You’ve always intended to get a video seo marketing strategy started, nevertheless for whatever reason it just hasn’t gotten off the ground. Let’s end any confusion and delay resulting from lack of knowledge regarding what to do right here and now.
Designing an effective video seo marketing strategy takes some thought and care. It’s not just a matter of slapping up the current company picnic video shot from your smartphone onto YouTube and wanting it to work wonders for you.
Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can build a practical video marketing strategy for your business.
5 strategic tips for building a killer video seo marketing strategy!
Video your testimonials and reviews - Video is a fantastic way to not only offer awesome social proof regarding your business and products, and can also create a lot of goodwill with those who are offering the testimonial. It’s a win-win for everyone, and is miles beyond a print testimonial in terms of veracity and usefulness.
Be helpful - Nothing appeals more to your audience like somebody that frequently offers help and advice on topics of importance to them. Use video to teach, inform, inspire, answer questions and deliver useful tutorials.
Product and service videos - Showcase your products, but not simply with a sales-like selection of slick images and then an obligatory call to action. Preferably, show how your products can help the end user in an engaging and fun way, and you’ll have a customer for life!
Brand your videos - Keeping your brand front and center in your videos is an easy way to help build brand awareness, so you’re the only outfit they think of when it comes to your niche.
Develop your YouTube Channel - Getting people to subscribe to your YouTube channel is a fantastic way to increase your reach across the Web, getting more views, links and ultimately, more traffic and sales. Brand your YouTube channel as carefully as you would your Facebook page or website, because it can be a traffic magnet!
With over 6,000,000,000 hours of YouTube videos currently being watched every month, isn’t it time to get in on some of that action?