
Next Generation Learning – School 3.0

When the Board launched its 1 to 1 iPad Project in the fall of 2013, it was the result of understanding that education today is now quite different than in the past. The Board’s Strategic Plan focuses on ensuring that our students gain competency in the following areas: collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving. These competencies have been identified as critical when preparing students for life after school. While nothing will replace the importance of good teaching, technology has a role to play in helping students improve in these broad areas.

The 1 to 1 project contributes to the goals of the Strategic Plan but the Board also understands that there is much more to 21st century learning than just putting technology into the hands of our students. It is for this reason the Board has now branded this initiative with the name "Next Generation Learning - School 3.0". There are many ingredients in the mix that will lead to student success in this new generation of education.

In the fall of 2013 the Board moved forward by putting a device in the hands of grade 7 and 8 students at MDHS, Clinton PS, Hullett Central PS, Seaforth PS and Huron Centennial PS, believing that it would accelerate our movement toward competency in the five key areas. Today the Board is providing evidence of the tremendous impact of Phase I as the students been engaged by having their own device.

Today at St. Marys DCVI, the Board announced Phase II of our Next Generation Learning which will begin in the fall of 2014. All grade 7 and 8 students are Stratford Central, Stratford Northwestern, North Easthope, Central Perth, St. Marys DCVI, South Huron, South Perth, Sprucedale and Downie will be receiving an iPad to assist them in their learning. As Phase I moves forward, grade 9 students at Central Huron and Mitchell District High School will arrive with devices received earlier this year. The overall pace of the rollout of Next Generation Learning has been expedited due to the level of success of the program to date.

Here are the video highlights from the News Conference held in St. Marys.

Preliminary Accommodation Report

Board Policy No.15 - Pupil Accommodation Reviews,requires an annual preliminary analysis of accommodation data, which may include:

the Ministry of Education capacity for each school,

the level of actual occupancy as a percentage of Ministry of Education capacity,

the current and projected enrolment in each school,

other information or special circumstances that the director of education may deem relevant, and

recommendations to the Board regarding which school(s), if any, should be

placed under review and the circumstances that support this review.

Board administration contracted with the external firm, Watson & Associates, to provide updated 15 year enrolment projections. From the data provided the following conclusions may be drawn:

The enrolments in our elementary schools appear to be stabilizing.

School closures and consolidations undertaken over the past 13 years have resulted in the majority of our remaining elementary schools operating near capacity for the next 10 to 15 years, although some remain below the average implied in the Foundation Grant calculation.

Secondary school enrolments will decline significantly over the next three years.

The placement of grade 7 and 8 students in seven of our secondary schools has sustained the efficient usage of those buildings for the midterm.

Declines in secondary enrolments will continue to impact the Board’s operating revenues in a negative fashion.

Declining enrolments remain our biggest financial challenge. Regardless of changes to the funding formula, our revenue remains directly tied to the number of students within the Board. As enrolment declines, so does revenue.

Declining enrolments challenge the Board’s ability to deliver quality education programs to students. In particular, the following issues present themselves with smaller school populations:

the likelihood of triple grade classes in elementary schools increases;

the opportunities to have teachers teaching to their area of specialty decrease as the number of staff within a school decreases;

opportunities for a range of co-curricular activities are reduced as the number of staff members within a school are reduced;

the pressure to have teaching principals and vice principals increases;

there is an increased need for the sharing of support staff, such as Technical Resource Assistants;

opportunities for staff to work with like grade and like division/department colleagues is reduced or eliminated due to reduced numbers of teaching staff within a school;

maintaining a range of course offerings in the secondary schools becomes more of a challenge; an expansion of our current use of elearning and blended learning as well as innovative approaches including

interdisciplinary studies and flipped classrooms are all strategies that can be used to sustain the range of offerings.

Staff are not recommending any schools for further review at this time. Select this link to read the full report presented at the meeting: May 27, 2014 Preliminary Accommodation Review

Approval of Tender: Renovations at North Easthope, South Perth Centennial and Central Perth Elementary Schools

This tender involves three small projects tendered together to recognize cost efficiencies. The first project is Full Day Kindergarten minor renovation work at North Easthope Public School. The second project is Full Day Kindergarten minor renovation work at South Perth Centennial Public School. The third project is minor work to the front entrance at Central Perth Public School.

The Board approved the tender from Elgin Contracting for renovations at North Easthope Public School, South Perth Centennial Public School and Central Perth Public School in the amount of $143,510.00.

Future Board Meetings

(at Education Centre unless otherwise noted)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014 – 7:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole, Closed Session, 8:00 p.m. Regular Board Session

Tuesday, June 24, 2014 – 5:00 Committee of the Whole, Closed Session, 7:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole, Open Session, 8:00 p.m. Regular Board Session

Future Meetings/Events with Trustee Representation

(at Education Centre unless otherwise noted)

Recognition and Retirement Reception: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 – 5:30 p.m. at Royal Canadian Legion, Clinton

Finance Committee: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 – 5:00 p.m.

Finance Committee: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 – 5:00 p.m.

Municipal Representatives and Community Partners: Friday, June 27, 2014 – 2:00 p.m. (Municipal Representatives) and 3:00 p.m. (Community Partners)

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