Paul Basha, President and Chief Executive Officer
Linemen are geared up for safety and equipped with know-how.
Can you imagine working a job that requires you to lift heavy tools and perform detailed tasks near high-voltage electric lines? Now imagine doing this 40 feet in the air and, sometimes, in extreme weather. This is the life of a lineman.
These brave men ensure that you are provided with safe, reliable electric service. How do they stay safe working in these conditions? YEC linemen wear personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times when on the job.
Let’s take a look at their PPE:
Flame-resistant (FR) clothing self-extinguishes, limiting injury from a form of electrical explosion, called arc flash.
Insulated gloves and sleeves, rated at 30,000 volts, protect against electrical shock and burns. Protective gloves, usually made of leather, are also worn over the insulated gloves to protect the rubber from punctures and cuts.
Hard hats protect linemen from blows and falling objects.
Steel-toe boots are heavy-duty boots designed with extra support. The steel toe protects linemen from objects that could crush their feet.
Safety glasses protect their eyes from hazards, including flying objects, debris and arc flash.
While working on electrical lines, linemen also may wear equipment belts, tool pouches, safety harnesses and other equipment. The gear can weigh about 50 pounds—a lot to carry when working in a hazardous environment.
Linemen also carry something else—a lot of training and know-how. YEC linemen must complete the Lineworker Certification Program from Northwest Linemans College. The curriculum includes 40 exams and 600 hours of academic training.
Like many electric cooperatives, we’ll celebrate Linemen Appreciation Day April 13. One way we’ll honor them (see below) is by teaching the next generation of lineworkers how YEC linemen stay safe around electricity.
That’s something we all should do—and another reason to look up, literally, to these co-op heroes.
Paul Basha
President and Chief Executive OfficerColoring contest
Children ages 12 and under can win cash prizes in our Linemen Gear Up for Safety coloring contest. We’ll award three prizes of $100, $50 and $25 for the three best entries. Entrants should include their name, their parents’ names, along with their address and phone number. Download the Linemen Gear Up for Safety coloring sheet. Turn in your entries at any co-op office by Monday, April 13, 2015, which is Linemen Appreciation Day.
[PDF] Linemen Safety Coloring Page
Related Link:
National Lineman Appreciation Day