
Before deciding the bank to choose, please remember you can carry only one travel card of the same currency at a given point of time. If you are traveling to more than one country having different currency at a single point of time then you may carry two travel cards subject to RBI’s limit. So choose wisely before your travel. If you want to take benefit of some other travel card then surrender the first one that you are carrying right now and then apply for the other one.

Axis bank’s Travel currency Card

Its most widely used by Indians or corporate peoples for their travel to abroad. You can use it in any ATMs which have VISA or MasterCard logo in it. In case you lost it then you can call axis bank’s 24/7 customer care office to block it. Losses due to misuse of your travel card will be covered for an amount up to Rs. 3, 00,000. This one is available in USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, SGD, CHF, SEK, JPY are on VISA platform. The USD, GBP, EUR, AED and SAR variants are available on the MasterCard platform.

HDFC Bank’s ForexPlus

ForexPlus from HDFC Bank is yet another travel card which can help you to carry foreign exchange in it. Forexplus are widely accepted by all merchants displaying VISA or MasterCard. Its available in Australian Dollar, AED (Dirhams), Canadian Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, Singapore Dollar, Sterling Pound, Swiss Franc, Swedish Krona and US Dollar Currencies. In addition to coverage of your loss of travel card you are also eligible to get insurance of Rs. 2, 00,000 toward death cover, Rs. 20,000 towards loss of checked baggage and also passport reconstruction cover.

ICICI Bank’s Travel Card

ICICI bank also offers travel card to carry foreign currency on VISA and Master card network. On its VISA network it offers 9 foreign currency options, namely US Dollars, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Swiss Francs, Euros, Pound Sterling, Singapore Dollars, Arab Emirates Dirham and Japanese Yen. On its MasterCard platform you can only carry USD. It covers liability insurance of up to Rs. 50, 000.

Citibank World Money Prepaid Card

Citibank world money is available in US Dollars, Euro, Pound Sterling, Singapore Dollars & Australian Dollars only. It will cover your losses up to Rs. 50,000 only if you have reported it to the bank within 96 hours of the incident and it will cover only up to 90 days from the travel card’s activation. With this you can get gift voucher of Rs.350 from matrix connection. This one has a limit of using only in those ATMs which has VISA logo init.

PNB World Travel Card

Punjab national bank also offers travel card in the name of PNB World Travel Card. You can only carry US$, British Pound and EURO in it. In case of loss or misuse you are covered up to a loss of US$ 5,000. This has a limit of using only in those ATMs which has master/maestro logo in it. If the ATM has VISA logo then you cannot use it there. Like other cards this one will also cost your 1.5 $/pound/EURO for each withdrawal from ATM and 0.5$/pound/EURO for balance check including all other charges.

Based on your requirements and use you can select any one travel card out of the above listed travel currency cards for your use. Good Luck!

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