap. I didn’t believe that I had what it took to make it work myself. B-School helped change all of that.

Empowerment is when you can create your own success, no matter the circumstances {Click to tweet}

B-School is Open for 2015

I’m excited once again to be personally accepted by Marie to be a partner for B-school, her 8 week online video-based training program that shows you, step-by-step, how to build a unique and profitable business.

Marie only partners with those who can maintain the integrity of her mission. We have done the course and can fully stand behind it as being valuable to help take your business to a higher level.

And like last year we are offering a special B-School bonus mentoring group for those who want to join with us.

You get the business lessons and actionable steps by the best there is – Marie, and then in the background you get my (and Craig’s) support, guidance and feedback to help you move through the course.

We care about your dreams and success which is why we offer such extensive support to you.

Doug Bardwell

I wasn't sure of what to expect as I subscribed to B-School, but Caz set my mind at ease, suggesting it would be the most beneficial time I would ever spend growing my business. She was certainly right, and while I've still a ways to go, I feel much more certain of my path that ever before. Their weekly recordings and unlimited support made it so easy to ask questions and get real practical advice from someone I truly admire. I've never regretted the investment in time or money, Caz and Craig really are there for you.


How B-School positively impacted our business

We communicate so much more effectively and personally to our email subscribers. It’s the most valuable (and enjoyable) part to our business.

I’m better able to share my message through my improved writing and understanding my readers’ needs.

Jenny from Never North Labs was the brains behind our website redesign, but we were able to add in our suggestions based upon things we learned in B-School. (Btw, check below Jenny is giving a cool bonus to those in our mentoring group)

Before B-School I procrastinated for three years in publishing an eBook. Now I’ve published two. I’ve almost finished my 30 Day Money Cleanse course. I’ve got several more product ideas lined up to go next. B-School unleashed this confidence and passion for creating our own valuable products (i.e. financial security).

B-School has helped us grow every income stream. I’m better able to analyze my money streams and create a plan to make them flow.

It helped us change our approach to various failing pitches to successfully create a healthy income stream from them.

Our stats have increased tremendously since joining B-School – to over 300,000 unique visitors per month and over 80,000 on our social media communities. Then there is our 4.2 million followers on Pinterest.

We’ve appeared in print magazines, online sites and national radio.

Our income doubled after the first year of doing B-School and is on path to be our second six-figure year with growth. Of course if it’s meant to be it’s up to me. We made all this happen because we did the course and applied the steps.

Above all, it gave me super confidence and business savvies. Marie has this amazing ability to make you believe that you own your dreams and you can make them happen while SERVING and making a difference. She focuses on building a business with integrity.

NOTE: Marie gave me the confidence to say YES to our Aussie road trip. 16 months later we’re still going and we had the majority of the above results while being on the road – with huge time constraints. We cannot wait to settle for awhile so we can implement all we’ve learned more deeply and ramp up our success and growth. We’ve only just started.

Angela Irving

My descision to take part in B-School was made easy when I saw that Caz and Craig were offering mentoring. I had been following yTravel Blog for awhile and really identified with their story. I crossed my fingers and hoped that they would be as honest, open and giving as they are in their blog. They exceeded all my expectations! The calls they provided were filled with relevant information that could be implemented. The constant feedback they offer through the Facebook group really help me get the most out of B-School.


This year, Marie has re-filmed the entire video course and added in more training and bonuses. I’m excited to go through it again (for the third time) and learn some new things! Marie will take you through the course and all the modules entail here.

Why we need help on the journey

If I have a personal trainer, gym membership or yoga teacher, I easily show up to exercise for an hour daily and love it. But, get me to do a 20 minute run off my own bat, I’ll find a million excuses not to follow through.

It’s the difference between a vibrantly healthy body and a sluggish, out of shape one.

Often we don’t have the success we’re seeking because we get stuck and lose the drive needed to take action. We let (less important) stuff get in the way.

The difference between success and failure can be something as simple as showing up – having a mentor encouraging, guiding and supporting us.

Motivation can wane – which is a natural part of the process – but how do you get back on track if you don’t have a successful person by your side supporting you? Someone who has moved through the same journey, experienced the wins and survived the failures to create a business they love. We’ve done it with completely limited time, and huge barriers.

Our business was created while going through a major financial failure, a health crises and a new baby and now full-time travel with the kids. We understand the challenges and how you can work through them.

We believe that if we can do it, you can. So our bonuses are giving you that safe and supportive place to grow.

Claire Robinson

Caz and Craig are a real inspiration for me. I love how they approach their business and life in general. B-school is such a power house it can be overwhelming at times. The Dreamer Fools group with the mentoring of Caz and Craig is a great place to share, discuss, learn and grow. And the tips you learn when you or someone else ask a question are so useful! I just wish I had kept images of what my website looked like one year ago to show everyone how much it has changed. Through a year of reading, thinking and being inspired, I have finally found my voice. I am genuinely enjoying working on my blog (keeping the readers in mind like Caz and Craig always remind us) and the numbers have started increasing.


Our B-School Bonus Mentoring Group

Let’s look at our six bonuses for this year’s Dreamer Fools group.

Not sure what a Dreamer fool is? It’s those who chase after their dreams despite the risk and fears and everyone around them telling them how foolish they are! (It’s also the name of our special B-School mentoring group.)

B-School is an investment of your time and money. We want you to succeed, which is why we don’t offer products we’ve already created, we give you our time and expertise to help you move through B-School and create that successful business.

Because we are partners and do receive an affiliate commission if you sign up with us (at no additional cost to you) we can offer such a valuable bonus. But, you must click one of the links on this page to get the bonus. I had several people last year wanting to join my mentoring group, but missed out because they did not join under our link. A few only recently said how disappointed they were to miss out on this opportunity.

We only mentor like this once a year in conjunction with Marie’s program. It works better with our lifestyle and we believe Marie’s program is killer.

Bonus 1: Behind the scenes of our business webinar series

We’ll be giving you a series of five pre-recorded webinars where we take you behind the scenes of how we do business and applied insights from B-School.

We’ll share our strategies and what has worked for us (and what hasn’t) and offer you some SECRET and valuable tips you can apply to your business, no matter what niche it’s in.

These webinars will help your ideas sparks to fly:

1. How to create a solid email communication plan

You’ve heard it many times before – The value is in the email list. Sadly, most people don’t know what to do with an email list to make it valuable. It is the most exciting and valuable part to our business and because of it we’ve built a very personal and strong relationship with our readers. They tell us what they need and we LOVE being able to help them.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

How to get more subscribers who love what you do

How to best welcome your subscribers in and have them tell you how you can best help them, and then incorporate this into your content

How to build a more personal and authentic relationship with your subscribers

Email and opt-in strategies for beginners to advanced

Our top tips for growing engagement and loyalty

2. The Power of LEVERAGE: how to network like a badass and get your work seen by the masses

You don’t have to do all the heavy lifting yourself. There are plenty of ways you can grow your business by tapping into the power of leverage. It’s how we’ve sustained massive growth and we’ll share with you how we’ve made it work for us.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

How to network like a badass

How to build relationships with people in your industry and in other niches

Our top tips for networking authentically and being remembered

How networking can lead to growth and opportunities , if you do it RIGHT

How to get your work seen by the masses

Simple tips for getting your work shared by influencers

How we’ve been featured in mainstream media + the resources we use to help

Tips for effective guest posting and getting featured on other sites

How we’ve been featured as experts on places like Lonely Planet and Expedia

3. How to diversify your income

How do you make money from your blog? We get asked this question a million times over.

B-School gives you some amazing tools to help you get some profit clarity with your business. I learn something new from it each year. Just last year I implemented a new aha that took one stream from “It’s too much work and not enough return” to an average of $800 a month.

Another B-School insight we implemented took an income stream from nothing to over $30,000.

We’ll give you the strategy, the tools, and tips on:

Affiliate marketing – both passive and active

Brand campaigns

Product creation

Freelance writing

Sponsored content

4. Our product creation process

B-School is amazing for showing you how to create your own products and services. I couldn’t have done it without this program. We’ll share with you the process we use for creating products.

What you’ll learn:

How to get your readers to tell you what to create.

How we brainstorm, research and record our ideas and outlines.

All the mistakes we’ve made!

An in-depth look at our upcoming 30 day money cleanse. How we’ve created and packaged the program and launch series.

5. How to build social media communities who LOVE being a part of your journey

Social media can do amazing things for your business, if you do it right. You have to build a community of people who feel welcomed and a part of what you do. Our community is loyal and engaged and are a huge part of shaping our travel experience.

Here’s what you learn:

Simple tips for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

How we still have an engaged and interactive community on Facebook despite recent organic reach plummets

How to involve your community in what you do so they feel part of and remain loyal to following you

How we manage all our communities

How to stand out from the crowd

And how to create a home that has clear boundaries that people follow (and protect). In other words, how to keep the trolls away

+ How to tap into the power of PINTEREST

So we have a huge Pinterest following (4.2 million). It’s the biggest referrer of traffic to our site (avg 150,000 a month). You’re crazy if you don’t have a Pinterest plan for your business. We’ll help you grow it.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

What images work best on Pinterest

How to drive traffic back to your site

How to build community and a plan

Resources and tools we use for visual image creation, analytics and scheduling

Natalie Gane

I really didn't know what to expect when I signed up for B-School. I was excited, nervous and just a little overwhelmed all at the same time. The thing that made the difference for me (and what got me over the line in the first place) was knowing I was going to be part of a smaller, more intimate support group with like-minded people. Enter Caz and Craig. Right from the start we had instant assistance through our Dreamer Fools FB group and the modular coaching calls were invaluable in putting the theory into practice. The additional tips they have given us will shave so much time off our own journeys, and given they're often in an amazing remote place somewhere in Australia, I can't believe how quick they are to respond to all of our questions and cries for help. I'd absolutely recommend taking the B-School journey with Caz and Craig.


Bonus 2: Live Webinar – How to Build Self Esteem and Earn More Money in Your Business

Learn the most important system you can follow to build self esteem and self confidence in life and business. It’s one of the key things that super successful people do without thinking about it.

Most people skip a simple step in this system, and when they do, they actually decrease their own self esteem in the process. Lower self-esteem means less revenue and value exchange.

Mike Irving is a business coach with years of successful business experience. He now coaches business owners to overcome barriers and create the success they desire. He will be sharing his wisdom with you on this live webinar and you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions. (The webinar will also be recorded.)

Bonus 3: 2 x live Q & A calls

This will be your opportunity to ask any questions about the work you’re doing within the course and get insight and advice from us for your personal situation. No worries if you can’t make the call, email your questions and I’ll answer them on the call. The call will be recorded for you.

Bonus 4: Private Dreamer Fools Facebook Group

This is the place for connecting, brainstorming, supporting and encouraging. It’s also where you get direct access to me, which does not end when B-School does. Our informal brainstorming sessions last year helped some of our group members figure out their tag lines, website copy and opt-in offers.

It’s also where you can mix and chat and share insights and stories with others from around the world doing the course. I loved how supportive everyone in our group was and how they have connected with each other, even offline.

B-School does have its own community, but the smaller Dreamer Fools group will give you a more personal environment. It’s less noisy, which gives you a greater chance to be seen and heard.

Bonus 5: One Website Review

You’ll be working hard in B-School to build or improve your website and create a product for online success. If you’re not a designer or developer, how do you know what to change or where to move things or if you’re using the right fonts or colors? How do you know if you’re using best SEO practices to get the most out of Google or if your site loads fast enough?

Sometimes you don’t need a redesign or to hire an expensive designer you just need to fix what’s broken on your current site. Never North Labs has been working with yTravel Blog for over 4 years helping Caz and Craig grow their business and create a smarter website.

As a thank you to Caz and Craig, Never North Labs will be providing a Starter Business Review Package (valued at $400) to all B-Schooler’s who join under their mentorship group.

With this bonus we’ll go over your website design, development, and marketing to give you a fresh expert opinion on what you’re doing wrong and what you can do to improve your user experience and increase conversions.

With this package you’ll get 2 screen casts helping you get actionable quick wins to up your game.

Design & User Experience:

This 15+ minute screen cast with Jenny will provide you with:

⁃    pointing out inconsistencies in the interface and providing design suggestions

⁃    provide off-the-cuff brainstorming for ways you can improve your user experience.

⁃    point out inconsistencies in messaging and message hierarchy

⁃    raise attention to usability issues that affect your user experience and conversions

⁃    show you where you can improve visual hierarchy, spacing, alignment and typography

⁃    and any other general areas of concern.

Technical & SEO Review:

A 5+ minute screen cast with Henry will go over  your sites development to check:

– Speed issues

– SEO best practices

– your sites ability to be viewed on any device

– any other general areas of concern

Testimonial – Claire Robinson:

“Jenny Leonard thank you so much for the kick in the butt. You rock! I changed the presentation of my blog to focus on planning and photography. I was trying too hard to be a blogger. But I am a photo-blogger. I changed the layout so that it displays my photos better. It still requires some work but at least now it feels more like me and I keep smiling at it”.

Testimonial – Natalie Gane:

“MASSIVE THANKS Jenny! Have just watched the video – twice – and written down all of your suggestions. You’ve really understood where I’ve actually been struggling so it was great to have it all laid out for me. Will def concentrate on the wording and home page first, might have to find a new template now that’s a bit more flexible  Thanks again xxx”

Bonus 6: Resources List

A handy reference list of all the resources, tools, and useful sites we use to run our business.

Melinda Lusmore

Doing B-School under the guidance of Caz and Craig has made an enormous difference to the value I have gotten from the program. B-School is a very large community and it is easy to get lost in the crowd and feel completely inadequate compared to other participants. But Caz and Craig provide a safe place to learn, ask questions and progress at your own pace, always providing expert advice and loads of helpful tips. Since they are also in the travel arena, I know they have been where I am now and their success encourages me to keep persevering through the difficult parts. Without their mentorship, B-School would still have been a worthwhile investment but with it, the course has been much more relevant and tailored to my needs.


How to receive our B-School bonuses

Please NOTE. You cannot get access to our bonus materials unless you join via our affiliate link (at no extra cost to you). Because we are partners of Marie’s course, we can offer such exceptional value when you join with us. We take your success seriously and want to help you create that business and life you love. But you must click the button to take advantage of it.

Once you’ve joined up, I’ll receive notification on my end and welcome you to the Dreamer Fools group via email with next step instructions.

You can read more testimonials from last year’s Dreamer Fools below, if you are still unsure of the value we offer via our mentorship group.

Christina Butcher

Caz & Craig are two of the most generous people I know. Their mentoring group is more than just business. They provide real advice, from their learnings and life experience, that can help you achieve your life goals. Their honesty and integrity shines through their work. It's why they are the number one travel blog in Australia, and in the top travel blogs worldwide. In a very crowded and competitive niche, their authentic storytelling has brought them to the top of the travel blogging community. They are living their dream, and aren't afraid to share the realities of a true nomadic digital lifestyle. Working with them has helped me to stay focused and really hone in on what is most important for me. Their generosity has also opened doors to networks that have helped to grow my business too. I wouldn't hesitate to be in their group and am looking forward to running through the program again with them.


Joseph Di Bennardo

Caz and Craig from Dreamers Fools have given me the insights and encouragement I need to follow my dreams and create a business that I love which makes the world a better place. This group will change your life, I will be forever grateful


Connie Curtis

Dreamers Fools was a big asset to me. I gained confidence, had unlimited support and love from this group. Anytime I need support or a place to ask questions I go to this group. I am starting a business because of this group and B school.


Terry Henry

Dreamer Fools was a calmer and safe space for questions I wanted to ask in B-school while I was still getting used to the bigger group which can be a bit overwhelming and intimidating for a newbie. Caz and Craig were really great at jumping in with their own insights, encouragement and examples and really went the extra mile to help me succeed in my business as I'm sure they did for everyone else in the group. Caz has a beautiful spiritually rich approach to creating her business as a mother which I really resonated with.


Brenda Tolentino

December 2013, I got laid off. January 2014, I decided I wanted to build an online business based on my passion for travel. In February 2014, I read a blog post on Ytravel that caught my eye. Caz introduced her readers to B-School and Marie Forleo.

I’d never heard of B-School nor have I heard of Marie Forleo before February 2014. I’d never spent anytime online except reading travel blogs like ytravelblog. Caz, explained that B-School helped she and her husband Craig build a 6 figure travel blog. Skepticism got the better of me, so I researched both Marie Forleo’s B-School and Ytravelblog very carefully.

Long story short, I was impressed with what I had researched; so I took the plunge and joined. Today, I’ve built a travel blog business of my own. I’m not at 6 figures yet, but I will be soon for sure! To boot, I’ve convinced my husband to quit his high paying job to join me. We, along with our 10 year old daughter are changing our life and traveling the world while continuing to build our travel business.

If you have followed Ytravelblog, then you know they are very generous with their time and they give sound advice, and only promote products and services they use and believe in. Their B-School Mentoring Program is top-notch quality for business and life. First, B-School will take you and your business to new heights, and along the way Caz and Craig will hold your hand.

With each module that Marie taught, Caz and Craig had a sub-module of their own to help strengthen and clarify the understanding of how it personally pertained to me. I was able to ask any question, no matter how ridiculous, and they respectfully answered them promptly. The other fantastic part of the Ytravel’s mentoring program is their Facebook Dreamer Fools Group. It’s a great group of people from all walks of life supported by Caz and Craig who are always on hand. I also received all of Caz’s great e-books which were truly helpful.

I loved B-School and Marie Forleo. I really believe that I would not have been able to build a formative business without it. My stellar performance was furthered even more because of Ytravel’s mentoring. So, my advice? Do it! And please feel free to ask me any questions about the program.


Dana Bell

When I first started my travel blog in 2013, I started it knowing that I didn’t want to try to make a career out of travel blogging and knowing that I eventually wanted to use my blog as a way to enhance my travel business. At the time, my travel business consisted of me planning itineraries and leading group volunteer expeditions for private clients, but I had no real plan as to how I would grow my business by creating and effectively marketing my products and services.

Then one day, as I was making my reading rounds on the travel blogs, I came across a post on YtravelBlog in which Caz wrote about the video series highlighting Marie Forelo’s BSchool. I was mesmerized. I watched video after video highlighting everyday entrepreneurs earning great livings through their online businesses. Many of the featured business owners urged viewers like me not to delay in enrolling in BSchool because my life could look totally different within a year.

Although the video series was compelling, I wanted to know firsthand what BSchool could really do for me. So I reached out to Caz directly on Facebook and asked her to give me the honest truth about the program. I wanted to know exactly how BSchool had changed the direction of Caz and Craig’s blogging business and if it was really worth the investment. After all, BSchool isn’t cheap!

Caz got back to me quickly and explained that before she invested in BSchool, she had to carefully consider the cost as well. But she also explained that the tools and resources she obtained from BSchool was what helped her to successfully promote her book and enjoy the profits. She also invited me to join her BSchool Facebook group, the Dreamer Fools, if I decided to enroll. She explained that the group would be a safe place for us Dreamer Fools to share our challenges and ideas and to get firsthand mentorship from her and Craig. Well, how could I turn that down?!

Since enrolling in BSchool, it’s turned out to be everything I hoped it would be and more – especially for someone like me who doesn’t have a business background. It’s been nearly a year since I enrolled, and here I am, preparing to launch my first product in a few weeks. Over this past year, my focus has totally shifted from being fuzzy to being crystal clear as I now know the type of business I want to run, the products and services I want to provide, and the lives that I want to affect for the better through my services.

Any entrepreneur who’s being honest and transparent can relate to the inevitable feelings of “it’s me against the world” since challenges and frustrations go hand-in-hand with the pursuit of the businesses and lives of our dreams. But the great thing about BSchool is that those of us who enroll are offered help at every step along the way from other successful entrepreneurs who’ve faced the same challenges and frustrations and who’ve OVERCOME!

There are many BSchool subgroups on Facebook, some of which I’ve really benefited from, and the Dreamer Fools is definitely one of those groups. Caz and Craig have made themselves available to those of us in the group to offer their support and mentorship. It’s great being able to pick their brains about everything from landing pages and social media to finding the balance between building a business and enjoying everyday life. Plus, the camaraderie amongst the group members is comforting. The Dreamer Fools group provides us with a safe place to share our ideas and concerns, to encourage each other, and to celebrate each other’s successes. And these are things that no amount of money can buy!


Let’s make your business rock this year! Click to join us now!

B-School is OPEN: How To Be Mentored By Us + Marie Forleo

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