Vijay’s upcoming venture ‘Puli’ is all set for a release by September. The Audio of the movie was released yesterday. Chimbudevan directs the movie and the movie is funded by Shibu Thameens and PT Selvakumar under SKT Studios banner. Now we have an exclsuive news which will make fans of Vijay happy. Vijay’s ‘Puli’ will have more CGI generated scenes than the epic fantasy ‘Baahubali’. Kamalakannan handles the Visual effects of the movie.
Kamalakannan is currently working with some 160 Freelance animators in a studio at KeelKattalai. The visual effects supervisor says, “In Puli we have 2600 CGI generated sequences. After editing, we got reduced to 2200. Out of curiosity when I asked how much shots were used for ‘Baahubali’, we came to know that, only 2000 were used for ‘Baahubali’. Earlier ‘Naan Ee’ had 1200 and ‘Magadheera’ had 1600 sequences. Even in ‘Baahubali’ few scenes were unrealistic and it was obvious they were CGI. But we don’t want that to happen with ‘Puli’, and we are working day and night to meet the deadline.”
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