If you haven’t already heard of Sled Island, you are about to learn about this amazing opportunity here in Calgary that will calm exam stress and turn frowns upside down. Sled Island, a music and arts festival, is not only offering 250+ bands, but it also takes an insight on the visual art and comedy here in Calgary across 30+ venues. That’s right, 30 plus venues! With that you’ll be sure to explore new aspects of Calgary that you never even knew existed. Keep on reading further to see what Sled Island 2015 has to offer during the great days of June 24-28.
Visual Art: Atomic Smash
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Atomic smash opens on June 23rd and it utilizes several electronic devices, along with light bulbs and scrap materials. Lane Shordee doesn’t just bring his love for scavenging objects, he also takes into perspective objects, patterns, and unusual spaces in order to shine his uniqueness on Sled Island!
LOCATION: The #1 Legion (Upstairs), 116 7th Ave. SE
DATES: Wednesday, June 24 – Saturday, June 27
Visual Art: Night Bloom
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Night Bloom is all about taking you back to a safe and happy place. A place where you can dream endlessly. This can be described further as an orphic wonderland that displays esoteric textures and much more. It also takes into consideration fibres and natural forms. By attending this visual art you will be transported to a state of nostalgia and comfort, where you will be left questioning how and when you got transported to night bloom.
LOCATION: The #1 Legion (Second Floor), 116 7 Avenue SE
DATES: Wednesday, June 23 – Saturday, June 27
Comedy: Gina Freeman
Gina has been categorized as an A+ female comedian who has a heart to make people smile. She is all about having fun and spreading good joy. Her comedy is not only full of energetic ideas and freshness; she further hosts a weekly drop in writing group called Night Writer. One of her big successes includes the film Mark Twain in the year 3000, which has just made a debt in the Montreal Fringe festival! What a great accomplishment. Gina is one comedian to look forward to at sled island, as she will be literally rocking the stage.
Comedy: Derek Adams
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Derek is a fresh face in the comedy industry, as he is one of the individual’s who has made an amazing breakthrough at a young age. His first gig ever was when he was in grade 9. As a participant of the grade 9 talent show, Derek hit the top! His performance was regarded as being, “too funny for his, or anyone’s age.” With that remark he was off following a three year hiatus. When he was only 18 he returned to stand up comedy, and since then he has been involved in many performances all over Alberta. He has some cool-teen perspectives, and shouldn’t be underestimated for his young age.
Special events: Record Label Forum
If you didn’t already know Canada is home to loads of independent record labels that work day and night to provide amazing music for us to listen to. Record Label Forum is all about gathering these labels, and any and all people behind these labels that make music happen to offer advice, and insight to this music industry that we adore so very much because not only are these labels many times volunteer run, they are self funded and make a large impact on Canadian music diversity.
LOCATION: Theatre Junction Grand (Studio) – 608 1 St SW
DATE: Thursday, June 25 @ 3:30pm
Special events: Shelter from the storm
Calgary SUN
I’m sure many of you have heard of the Calgary drop-in centre and Rehab Centre(DI). These are volunteer, employee aspects to our city that are a NEED, which is why Sled Island has teamed up with these two community services that allow for an opportunity where artists can display their thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Shelter from the storm is a first time performance, and is sure to impress many as it portrays the creation of not only original songs, but poems and stories too!
LOCATION: Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre, 1 Dermot Baldwin Way SE
DATE: Saturday June 27, 7:00 pm
All ages: Olympic Plaza
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This easily accessible open space, is key for the full Sled Island 2015 experience. This day will be filled with non-stop talent ranging from all types of artists, and genres. This all ages aspect to the festival is a must. Some of the amazing talents lined up include: King Tuff, Ex Hex, Viet Cong, and much more. You will not only experience some hard rock, sweetness from a local duo, up-beat fun, but a mix of many different emotions that will definitely make you at the very least happy.
Music: Acronyms
Don’t let the name of this band confuse, it definitely doesn’t have anything to do with English Class. Instead, Acronyms, a band from Saskatoon, is a solid union of great musicians. They not only have shoegazing guitars, attached to an indie rock backbone, they are also an expert in creating a soothing and engulfing experience. Their sounds are woven and well knit which are sure to please anyone’s music taste.
LOCATION: Ship & Anchor, Tubby Dog
DATES: Wednesday June 24 @ 10pm, & Friday June 26 @ Tubby Dog
Music: Body/Head
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What a unique name that is, right? With over 30 years of experience, Kim Gordon makes an impact in new and unexpected ways every time she releases something new. Gordon is not shy, and she is certainly not afraid to take on new challenges, a quality that makes her music a must-hear. Rock is definitely her strength, and has worked on her autobiography called Girl in A Band. If you are looking to explore some new music from someone who has had plenty of music experience the #1 legion, she is where you’ll have to go see once these festival kicks off.
LOCATION: #1 Legion, Downstairs
DATE: Saturday June 27, 1 AM (Sunday)
I hope my little summaries of some of the MANY aspects to Sled Island have put your heart into attending the festival. Since there is still some time to go before the festival kicks off, make sure you buy your tickets at http://www.sledisland.com/. I hope to see everyone there!