PE ratio, also known as price earnings ratio is the most popular indicator that is used by investors for stock election. The Price earnings ratio is calculated by dividing company’s market price of the stock by its earning per share. It tells you the value that market thinks a company deserves to its net profit or what the market is willing to pay for the company’s earnings.
PE ratio determines whether the share price of a company is fairly valued, under valued or overvalued. Stocks with high PE ratio can be considered as priced much higher than its actual growth potential and suggest us that investors are expecting higher earnings growth in future. Companies with low PE can be considered as a good bargain. Price earnings ratio can be compared for two or more companies from the same industry.
Mathematical formula of PE ratio = Current Market price per share / earning per share
Both earnings per share and current market price can be obtained from the stock market like BSE or NSE. If you are trying to find out PE ratio of a NASDAQ or NYSE listed company then you have to get these values from there. Market price of a stock or share is the price at which the stock is currently traded on the stock market where as earning per share is calculated by dividing the company’s net profit by its number of share outstanding.
Also read: How to calculate EPS of a company
PE ratio can not be considered to be totally reliable for decision making. While taking decisions we need to take into account several other factors in addition to PE ratio.
What is Forward PE ratio
For investing into share market, investors use to project the future PE ratio of a company based on its expected earnings and expected EPS. Price earnings ratio calculated based on these expected EPS and profit is called forward PE ratio. If forward PE ratio is higher than the current PE ratio then the share is undervalued and is good to invest. Similarly, if forward PE ratio is lower than current PE ratio then shares are overvalued and are required to be sold.
Example of calculating PE ratio
Company X ltd’s current market price per share is Rs. 40 and EPS for the same period is Rs. 2.
Current PE ratio = Current Market price per share / Earning per share = 40/2 = 20
PE ratio of 20 indicates that investors are willing to pay 20 times for every rupee of company’s earnings.
You can get PE ratio of all listed companies from a financial newspaper or magazine which updates these figures regularly. PE ratio is the only number which analysts look at than any other number or ratio. Your investment should be based on the willingness to pay for earnings. If you think that the company will have higher profits in future then you will be willing to pay more for its earnings by which the company will have higher PE ratio.
The post Understanding PE ratio – Price earnings ratio appeared first on Your Finance Book.