
Narseal Batiste

Miami-area Muslim Narseal Batiste was smoking some weird stuff. He and several of his buddies decided to follow a belief that combines Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, but they took out pretty much all the Judaism and Christianity. Their inbred abortion of a religion, the Moorish Science Temple, motivated them to not act peacefully, but rather to wage jihad. We all know that Islam is the religion of peace, so surely their attempt at terrorism had nothing to do with Islam, right? Wrong. Batiste specifically said they were fighting for Allah. Their targets? The Sears Tower in Chicago and numerous FBI offices. Their end goal? To create civil unrest that would lead to insurrection. But now… *puts sunglasses on* the only insurrection they’ll be a part of is a prison riot.

“We need to make the people go crazy in the streets,” Batiste stated. “Allah is going to take over through us.” Look at that tolerance! Behold the overwhelming desire to “coexist” like your idiot leftist neighbor’s bumper sticker. In 2006, Batiste and his BFFs got in contact with an Arabic-speaking man they believed was linked to al Qaeda. He was really an undercover FBI informant. The group took an oath in Arabic pledging their loyalty to sheikh Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda. “I want to fight some jihad,” Batiste said. The informant showed the group pictures of possible targets, and the men selected the Sears Tower and multiple FBI buildings.

Shortly thereafter, the group was arrested. Batiste said he only went along because the informant had offered him money to aid in the plot, and that the money would go to his temple. If he were doing it for the money, why did he seem so zealous about waging jihad and causing chaos in the United States? Thankfully, the judge didn’t buy Batiste’s excuses and sentenced him to 13.5 years behind bars. I’d say it’s a century too short, but it’s a lot better than the pathetic sentences they give Muslims in the UK.

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