
Is Exposure Acute.When a baby can't have its way and it has has no discipline it will go into a rage if it does not get what it wants.A spoiled child,or adult is the same.A group will behave in same way.If this behavior progresses it will become irrational and the result is the reasoning is illogical.This is true of DC,and other special interest.If the Iraq war was caused on the premise of weapons of Mass Destruction,and it was found there were no weapons of WMD then who has committed criminal act.What is result of Iraq war,and what is happening in Afghanistan now.Is it same result as Viet Nam.Who has provoked hatred for America.If One states the truth and says war is for profit as Gen. S. Butler exposed with the Conspiracy he exposed-War Is A Racket-You Tube-Research Internet.If I state this in topic comments and people comment that I am a communist,or NAZI.or racist for making statements that are true-what is one to think about those name callers.What would be motive to criticize facts and deny them.One factor could be they hate America and The US Constitution,and they hate anyone who supports it.They call the truth teller what they are.(If a Topic is changed,or words are removed to sabotage the meaning and facts of the Topic what could be the motive.They could be TERRORIST.If Walter Haas-Walter Eugene Haas-walter_haas is 73 and writer of all comments, and parties try to imply he is other individual than he is-what is the motive???If Walter Haas is prevented from making comments by WORD PRESS,or other controllers of the Internet, and he tells the truth what are they trying to hide.They will not let me make comments at Veterans Today-Veterans Today is not stopping it Word press is.You see this is how the Communication Industry is controlled.The name HAAS is a name that can be German-Jewish,Dutch,etc.To find my Topics you now have to type in Walter E. Haas,and then you will get some information,but little.The access to AOL and my topics is blocked 95% just to use a Number.They are afraid to let the general public read my Topics at AOL in the hundreds.Why because they are the truth and expose the totally corrupt USA establishment.Paul Craig Roberts.org can tell the truth as he has a private operation.Anything public is under tight control.Why would anyone want to cover up the truth if it involved TERRORIST in their country,and they exposed who they were.This tells you who the TERRORIST are.They like to play games.Thats why my topics are available,but very limited in exposure.This being said-all is exposed on the Internet.It seems the fools need to be really educated.They in their way cry out for HELP.I educate them without intent,but that is okay as it serves my purpose which is their Merry Go Round REVERSED.Of course all I have said is lies.Walter Haas leodragon97 73 years old-May God Bless America.(P.S.Tabpole and Anonymous,etc probably same person.Toilet mouth can't stop running over.Fanatics are in the outhouse with the runs which always hits the fan.Can't you smell it.Thank you so much for disclosure.Please take a bath and clean up your toilet mouth,and everything else that belongs to you-You fanatic excessive-Case closed period.Walter Haas leodragon97 73 yrs.WHY DO PEOPLE SAY THE THINGS THEY DO-SILENTS IS GOLDEN for dirty toilet pants and their content you.Anonymous what is your real name.Are you male,or female,or both.You say I am gay.Can you prove it.Have you been sleeping with me.Do you know my sexual preference from spying on me.Do you want more.They say it takes one to know one-who is they.My girlfriend says she know nothing about my being gay.Where do you get your information.Does NSA,CIA,FBI say I am Gay.CIA says it would like to know everything.They say they are not perfect,but try to be.If you ask CIA who is Gay they will not answer because they do not want to shock you.If one is water boarded they will reply about what they are,but it is not TORTURE.BUSH Jr.said so.Bush Sr. said NWO.Did Kissinger say it to.What did CFR and Trilateral Commission say-4rie.com.Who did Antony Sutton say supports all political ideologies-Communism-Fascism-Democracies-Nuclear War and Harmony in Chaos-Antony Sutton-You Tube.Who did Norman Dodd expose-G.Edward Griffin-Norman Dodd interview 51 min.You Tube-Was it capitalist collective communist fascist conspiracy-Antony Sutton has facts and evidence with documents to prove it.Aaron Russo-Rockefeller interview-You Tube.Name calling is Dizzy Merry Go Round.Please reverse it.Walter Haas leodragon97 73 yrs. May God Bless America

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