
There are countless everyday uses for coconut oil. I use coconut oil in my cooking and in my homemade body care products. Here are 9 of my favorite uses for coconut oil in my bathroom.

In today’s post I’d like to explore some of the uses of coconut oil in cosmetics and body care. It’s great when what you eat can also be used to protect and enhance your body’s health and appearance!

Unrefined, organic, cold-pressed coconut oil is your best option (and should always be used when taken internally).

9 Uses of Coconut Oil in Your Bathroom

1. Best Skin Moisturizer

This is the most obvious and common use of coconut oil. When applied after shower, it makes your skin soft and shiny. It reduces scarring and stretch marks and rejuvenates the skin. At first it tends to have a greasier consistency, but it quickly absorbs into the skin. Another option is to use coconut oil as a carrier with the best essential oils for healthy skin.

Coconut oil can also be used for the face and actually makes your skin less oily by pulling out the dirt and unclogging the pores as I mentioned in my post on how to rejuvenate your skin using oil cleansing.

And don’t forget you can extend the use of coconut oil into your bedroom and use it as a massage lotion or a lubricant (coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for vaginal dryness).

2. Efficient Hair Treatment

Coconut oil can be used both as a pre-wash or post-wash treatment. It has been found to reduce the protein-loss in both damaged and undamaged hair. Since hair is mostly made of protein, supplying enough protein is essential for healthy locks.

To avoid the greasy effect, it’s best to add some coconut oil as a pre-wash:

Take ½ tablespoon of coconut oil (the amount also depends on the length and volume of your hair).

Apply the oil, starting from the roots and make your way down to the ends.

Leave the oil on for 10 to 15 minutes.

Rinse your hair well and wash as normal.

Another option is to use ACV rinse as there are a few benefits to wash your hair with ACV.

3. Great for Oil Pulling

If you haven’t done it before, oil pulling is a way to cleanse the mouth of harmful, inflammation-causing bacteria and toxins.

Take about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil when you wake up in the morning and before you eat anything.

Swish around your mouth for 10 to 20 minutes.

Spit out the oil (don’t swallow it – it’s full of bacteria).

Brush your teeth.

Some also add a drop of essential oil to coconut oil to enhance the antibacterial and antiviral properties. For example, you can use eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary or cloves essential oils.

You can also use coconut oil as a toothpaste as there are 3 good reasons to start brushing your teeth with coconut oil.

4. Your Leg Shaving Companion

When it’s time to shave your legs, apply a little bit of coconut oil on your legs before you start. This will make the skin softer and less irritated.

Coconut oil is a girls best friend when it comes to shaving. If you want baby soft legs, rub a small amount of coconut oil on your legs before shaving.

You can also use it as a post-shaving/epilating treatment to calm down the skin and reduce the unpleasant sensations.

5. Preferable Carrier Oil

Many essential oils need to be diluted, and coconut oil works great as a carrier oil. Using a carrier oil is crucial when working with powerful essential oils and/or when trying to cover a big area of the body.

Just mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a few drops of your preferred essential oil and enjoy the multiple benefits.
6. Easy Eye Makeup Remover

Coconut oil makes makeup removal less of a chore. Wash your face first and then use coconut oil to remove the rest. It’s less likely you’ll be going to bed with a layer of mascara, if your favorite oil is at hand.

7. Great for Nail Management

Not just body massage, coconut oil is also very good for gentle nail massage and can help you tame the rough cuticles. Simply apply a bit of oil on your finger and toe nails and massage as often as you wish.

This is a great fungal prevention as well – as mentioned above, coconut oil is a powerful warrior against those annoying fungal infections.

8. Natural Home Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Many are aware of just how hardy toenail fungus is. After months and years of treatment, it still persists.

Coconut oil works its magic by targeting the fungal membrane. The fatty acids insert themselves into the membrane and disturb its function, which eventually leads to cell disintegration.

Take a bit of coconut oil and rub it onto the affected area. A tiny layer of oil will suffice.

Let it absorb and dry.

If you have more than one nail that needs treating, wash your hands before applying the oil to the next toe, or wear gloves.

Repeat two to three times daily.

9. A Soothing Treatment for Rashes and Burns

Apply coconut oil if you experience a rash or a burn. It’s also effective with diaper rash and can be safely used with your little ones.

Another option is to mix coconut oil with tea tree essential oil. Tea tree essential oil has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties and I’ve already mentioned that it has 75 amazing uses. Just combine 1-2 drops of tea tree oil with a little bit of coconut oil and message gently over the rash.

More Uses of Coconut Oil

Once you discover all the advantages of coconut oil, you’re guaranteed to start using it more often in and outside your bathroom.

Source : somediy.net

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