When the current Avon Maitland Strategic Plan was launched in 2012 it identified the Board's mission; To Engage, Inspire, Innovate ...Always Learning. The four year plan also recognized established philosophies from prior years that the Board wanted to continue to work with: Character, Equity and Sustainability, and these were included as principles within the plan.
At its core the Board's main purpose is to educate students and do it well. In order to do so, the Board determined two priorities; Creating positive inclusive learning environments, and Maximizing student outcomes.
The Always Learning Awards focus on these priorities. All of the award winners are nominated by members of the Avon Maitland community - students, parents, staff and members at large.
Each nomination was submitted by three people with much care and thought given to highlighting the significant contributions of the recipients based upon the priorities. The awards committee then had the very challenging job of weighing the Always Learning nominations and selecting the 10 most worthy candidates from a group of all-around worthy contenders.
Always Learning Award Recipients for 2015
Mary Lynne Ament
Mary Lynne has been on Listowel Eastdale School Council for at least 10 years. She served as School Council Chair for 4 years. Mary Lynne goes the extra mile to help with her children's school whenever necessary. She is always there for Eastdale Fun Nights to help raise funds for the school, and she assists with the Meet the Teacher barbecue. We lost our playground due to it's unsafe conditions in 2011. Mary Lynne helped to raise funds, she assisted by asking the community for donations, helped with grant applications and was a huge presence at all of the fundraising efforts i.e. Spaghetti Supper at Diana Sweets Restaurant, Fun Nights, Movie Nights at Listowel Capitol Theatre. She also helped organize Eastdale's 50 Anniversary in 2011, this included a breakfast from Staff Alumni, a night in the park with music and fundraising for the playground. Mary Lynne continues to be a member of Eastdale's school council. This year will be her last as her youngest moves on the grade 7 at Listowel Central. We feel that Mary Lynne deserves this award for her years of hard work as a volunteer with Listowel Eastdale.
Amy Kipfer
It is very easy to nominate Amy Kipfer for an Always Learning Award. In her role as a Learning For All Coordinator, Amy engages, inspires and works to create positive, inclusive learning environments. Amy approaches all challenges with a positive attitude. The move to make all of our schools inclusive learning communities presents many challenges, and Amy seems to thrive on each challenge with ‘super-human’ strength of character, intelligence and passion for equity for all. Her knowledge of Special Education processes, experience with our students, passion for equity, and compassion has been instrumental in the change process at Stratford Northwestern Secondary School. She is relentless in her efforts to make our schools safe, positive and inclusive. Amy is an important part of our school community; belonging to several extra-curricular clubs, providing lunch and learn workshops, providing support and encouragement to staff whenever needed (in formal and informal ways). Students in our building have referred to Amy as the teacher that is always smiling, and I think that is a simple but effective way to describe Amy. She smiles at the challenges in addition to the successes. She is a strong model and inspiration for her teaching partners.
Paul Finkelstein
Paul is a teacher who makes outstanding contributions to the benefit of his students and school community. Over the past ten years his classroom, The Screaming Avocado has been an inclusive learning environment where students from all walks of school life come together around healthy food, to grow as people and build self-confidence. Every lunch hour Paul leads student volunteers from grade 7 to 12 who run the daily meal service. Most are students who need a space to call their own, develop job skills and take ownership and pride in their work. Paul "creates a positive, inclusive learning environments that maximizes student outcomes." The Screaming Avocado and Paul's visionary approach has become the model for other schools / boards across the country and Paul regularly shares the success of the program at conferences and with visitors. EatFit is a program developed by Paul to bring the success of the Screaming Avocado to communities throughout Canada and in turn provide AMDSB students experiential learning opportunities in First Nations and Inuit communities. EatFit combines healthy cooking/eating with physical and mental fitness. A healthy eating grant from the Ministry of Education has provided two years of funding to delivery EatFit to First Nations Communities in Northern Ontario over 2014 /2015.
Chuck Mallette
Mr. Mallette has done so much to make the school a more inclusive environment. He is the teacher in charge of our schools Gender Sexuality Alliance and helped build it up from scratch nine years ago. He is always happy to help us with anything we are going through, whether it be needing a place to write a test or just for someone to talk to. In addition, he is also the main teacher involved with choose which grade 10 student goes to the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Seminar (HOBY) every year in May. Usually a student in the academic stream goes, even though that is not a requirement. This year he has taken a chance and will be sending someone from the locally developed stream. He says that just because a person may not seem like a leader from their grades, doesn't mean they aren't one. This is a huge step to making our school more inclusive.
Shelley Mason
Shelley Mason has been an Educational Assistant with AMDSB for 16 years. Shelley is outstanding in her role as an Educational Assistant. She is a team player, helping educators to see different points of view and offering strategies for learning. Shelley is a problem solver and she can anticipate how changes in a schedule will effect students in her classroom. Shelley's personality in the classroom is such that students are drawn to her quirky ways. Shelley is a very patient and kind person who genuinely cares for the students in her care. She will go above and beyond to ensure that they succeed; whether it be the transition into inclusion, struggling with behaviours or other difficulties. Teaching staff who have worked with Shelley can appreciate her knowledge and compassion for her students to succeed.
Liz Meek
Liz has been a steady, welcome Reading Intervention Volunteer for many, many years at Milverton PS. She has been able to not only help countless numbers of students over her 16 year “career” of volunteering at MPS, Liz has made it her personal priority to be an integral part of maximizing student outcomes! With her determination and love of helping others, she has won the hearts of many children, who because of her commitment have not only seen the success of their efforts but have been given the skills and strategies that have led them towards a better future. She has been able to provide them with life-long reading skills that not only keep students engaged and inspired, but they have proven to themselves that they truly are ALWAYS LEARNING and so are the volunteers that give of their time so generously for so many years on end. For this we are truly thankful. Congratulations Liz.
Donna Pollard
Donna Pollard has always believed that her work as a SERT is to ensure students have a voice in their education, to help the school community to recognize individual abilities as strengths, and to promote positive, respectful, inclusive learning environments. She has worked for many years as an advocate for students to help others understand their strengths and needs while assisting students in recognizing their own abilities. As F.E. Madill has moved to a more inclusive model, she has incorporated these skills in helping students make a smooth transition to regular classroom environments, often acting as a mediator to support students and staff as they both adjust to this new model. Realizing stall also need support in this transition, Donna has been actively involved in professional learning for staff on how to create inclusive learning environments and program for students with significant educational needs within the regular classroom. Understanding that it would be beneficial for the school community to experience the abilities and experiences of someone with a significant disability, Donna researched and arranged for John Draper’s Together We Rock presentation to visit F.E. Madill to continue the foundation that the school has built on developing a culture of acceptance and inclusion. This presentation to the student body, and a staff workshop at the end of the visit, was the first in Avon-Maitland DSB.
Eldon Schmidt
Eldon is the beloved driver of Bus Route 8. Everyday Eldon greets school staff and students with a smile and a positive, encouraging comment. He has a deep connection with his students who clearly look up to and respect him. Eldon's students always arrive at school happy and ready to learn. They know that he has high expectations of their deportment and that he is proud of all their accomplishments. Through cheerful banter, manners are taught and achievements are recognized. Eldon is always ready to admire anything his students choose to share. Riding to school with Eldon will be a treasured memory for our students.
Kaitlinn Shaw
Kaitlinn deserves this award as she has made an incredibly tremendous impact on Stratford Northwestern and has made a significant contribution toward the achievement of our boards Strategic Plan. It started when Kaitlinn guest spoke at a symposium about the benefits of Inclusive Education in September of 2014 as part of her Student Trustee Role. She inspired many to take what they learned that day back to their schools and make their individual schools the most inclusive that they can be (many schools in the AMDSB are using the video of Kaitlinn's speech at assemblies) Next, Kaitlinn has lead the Choosin' Inclusion Team at SNSS to make a difference in their school. Next, Kaitlinn contacted an organization called COPA and they were inspired by Kaitlinn's passion and positivity. Not only has Kaitlinn lead others in our school to becoming more inclusive, and brought tons of awareness to anti-bullying and more inclusivity, but she makes the effort herself to make everyone included. She has the kindest nature and biggest heart and each and every day she makes all of the students (and staff) at NW feel welcome and feel included.
Jenn Skelding
Jenn Skelding has been the administrator of the grade 7 and 8 program at Goderich District Collegiate Institute for the past three years. Over the course of her administration she has consistently exemplified the characteristics of a superior educator and role model. Jenn is always positive and upbeat, and her enthusiasm for education is contagious. Students love Ms. Skelding and her attitude sets the positive tone for the intermediate students at our school. Jenn has worked tirelessly to make GDCI at great place for kids. She is the head of our Student Leadership Team and the Spirit of Canada Team. Both groups strive to make our school an inclusive environment where all students have a voice. Jenn also created the GDCI Princess project. This project collects formal wear that is available for prom and graduations for all community members in need. Jenn has consistently been committed to inspiring and engaging students in our school board. She is actively involved in building the learning capacity of all students and staff as a co-learner and facilitator. Jenn has led the Math PLC at our school, in addition to supporting the cross panel cross curricular PLC for the past three years. She is a life-long learner who demonstrates this by pursuing her Master's Degree while working full time at our school.
AMDSB would like to recognize and thank the following individuals for their years of service:
45 Years of Service
Linda Morton, Goderich District CI
35 Years of Service
Mary Anne Henderson, FE Madill SS
Dianne Peck, Education Centre
30 Years of Service
Martin Allcott, Avon PS
Catherine Bachner, Downie Central PS
Alice Bundrea, North Easthope PS
Donna Dickson, Little Falls PS
Karen Ehgoetz, Milverton PS
Julie Holmes, Howick Central PS
Teresa Hopkinson, Education Centre
Marlene Keranen, Listowel District SS
Betty Regier, Stephen Central PS
Janice Rose, Central Huron SS
Judith Thomas, Goderich PS
Lucie Turcotte-Lapaine, Huron Centennial PS
Linda Williams, Sprudedale PS
25 Years of Service