
Happy Friday!   Today we are sharing more inspiration for challenge #46.  Why don’t you join in the fun for a chance to win???!!!

Challenge #46  is open through Thursday, September 1, 2016 at midnight EST.  This is a biweekly challenge with a sketch and color combo to choose from.  Pick the one that inspires you, unless you really want to challenge yourself and combine the two!  Plus, the best part is you might win a gift certificate to the YNS store by playing along.

One random participant will win a $15.00 gift certificate to the YNS Store, plus if the winner uses YNS products on their creation they will receive an additional $5.00 on their gift certificate.  We also select our favorite creation featuring YNS products from all participants and announce a “Top Pick”.   The random winner and “Top Pick” will be announced on the YNS blog the Sunday following the challenge close.   Link up a picture of your creation from your blog, gallery, etc. at the bottom of this post and you will be entered to win.

PLUS…if you are using YNS products on your creation why don’t you take the YNS Social Media challenge too?! You don’t need to create a different project, simply add your Challenge #46 entries to IG, SCS or FB.  Check out all the details in the rules at the bottom.

The sketch

If you use the sketch feel free to swap out shapes or rotate; so long as we can see the basic sketch was your inspiration.

The colors

If you choose the color combo, be sure to use at least 3 colors and feel free to add in neutrals.


Which one inspired the team?



YNS Supplies: Silly Monster Rockstar stamp set | Silly Monster Rockstar die set | Stitched Rectangle Die Set | Scrapworks Strips die set



YNS Supplies:  Keep on Trucking Stamp Set | Stitched Rectangle Die Set



YNS Supplies:  Jessica with her Kitty stamp set | Stitched Rectangle Die Set  | Ice Ice Baby Sparkly Gumdrops


Kelli, August Guest Designer

YNS Supplies: Snow Much Joy stamp set | Snow Much Joy die set



YNS Supplies:  Halloween Phoebe Stamp & Die sets | Halloween Graveyard Stamp & Die sets | Stitched Rectangle Dies | Double Stitched Hills Die | Clear Wink of Stella Pen | Zig Clean Color Real Brush Markers


Lisa, August Guest Designer

YNS Supplies:  Funny Farm Crew Stamp Set |  Wonky Scallop Edge die


Be sure to join in the fun and share your own creation inspired by either the sketch or the colors OR both!  Link up your project through Inlinkz below.  Note only 3 entries per person.

YNS’ challenge #46 ends on Thursday, September 1, 2016, at midnight EST

If you use the sketch feel free to swap out shapes or rotate; so long as we can see the basic sketch was your inspiration.

If you choose the color combo, be sure to use at least 3 colors and feel free to add in neutrals.

Only new creations please.

Limit of 3 entries per challenge # per person, each entry must be different.

Be sure to link back to our challenge in your blog post or gallery entry.

Entries not meeting the challenge guidelines will be removed.

All stamps are welcome, although we love to see YNS stamps and dies on your projects.

One random participant will win a $15 gift certificate to the Your Next Stamp store.  If YNS stamps or dies are the focal point then the winner receives an additional $5 gift certificate for a total of $20.  The winner will be announced on the YNS Blog the Sunday after the challenge closes.

The YNS Top Pick will receive the “YNS Top Pick” badge and their project will be featured on the YNS Blog the Sunday after the challenge closes.  To be considered for the Top Pick, YNS stamps/dies must be the focal point of your project.

Social Media mini challenge – Does your challenge creation feature YNS products?  Then take our social media mini challenge to be entered in an extra prize drawing!   In addition to the inlinkz link up below to your blog or gallery, add your challenge creation to Instagram with “#yournextstamp” and “#ynschallenge46”, the YNS Facebook page referencing “challenge46” in your comment, and/or the SplitcoastStampers gallery with keyword “yournextstamp” and“ynschallenge46” and be sure to mention the YNS Challenge.   There will be a separate drawing for all challenge projects added to those 3 social media sites during the challenge time period.  If you add to one site then you receive 1 entry in the drawing.  If you add to two you receive 2 entries and 3 entries if you add to all three.   Remember, this is only for challenge creations featuring YNS products.  The random winner will receive a YNS Store gift certificate for $20.

Have fun!!!

-Julie and the YNS Team

An InLinkz Link-up

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